Understanding of Growth (17 required)
The way of not being confused
2023-11-18 02:32:29
Junior three

Understanding of Growth (1)

Watching my back grow up and my face change slowly, if time really goes forever, if the river of time never hear the answer from the heart.

Under the soft moonlight, my little figure looked at the beautiful stars. The fragile mind slowly composes the song of time. Bright eyes show growing sadness. I am willing to grow up and believe that:

It turns out that some things are really inadvertently complete, and some people are really doomed beyond imagination. What kind of body am I carrying? It has not been 12 years. Some people and some things are clearly carved in the scenery along the way.

I learned to be stable; I learned to calm down; I learned to reason; I learned silence; I learned perseverance.

The happiness of growing up broke into pieces in thousands of rounds. I stood in the wind and swept them into the darkest corner of my heart. It never mattered anymore, only strong.

I know how difficult it is for a person to face his own past with sincerity and without deceit. We also always say that the past is the past, why linger on, why miss again. These words are very popular, and many people disdain them, but how many people can do it? And in what time and where, suddenly flooded in my mind, whether we can laugh, the length of this summer, like long or short.

Do not want to meet the sun, in the face of the sun, will inevitably use their hands to block, because it is too dazzling; Back to the sun, unwilling to see their own shadow, because too sad.

There are too many contradictory lives, which keep flowing fast.

The past has left too many memories, the past tears have left too much pain, how naive the thought was, how ridiculous the practice was. In short, it is the first time to realize how happy it is to grow up. Although there is some pain. But I grew up and learned to be strong; Learned tolerance; Learn to share; Learn to calm down; Learn to live.

Be strong, calm and brave on the bumpy growth path in the future. In short, we should live optimistically and happily, and face the ups and downs of life bravely.

Understanding of Growth (2)

On the way of life, some are unavoidable, such as fate; Some cannot be changed, such as love; Some are indelible, such as memory; Some are hard to put aside, such as love... It is better to face bravely than to bear passively; It is better to strike the wings in the wind and rain than to sleep under the eaves; Rather than being lonely in silence, it is better to break out in the struggle... The harder the road is, the greater the obstacles are, and the more dangerous the risks are. As long as you go through, life will be more exciting.

Youth is an age full of fantasy, passion and innocence. It is also an age when the branches and leaves of life are spreading vigorously and spiritual illumination is most needed. Let's look up at the starry sky, expand our imagination, bathe in the light of human civilization, explore the way of the future in the dialogue with countless scholars, and gradually build our own sound, full and beautiful spiritual home.

Sometimes, I wonder: what is happiness like? I think happiness should be a feeling, a feeling from the heart...... In fact, happiness is very simple, that is, having a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you with deep feelings and a group of trustworthy friends. To learn to be happy, we will be happy as long as we think more about the advantages of things. Just like if we fall into a ditch, we can imagine that there might just be a fish in our pockets. We should learn to communicate, because the lack of communication in life is a defect; But we should also learn to be alone. It is also a disaster that we lack the ability to be alone, can't stand loneliness, and can't live without people. You should learn to do something with your left hand, even if it is not as good as your right hand, because the left brain also needs rest and the right brain also needs to work. The combination of the two will make you do your best and get together widely. Sometimes, we need a crisis to stimulate our potential, awaken the passion of life hidden in our hearts, and realize the maximum value of life.

Most people's mediocrity is not due to their lack of ability, but because they are content with the status quo, do not want to make progress, do not stimulate their potential, and bury themselves in the dull and mechanical life. Do not be afraid, but be brave to fight. If you can think about things with the attitude of enjoying loneliness, reflect on your life in the precipitation of loneliness, and face yourself truthfully, you can find a broader sky in life, including the persistence of ideals, love of life, and some feelings about life. How far a man can go depends on who he goes with; How good a person is depends on who he is; How successful a person is depends on who is with him. A person's achievement is not measured by money, but by how many people you have treated well and missed you in your life. People are always looking for true love, but they often brush their shoulders away. It is not that this era is far away from love, but that people have never thought of using one heart to firmly warm another heart at the beginning. It is not that love is no longer eternal, but that it is impetuous and changeable.

Every night when I sit on the chair tired, I feel that the day has really passed. The most important thing in life is not effort, but direction. The pressure is not that someone works harder than you, but that someone who is several times more powerful than you still works harder than you. Even if you can't see the future, even if you can't see hope, you still believe that you can't be wrong, the person you choose can't be wrong, and the life you choose can't be wrong. It wasn't the alarm clock that woke me up the next day. In fact, it was a dream.

Understanding of Growth (3)

Perception and growth are inseparable topics. From the moment we came to the world, we have been growing and experiencing. Sometimes, you may inadvertently think: I grew up, I understand it?

When I open my diary, I can see every bit of my life clearly. As I grew up, I realized the true meaning of many lives

Lens 1

Outside the examination room, a girl in Grade 4 and Grade 5 was waiting anxiously. She looked at the closed door nervously. This was her first time to participate in the municipal oral English contest. How eager she was to get good grades and repay the teachers who had carefully cultivated her. The expectant faces of her family, teachers and classmates appeared before her eyes, and the teacher's earnest words sounded in her ear: "Come on, you will succeed!" Time slipped away, and her heart became more and more tight... Suddenly, a clear cry of "No. 28!" woke her from her dancing thoughts.

With her heart beating, she took a deep breath and calmly walked into the examination room. When facing the kind examiner, she forgot her nervousness and answered the questions fluently. The whole exam told her that it was like a minute passed by. When she finished answering the question, the examiner smiled and said to her, "Congratulations on your excellent performance in this exam." She couldn't believe her ears. The moment she walked out of the examination room, she saw her parents, teachers and classmates waiting for her anxiously, and cried with joy... She understood that only by paying hard can we gain joy.

Lens 2

Meijin Middle School - a strange group, she often recalls all the past events in primary school: the mischievous rascal who always makes trouble, the teacher who likes to smoke a cigarette before class, the sworn party who likes crying and being angry... But they are gone forever! She was daydreaming, and sadness had occupied her mind, which made her unable to concentrate on listening carefully.

"Hi, friend!" She followed her reputation and said hello to the little candy sitting behind her. She often smiled, bringing infinite warmth to people. Xiaotang's smile opened her closed heart like a golden key, and her eyes flashed: "Wow, I feel cheerful when I see her.".

When she got home, her mother took a wooden giraffe and said to her, "This little toy is for you. Look, no matter how I press its neck, as soon as I release my hand, its neck will bounce back to its original shape. It is very strong and will not be intimidated by difficulties." She picked up the giraffe and fell into deep thinking: Yes, we should first face difficulties with a smile, and then we can see the rainbow after the rain.

Lens 3

Since she went to middle school, she has walked five stops to school every day and trotted with a heavy bag on her back. When the sun tanned her skin, the students laughed that she was like a race walker, and she smiled; Mother smiled at her as a small black charcoal, and she smiled... because she had a little secret in her heart: I hope this can exercise my endurance and make a breakthrough in sports.

A month later, she tested the 400 meter run. She remembered that in the past, she could not hold on as long as she ran 200 meters. She had no strength to run to the end, so she had to walk step by step. As a result, it was conceivable that her physical education had never been qualified, and her teacher worried her deeply. "What will happen this time?" She said to herself, "Just pass." Standing at the starting line, the teacher whistled, and she rushed out like a runaway wild horse. At the end of the lap, although she was a little short of breath, she was still far ahead. It's the second lap, and it's almost the end... But it's less than 50 meters away from the end. Her legs are weak and she can't run any more. Her eyes are covered with sweat, and the front becomes a bit blurred. At this time, a cheering voice of "Come on! Come on!" sounded in her ear. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and rushed forward. "One minute and 48 seconds, good." "Wow!" She was so happy that she realized in a moment that: do not abandon, do not give up, persistence is victory.

Lens 4

She stood on the lectern that attracted the attention of the whole school, looked down the stage, and saw the crowds in the auditorium facing her camera. Her eyes fell on her teacher. The teacher looked at her with encouragement and nodded at her as if to say, "I believe you can do it!"

She cleared her throat, looked ahead, and began to speak with a slight smile on her face. At first, she was like fifteen buckets in her heart - seven up and eight down, she was afraid that the speech would fail; But soon, she became more and more wonderful, completely immersed in the speech and forgot herself. After a while, she reluctantly left the podium: "My speech is over, thank you!" She bowed to everyone and walked off the podium. The teacher clapped her on the shoulder and said, "Good job!"

She smiled happily. She has always been a timid child. It is her dream for many years to interpret herself in front of everyone. Today, she realized her dream, affirmed herself, exceeded herself, and created herself. She is very happy. It suddenly occurred to her that there was a sentence in the book she had read, which was just right here: gold will eventually shine, and more importantly, whether it has the confidence to shine.

The age of pure innocence, sunshine, and honey is getting farther and farther in the birthday songs again and again. Although I have said goodbye to my childhood, I am still feeling and growing up. I will greet the dawn with wisdom!

Understanding of Growth (4)

People will grow up with the passage of time. When a person grows up, he will think more and more things, and his thoughts will gradually mature, with his own secrets.

A girl grew up, and gradually had some privacy that she did not want others to know. Although it was not an important secret, it was very important in her view, and even her close parents would not disclose it.

That girl has the habit of keeping a diary. An exquisite diary with a password lock records her thoughts, every bit of her life, emotions and joys... When she is unhappy, she will take out a diary full of her memories, look at it word by word, and slowly recall the past events. When she sees happy memories, her face will show a sunny smile; When she sees sad memories, she will cry

However, she gradually changed from a quiet and clever girl to a wayward and rebellious girl. Previously, she seldom rebelled against her parents' wishes. She would keep her parents' education in mind; She will comply with her parents' demands and do her best. At that time, in the eyes of many relatives and friends, she was a lovely, quiet, clever and good child. They all liked her very much and loved her very much... Day by day, she gradually thought that her mother's discipline was a kind of constraint to her, just like being tied by a rope. She thought that her mother forced her too tightly, and she thought she had no freedom. She longed to leave her mother's "bondage" to her and go to her "free life"... At that time, she did not understand that her parents had been very attentive to her. Usually, when her mother says more about her, she looks impatient and sometimes even talks back; Once, she had a conflict with her mother, and they quarreled... At that time, she hated her mother, but did not know that she had hurt her mother's heart many times. She has changed. She is more reticent and seldom chats with her parents. Sometimes her parents talk to her, but she just treats her casually... Her father doesn't blame her

Until now, the girl has gradually become sensible. She knows that she is wrong, but she can't be her quiet and clever self in a short time

She will try her best

Understanding of Growth (5)

From my birth to the present, I have been growing ceaselessly, and each growth experience makes me have different feelings.

One day, my mother sprained her foot and had to recuperate at home. Because one foot was in plaster, she could only walk with a chair. She looked very tired. I let my mother put one hand on my shoulder, and I put one hand on my mother's waist. In this way, it was much easier to walk. "You are my mother's little crutch!" Her face showed a happy smile. Because my mother's room is on the second floor of my house, it is very inconvenient to go upstairs and downstairs every time. I have to hold the stairs up and down. Every time I see my mother like this, I rush up and help her go upstairs and downstairs. Due to the inconvenience of movement, I became my mother's hand again. As soon as my mother had a need, I would fly upstairs to meet her needs. Once, I saw my mother's eyes filled with glistening tears, and she said, "Child, you have grown up!" Growth told me that it needs love, love your parents, love your teachers, love your friends, and love everyone around you.

I don't know why I don't like running. When I ran against the sun or drizzle, I wanted to stop several times to have a rest, but being strong made me hold on and no longer afraid of running. Growth tells me that it needs to be strong, strong in the face of every setback in life, because it does not experience wind and rain, how to see the rainbow.

When I failed in the exam, I was always very sad, but my optimistic personality freed me from the loss and ushered in the next exam. Growth tells me that it needs optimism, which can free us from despair and have confidence in everything.

Every day before I open my eyes, the English sound in the recorder wakes me up. On the way to school, the English sound from my mother's car CD and the scenery along the way send me to school. At night, the English sound accompanies me to sleep. Growth tells me that it needs diligence. Diligence can make up for clumsiness. Diligence can produce results. Diligence is the ladder to success.

Nature is also growing. Grass does not bow because of the storm, fish do not wander because of the waves, clouds do not dissipate because of the wind, because this is what they must experience for growth. I am also carrying out these experiences, and growing up in these experiences.

Understanding of Growth (6)

As time flies, I am growing. Unexpectedly, so many years have slipped away silently. Now what is written on my face is no longer childish, but also the rebellious and curious youth. So I smiled sincerely and walked through my childhood, exploring and growing all the way.

I am no longer obsessed with colorful flowers and my mother's various cosmetics. Like a kangaroo, I am eager to jump out of my mother's pouch and have unlimited desire and imagination to explore the wider world.

So, from now on, I will not be as attached to my mother's arms as I was when I was a child, and I will no longer listen to my parents' advice. In fact, I also know in my heart that my parents have very rich life experience, and listening to them can reduce many detours on the road of growth. But I don't know what happened. I wouldn't listen to them anyway, even if I ran into a wall or fell down. This should be what we must experience on our way to growth. Only after experiencing frustrations will our future life be more beautiful.

I am no longer satisfied with the current situation in terms of material needs and learning of various kinds of knowledge as before. I didn't pay any attention to accumulating knowledge and wealth before. But one day when I grew up, I suddenly realized that I would compete with them. I can't be as complacent as before, because I should concentrate on learning when I grow up! Later, in class, I urged myself to write down the key points that the teacher said as much as possible. After class, I will review these contents more carefully. Not long after, because of the change of learning attitude, academic performance has improved. Know how to work hard and know how to compete, which should also be a performance of my growth.

As I grow older, I also have more worries. It may be because of a classmate's mistake, or it may be because of a criticism from my mother. However, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. If I grow up without these worries, then my growth will be ordinary.

People always grow, and I will become more mature in the process of growth. I will judge things rationally, instead of simply judging good or bad, right or wrong as before. With the deepening of my understanding of society, I also gradually understand the rules of survival.

I will move forward along the road of growth. The bumps on the road and the scenery along the road are temporary, and no one can accompany me to the end of the road forever. Because time goes by, the scenery on the road is also changing, and constantly updated and extended. I will carefully walk each section of the road and enjoy the scenery along the road.

Understanding of Growth (7)

Time flies, and we grow up unconsciously. Little by little, the growth is drawn into a colorful picture. The years of growth are like a sea, revealing a little mystery in the vast expanse of smoke, and we can never see its other shore; The years of growth are like a series of footprints. Although they are deep and shallow, they have been extending forward.

We used to be so carefree. No matter in the hot sun or in the biting cold wind, we would play with our partners. Even if we were covered with mud and dirty, we would still have a smile on our faces and would not care about the eyes of others. We just smiled innocently and fantasized.

Fantasy what? Fantasy to grow up. Thinking that we can be more free when we grow up, we can laugh more freely, but when we really grow up? But we have less laughter, less passion for all kinds of expectations. Because when we grow up, we have more things to learn, to learn to bear, to learn to be responsible, to be busy every day for our own tomorrow, almost mechanically reading, testing, reading, testing.

However, life tells us that we have no choice. Know that there are bumps and thorns on the road of growth, and know that there are storms, ice and snow in the years of growth. But I still keep going, because there is one thing not far away that makes us see the future and hope, so that we can really find the motivation to move forward, firm confidence, and courage to challenge everything.

Years dilute our innocence and mischief, but give us strength and depth. As a result, we no longer lament the insipidity of the years. I learned to understand life, love life, and learn to understand the road to my destination. As a result, we have more enthusiasm and less indifference for this almost prosaic years—— This is growth.

Stop at the midway post station and look back on the past. The past is like a piece of music, and each beating note is a kind of emotion; The past is like a necklace, huge and crystal clear, carrying a big dream; The past is like a big tree, and every green leaf records every hard memory

We are growing and experiencing in sorrow and happiness, dreams and reality.

Understanding of Growth (8)

When I was young, I always wanted to grow up. But when I grow up, I find that growing up is not just a simple long man. Growing up means maturity; It means that we can think independently and solve problems without flinching. Get rid of the shadow of childishness and leave the intimacy and care of parents.

The road of growth is long, from which we find troubles. Sometimes I feel restless and even lonely. When encountering frustrations and failures, they are always frustrated. But some people say that worry is a cup of strong coffee. After being washed evenly, you will feel ashamed and precipitate. If you take a sip, your troubles will drift farther and farther. In retrospect, it will give you the power to sprint again. Especially when you are lost, you will find that it will encourage you to move forward in adversity. Tell you that fate is a chance to test a person's ability. Fear it, you will become small; Dominate it, you will become strong.

The road of growth is full of thorns. We found the hardships of the long journey, dare not face up to mistakes, just want to forget to escape. In the face of the pressure from family, school and society, we have left it behind. Think that this kind of thorns bound us, we can't fly in the vast world. Then you smile over the unsatisfactory social reality and make solid progress on the road. You will enjoy a positive attitude towards life. In the end, you will find that this is just the surging waves after the silence. It silently wakes up your firm will and breeds your infinite vitality. Make you more energetic to face sudden challenges.

Did you find it? This is called growth. Invisibly, we will continue to mature. It is like the rising sun, which needs time to temper. When you see the first light of the world shining on you, you will feel its magic power.

Pull out the dark clouds. Go forward bravely to the blue sky!

Understanding of Growth (9)

Childhood is the happiest time in life. Walk into the "Life" cinema and show my life on the big screen. From childish to sensible, childish like watching jokes, sensible like watching mountain climbing.

When I was young, there were always some strange things in my childish mind. It's hard to laugh or cry: I always want to attend my parents' wedding when I see their wedding photos. When I see someone else has an elder sister, I ask my mother to have another sister... These childish ideas make me rack my brains and bring me endless happiness. They accompany me through the whole childhood.

After watching the jokes, it's time to watch mountaineering. I am no longer as childish as I used to be. I don't want to attend my parents' wedding, nor do I want to have an elder sister, because my mother helped me give birth to a younger brother. Now I am an elder sister. I was carrying a schoolbag, clumsy enough to wear a red scarf, and ran excitedly to school. In class, I stared at the blackboard with big eyes. I am walking up the mountain of knowledge step by step. I believe that one day I will succeed. A foot high homework made me scratch my scalp. However, it is more difficult to think of the children in the mountains than me. What is this difficulty? Then he grabbed the pen and began to write. Seeing this, I felt that I had already taken several steps. Through learning, I have a patriotic heart, I have a minimum conscience, I have my own ideals. I said to myself, "One day I will become a pillar of the country and win glory for the country!"

I walked out of the theater, looked at the blue sky, and smiled happily. I am happy!

Understanding of Growth (10)

Life is a book, and I, the reader with a myriad of thoughts, have dark type in my eyes, flying in my mind like a black butterfly, reading, as if in another world.

Classics seem to be an indispensable part of me. Every time I immerse myself in them, I will feel lost, clear up my impatience, let me feel growth in each taste, and make my every step more practical.

When I first read Dai Wangshu's Rainy Lane, I was struck by the girl who was also real and imaginary. "I hope to meet a girl with lilac like sorrow and resentment." The lilac like light sadness is spreading in people's writing, "like a dream" sad and confused. This hazy poem is just like that cup of light tea, which is pure and quiet. The poet still has a little expectation in his helplessness. Even in the era of turbulent political situation, he still has a dim hope for the future.

"When we are very humble, we are closest to being great," Tagore wrote in "Stray Birds". He told me that "humility" only means not to exaggerate too much while achieving success, but to have confidence to meet the next challenge, rather than being arrogant and frivolous.

Turning to Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, I seemed to see the old fisherman's excitement when he finally caught a big marlin after 84 days without catching any fish. However, the big fish tied to the side of the boat was too big, and the smell of blood was too strong, and he was attacked by the big shark on the return trip. But he was not discouraged. He finally returned to the port with the bones on his back. "People are not born for failure. One can be destroyed, but not defeated." This sentence shocked my heart. Although the old man is old, his soul is strong. He used a harpoon, an oar handle and a short stick to realize his life principles.

"When three people walk, there must be my teacher." This is the one I feel most deeply in the Six Principles of the Analects of Confucius. The high mountain is because it can hold every small stone; The sea is wide because it does not exclude any stream. If you want to have the elegance of mountains and the profundity of the sea, you should look for good teachers and friends in your life. As the ancients said, if several people walk together, there must be my teacher among them. As the saying goes, whoever can be a teacher. It is wise to learn more, think more, and take the advantages of others for your own use.

There is the most vigorous life in the sunshine, which shines and illuminates the world.

Classic books exude light, heat and fragrance, just like flowers in four seasons, quietly blooming on the way home.

Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. We live together with the classics, looking forward to dreams and waiting for the future.

Classic is a rainbow like dream. It paints my life with brilliant colors, either sad or afraid, or happy or worried. The ever-changing colors are the bright chapters in my life.

Understanding of Growth (11)

Walking on the path of the campus at dusk, looking at the green bushes beside you, doing nothing.

Suddenly, a very small child came running towards him. The one who followed him hurriedly should be his mother. When he left the Three Kingdoms around me, I unconsciously stepped back - he was so small that I, an irrelevant person, feared that he would stumble over something accidentally. The child ran away, looking at the withered and yellow leaves on the ground, I suddenly thought: What is growth?

When I was young, I ran in front of my parents wherever I went. They always said, "Xiaoya, run slowly, and be careful not to fall." I continued to run without looking at the road. Occasionally, when I fell down, my mother quickly stepped forward and carefully picked me up. I would fall into her arms. There was no severe blame, only gentle comfort. Next time, I will still run ahead. Maybe children don't remember pain.

When I grew up, I was almost alone everywhere I went. I occasionally went shopping with my mother. I also stood beside her side by side. Only then did I realize that my once tall mother is now old. I have traveled a lot, but I remember clearly where I stumbled and fell.

I think that growth is probably that our parents accompany and love us when we grow up. We are no longer as carefree as we were when we were young, and we no longer have the frankness.

Understanding of Growth (12)

Suddenly, I feel that growing up is a burden, a distress, a suffering

When I was young, I said what I wanted to say. No matter what you said, whether it was right or wrong, no one would blame you.

When you grow up, you should always speak carefully. There are many words that you can think of and swallow again and again, because you are wondering whether these words will hurt others; Will they be disliked by others.

When I was young, I could play closely with my friends. The male and female consciousness was not so obvious.

As we grow up, the distance is getting farther and farther, and we gradually understand the difference between men and women. The language of laughter in the past has now become "hello!"

When I was young, I was wronged and hurt, so I could cry loudly in my mother's arms!

Grow up, hurt, hurt. But I can only bear it alone and heal myself.

How many things can be done with impunity when I was young, but when I grow up? Everything should be treated strictly. However, along the way, we had to burst into tears and smile. If you don't grow up, how can you grow up? If you don't grow up, how can you be steady? If you don't grow up, how can you learn to be independent? If we don't grow up, how can we understand our parents' pains?

When I was young, my life was like a piece of white paper waiting to draw beautiful patterns. You can't leave this blank paper forever. We have to paint a beautiful pattern on it. We can never stop when we are young. If we are always young, we will not feel the happiness and pain in the world. There are more beautiful scenery waiting for us, we should create the future!

In fact, each of us should put down the past and open up our own future. The future will be more beautiful. The fruit watered with your own sweat will be sweet even if you work hard

Understanding of Growth (13)

Somehow, I entered the winter of my studies.

The low ebb of my studies almost made me become an idle student. I always thought I had brains and didn't need to learn at all.

The snowstorm is coming——

What should have happened happened. There is no doubt that I failed. My heart is full of depression and suffering: I am anxious, I regret. I'm anxious about what I should do. I regret that I didn't study hard.

In winter, the snow is drifting, looking lifeless. Although there is a layer of snow on the grass, which has pressed down the life below, there are still some grass, which firmly raises its head, breaks through the snow and proudly declares war to the sky. My heart throbbed. A grass can be so strong, why can't I?

I should work hard.

I returned to the long unused desk and slowly and firmly pulled out the chair. Finally, learning has become my pleasure. Not only that, but also I need to learn well. Since then, I will think about a difficult problem for half an hour; Reading is no longer as simple as looking at the past.

This is not so much a learning process as a growth process, an experience worth pondering and treasure.

"Snow is also the process of grass sprouting, effort is the process of success, watching winter is to better perceive spring, watching failure is to encourage success!"

I muttered.

When I looked up again, there was light in my eyes. I saw the spring, the bud of success and the snow of failure. Grow into a meadow.

After becoming the past, but also let me know that hard work is the process of success, winter is the process of spring!

Understanding of Growth (14)

There are many unforgettable experiences and valuable experiences in life, as well as many firsts, such as losing teeth, getting lost, participating in competitions, seeing the sea for the first time, taking a plane for the first time, and learning a certain talent for the first time. From childhood to adulthood, we have gone through a variety of things. Facing different experiences, we sometimes feel curious and fresh, and sometimes feel afraid and afraid. However, in the end, we must take the key first step and accumulate unforgettable memories from these life bits.

It's interesting to recall my first experience of riding a bicycle. I remember when my parents first took me to the bicycle shop to choose a car, they first saw my bike. Its body was blue in the sky, dotted with beating white notes; It can not only be folded, convenient to store, but also does not take up space; Its wheels are relatively small, not as big as an SUV, which is very suitable for a skinny girl like me to go for a ride in leisure.

The first time I rode a bike was in Riverside Park. At the beginning, I practiced to keep balance on the bike. Although my parents supported me, I still felt afraid. Every time I rode out, I would fall down because of my unstable center of gravity. After a period of practice, I gradually grasped the knack and practiced riding for a short distance. At that time, my confidence increased greatly, I believe that I can ride farther. Under my constant practice, I became more and more skilled and no longer afraid of falling. I even challenged turning and turning. Sometimes in the process, because I didn't master the skills, the whole person and car would fall on the ground, but I didn't give up and continue to practice. Finally, I succeeded. That experience also made me deeply realize that as long as we overcome the fear in our hearts, we can surmount the obstacles in front of us.

This experience has taught me that to do anything, we must pay time, mental strength and physical strength, and more importantly, we must practice hard. The most important thing is to have perseverance and the spirit of never giving up. Only in this way can we achieve success and enjoy the sweet fruits.

Understanding of Growth (15)

A meteor across the sky, I missed the wish; A story is only told once, I missed listening; A ray of sunshine shines into the earth, and I miss my blessing... If you are a drop of rain and dew, do you nourish the world? If you are a beam of sunshine, do you illuminate the darkness

Life is like a game with many hurdles. If you stop moving forward, the game is over. Those who go forward bravely will climb to the highest peak and enjoy the joy of victory. Maybe when difficulties come, a new turning point will appear if you rush forward bravely. If you choose to escape, then you will voluntarily give up the qualification to turn the situation around, willing to frustrate and laugh at your cowardice.

Difficulties are mirrors that reflect people's souls. Difficulties are a yardstick to measure people's inner courage. When difficulties challenge you, do you accept them or refuse them? On the road of growth, I stumbled all the way. Frustration and I were also "friends" side by side, from which it taught me a lot. At the school sports meeting, it was not perfect as I imagined, let alone perfect, but left a few bitter tears; During the exam, the sweat didn't cover my head. I bit the pen holder and frowned, which made me feel a little impatient. After the examination papers were handed out, I saw the shocking scores and a large number of bright red forks. My subconscious only jumped out one sentence and failed the exam; It's hard to decide between friends whether it's the so-called loyalty or honesty, which makes my heart start a 720 degree world war. After the smoke of gunpowder, my mind is a little breathless; It is inevitable that some unhappiness will occur between friends. After a period of noise, each other angrily stops walking and complains about the other's fault. Facing and escaping is just a moment, and the difference between a few words depends on whether the future is good or not. Calm down and think carefully. The most accurate answer is often left to the end. After the school sports meeting, my classmates patted me on the shoulder and said optimistically, "It's OK, this time I can't do it, try harder next time, He said, "If a friend has done something wrong, you can help him hide it. This is not to help him, but to hurt him." Both of them scratched their heads with their hands and said to each other, "I was wrong, forgive me, OK?" After that, they held hands and laughed.

It is impossible for a person to be smooth all his life, and life is like a maze. When you lose your way, you will always need a "compass" to guide you out of the haze and towards the light. The courage to face life depends on the encouragement and care of people around you. The most important thing is the spirit of never giving up. In the frustration, there is someone to accompany, through thick and thin

Remember, in the face of life, always smile. Because if you smile, it will be sunny.

Understanding of Growth (16)

A few days ago, the teacher asked us to write a comment on the characters in the play. I didn't like watching dramas very much, so I had to turn over the comic book on the bottom of the bookcase, hoping to find a clue.

I picked up a book that had nearly reached the height of Mao. When I opened the book, it turned out to be my childhood favorite Naruto. Oh, it was the protagonist of the story, Vortex Naruto. I looked up and down at him. The childhood idol had not changed much. His height was still small, and his face was still smiling with that naive and confident smile. But when I saw him, There is always no excitement and excitement of the past.

I thought deeply for a while, and then found that Naruto had not changed at all, but my thoughts and observation angle had changed. Naruto was always the straightforward and innocent 12 boys, while I, who used to be about his age, was now a small adult with a height of 1.8 meters.

I absorbed Naruto's thought that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would not be afraid, but he did not sink for it, did not completely imitate him, but just lived out his own characteristics in reality.

The world may be very monotonous, but it has become colorful because of growth. If a person cannot grow up, he can only get an understanding of what he may see, but if he examines and discovers in the process of growth, he will often realize more truth.

Understanding of Growth (17)

For me, to challenge myself is to keep a heart of learning and progress, to be enthusiastic about anything, and to recharge myself at any time. I believe that everyone's stereotype of junior high school life is: the accumulated test pressure, a mountain of homework in various subjects, not the small test, the big test, or the simulation test of the Duan test. However, everything has two sides. In the mode of continuous examination, it symbolizes the epitome of a better life in the future; In the reminding of words, teachers and parents never stop caring. Just because I clearly understood these little things curled up in the corner, I made a challenge post to myself, hoping that in the unpredictable days in the future, I would be willing to take pains to understand and explore in the face of extra-curricular soft knowledge in addition to the standards required by the school, and what I firmly believe is that in this series of search processes, I will be more mature and sensible. I can have a deeper view of things, whether psychologically or physically. In addition, in terms of arts and cultural activities, we should explore many aspects, boldly try our own impossibility, complete seemingly impossible tasks, build ourselves into an all-round capable person, keep an open mind, and be able to change the familiar "No, I can't do it!" to "OK" when challenges come one after another. I will do my best to meet your expectations. " Jump out of the comfort zone of the past and take a brave step like "Armstrong".

For me, to challenge myself is to get rid of the temptation of worldly affairs and return to the purest self. Under the rigid college entrance system, it can arouse the endless imagination hidden in the heart. There is an ad line that says, "Imagination is your super power". How to use themes in meeting discussion, poster design and writing? How to create miracles? How to use ingenuity? It all depends on whether your rigid imagination can recover in time and provide you with different ideas and views. With the growth of age, the established standard answers in textbooks seem to bind the inexhaustible "imagination" of most people in their childhood. Therefore, it is very important to challenge yourself to increase the space for thinking after school. Always throw out a question for the brain to run, and never leave behind the "imagination" that is closely followed.

I have different challenges to myself and others in each period. Close your eyes and listen to the strong heartbeat of your heart. The past clouds still remain on your retina. The same mountain, the same scenery, the only difference is your mood. I have grown up! There are more different challenges. It is not a constraint, but a driving force that urges me to move forward - the most important