Composition Today I Really (17 preferred)
2023-08-16 08:27:39

Composition Today I Really (1)

Today is Monday, the day when the national flag is raised.

We lined up in the corridor. After we lined up, we came to the front playground and stood at our position.

The teacher pulled me to the flag stage. At first, I didn't know what it meant. At last, I knew what it meant. I was rated as one of the top ten young writers! The teacher gave me a badge, pinned it on my chest, and sent me a certificate of merit and a composition book.

When I returned to the team of our class, the students were very envious. They all asked me how I got it. I said I got it only when I was rated as one of the "Top Ten Young Writers".

When I came to the class, my classmates still kept asking me, I said: envy? Students said: envy.

After school, I showed my mother my badge, certificate of award and composition book. My mother said happily, "Yes!"! Keep working hard next time! She also rewarded me with four pieces of Bibabytes. My mother said that she didn't need to change her smiling face, which was a reward for me. At home, my mother pasted my certificate on the wall.

I am very happy today!

Composition Today I Really (2)

My homework is finished. I will go shopping with my mother today, because I will go to SCHOOL tomorrow

Has. I went to Tianhe City with my mother to buy a lot of things, and even my brother went there. We talked and laughed all the way.

We went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things, including tablets, rice wine, sugar... a lot of things. We went to the supermarket and bought clothes. There were many clothes. I bought several clothes. Mom and they were still picking, so I went to the video game hall to play. I didn't know how to play in the front, but I knew how to play after playing for a long time. We also went skating. I saw a lot of people skating, and there were all kinds of tricks, and there were masters in the game. We also ran to watch the excitement.

Later, my brother wanted to buy toys, so we had to go there and let him play there.

At noon, we went to have lunch, but there was no place for us to wait. It took us half an hour to find a seat.

My mother asked me to order the dishes. After I ordered the dishes, I brought them up. We ate them before everyone else could eat. I won't buy them next time.

After dinner, we went to buy shoes again. I liked a pair of shoes, but my mother refused to buy them for me, and I cried and made noise. My mother had no choice but to buy them for me. I wanted to go home, and my mother told me not to be selfish. My mother bought shoes slowly, and I was bored to death for hours. My brother cried when he was bored. I went to the movies, and I bought a bag of popcorn.

After watching the movie, I went to see my mother. After my mother bought shoes, we went home. Today I am very happy. I will come when I have a chance

Composition Today I Really (3)

Today, my mother took me to kindergarten. Once I entered the kindergarten, it was beautiful! There are trees, flowers, grass, playground and several classrooms. The classroom is beautifully decorated! The children in it are very good. If you don't believe it, their teacher asks them to write and draw. Look at them!

When they went to bed at noon, they slept quietly without saying a word. In the afternoon, they got up, quickly put on their clothes and shoes, and then got out of bed and sat in their seats, ready to eat lunch. When school was over, they immediately lined up to go home from school. I feel so happy to be with children today!

Composition Today I Really (4)

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (1)

I'm so happy today

Ding Shuyu

"Ding Ling Ling" The class bell rang, and the students were sitting in their seats waiting for the teacher to come to class. The art teacher with a loudspeaker walked to the door of the classroom with a list of the whole class and a red pen. She looked up at the class card above her head. Then she went into the classroom, took out the chair on the teacher's seat and sat down. She scanned the classroom with her spare light and said, "Now we have finished drawing the last lesson." Then she bent down to do other things.

After listening to the teacher's words, I took out my painting materials and began to draw attentively. I first used the thin end of the marker to trace the outline drawn with a pencil last time, and then took out a colored pencil to add beautiful colors to the painting. Don't hurry to hand it over to the teacher at this time, because this lesson is drawing a book collection ticket, and you should write the words related to "book collection" on the picture.

After a while, my painting was finished. Looking at my satisfactory works, I think I can get an "excellent" this time. I feel happy. Then I handed my work to my teacher. After finishing my homework, I had nothing to do, so I took out an extracurricular book and read it with great interest. Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder from behind, and I turned my head. Oh, it was Xiaoyi. He whispered to me, "Xiao Yu, can you lend me your colored pencil? If I can't finish my art homework today, I will be detained in school. But I thought again that the teacher only taught us to help each other in the last moral and social class. How could I refuse? So I hurriedly took out the colored pencil box from my schoolbag and handed it to him. He quickly thanked me. I smiled and said softly, "You're welcome. Next time, remember to bring it!"

In that art class, I learned what it means to "give roses to others and leave fragrance in my hands", and I really felt the happiness of helping others. Often your casual help not only brings happiness to others but also to yourself!

Today, I am so happy!

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (2)

Today, I'm so happy Today, I'm so happy! Because I did something to help others to be happy. Today is the first day of spring. We go for a walk in the field. On the way, my little brother and I played on the ridge of the field, and walked into a wide empty field. I saw an old man pushing the soil with a cart. Grandma said that it was a deaf mute old man. My mother suggested that we try to push the cart and experience the taste of labor. My little brother and I pushed aside alone and tried our best, but the car was still in the same place. The old man waved his hand and showed us in person. It turned out that we were too high. We could push it if we were a little shorter. When we pushed it to the ridge, we wondered what we should do next? The old man picked up the cart and skillfully poured the soil down. The ridge of the field was very high. If he was not careful, he might fall down with the cart and people. When the empty car returned, my little brother in law loaded me on the cart and pushed me to the field. He actually threw me down like dirt. I almost fell down, and everyone laughed, including me and the deaf mute old man. Before leaving, my mother took a picture of the deaf mute old man. He smiled happily and gave us a thumb. Today, from loading the soil on the car to dumping the soil, every second we have a bright smile on our faces. Today, I am so happy! February 4, 2008)

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (3)

I'm so happy today Today is Sunday. I went to Mr. Zhou to learn painting as usual. My mother accompanied me, so on the way, my mother and I talked in English, which was very interesting. On the way, we had breakfast at a snack bar, and then continued on our way. When we came to the gate of the scenic spot, my mother said, "I will go to see the clothes. You can go to the teacher's house alone." I said, "OK!" I left my mother and walked on alone. At this time, I was very happy because my mother was not around, so I skipped forward. Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in my ear, "Children, can you help us take a picture?" I said, "Yes, I'm happy." The uncle carefully taught me how to use his digital camera to take pictures. I soon understood. So I quickly took a picture of them according to the method taught by the uncle. They both said to me with one voice: "Thank you, little friend!" I quickly said: "You're welcome." I think it's my pleasure to help others do things. It's good that someone asks me to do something and can do it well! On this day, I also felt very happy when I was painting, so my painting was faster and better than usual, and was praised by Mr. Zhou! I know that I can help others, get praise from others, and it is very happy to see others smile. Therefore, we should do more good deeds to make ourselves happy!

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (4)

Today, I'm so happy Today is Saturday, the happiest day. I went to the newly built Longhu Park and saw the charming scenery of the park, which made me linger. As soon as you enter the door, you will see the lush forests and the mirror like lake, giving you a comfortable and pleasant feeling. Go through the winding green shady path and enter the second part of the park - the bridge across the lake. This is the place I used to yearn for most. Standing on the bridge and looking at the sparkling water, a refreshing feeling arises spontaneously. After crossing the river bridge, you will come to the third part - green bamboo forest and quiet pond. I found a bamboo pole and stood on the bank playing in the water. The water rippled. It was really "beautiful when the water was shining brightly, and strange when the mountains were empty and the rain was falling". After a while, the unexpected music fountain sounded. With the music, the fountain danced happily. After a while, a column of water rushed into the blue sky and turned into a waterfall hanging in the air. The water spray was beaten into clouds. After being blown by the breeze, it rippled in the air like gauze and mist, forming a wonderful landscape painting. Surprisingly, the clouds suddenly rushed towards the crowd, which made it difficult for people to stand firm and open their eyes. The onlookers stepped back. At this time, I stood up bravely, opened my arms, closed my eyes slightly, met the attack of the water mist, and appreciated the charm of Longquan. In a moment, my heart was filled with upward force, and my heart was filled with emotion... At this time, it was late. We walked out of the park reluctantly along the unfinished forest path, and I was savoring the beautiful scenery in the park and experiencing the pleasure of playing all the way. June 3, 2006

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (5)

Today I'm so happy Today, as soon as I came home from school, my mother said to me, "We'll have dumplings tonight." When I heard there were dumplings to eat, I jumped three feet high with joy. But my mother has a request that I make dumplings myself. I said, "Isn't it just making dumplings? Simple!" Diary The summer vacation diary started to make dumplings. I put the dumpling skin on the table, dug a bit of meat stuffing with a spoon and put it in the middle of the dumpling skin, and soon made one. I proudly raised the dumplings in my hand and kept shouting: "How about it? How about it?" My mother also picked up her own dumplings and compared them. Eh, why are they so small? Mother said the meat filling was too small. So I made another one. I learned the lesson of the previous time, put more meat stuffing, and soon another one was ready, put it on the plate, and compared it, ha ha, a "fat man", really cute! It's just too big. I'm a little discouraged, but think about it: there are always obstacles in doing anything. What is a little difficulty? Never mind, another one. I started construction again. First, I spread out the dumpling skin evenly, put some meat stuffing, and then aligned the two ends with a little water, gently squeezed them, and well decorated them. Eh? Why are your hands so sticky? It turns out that I broke the skin of the dumpling by overexerting. I timely "rescued" the "seriously injured" patient and covered it with a layer of skin. Ha ha, a "big bellied general", so ugly. Look at my mother again, the bag is much more beautiful than mine. Later, it was my mother who was making dumplings. After making dumplings, my mother began to cook them. After a while, the hot dumplings were served on the table. I ate dumplings sweeter than honey, because I made them myself! Today, I am so happy!

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (6)

Today I'm so happy Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. My family decided to go to Jinding because it snowed heavily. We all want to see the snow. Everything was ready, and we started off. After more than two hours, we arrived at zero kilometer (the beginning of Jinding). The temperature of zero kilometer was 4-5 degrees below zero, which was very cold. We had a rest in the hotel for more than half an hour, and then started to set out again. I imagined how wonderful and interesting our trip would be. I was imagining that I was suddenly interrupted by the beautiful scenery outside the window. "Wow, what a heavy snow! How beautiful!" The cedars were covered with fluffy snowflakes, and the trees were covered with shiny silver bars. The surrounding mountains suddenly became a world of powder and jade, and the roads were covered with thin ice. Suddenly I saw a big snow field. It was beautiful. There were several children playing on the snow. How happy they were! I really wanted to jump out of the car and play with them. At the station, we took the cableway. I was very excited. We bought tickets and went to wait for the cableway. As soon as the door opened, we rushed in like a group of hungry wolves. Ah, I squeezed to the best position - in front of the window, where we could see the snow. Gradually, the sun came out, looked down, wow high cliff, all white, like a carefully carved ice sculpture. Soon, I saw a slope, covered with more than two feet of snow, and several people's footprints, like a beautiful picture. Finally, we arrived at Jinding. It's not cold here at all. Father Sun is smiling. The scenery here is so beautiful that people go into the woods to play. As we walked up the stairs, we saw four Buddhas. They were very tall. Under the shining light, they flashed bright golden light, which was magnificent. We reached the highest point of Jinding when we talked about laughter. When we looked down, we saw a lot of clouds, just like a fairyland on earth. This is the sea of clouds. I felt like a beautiful fairy in white, flying around in the vast sea of clouds. Oh, this feeling is really good! We left our most beautiful style on Jinding. Next, we went to play with snow. We went into the woods and had a snowball fight with our sisters. We ran on the snow. When we were tired, we began to make snowmen. Soon, a lovely snow doll was in front of me. We returned home with laughter.  

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (7)

I'm so happy today Today is the National Day of May Day. My mother told me to visit Mogan Mountain and Anji today. I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth and thought that I could go out for an outing again! I hurried my parents to leave. After driving for two and a half hours, we finally saw the green bamboo forests all over Mogan Mountain, which made Mogan Mountain more magnificent and beautiful. The car swayed on the mountain road. While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery, my brother called out and said, "Look, brother." I looked in the direction of my brother's fingers. On the flat ground at the foot of the mountain, people were like ants and houses were like building blocks. In the lush green beside the mountain, a small stream flows away in a zigzag way. Our car was walking, and soon we were halfway up the mountain. Near noon, our family had lunch in the farmhouse. The food was delicious. The rice was as white as snow, soft and delicious. After dinner, my brother and I found a pond. There are black things swimming in the pool. When I walked in, I saw groups of small tadpoles with tails. They swam freely in the water and looked very cute. The elder brother couldn't help but find a bottle to catch tadpoles. I couldn't help being infected by my brother, so I went to catch tadpoles with my brother. My brother and I were inexperienced when we first caught tadpoles. We were teased by tadpoles several times, and we worked in vain. Slowly, we got the experience. First, we put our hands into the potential water, and when the tadpole swam to the center of our hands, we quickly closed our hands, fished out the tadpole, and then put it into the bottle. While catching tadpoles, my brother and I talked about some habits of tadpoles. In this way, we have been catching for a long time, and there are at least twenty tadpoles in the bottle! As time went by, our car had to leave again. In the sound of my mother's call, my brother and I got on the bus happily with a bottle full of tadpoles. Our car is heading for Anji.  

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (8)

Today I'm so happy Today, I'm so happy. I got the time to play computer all morning. It's great! yeah! I want to apply for a free personal homepage space on first, and then start to decorate my homepage. First, I upload some photos to put in "My Album", and then in "My Music", I upload songs such as "Hoh Xili", "Love to fight to win", "How I envy you", "Let us play double oars" and so on. In this way, my space will be decorated. Next, I will start to download songs. I first downloaded Beijing Hutong and then downloaded Wuhuan Fairy Tales and other songs. I want to listen to music while playing games later. I played "Lianliankan" in QQ game, which is very eye-catching. I'm tired of playing, so I'll play flying chess. When I reach six, my plane can take off! Hey hey, I found a prop, and I rushed to the end! My first plane won, and my second plane also started. It will be there in five steps, yeah! I threw five and my second plane won. Yang Shaojian No.3 also set off. Oh, no, he was hit back by the other side with a missile. Alas! Why can't I throw six all the time? My Yang Shaojian No. 3 can't fly yet. Oh, the other side's four planes have reached the end. I lost. Hum! I'll have another round... I played computer all morning today. It was really fun. After the school starts, I must study English, Chinese, and mathematics hard, so that I can understand more knowledge, and also know more computer knowledge.  

Composition (Today, I'm so happy) 200 (9)

I'm so happy today At school that day, the teacher gave us toys along with the book order. Mine is a beautiful little kite. I can't put down the kite, because it's my dream! In winter vacation, I finished my homework and picked up the kite that I hadn't played for a long time. Look: It is the majestic "Great Sage of the Whole Heaven", wearing a golden coat, carrying the golden stirrup stick to catch monsters and demons on his waist, and two red ribbons floating on his head. It looks very impressive. At night, I put it beside my pillow, and I will sleep with it. That night I had an interesting dream: my little kite can fly by itself! I sit on it and fly in the sky. I will play hide and seek with stars, swing on the moon, race with birds, and do magic tricks with white clouds... "Ah! It's so good to fly!" I can't help crying. Suddenly, an eagle with sharp teeth and claws rushed at me. I was shocked and ran away with the kite. The eagle kept on chasing me. The eagle's sharp claws caught my face. My face was in pain. I screamed and grabbed the eagle's mouth. When I opened my eyes, it was just a dream. What I was holding was the golden stirrup. I took a long breath. When I looked at the clock, it was eight o'clock. I got up and dressed quickly. Then I pestered my father to take me to fly kites. My father could not stand my hard work, so he had to agree. We came to the square. There were so many people here. I hurriedly took out the kite and asked my father to take the line. I ran forward quickly and threw the kite into the air. At the beginning, the little kite seemed to be drunk. It floated a few times and fell from the air. My father told me to run forward against the wind as soon as possible. My clothes were puffy when the wind blew, and the kite was struggling in my hands. When my hands were loosened, the kite flew to the blue sky like a bird out of a cage. My father set off the line and collected it. This time, the kite flew higher and higher obediently. I took over the line from my father, and my heart flew into the sky with the kite... There are so many kites in the sky! Look: here is a huge dragon with "teeth and claws" shaking its head and tail, there is a colorful butterfly dancing with the white clouds, here is a dragonfly with big eyes rising and falling, as if it touched the water, there is an eagle hovering, as if searching for prey, and my Monkey King is "flying high", It's really like a giant saint... We are running and jumping with the kite, and the laughter is floating around in the square... Unconsciously, a noon passed quickly. Dad said, "It's time to go home for dinner.". Reluctantly, I put away my kite and followed my father home. I am so happy today!

Composition Today I Really (5)

I'm lucky to make 200 today (I)

I'm so lucky I'm so lucky that I'm an ordinary girl. I'm as ordinary as a stone, without the smoothness of the jade surface, nor can I reflect the dazzling and charming brilliance of crystal. But I have everything that God has given to mankind, and I have the tenacity and tenacity that permeate the bone marrow. I have such happy, full, and extraordinary memories of growth. I want to shout: "I'm so lucky"! I should thank God for giving me a tough character like a boy, so that no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will be brave to wipe away tears, and then face them firmly. Tagore said: "The sky leaves no trace, but the birds have flown." Yes! As long as we have seriously flew, even if we did not reach the end, even if we fell, fell, what regret? When I grew up from a baby to a little older girl, I became more eager to carry my schoolbag with pride and enter the beautiful school with my head held high. Finally, I entered the gate of primary school as I wished. I was surprised to find that the space here was so vast. At that time, my life was not sad, only happy, no worries, only natural and unrestrained. In those growing years, it seemed that only two words "happy" were written in my dictionary! Gradually, my personality showed a sense of arrogance. I didn't want to stick in the girls' pile, but I only liked to play pinball with boys on the dirt floor. I didn't want to listen to my parents to learn singing and dancing, but I fell in love with wrestling, which only boys like. When girls got together and talked about Barbie dolls, I couldn't help but squeeze over to listen to what they were saying, but every time they pushed me away with a smile and said, "You tomboy won't understand." Although this happiness still accompanied me. Soon, I entered junior high school, and my classmates said that I was better for boys than girls. I smiled and said, I like the character of boys. Although this can not avoid some gossip, I don't care. As the saying goes, "Go your own way and let others talk!" I don't know when I fell in love with basketball, although I am a girl, Although my height is not suitable for this sport, I still love basketball and the basket. When I jump up and shoot on the hot playground, I am busy. I just feel like a thousand horses galloping in my heart, sweat seeping through my clothes, but I still like this kind of sport that makes people proud. Basketball is round and bouncing, which can arouse my enthusiasm for life, When students are buried in the sea of questions, I can feel such passion, which is not a kind of happiness! Until today, when I was in high school, I still have to sigh: "I am really lucky." Because the memories of growing up and the arrogant personality make my life colorful and full of hope. Gao Huaili, Senior One Weiwei Instructor, Yanhua High School Affiliated to Yanshan, Beijing

I'm lucky to make 200 today (2)

I'm so lucky Thursday, November 18, 2010 Weather: Sunny The annual academic English test for primary and secondary schools is coming. The teacher of the school signed up, but I was late and didn't sign up, so I felt very depressed. But luckily, my mother won me a place in other schools. When I got the second level exercise book, I was shocked, and my lucky feeling disappeared. Because the questions in the book were very difficult, I had to do almost every question very hard, and each exercise paper could only do three or four tenths. Alas! I can't help it. Now that I have signed up for the exam, I will take it out even if there is any difficulty. So for a period of time after that, I will do the last article whenever I have time. The day of the exam is getting closer and closer. I became more and more nervous because I didn't know any of the students who took the exam in other schools, and they were all junior high school students. The questions on the test paper were extremely simple when taking the first grade exam. I finished my paper early and stayed in the examination room for a while more proudly! After the first level examination, I was the first one to hand in the answer sheet, and the first one walked out of the examination room. Many parents rushed to ask: "Is it difficult, little student?" I confidently said: "It's not difficult, it's not difficult at all." I thought: since the first level is so simple, the second level will not be difficult! Half an hour later, I walked into the second level examination room again. The second level examination began. With the recording on the radio, I slowly entered the examination paper, but the following questions became more and more difficult. But in general, the types of questions were relatively close to the exercises I had done before. I listened carefully to the questions on the radio, and then wrote the answers on the paper quickly, and sweat flowed down my forehead unconsciously. On the day when the score was announced, I got up at 6:00 in the morning. I didn't bother to wash my face and brush my teeth. I sat down next to the phone with my admission card and dialed the score checking phone. "I passed the first level!" I cried excitedly. But after a while, the excited mood became uneasy. Did I get my second grade? So I got up the courage and dialed the phone again, only to hear the excitement from the other end of the phone: Congratulations, you successfully passed the second level exam. I jumped up from the sofa and shouted, "I have won!". The wakened father and mother smiled when they heard the news, but they said, "You are just lucky!" But I said righteously, "Even if it is lucky, it is my hard work!".

I'm lucky to make 200 today (3)

I'm lucky to make 200 today (IV)

I'm so lucky In the morning, when the cheerful birds woke me up from my sleep, I pushed the window open and looked at the blue sky, green grass, crystal dew, clear and refreshing morning. I was so lucky and started my beautiful day again. At night, when the sky is dotted with stars, I open my diary and use my clumsy pen to describe the feeling of life of the day. Moonlight shows a gentle smile, surrounded by the warmth of the night. I am so lucky that my peaceful and full day has ended. My life is so peaceful without any ups and downs. I feel lucky. I am lucky, I enjoy the most warm family. From being a toddler to facing the difficulties of growth, my parents gave me not only love, but also spiritual courage. I thank them for their companionship, their teachings, and their love, because these have made me choose to remain strong in the hard times, so that I feel loved, but also give my love to others. I am lucky that I have the warmest friendship. They left beautiful pictures in my memories of growing up: on the runway, the encouraged eyes of my classmates led me forward, never giving up; In rainy days, my friend held up an umbrella to protect me from the wind and rain, regardless of his wet back; In the setting sun, we laugh and make fun of our carefree youth. I am lucky that I bear the most selfless teacher's kindness. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are not all the contributions made by teachers to us; Poetry and ci fu can never end the respect for teachers. Whenever I face difficult problems with a confused heart, you are there to guide me and correct my mistakes. When I hesitated and hesitated, it was your teaching that made me no longer confused. Looking at the red flowers and green grass, the endless beauty of nature, I have the selfless gift of God, the tolerance of the earth, I am so lucky. Every day of my life, I learned to be tolerant, to accept, to pay, to be moved, and to repay. I am so lucky. Because I am lucky, I feel happy. I use a smile to treat every day, the world, life, friends and difficulties.  

I'm lucky to make 200 today (5)

I'm lucky

In the morning, when the cheerful birds woke me up from my sleep, I opened the window and looked at the blue sky, green grass, crystal dewdrops, and a clear and refreshing morning. I was lucky to start my beautiful day again. At night, when the sky is dotted with stars, I open my diary and use my clumsy pen to describe the feeling of life of the day. Moonlight shows a gentle smile, surrounded by the warmth of the night. I am so lucky that my peaceful and full day has ended.

My life is so peaceful without any ups and downs. I feel lucky.

I am lucky, I enjoy the most warm family. From being a toddler to facing the difficulties of growth, my parents gave me not only love, but also spiritual courage. I thank them for their companionship, their teachings, and their love, because these have made me choose to remain strong in the hard times, so that I feel loved, but also give my love to others.

I am lucky that I have the warmest friendship. They left beautiful pictures in my memories of growing up: on the runway, the encouraged eyes of my classmates led me forward, never giving up; In rainy days, my friend held up an umbrella to protect me from the wind and rain, regardless of his wet back; In the setting sun, we laugh and make fun of our carefree youth. I am lucky that I bear the most selfless teacher's kindness. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are not all the contributions made by teachers to us; Poetry and ci fu can never end the respect for teachers. Whenever I face difficult problems with a confused heart, you are there to guide me and correct my mistakes. When I hesitated and hesitated, it was your teaching that made me no longer confused. Looking at the red flowers and green grass, the endless beauty of nature, I have the selfless gift of God, the tolerance of the earth, I am so lucky. Every day of my life, I learned to be tolerant, to accept, to pay, to be moved, and to repay. I am so lucky. Because I am lucky, I feel happy. I use a smile to treat every day, the world, life, friends and difficulties.

I'm lucky to make 200 today (6)

That day, I was so lucky that my grandmother came to my house and brought me a box of Yili milk to drink. At noon, I opened the milk box and saw a card in it. I took it to have a look. It was a lottery card! I scraped carefully and looked carefully. The word became clearer and clearer. When I scraped it off, I saw the words "digital camera" written on it. I can't believe my eyes. I wiped them and looked carefully! It's really "digital camera". I cried out excitedly, "I won the lottery! I won the lottery!" The cry woke up the sleeping mother and father, and immediately sat up and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"? Stamped his feet in excitement. I received the award with the yellow card I just hit and the red card I hit before. Along the way, luck came to me again. Look, my cousin is here. Every time he sees me, he will give me money. As expected, he will give me 10 yuan to buy something to eat. I took 50 cents of the money to win a prize, but I won another 5 yuan. I found 2 yuan on the way You said, how was my luck today?

I'm lucky to make 200 today (7)

I'm so happy to write 200 words

I'm so happy to write 200 words (1)

Today is my birthday. My grandma bought me a big cake, and my mother cooked many delicious home dishes for me. My relatives and friends came.

When it was time for dinner, I asked everyone to take their seats. Today's food is really rich, and they are all our favorite food. After dinner, my mother said: "Rongrong, I have discussed with everyone that we should hold a" gift giving party "after dinner. You must first guess what gift to give you. " My mother took out a beautifully wrapped gift. I thought for a moment and said happily, "It's Water Margin!" My mother smiled, and then everyone took out their gifts. I guessed more correctly.

When it was time to eat the cake, everyone put cream on my face, and I didn't show any weakness. My mother shouted, "Don't just play, forget to eat!" Then everyone stopped. Eating the sweet cake, I thought about how many famous mountains and rivers my mother and father have traveled with our sister and brother, and how many years we have spent together

Ah! I'm so happy today!

I'm so happy to write 200 words (2)

Today, my mother was not at home. My brother and I went to my grandmother's house. We haven't seen my grandparents for a week. I miss them so much. I really want to see them soon.

On the way, I saw my uncles and aunts who had to work on Sundays. They were really hard, like my parents. When I arrived at my grandma's house, my grandma was waiting for my brother and me at the door. My grandpa and grandma were also very happy to see my brother and me. Grandma bought a lot of delicious food for my brother and me.

My brother and I played games at Grandma's house, read books, skipped rope with my brother, and played with Uncle Zhang next door for a while. Every week, my brother and I would go to Grandma's house. Every time we went there, we had to find Uncle Zhang to play. Uncle Zhang liked me and my brother, and we had fun every time.

At noon, Grandma cooked all the food my brother and I loved. At night, Grandma also made dumplings for us. The dumplings Grandma made were the best to eat.

Today is really a happy day!

I'm so happy to write 200 words (3)

The night of the Spring Festival is quite different from other nights, with fireworks of all sizes blooming in the sky. I heard others setting off fireworks. I couldn't help saying to my mother: "Mom, let's go to set off fireworks together!" My mother smiled and said: "OK, today is the Spring Festival, let's go to set off fireworks!"!

We came outside the community.

Composition Today I Really (6)

Today, I really feel pain writing

In the quiet and light 'daily life', everyone knows nothing more about composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). Still at a loss for composition? The following is my painful composition collected by my editor for you today. Welcome to read and treasure it.

I handed out the test paper, "No. 32, 96 points." After listening to it, I was so excited that I laughed. After school, I hurried home excitedly to report the good news to my parents. Thinking of their contented faces, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Dad, Mom!" I opened the door happily, but only saw my parents in plain clothes, looking at me heavily and sternly. "What's wrong?" I looked at their expressionless faces in surprise. "I got 96 points! The teacher praised me!" I danced and said, deeply intoxicated with my own happiness. "Grandpa died." My mother looked at me, and tears came down suddenly. When I heard this sentence, the room full of joy in my heart collapsed, and I stopped and became paralyzed. "When?" "At noon today." Father answered. When I was sorting it out, I was furious: "Why, why didn't anyone tell me! You didn't tell me about this noon until the afternoon! You made me not see my grandpa last!" "Xiaoni, we are also afraid of affecting your study." My parents seemed to be frightened by me, and said for a long time. "Oh, from childhood to adulthood, you never cared about me. My grandpa took me with him. When I was young, I had a high fever. It was my grandpa who took me to the hospital. Only grandpa told me stories and coaxed me to sleep. Only grandpa was always good to me. It was you who made me not see grandpa last. How dare you say it was good for me! How embarrassed!" I yelled, But I couldn't help crying, and I finally broke down and cried. "Xiaoni, you need to ask for leave tomorrow, and we will go to worship grandpa." Mother said softly. I cried myself speechless. "Grandpa, grandpa..." I sobbed.

My grandfather, who loves me most, left. I'm in pain, I'm in pain

Composition Today I Really (7)

In the memory of my growth, there are unforgettable, happy, happy... The most memorable day for me is the day of my eleventh birthday. I was so happy that day.

On my birthday, I got up early, put on my new clothes and shoes, and skipped to school. Along the way, birds chirped in the branches. They seemed to say to me, "Happy birthday to you!"

When I got to school, my deskmate Xiao Hong gave me the prepared birthday gift and said to me, "Happy birthday, Shi Junjun. This is the birthday gift I gave you." As I received the gift, I smiled and said to Xiao Hong, "Thank you for your gift." When other students saw it, they all sent the gifts to me one by one and said to me, "Happy birthday!" I will also be very happy to say "thank you!" to them.

Finally, when school was over, I took my classmates home. Mother took out the cake that had been prepared. The students sang birthday songs for me while laughing happily, and I made my eleventh birthday wish in their blessing

"Whew!" I began to cut the cake after blowing out the candles, and handed the cake to the students after sorting. "Ah!" Xiao Ming smeared cream on my face when I wasn't paying attention, and I didn't want to be outdone. I smeared cream on his face.

Composition Today I Really (8)

Today, I'm so happy 650 words

Today is Friday, the teacher assigned us a weekend composition "I'm so happy". I looked at it and thought, what should I write? On the way home from school, I was still thinking, how to write? However, I found my theme on the way, helping and helping others!

Sometimes happiness comes from the heart, which is because an ordinary thing makes him really happy. I think this person's happiness is meaningless. Why do you say so? Everyone will be happy, but what should be meaningful? There will be several people.

When school was over, I was walking on my way home. Suddenly, I saw an old woman who was over seventy years old in front of me. From her pocket, two bright two hundred pieces of money jumped out and fell at my feet. I picked up the two hundred pieces of money and hesitated. I picked them up and gave them back to the old woman? It's still for my own use. If I use it myself, I can buy the series of books I've wanted for a long time, invite classmates, and buy a lot of food. Why not? It's still OK

However, it is immoral not to give back money when seeing others' money. My father often taught me that when seeing others' things, I should not take them for myself. To be a person who returns things to others, there is a saying that is really true that "people are poor but not poor in ambition". No matter my family is poor or not, I must have ambition. What's more, this is an elderly grandmother who does not return them to her, Maybe this money is very important to him. It is a life-saving money. When I saw her wearing, she was really a little shabby, and she walked forward step by step with crutches and difficult steps. When I looked at her every move, I really felt that I could not say it. When I looked at his face, I saw a look that made me feel really heartless.

So I made a decision. Holding the bright 200 yuan in my hand, I ran to the old woman and said, "Grandma, you lost your money". While saying that, I gave her the money. She happily accepted the money, and her eyes showed a grateful look. "Thank you" she said gratefully. Suddenly, I felt a feeling I had never felt before, I am very happy. That kind of happiness is 10 times better than usual.

Happiness, when you are really from the heart, although it is a very common thing, it will also make you feel extremely happy.

Today, I am so happy!

Composition Today I Really (9)

I'm so happy today! Because I have grown up and become sensible. I know my mother's hard work. In the future, I must do more housework, study hard, and don't let my mother worry.

This morning, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things to prepare for the Spring Festival, but I saw my mother struggling to carry them. At that time, I walked up to my mother and said, "Let me help you," so my mother said, "Can you?" I said yes, so my mother asked me to carry a bucket of oil. My mother saw that I had a hard time carrying it. She said let me carry it. I said, "I can do it. My hands hurt a little before I walked far. I walked for a while and had a rest. I thought carefully about whether it would be easier if I held it in my arms? Then I held it in my arms, and it really relaxed a lot, and my hands didn't hurt. So I walked for a while and had a rest. Finally I got home. Although it was cold outside today, I was still sweating. Mother praised me for growing up and being sensible.

My heart is very happy.

Shangluo Primary School II

Composition Today I Really (10)

I'm so happy today because I passed the psychological consultation exam! In the whole learning process, I started to stick to it very well because I had plenty of time during the summer vacation. Later, I spent three days fishing and two days drying the net, because I took advantage of Saturday and Sunday to lead my children to study and delay some time. However, it doesn't matter. During my study, I got to know President Han, who is a very trustworthy friend. When she starts her class later, I can listen to her at any time to make up for the lessons I missed.

I passed the exam, but the journey of psychological consultation has just begun. Although I may not be able to become a professional psychological consultant, I firmly believe that it will help me a lot in my teaching experience. I also hope that the journey of teaching will be more sunny because of psychological consultation. Because I have psychological consultation for my life and children, I am more calm and calm.

Composition Today I Really (11)

This morning, when I came to school, there were bursts of laughter in our class. What is it? So we are going to have an autumn outing today. We are going to Tongshanhe Amusement Park to have an autumn outing.

There are so many attractions here, such as pirate boats, happy flying chairs, bumper cars, etc. The students were very surprised.

Let's play trampoline first. There are many air cushion "animals" on the trampoline, a "castle" and a "rainbow bridge", and a big pillar rock climbing. We are playing hide and seek here.

It's our class's turn to play bumper cars. I watched others play happily. After a while, I heard "bump". What happened? It was a car crash. They had a really good time. It was my turn to play. I stepped on the accelerator hard and hit several bumper cars.

I went to play the Joyful Flying Chair again. The Joyful Flying Chair is to lock the iron chain on the chair and the other end on the machine. The machine rotates to drive the chair to rotate. I sat on the chair and began to "fly". I felt very cool and felt like a free bird in the sky.

I'm so happy today.

Composition Today I Really (12)

In the morning, the rising sun sprinkles a little golden light on the earth. The crystal dew glistened on the crisp grass, and the cuckoo chirped in my ears.

I walked to the door of the classroom and heard the sound of reading. I wanted to wake up a sleepwalker and hurried to my seat to sit down. Open the book, immersed in the fragrance of books.

The afternoon sun is like mother's hands, and the proud grass is like a soldier standing tall and straight. The cicadas are singing about the tenacity of life. In the classroom, it was quiet, only the "rustling" of writing. When my eyes closed and opened, tiredness swept in. Soon, a uniform sound of 'breathing' floated in the classroom... bursts of car noise came, and our hearts were also mobilized. Because we are going to the ecological park.

Everyone hurried downstairs, and the class representative shouted to hand in the homework among the teachers

The car swayed and brought us to our destination. We are just like children in kindergarten, jumping up and down, and the whole ecological courtyard is reminded of silver bells of laughter and laughter. Later, the teacher will gather us together. The boy went to pick up the branches. We are divided into two groups, one group and one place. The competition is passionate only when we compete with each other.

In fact, I have long wanted to have a social practice, which is what I have been looking forward to for a long time. So I work very hard. Bend down, pick up a branch of peach, green peach branches dotted with a few budding buds. I picked them up carefully for fear of breaking them because they were life after life, green after life, and hope after life. I reached to the dark corner of the wall to pick up those abandoned peach branches. After a while, there were crystal clear beads of sweat on his forehead. I don't know how many times he wiped it, but there was a twinge of pain on his head. So I fell behind a lot, a lot. I try my best to live on them, instead of being abandoned or forgotten

As the sun set, I dragged my tired body slowly to the car. In the light afterglow, leaving a long back

Today, I know that labor is glorious.

I'm so happy today!

Composition Today I Really (13)

In winter vacation, I finished my homework and picked up the kite that I hadn't played for a long time. Look: It is the majestic "Great Sage of the Whole Heaven", wearing a golden coat, carrying the golden stirrup stick to catch monsters and demons on his waist, and two red ribbons floating on his head. It looks very impressive. At night, I put it beside my pillow, and I will sleep with it. That night I had an interesting dream: my little kite can fly by itself! I sit on it and fly in the sky. I will play hide and seek with stars, swing on the moon, race with birds, and do magic tricks with white clouds... "Ah! It's so good to fly!" I can't help crying. Suddenly, an eagle with sharp teeth and claws rushed at me. I was shocked and ran away with the kite. The eagle kept on chasing me. The eagle's sharp claws caught my face. My face was in pain. I screamed and grabbed the eagle's mouth. When I opened my eyes, it was just a dream. What I was holding was the golden stirrup. I took a long breath. When I looked at the clock, it was eight o'clock. I got up and dressed quickly. Then I pestered my father to take me to fly kites. My father could not stand my hard work, so he had to agree. We came to the square. There were so many people here. I hurriedly took out the kite and asked my father to take the line. I ran forward quickly and threw the kite into the air. At the beginning, the little kite seemed to be drunk. It floated a few times and fell from the air. My father told me to run forward against the wind as soon as possible. My clothes were puffy when the wind blew, and the kite was struggling in my hands. When my hands were loosened, the kite flew to the blue sky like a bird out of a cage. My father set off the line and collected it. This time, the kite flew higher and higher obediently. I took over the line from my father, and my heart flew up to the sky with the kite... There are so many kites in the sky! Look: here is a huge dragon with "teeth and claws" shaking its head and tail, there is a colorful butterfly dancing with the white clouds, here is a dragonfly with big eyes rising and falling, as if it touched the water, there is an eagle hovering, as if searching for prey, and my Monkey King is "flying high", It's really like a giant saint... We are running and jumping with the kite, and the laughter is floating around in the square... Unconsciously, a noon passed quickly. Dad said, "It's time to go home for dinner.". Reluctantly, I put away my kite and followed my father home. I am so happy today!

Today is Sunday. I went to Mr. Zhou to learn painting as usual. My mother accompanied me, so on the way, my mother and I talked in English, which was very interesting. On the way, we had breakfast at a snack bar, and then continued on our way.

When we came to the gate of the scenic spot, my mother said, "I will go to see the clothes. You can go to the teacher's house alone." I said, "OK!" I left my mother and walked on alone. At this time, I was very happy because my mother was not around, so I skipped forward. Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in my ears. "Children, can you help us take a picture?" I said, "Yes, I'm very happy." The uncle carefully taught me how to use his digital camera to take pictures. I soon understood. So I quickly took a picture of them according to the method taught by the uncle. They both said to me with one voice: "Thank you, little friend!" I quickly said: "You're welcome." I think it's my pleasure to help others do things. It's good that someone asks me to do something and can do it well!

On this day, I also felt very happy when I was painting, so my painting was faster and better than usual, and was praised by Mr. Zhou!

I know that I can help others, get praise from others, and it is very happy to see others smile. Therefore, we should do more good deeds to make ourselves happy!

I'm so happy today

"We are old frogs, how croak croak croak..." I mumbled my lines while packing up my school things. Grandma asked strangely, "Zheng Yang, what's the matter today?" I made a face at my grandma and said, "Today, our school is going to hold a choir competition. I am a conductor and I have to recite!"

After waiting for a long time, today is finally the game. I, as the conductor of the national anthem chorus, specially asked someone to make up for me at noon. "Next, the one who came on stage was Class 2, Grade 1, commanding Liu Zhengyang." My heart was pounding with excitement and tension. I looked at the head teacher secretly with my spare light, and she was also looking at me with encouraging eyes, extending her thumb to cheer us on! At this time, my mind calmed down a lot. I think I must complete the task well to make our class achieve good results. Hands up, music starts. "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..." After the song was sung, there was warm applause from the audience. It was my turn to recite. I picked up the microphone with confidence and recited the lines I had already prepared... At this time, I was not nervous at all and felt full of strength.

Sitting quietly and waiting for the result, 95.85 points, and we were the first, we jumped up happily, some students cheered, some students' excited chairs fell to the ground, people also squatted on the butt.

Once I got home, I called my mother and reported the good news to her. In the evening, my mother came back and brought back my father, whom I thought about day and night. I also showed him the certificate of award I had just issued for the math contest. My father praised me for my great performance. Grandma said, "We are good at governance."

At this time, I was like a proud little frog, with wide eyes and bulging belly, "quack, quack..." My mother, father and grandmother laughed, and our family was full of joy.

Today is an unforgettable day, I am so happy!

Composition Today I Really (14)

The magazine came a day or two ago, but it was still late. These two days, I have been looking forward to magazines and vomiting blood.

Yesterday, Ruolin sent us a message telling us that if we write down the magazines ordered by the whole group on a piece of paper and hand it in, we can distribute the magazines. Bingyan and I are very happy. Bingyan immediately wrote and handed it in, but to my dismay, it was delayed for a day because it was not handed in completely. Today, the list is finally completed! In the fourth class, we started to distribute magazines.

He Qijie began to read the list, and I listened excitedly and carefully. Although she did not read it slowly, I was still restless. Finally, it's my magazine! I hurriedly pushed my stunned deskmate and asked him to help me get the magazine.

I'm so happy with my favorite magazine~

Composition Today I Really (15)

Autumn is a good season for traveling. Also on October 1, National Day, my mother, father and cousin took the bus to Shajiabang to play. We went to Reed Pond Scenic Spot.

"Reed marsh" is left by revolutionary traditional education. When you arrive at the scenic spot, you can see tall reeds everywhere. We picked a bunch of reeds, tied them to our waist, and made them into grass rings to wear on our heads. We took branches, walked "locking bridges" and crossed "dense forests", just like the New Fourth Army was scouting here!

He waved the branches and shouted uncontrollably: "We are the New Fourth Army, and we will defeat the 'Japanese devils'!"

But after a while, the "Japanese devil" didn't find it, but it seemed that something was beating under our eyes. "It's a grasshopper," I said, "let's have a grasshopper catching contest!" After hearing this, my cousin and I rushed forward.

I followed the grasshopper to a lawn. For the first time, I followed the grasshopper to the east and west, and turned a somersault; The second time, my cousin and I got together, but they ran into each other. The grasshopper looked at us as if to say, "You can't catch me.". "Ah! Great! Look, there's another one." My cousin said to me.

Sure enough, there was a grasshopper jumping there. I saw it again and wanted to catch another one. I remembered the lesson just now and caught it easily. "Ha ha, you are really not our opponent!" I said proudly to the grasshopper.

The breeze is blowing, the reed leaves are swaying, and the birds are singing. We fully enjoyed the various tastes and interests bestowed by nature there. Ah! I'm so happy today.

Composition Today I Really (16)

All the contestants were dressed up carefully, shining brightly under the shining headdress, beautiful makeup and gorgeous performance clothes. I was wearing a red cheongsam with my hair high above my head. I felt a bit awkward, but it was wonderful. I felt like going to a grand banquet. The final venue is open, with judges' seats and spectators' seats. Players have to face a lot of eyes during the competition, and the scores are announced on the spot, which makes me a little flustered.

When the host registered for Children's Group B No. 11, I came onto the stage with confidence and played the "Harvest Drum" full of joy and excitement. I was totally immersed in my own music and felt that I had really become a farmer who played drums and gongs and was joyfully conveying the joy of harvest to people. When I played the middle part of the song, the microphone suddenly had a problem, and the voice suddenly weakened. There was a flurry of excitement off the stage, but I kept calm and played the song in one breath. Really hanging!

When I walked off the stage, I found myself sweating.

In the end, I got 9.65 points. My parents were very happy and I was very excited. Not only because of my own achievements, but also because I gained something more important than my achievements, that is, to keep a modest, prudent, confident and self strengthening heart at all times.

I know that if you are strong, you will be strong. I can't be proud of your achievements once. On the way of learning in the future, only by making progress can you reach a higher level.

Composition Today I Really (17)

This morning when I got out of bed, I saw that there was no one nearby. My mother must have gone to the living room to watch TV while knitting a sweater. After a while, my mother came over and said, "Why don't you call me when you wake up?" My mother said to me, "Today is the last day. Tomorrow I will go to work. What will I eat for lunch? KFC? Hot pot? Take Chen Shaodan!" I was very happy when I heard that, because she hadn't come for a long time, I said to my mother, "Great!" I stopped dialing her father's phone and went downstairs to find her. (Our house is the next building.) His father agreed! We first went upstairs to play for a while, and then we went to the hotpot restaurant outside the hospital at about eleven o'clock. There were so many people! We found a good place to sit down. Mother went to pick the spices. A lot of pepper was put in. It was time for dinner. Sister Chen Shaodan ate a little. After dinner, we returned home and played with the singing software in the computer for a while. Mom was going to bed. We went to the living room to watch TV for a while for fear of disturbing her. At night, Sister Chen Shaodan was going to have dinner with her classmates, so she left first. Some time ago, my sister and I had a bad relationship. It's completely better now.

I have a very happy day today!