Write self-discipline (3 practical articles)
Fireworks swamp
2024-04-12 05:32:40
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Write self-discipline (1)

Self discipline is to restrain myself. Self discipline enables me to abide by the law. Self discipline is a circle that covers us, allowing me to constantly increase my skills under the condition of self-discipline.

Self discipline is a common thing. Self discipline is a kind of requirement and standard constraint for a person, which should have a greater protection for a person, and it is also a kind of constraint for a person, so that a person has a higher requirement.

Self discipline is a good thing, and self-discipline is the root of a person. How many people do not have such self-awareness. How many people can't see these things clearly, and how many people can't see these things clearly. Sometimes we do something together, and this person's presence here is just an important factor that delays us. In this way, it can be seen that a clear person should leave as soon as possible. But for those who do not understand reason, they will stay here. It doesn't move the place. You can see a person here. See a person's understanding, and do not understand see a person's self-discipline. This is not only a person, but also a person's character. It is the best constraint that a person has on himself. It constrains a person, and it constrains a person's view and image of things. This shows the importance of self-discipline for a person. Only by self-discipline can this person see more and learn more. This level makes a person know a lot. This level allows self-discipline to surround us. Let self-discipline be around us. This will lead to more learning. In this way, we will have more wonderful harvest.

Self discipline is to restrain oneself. Self discipline is a requirement for oneself. Only by self-discipline can we make continuous progress and have a better quality and a better image.

Write self-discipline (2)

I used to be a person who didn't know how to use time. I didn't know how precious time is until I entered the senior grade.

In the past, when I was doing homework at home, I either procrastinated or did other things before doing my homework. One day, my mother just wasn't at home, and the school sent a beautiful magazine. For a "book lover" like me, I can't put it down. I opened my schoolbag and took out my homework one by one, but I saw it and looked at it with interest, so that I didn't know my mother came back. My mother saw that I didn't move a word in my homework, but instead read a book on the side, she didn't scold me, but only reminded me: "You should learn self-discipline!"

It was this sentence that inspired my soul, so I made up my mind to learn self-discipline!

When I came back from school, I would quickly write my homework, and after finishing my homework, I could read a book with peace of mind. I can finish my homework quickly and orderly every day, and then I will do what I like.

Self discipline really changed me. After finishing my homework in school, I can also help the teacher do some small things, which makes the teacher look at me with new eyes. I am also recognized by the teacher and become a good helper of the teacher. Self discipline can also change my character. Previously, I was a delicate girl, but now self-discipline makes me a self-care person.

I finally learned self-discipline, which is a particularly good "wealth" for me.

Write self-discipline (3)

Montaigne once said, "The real freedom is to control yourself at all times." Decadent people love life again because of me, and many people succeed because of me. I am synonymous with hard work and perseverance. I am called self-discipline.

Self discipline needs to fight against one's own laziness and laissez faire. I can enrich your life, keep your mental health, and have a healthy body.

Do you remember the grandfather Zhong Nanshan who fought the epidemic on the front line, led the Chinese people to defeat COVID-19, and became the pride of the Chinese people? Can you see from the pictures on the Internet that he is 84 years old and hale and hearty. At the age of 84, he not only has a healthy body that most of his peers do not have, but also has a valuable quality - self-discipline. He once talked about me on the Internet. He said: "The reason why I have good health is that I must eat three meals a day on time. The second is to determine the amount of exercise every day and keep a good attitude, so that I can view life from a higher perspective." It can be said that this is called self-discipline.

The name Peng Yuyan may be familiar to everyone. He is a dedicated actor, and every work will turn the image into his own. His success is not accidental. Every time he shoots a play, he will unlock a skill. Behind this is strong perseverance and me.

As students, you cannot change the world, but you can change yourself through me. If you want to own me, you may need to do those seemingly simple things that are difficult to adhere to countless times every day. The essence of self-discipline is love. You have to learn to love what you do. You should learn to give up the life without plan and nutrition. I can help you, but more need you to conquer yourself. Those who can really defeat me are extraordinary people.

I hope you don't let the perfect plan lie in the drawer. Writing a good plan can grasp the direction of life, but more is to do.

The key to owning me is to control my heart. Treat me as a habit. A person, the more self-discipline, the more successful. Know self-discipline and live your life.

Do you have me today?