Writing Practice (20 practical articles)
Yesterday was all right
2024-05-30 06:45:56

Writing Practice (1)

In the past, my mother always asked me to practice pen writing. When I first practiced it, I did well. Because it must be the first time to practice. After tracing the first page, I want to trace the second page. But I was on the spur of the moment, and in the end I didn't succeed: I didn't want to practice calligraphy after a long time. Many times I wanted to "ask for leave", but when my mother refused, I had to lie down on the table obediently.

When my mother knew that I didn't like practicing calligraphy, she enlightened me: "Why don't you practice calligraphy? People must have a skill! You can't practice calligraphy, but you must always learn a specialty, such as art, musical instruments, calligraphy, foreign languages, etc." After listening to this, I began to practice calligraphy seriously. Maybe I didn't understand the meaning of these words at that time, But later I learned that practicing calligraphy is for myself. So I practiced more seriously. Sure enough, my handwriting has improved.

I haven't forgotten my mother's words. I hope my pen characters are getting better and better, laying a good foundation for writing brush characters.

Writing Practice (2)

Since Ms. Lu served as the Chinese teacher in our class, she has paid special attention to guiding us to write. She often tells us that writing well has many advantages. For example, when you do your homework, if you write correctly and tidy, you will give people a kind of enjoyment of beauty; If you write carefully, you can also reduce the error rate; Practicing calligraphy can also cultivate people's patience... I'm really moved to hear from Teacher Lu about the benefits of practicing calligraphy. I also want to practice calligraphy well and write beautiful and unrestrained characters.

After making up my mind, I used 12 points of strength to write down every horizontal, vertical, left-handed and pressed word carefully every time I practiced calligraphy. However, even though I was so careful, my words still didn't improve. I was worried. At this time, Teacher Lu said to us, "There is a certain way to write beautiful characters in addition to being correct. Don't worry, teacher Lu invited the best teacher in our school, Mr. Sha, to teach us how to write. Students should study hard!"

The next day, Mr. Sha came to our classroom to guide us to write. Since our classmates' writing skills are very poor, Mr. Sha began to teach them how to write basic strokes. "When writing, gently start writing, slowly force, and finally stop writing." Teacher Sha demonstrated on the blackboard while talking, and then she asked us to practice writing in her way. The students immersed themselves in writing and showed their seriousness as never before. Mr. Sha walked back and forth among the students, observed, reminded us of what we should pay attention to in writing from time to time, and taught us hand in hand. When Miss Sha came to me and saw the words I wrote, she said to me: "Your words are too tight. They are shrunk together. They don't look generous enough. You should stretch your strokes a little." Then Miss Sha demonstrated on my paper and wrote a word, let me observe the difference between her words and mine, and learn from her writing. Under the guidance of Mr. Sha, my handwriting has really improved and I am no longer so stingy.

Under the careful guidance of Mr. Sha, we gradually realized that in order to write well, we should not only be serious, but also learn to observe the structure of each word and think about how to write key strokes. Gradually, many students in our class have made significant progress in their handwriting. We are very happy to see the results, and so is Miss Lu.

But one day Mr. Lu was angry about our words. On that day, many students had written the word "rewrite" in their homework books. Teacher Lu said to us seriously, "Boys and girls, what's the use if we only write well when we practice calligraphy a few times a week? We should regard every homework as a practice of calligraphy. The opportunity is to do 'picking up the pen is practicing calligraphy'. After a long time, we will become familiar and become skillful..." After listening to teacher Lu's lesson, my face could not help blushing, because I am like this, Practicing calligraphy belongs to practicing calligraphy, and doing homework belongs to doing homework, so there is a big difference between the two characters. So I told myself to write every word, no matter when.

I heard that there will be a writing contest in the school for some time. My classmates and I are determined to practice calligraphy well and try to write the most satisfactory words in the contest. For this reason, we will continue to work hard.

Writing Practice (3)

Whenever I see the calligrapher's free and unrestrained pen characters, I can't help itching. If one day I can write good characters, it would be great. Just in time, Mr. Wang, a master writer in our school, wants to set up a calligraphy interest group. I signed up first, and the one who sat in the first position was me. On the first day, I came to the calligraphy room after having lunch while playing. I sometimes closed the window and closed the curtains; Sometimes learn to bark like a dog. Mr. Wang opened the door, and I took out the pen and paper that I had prepared for a long time in a casual fashion. The pen was really flying. I gave the written words to Mr. Wang, who unexpectedly laughed after reading them. I read my words, which were really crooked. As a Chinese, I really felt ashamed. Mr. Wang told me how to write one horizontal line, one vertical line and one vertical line. After a long period of practice, my handwriting became more and more beautiful.

Writing Practice (4)

In the dead of night, when I roam in the sea of Chinese characters, I feel as if I have gone back to the ancient times, and I can write well.

If you want to write Chinese characters well, you must first see its structure and position, and analyze the bamboo pen of characters, so that you can write characters well. Practicing calligraphy also requires diligent study and practice. My favorite calligrapher is Wang Xizhi. He has practiced calligraphy hard since childhood. He practiced calligraphy beside the pool, cleaned the brush, and dyed the water black. He is my role model.

The ancients said: Practicing calligraphy can cultivate one's moral character. Through practicing calligraphy, I feel that I am more stable than before, and my handwriting is getting better and better.

Writing Practice (5)

The teacher asked us to practice calligraphy this afternoon. Do you know why the teacher let us practice calligraphy? Because there is a calligraphy contest in our district, everyone has to take part in it and finish the story of lesson 32 in four minutes. At four o'clock, we must write well. Even if I hold the pen incorrectly, I will deduct points, but I think this is too strict! But nothing but good practice.

In the afternoon, the teacher asked us to practice ancient poetry, only two. I think: this is not difficult for me. Just write the words well. I really wrote three words about Yong'an Street. When he handed it to the teacher, the teacher said, "You write very carefully, and continue to refuel:"

I think I will play well.

Composition Practice (6)

Chinese characters are the most brilliant "treasure" in Chinese culture. As the saying goes, "Words are like people". How can I write ugly characters for such a beautiful girl? This is really unreasonable!

So, in that hot summer, I began to practice Chinese characters.

The effect of learning Chinese characters for the first time was not very good. Only five circles were made for eight characters, which means that they were just qualified. I was impatient and eager to write well, so I was very upset. The teacher seems to be able to read mind skills, saying that there are four main points in learning to write: listening, watching, practicing and thinking. I basically understand these principles, but what does this "thinking" mean? The teacher looked at me and said meaningfully, "Thinking is thinking about your own shortcomings against the blackboard after practice. As time passes, you will become intoxicated with it."

Is that true?

However, after a summer study, I was able to write a full word, which is quite fruitful. Calligraphy calms my impetuous heart, which is the first pleasure that calligraphy brings to me.

However, after this summer vacation, the saying "The devil is stronger than the devil" was fully reflected.

I was one of the best in the improvement class. I finally went to the advanced class, but I was surprised to find that there were so many experts here. Everyone's handwriting was so pleasing and impressive that my words were not worth mentioning.

No, I can't be such a wimp. I must be the elite in the advanced class!

Do what you say. Every day, I will take an hour to practice seriously and constantly hone myself in various competitions: "Double Dragon Cup", "Quality Education Cup", "Mother Song"

Three years later, from Level 7 to Level 9, from Bronze Award to Grand Prize... I gradually came to the fore and learned official script during the winter vacation, which was praised by my teacher.

My kung fu has paid off. I have successfully become a first-class student in my class, helping my classmates write model characters and being more strict with myself.

Although it is hard and tiring, nothing can match the happiness of success! Happiness is the second pleasure I find in calligraphy.

Calligraphy let me know a new world, let me feel the breadth and depth of Chinese characters and calligraphy, let me enjoy different beauty.

I will continue to work hard to find more fun

Composition Practice (7)

When I was in second grade, I used to practice calligraphy.

When practicing calligraphy, the first thing you need is perseverance. I used to practice calligraphy. I wrote all the words in one class. At that time, I would always take an apple and put it just out of my reach. At that time, the teacher was very strict and asked me to stand up after writing a word. Every time I finish writing a word, I stand up, pick up the apple, bite it, put it down, and then hand in the word for the teacher to correct. Because the class was too boring, so I used apples to lure myself to practice writing.

In order to practice calligraphy well, there must be competition. Every time the calligraphy class finished class, the teacher asked us to write two pieces of paper for each word we wrote this time. At that time, I practiced calligraphy, and only wrote six or seven words on a piece of paper, so there was little homework. At that time, my sister also went to the calligraphy class with me. Once, I had a whim: "I only wrote three or four pieces of paper for each homework, and my sister's homework is the same. In this way, my sister wrote as much as I did. Since then, I have written ten pieces of paper each time, which is more than my sister's." I am very strong, and I want to do better than others, so I started to take action. However, my sister is not weak. Seeing how much I write, she writes ten pieces of paper every time, just like me. But I was "promoted" again, writing 15 pieces at a time.

In this way, my calligraphy has made rapid progress

Composition Practice (8)

400 words of composition (1)

400 words of composition (2)

Practicing 99 characters

Fang Tianli is really divided into two parts. Every time it is difficult to stay calm, people say that the Sigong light is extremely hard to come to Kong Butou, who is also old. Guangpeng Te tattooed air bird. Yesterday, the river waves in your temple happily tied up and the tree shaped trees were picked up at different times. The section of Jienong Suburb Yangbao Huaishen and Chuanggang Light Material Guide Layer produced famous play, Lingqiang, criminals, museum city road like new wine. I ask the country to see more than this disease target, hot family, Xia family, Luo Zhi

400 words of composition (3)

practise calligraphy

Just after the summer vacation, my father saw my handwriting was crooked and asked me to practice calligraphy for half an hour every day in the summer vacation‘‘ Practicing calligraphy is not easy. It's just a small matter.

I said practice. My father said, 'To practice calligraphy, you need to practice horizontal first‘ Skim '‘ Vertical '‘ And other basic strokes I nodded. Just sit upright on the chair and open Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy and copy it with a pen. After just a few days of practice, I felt that my handwriting was very good, and it was very similar to the words on the copybook. So I wrote a few words of 'yellow'. Compared with the words on the copybook, God, it was a world of difference! I was immediately discouraged, and my elation vanished. He said impatiently, 'This is too difficult. I will never write again.' While talking, he threw the door down heavily. Just in time, my father saw it and said kindly, 'Jiayu, you should be patient when practicing calligraphy. As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. When I was young, I was like you. I was restless when I practiced calligraphy, but when I thought of the importance of calligraphy, I decided to spend a lot of effort to practice a good word! '' I retorted with my mouth open: 'But the words I wrote describe obscenity. For example, I always wrote the third part of the word' chicken 'for a long time. Why not make people angry?' My father said to me earnestly, 'Child, failure is the mother of success. You should remember, 'Nothing is difficult for a willing person.' ' I nodded, thinking that Dad's words were reasonable. Suddenly confidence doubled. So I sat on the chair again and imitated Yan Zhenqing's words one by one, thinking, thinking, writing, writing again, writing twice... until my words were almost the same as those of a calligrapher. I have practiced like this for more than a month. During this period, I practiced calligraphy whenever I had free time, even in my sleep. Finally, time waits for no one. I learned a good word.

At the beginning of school, my father praised my words for great progress, and my mother praised my words for their beauty.

My heart has blossomed! I am more happy than honey. I think: Practicing calligraphy is too interesting! I also want to copy Liu Gongquan. Wang Xizhi and other calligraphers of different styles will become great calligraphers in the future

400 words of composition (4)

I love calligraphy composition. The soft 400 character brush, the square inkstone, the white rice paper, and the elegant ink fragrance, like my friends, add a lot of fun to my life. I began to learn calligraphy from the big class in kindergarten. When my mother and I visited the Southern Song Dynasty Museum that New Year, we saw an old grandfather writing Spring Festival couplets for us. I also asked him to write one for me. He said happily, "Do you like it, little friend? If you like it, learn to write." I wanted to learn it very much, so my mother took me to visit the painting and calligraphy club. I saw calligraphy works of teachers, brothers and sisters posted on the wall, including cursive characters, regular script characters, large characters and small characters. Although I don't know those words, I think they are really beautiful, and I admire them. So he began to learn calligraphy. I remember the first time I took the brush, my hand was not obedient at all, and the brush could not be held steadily. But I still had the courage to write down a horizontal line. Unexpectedly, the teacher praised me greatly and said, "Yes, it is very bold, and the brush is very powerful." My mother also encouraged me to say, "As long as you practice hard, you will also write beautiful calligraphy like your uncle." My mother's words fell on my heart like seeds and slowly took root. Since then, I have formed an indissoluble bond with calligraphy. At the beginning of my study, I was very interested, but after a few lessons, I was a little impatient. I thought it was boring to write horizontally and vertically, and my hands were sore. So he began to be lazy and sometimes wrote a word in a few seconds. For this reason, my little hands are not seldom beaten by my mother. When I heard the story my mother told me about calligraphers Wang Xianzhi and Monk Huaisu practising calligraphy, I changed my attitude and began to write every word conscientiously. Slowly, I feel the taste of writing, and write more carefully. I will be happy for a long time when I am praised for writing a good word. Now I have learned to observe the copybook and then copy it, and the words are getting better and better. The calligraphy teacher praised my words for being very distinctive and grand. The school held a calligraphy contest. I practiced hard and won the second prize. I also won the bronze prize for my calligraphy works in the National Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition. When I got medals and prizes, I was very proud and more confident. During the Spring Festival, I took my couplet home, and my grandfather posted it on my door, which was praised by many people. I am very proud, and I like calligraphy even more. Practicing calligraphy has become a part of my life. Calligraphy is an art, which is known as silent poetry, invisible dance, pictureless painting, and silent music. My calligraphy has a long way to go. I'm just starting. I will keep learning and write good works.

400 words of composition for learning and practicing calligraphy (5)

Calligraphy composition

Calligraphy composition

Class: Class 23, Grade 1 Author: Yu Chun

"The writing of this composition is another point," my mother yelled at me: "Do you know that words are like people, words are like people's coats, clothes are decent, and everyone feels comfortable looking at them. Similarly, as a student, if you can write good words, how attractive it is. If you look at your handwriting, my mother is embarrassed to read it again, don't say anything, go into the room to practice calligraphy!

Hehe, Mom, your daughter is beautiful inside! "I was jokingly playing poor with my mother. My mother glared at me and looked at her as if she was really angry. I had to obediently go into the room to practice calligraphy. In a short time, I wrote two full sheets, and then waited for my mother to accept with complacency. My mother came in and looked at me, sighed, touched my head and said," Girl, if you take the words apart, Your strokes are not bad, but why does your whole character look so beautiful? The space structure of characters is very important! This is the same as building a house. Not all good bricks and tiles can build a house. You need to put up good shelves! The most important thing in practicing calligraphy is to be able to calm down and figure out the space structure of characters. "Hey! Don't tell me, my mother's words are really reasonable. With my mother's advice, my words are quite similar in a few days.

Every day after that, I tried to calm down and practice writing. A month later, my handwriting has finally made great progress. My mother announced that I could freely arrange the time for practicing calligraphy every day. I was ecstatic, but I could not help but insist on practicing calligraphy in the next time. I found that I actually liked practicing calligraphy. My classmates and teachers praised me for being quiet and more stable. When I practiced calligraphy well, my grades also improved a lot. I seem to understand the truth of "the word is like the person".

400 words of composition (6)

500 words of calligraphy composition

practise calligraphy

On Friday afternoon, the teacher assigned an assignment. Let's practice a word collectively. Then we will make a selection in the whole grade. If it is good, it will be handed over to the school! Hearing this, we were all eager to try and imagine the situation of being praised by the school. The more we thought about it, the more excited we became!

In other words, if you want to be praised, you must write well. But at home, although I had selected the materials and picked up the paper, I was afraid to write for fear that I might not write straight, wrong words, or wrong lines. All in all, it's tension. Beans of sweat dripped down from the forehead. Finally, I made up my mind to write. I'm afraid of nothing. It's a big deal! In this way, I finished the first word "trembling". Look carefully: yes, it's OK. In this way, I stopped writing and finished writing before I knew it. I showed it to my mother. At first, my mother smiled and frowned as she went down. Like something big happened, I said, "Why is it so ugly? Write another copy!" I had to take the paper back to my desk, shake my head vigorously, and think: Is there something wrong with my aesthetic? This word is not ugly! I had no choice but to tear it and rewrite it.

This time, instead of feeling nervous, I relaxed all over, and my heart was full of confidence, not like the one I had torn before. When I write, whether I write or stop, my hands are very light, as usual. When I opened my mind and body and concentrated on writing, an accident occurred and I wrote a wrong word. At this time, I was in a dilemma - tear it, I can't bear it, it's not easy! Don't tear it. It's too ugly. It's like a piece of green jade with a flaw. Finally, I "reluctantly gave up love" closed my eyes and tore the one.

Once again, I became cautious and stopped writing for a few seconds. In a few minutes, this masterpiece was completed! I showed it to my mother, and she praised it again and again. There is an indescribable joy in my heart! Looking back, there are only two pages left in this book

400 words of composition (7)

Experience of practising calligraphy

Looking at the neat rows of blue pen characters and the teacher's comments of "excellent", I could not help thinking of my calligraphy practice story last month.

Last month, my handwriting was not very beautiful, but I thought that my handwriting was very good. One day, my mother said that my handwriting was different in size and non-standard in size, so I realized that my handwriting was not so beautiful. The teacher told me that character is a person's second face, and good handwriting can be used for a lifetime, making people happy to see it, so I made up my mind to write good characters.

I followed the pen copybook that my mother bought for me to practice conscientiously, tracing one by one, and practiced for half an hour every day. Every time my words improve, my teacher will always praise me. Finally, my efforts have paid off. My handwriting has made great progress. Looking at the teacher's "excellent" comments on my homework book, my heart is as sweet as honey. Since then, I have practiced calligraphy seriously every afternoon in my class. Until now, my handwriting has often been praised by the teacher.

Any one of the five (1) shifts calls

June 2014

400 words of composition for learning and practicing calligraphy (8)

Practicing calligraphy Mother often said that calligraphy is a facade, and we must write good calligraphy, especially brush calligraphy. We should not lose the fine traditions of our ancestors. My pen writing is OK, but my brush writing is really flattering. My mother decided to let me practice calligraphy during the holiday, and I was very happy. Early in the morning, I took my mother's new "Four Treasures of the Study" to the teacher's house. The teacher gave me a test first, and asked me to write a few words according to the copybook. When I finished, the teacher said, "Although it is not straight, it is not straight, but from the perspective of posture, I can make a man. Learn hard!" The practice began. The teacher started from the most basic point, let me write horizontally first. The teacher's guidance was really careful, While demonstrating, the teacher said, "Start to write back to the peak and use the tip of the pen. Don't hurry. Go straight slowly. Don't drag mud and carry water. It's like walking on a single wooden bridge. The peak is closed at the end. The distance between horizontal drawings is almost the same." I finally wrote a one according to the teacher's requirements. ". It's time to write "two", the teacher said; "The second stroke of the second stroke is just like a swallow's tail. First it returns to the peak, and then it is lifted. The line bends a bit, and then it is lifted gradually according to the weight at the end." I copied the teacher's appearance and wrote several "one" and "two", which is still pretty decent. If you have confidence, you can write easily. I don't think the time is up. Practice calligraphy and inherit Chinese civilization. Look, my ambition is not small, I have confidence! Instructor: Zhang Min

Composition Practice (9)

After dinner, I began to practice writing again.

First, I put the brush into the ink and dipped it. Then I added a pen gently and put it on the end. No more ink, that's all. The teacher said, "You should stand firm when writing, stand apart, support the table with one hand, and keep balance. After writing for a while, I felt my hands were very sour, as if there was a heavy bucket hanging on it. My back was sore, and I felt very hard. I thought: It was too hard to write, but I must persist in writing in order to write good characters. After 40 minutes, I finally wrote three pieces of paper. Mom and Dad came over and saw me writing happily and said, "Son, you are great!

I know that we must persist in doing things.

Composition Practice (10)

On May 7, young reporters practiced calligraphy in the "Huadong Calligraphy Practice Lecture Hall" of the Municipal Youth Activity Center, and listened to teacher Li Huadong explain the calligraphy practice methods to young reporters.

Soon, the activity began. Mr. Li gave us paper. At the first sight, we saw eight characters written on the top corner of the first page of the paper. Through Mr. Li's explanation, we know the key points of calligraphy practice and many simple and understandable calligraphy stories, and we have a deeper understanding of calligraphy. Then, it is to practice calligraphy. First, we started with simple horizontal and vertical exercises. At the beginning, we were all poor at writing. Gradually, we were all able to write calligraphy strokes correctly. Before long, the morning class ended.

In the afternoon, when the weather turned overcast, we arrived at the municipal youth activity center on time. Entering the classroom, we first review the knowledge we learned in the morning. After Mr. Li entered the room, he began to explain new content, and we immediately entered the learning state. After a day of learning, the teacher asked us to write ancient poems to see our learning achievements.

I found that my handwriting was really better than before. I believe that through my unremitting efforts, my handwriting will become better and better.

Composition Practice (11)

One day in the winter vacation, my mother said to me: "Lele, today we come to practice calligraphy. I want to practice calligraphy so easily. I will finish writing in a short time, and I will readily agree. When I was ready to start, my mother stopped me and asked me to write while reading the post. I said:" What post? It's simple! I picked up the pen and wrote a word "Chong" casually. My mother tore it at a glance. I didn't care about it. There were mistakes. Everyone made mistakes. I casually wrote another dip character, and my mother looked at it. I tore it again. I tore 20 pieces in a row. I couldn't stand it. I asked my mother, "Why did you tear it? My mother took a piece of paper for writing Chong characters and said, "Look at the size of the paper. There is no style of writing. My face is red. I asked my mother to teach me. My mother first asked me to be horizontal, but no matter how my mother taught me, my horizontal was not straight. We were both in a hurry. My handwriting was very painful. When my aunt saw it, she asked her to buy calligraphy from scratch.

The next day, I followed the copybook and drew a picture. My aunt asked me to circle the good words and write on the copybook ten times. After a few days, my handwriting was better.

I have learned a truth that we can win if we persist.

Composition Practice (12)

At half past two yesterday afternoon, my mother sent me to the classroom where I practiced Chinese characters. The teacher brought me a pen and paper, and I began to write like a model. When the teacher saw it, he said, "Your characters are so strange and ugly. You should write every stroke. "The teacher wrote me standard characters, and I began to learn to write. It was much more beautiful! After writing for a while, the teacher taught us how to draw Chinese paintings. How difficult! But the teacher's painting was lifelike, and I began to draw it bit by bit. But there was a big gap between me and the teacher. It was not like how to paint. I was impatient. The teacher saw it and came to tell me that the first thing to learn to observe when painting Chinese painting is to observe the proportion correctly, so that I can find a good position when I write. It turns out that nothing is so simple. I will make great efforts to practice my calligraphy and learn my painting well.

Composition Practice (13)

Recently, I began to pay attention to my "awkward" font.

Especially when I was learning to write a diary, I wrote down the whole page and found that the more I wrote, the more perfunctory I was. But I couldn't bear to look straight at it later.

When I was younger, the teacher assigned me to write the blackboard writing in school. The font was not the best, but it was neat and comfortable.

But I don't know when I began to find that my handwriting became more and more scrawled, more and more free, and more and more unable to find the feeling of north.

Some people say that words are like people. I think it's also related to the growing lack of sense of purpose?

More than once, I wanted to find a good time to practice calligraphy, but later I realized that this is a very daily matter, and it is not necessary to practice it specially, that is, to write carefully every time I have to write, that is, to practice.

So every time I write, I remind myself to write slowly and write well. But in fact, it is often because the brain is spinning fast and wants to write a lot, and the hand speed cannot keep up with it. It is literally "flying like a dragon". Even if you deliberately slow down to write, you can't help but "doodle" and can't find the neat state.

If you want to, you still need to calm down.

Composition Practice (14)

It was on the spur of the moment that I bought two copybooks to learn running script. I realized that the last time I practiced calligraphy was ten years ago.

I remember when we were in primary school, our teacher asked us to use Tian Zige's notebook to learn to write Chinese characters one stroke at a time. At that time, we wrote several pages at a time, but we were never tired of it.

In middle school, we changed our pencils into ball point pens or pens. At that time, Sima Yan and Pang Zhonghua were the most skilled in calligraphy. The teacher also rewarded the students who wrote well. Therefore, most of the students wrote carefully. There are more homework in high school, and the pen has been replaced by the water core pen. In order to catch up with the homework and seek efficiency, the whole school still insists on practicing calligraphy, which is probably rare.

Nowadays, computers and mobile phones have become a necessity in our life. We can send microblogs, comment on WeChat and write logs, as well as all written materials needed for work, all of which are typed on the keyboard. It is no exaggeration to say that we can hardly use pen except for signatures. Because I am used to machine typing, I often feel embarrassed when I pick up my pen to write.

As the saying goes, words are like people. People who can write good characters must be enviable. In front of the desk, spread out the notebook, pick up the pen, calm down to carefully sort out every wonderful moment of life, record the anecdotes in the journey, and express our yearning for distant relatives and friends... When we put these flash fragments of life into the pen and write them on the paper, those beautiful days seem to be fixed somewhere in time and space and never fade. Looking back, it is also the best nostalgia for time.

While there is still time, turn calligraphy practice into a living habit!

Composition Practice (15)

I have to practice calligraphy every day. When I practice, I can't help getting bored.

I practice calligraphy every day and forget why. Fortunately, I posted a few famous words on the wall: read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and write the world's characters. After I read it, I began to practice calligraphy again. But within five minutes, I felt lonely. I really want to watch TV in the living room! So, in order to write well, I said to this desire in my mind: No, if you can't stick to it, you will ruin your future. I began to practice calligraphy, but my heart had already flown to the TV outside. I try to control my mind and not go anywhere else. However, as soon as the TV made a sound, I could not help running to the TV. After watching it for a few minutes, I went to practice calligraphy again. But I always wanted to do this and that, so I stamped my foot angrily: Hum, I can't control you? After such a toss, my mind returned to practicing calligraphy. I practiced a few words at a time, and finally I finished. I took a long breath.

yeah! This practice of calligraphy ended. I managed myself successfully once.

Composition Practice (16)

During the summer vacation, my mother enrolled me in a cram school for practicing calligraphy. My mother hopes that I can improve my writing skills through this tutorial class.

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I go to the Cultural Palace to practice calligraphy. I wrote every word carefully and was praised by the teacher. My heart is full of joy. Mom is very happy, too. From now on, I will write every word carefully and strive for six stars.

Composition Practice (17)

practise calligraphy

Last night, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to practice calligraphy!" My mother agreed and bought me a brush, ink and calligraphy exercise book.

After returning home, I began to practice seriously. Unexpectedly, it was so difficult to get a good brush. I sat on the chair and practiced for a long time before I got the brush right, but I still couldn't control the brush well. The characters I wrote were not very beautiful.

I think I have to practice more in the future!

Composer Website

Composition Practice (18)

In our daily study, work or life, we always have to contact or use composition. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is an attempt to practice calligraphy composition collected and sorted by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

In kindergarten, my mother taught me to write. For the first time, my mother taught me to write a one. She picked up a pencil and slowly wrote a one for me on a piece of paper. I read it and said to my mother, "It's too simple." My mother also said to me, "It's easy to see people, but difficult to learn. It's very simple for you to see them. But if you want to write well, you should carefully observe the subtle strokes. If you have the ability, you can write a word."

I stared at the paper with angry eyes, picked up a pencil, and wrote slowly like my mother. When I finished writing, I felt that it was too bad. There was no pen edge, and I was still wandering. I was not very reconciled, so I asked my mother: "Why do you write so well, but how poorly do I write?"

My mother smiled and said, "Silly boy, this is called trying. Trying is to try step by step. Now it's time to practice seriously." I reviewed my mother's words and had new confidence.

So I picked up my pen again and began to write. One, two... I wrote 14 words, which took more than 40 minutes. Maybe everyone didn't believe me after listening, but I did write slowly. Then my mother looked at my words, smiled and said I had made great progress, especially the tenth. I listened to my mother's comments and was very happy. I told myself to continue to refuel. I wrote four more words, which are sharp and clean. As long as you try to do everything with your heart, it's not that difficult. My mother asked me to close my eyes and put a beautiful red flower and thumb on my head. There was a stick on the thumb. I looked in the mirror and smiled silly!

In the evening, when my father came back, he read my words and complimented me repeatedly. I was both happy and excited, just like swimming in the ocean of happiness.

Composition Practice (19)

Whether in school or in society, many people have written compositions. With the help of compositions, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a narrative composition of calligraphy compiled by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it. I hope you will like it.

One day, after reading my composition book, Grandma said to her mother, "Look at the word" child ". It's so blatant. I think it's time to practice calligraphy." Her mother also nodded her head in agreement. The matter was settled quickly.

After Grandma's careful selection, Mom's strict check, and Grandpa's unceasing inspection, the place to practice calligraphy was selected by one in a hundred. Soon, I will move to the place where I practice calligraphy!

The teacher who practices calligraphy is a 73 year old grandfather. Although he is so old, he is energetic, kind and humorous. People like him from the heart when they see him.

Practicing calligraphy can be divided into pen and brush. Brush is more difficult, and copying is used; The pen is relatively simple. It is copied.

Grandpa told us that when practicing calligraphy, we should be free from distractions, sit up straight, look at the book, hold the pen firmly, hold it tightly, hold it high, and hold it straight. When writing brush words, you should pause when you turn a corner, pause when you write horizontally, pause when you write obliquely, and pause when you write vertically. I wrote it according to my grandfather's instructions. Hey, my handwriting is much better than before! It seems that I suddenly have the backbone. If I continue to practice like this, I will become a calligrapher!

On this day, the sun was so hot that I took the ice-cream to the street for a few seconds and became angry, which also made me very upset. I really wanted to finish writing quickly, go home to blow the air conditioner and watch TV. So when I practiced pen writing, my eyes did not read the words on the book. Looking elsewhere, I was thinking of eating delicious ice-cream! He wrote quickly with a pen in his hand. The grandpa saw it and came up to me and said kindly, "Yang Yang, we should not only do things with speed, but also with quality! Only in this way can we do a good job. We can't do things carelessly, we must be careful."

This sentence made me suddenly wake up: "Yes, we should be serious about everything. If we are not serious, can we succeed?"

Another time, I didn't go to practice calligraphy because my classmates came. When I practiced calligraphy the next day, my grandpa said to me, "It's a child's nature to play, but you shouldn't miss the practice because you play too much!"

After listening to the old man's words, I thought about it again and again, and finally understood a truth: "You should persevere in learning. You can't fish for three days, and you can bask in the net for two days."

Composition Practice (20)

After dinner, I began to practice calligraphy. When I opened the copybook, I began to practice calligraphy every stroke. When I first practiced calligraphy, it was painted, slanted, and sketched... My mother tore up my notebook in anger. I finally finished practicing several words. I cried bitterly. When I finished crying, I started to sit there again to practice calligraphy. I first looked at the stroke order on the copybook, and then, I want to tell you: "There are four points in writing. The first is to keep your hand an inch away from the pen tip, the second is to keep your eyes a foot away from the book, the third is to keep your shoulders flat, and the fourth is to be calm and peaceful. When you reach these four points, your handwriting will be beautiful."

Through these four points, I understand how to write well and beautifully.