Happiness is a composition 600 word composition (5 compilations)
Harmony between heaven, earth and man
2023-08-31 03:27:23
Argumentative paper

Happiness is a kind of composition 600 word composition (1)

Always feel that there is a way to release a kind of beauty; Always feel that there is a gesture that can express a kind of happiness; I always feel that there is a habit that can release a kind of warmth - waiting.

in one's childhood

When I was young, you always liked to hold my hand and go to breakfast together. The sunrise drew our shadows long, and the warm sunshine turned my childish smile red. When I eat breakfast, I am always the slowest one. When you finish eating, I start to eat in a hurry. At this time, you always sit patiently and watch me finish eating, and say to me: "Eat slowly, don't worry." Finally, our family held hands again and went home together in the sunshine. Now think of it, is it not a kind of happiness? Although it is only a few minutes, these few minutes are full of deep love. When I was young, I was happy.

Grow up

When I grew up and went to school, you always called me up early to do morning exercises with you. When I was breathless and could not run, you always waited for me with a smile in front of you, and said to me, "Come on, we trust you." Now that I think of it, it is a kind of happiness? Although only a few minutes, these few minutes are full of deep concern for me. I am happy when I grow up.

Until now

Now that I am in junior high school, you will always wait for me to finish class on the balcony. Whenever you see me coming out of school, you will immediately open the door to meet me and ask me how I am at school. What's interesting today? What did the teacher say. Now, I'm getting mature and sensible. I said to you, "Don't wait for me anymore. It's very tiring." But you said, "We can't rest assured until we wait for you and see you back." I think you are used to waiting for me like this. You are used to caring for me in this special way and loving me.

Waiting is also a kind of happiness, but also a very unique happiness.

Happiness is a kind of composition 600 word composition (2)

With the progress of science and technology and the development of the times, our medical level has improved unprecedentedly, providing a strong guarantee for people's health. Today, injection has become one of the most important means to treat diseases. If you often go to the hospital, especially the pediatric ward, it is not difficult to see many children who are injected are very frightened and even flee because of fear of pain. Their parents use all kinds of means to force them to inject well. Finally, children always walk out of the ward with tears in their eyes. But you know what? In fact, injection is also a kind of happiness.

In Congo, a country located in Africa, children there are never forced to give injections. It sounds good, but that's because they don't have needles. In Africa, where there is the greatest variety of diseases, their children cannot get vaccinations and antibiotics. According to statistics, the percentage of people dying of cancer in Africa is the lowest in the world, but do you know the reason behind it? It is very heavy to say that people in Africa and their children may die of malaria at the age of six, yellow fever at the age of twelve, dengue fever at the age of twenty-four, AIDS at the age of forty, and hepatitis B at the age of sixty because of poor medical conditions. Therefore, they have no chance to die of cancer at the age of eighty. The economy is depressed, the environment is harsh, and the population base is large. Bacteria and viruses have found a natural culture medium in Africa, where they spread rapidly. The whole continent is shrouded in the panic of disease. Coupled with years of war and armed conflict, the average life span is less than 50 years old. This is an unspeakable grief for the African people.

In contrast, China's development in recent years has faced various problems, but with the joint efforts of the country and the people, it is moving towards prosperity and strength step by step. When you are ill, it is a kind of happiness to be able to get a needle to help you get rid of disease? We are lucky to live in a peaceful country. Please cherish this happiness.

Happiness is a kind of composition 600 word composition (3)

Are you happy recently? Is there still a smile on your face? My friend asked me that on the phone!

In a season that is easy to miss, I decided to pick up the pen in my hand! The pen tip has rusted and worn, and people are beginning to doubt whether I can still pick up the pen? On the day when I buried my memory with inspiration, my desperate and hysterical mood, like a mouse, was devouring my memory! I decided to find a reason for myself, an honest reason to take up the pen!

Can you pick up your pen for me? The voice on the other end of the phone was sincere, and the emotion was in a mess!

But people's memory is so fair, he will not let you remember the good and automatically filter those unhappy factors! The same is true for inspiration. I choose the dusty past to take my inspiration away quietly! Without inspiration, life is unreal, unfulfilled and unsound. I think some things can be forgotten, I think some things will become fragile in front of time! What time sets off is the memory of some dispensable things, while what memory carries is the past that cannot be lost! I can't write poems anymore. When I listen to music, I will still feel a slight heartache in the meteor shower, or I will feel sad in the voice of David Tao! It's so easy to lose someone!

Must be happy, you know? Because your happiness is our happiness, if I can add my happiness to you!

The messages, the phone, and QQ messages are full of friends' wishes! Blessing is a very beautiful word, as if the luck of the whole world will take root in our blessing and then expand into full happiness! Everyone has solemnly handed over all happiness to me! I was as careful as holding a glass doll, and then became worried about gain and loss, so I lost. So I slowly came to understand that happiness is actually very simple. Happiness is a kind of mood, something that can be easily owned without reason or escape. As long as we can let go of our mood, as long as we can change our mood to look at the opening, closing and closing of the world!

Part II:

In the whole life, what deprives us of happiness and depletes our life is not the torture of poverty, but our own entangled by the famous reins. To get happiness, we must try to find feelings. Happiness is the feeling that can heal the sadness in the heart.

The pursuit of happiness is the nature of life. Whether you can get happiness depends on your own feelings.

Some people look very happy, very beautiful and eye-catching. They seem to have nothing but happiness. Because they can't find the feeling of happiness, their hearts are silent, and their faces are full of sad tears. Some people seem to be very poor, very depressed and pitiable. They seem to lack everything but happiness alone, because they find the feeling of happiness and live happily in the situation of nothing.

When we are hungry, the acquisition of a piece of bread is happiness; When we are confused, the appearance of a signpost is happiness; When we are sad with tears, the words of kindness and comfort are happy

There is no standard for happiness. It is like a threshold. Whether it is high or low depends on your attitude and positioning. When you have everything, but you don't feel happy, maybe in the eyes of others, it is a kind of eager happiness. Sometimes happiness is a kind of feeling, precipitated in the bottom of my heart, invisible and intangible, but the experience and enjoyment is real and direct.

We can't deny that in the complicated world, we have been confused, hesitated and depressed. When we experience too many ups and downs in life, we have complained, hated and lost in real life. We always feel that God has been unfair to us, and happiness is always far away from us.

In fact, all this self gray mentality does not lie in the excessive injustice that the outside world has given us. It is our own soul that always stays in the fog for a long time inadvertently. The eyes in my heart are unwilling to change their position and direction, and are good at discovering the real light around me.

When suffering from disease, we feel that having a healthy body is a kind of happiness; When we spend a long time in the noisy stream of people, we feel that it is a kind of happiness to have a quiet self; When your appetite is full of greasy food, you feel that the occasional simple meal is also a kind of happiness

A wisp of smile, a kind greeting, a sincere handshake, an unexpected encounter, all of these are happy scenes that will always be accompanied by the truth. Whether these happiness can leave a real impression and feeling, stay in the heart and enjoy and aftertaste slowly depends on whether you really cherish and grasp them.

Happiness is a process of feeling with heart, a feeling

Happiness is a kind of composition 600 word composition (4)

Some people say that happiness means that your family is safe and healthy, happiness means that you can live and work in peace, and happiness means that you have money to spend... But these are all based on the fact that you have a fresh life, so you can feel it with practical actions. Therefore, living is a kind of happiness.

Living, you can feel the fun of learning. You can read some famous aphorisms in the morning, taste a beautiful article lazily in the afternoon, and read a touching novel in the dead of night. It's like taking a shower in the warm sea breeze, turning into a boat, floating on the waves, carefree and selfless. Through the distance between time and space, looking at the long river of history, the characters in the book slowly come to you, telling the stories of thousands of years. The joy of learning can make people feel alive is a kind of happiness.

Living, you can see the beauty of the world. Look up at the white clouds floating leisurely in the sky of tile blue, look away at the magnificent waterfalls flying down, look at the dense and lush forests. Feeling the heroic spirit of "riding high in the spring, seeing all the flowers in Chang'an every day", the desolation of "the desert is lonely and straight, the river sets the yen", and the magnificence of "the moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, and the vast sea of clouds". After you have enjoyed the beauty of the world, you will feel that living is a kind of happiness.

Living, you can thank the people who help you. Grass is grateful for giving him the green rain, fish is grateful for giving him the rivers, lakes and seas to swim in, and birds are grateful for giving it the free sky. Thanksgiving will make you feel alive is a kind of happiness.

Happiness is actually very simple: for example, walking in the classical world and sipping a cup of light tea in the scorching autumn; On a snowy day, look at a falling snowflake through a transparent French window; In the misty spring morning, listen to the birds scattering beautiful notes on the treetops; Jingjing sits on a stone bench in the summer night, barefoot in the clear wind and bright moon.

To feel the beauty of life and live is a kind of happiness.

Happiness is a kind of composition 600 word composition (5)

The quiet night renders a peaceful atmosphere, but I keep my eyes open and refuse to sleep. At this time, you will gently pat my chest, slowly take out a storybook and tell me stories. Your soft voice floated into my ears and my heart, just like the best sleeping pill in the world. Every time you finish speaking, I will fall asleep quietly.

You have a mirror like heart. You are an angel in the world, and will not be contaminated by the secular filth. You are so beautiful and moving. Your cheeks are slightly red, like rouge.

On the way of growing up, you guided me. However, I embarked on my own Avenue of Fame. In order to let me live a better life, you worked hard every day. But I think you don't love me, only know money, and even forget your children. If you don't come back to see me for many days, you can't send your children to and from school like other parents, and I never understand, I even hated you, but when you came back and saw your obvious dark circles under your eyes, I left tears, distressed that you were so tired, and even laughed at myself for always hating you for not coming to see me. I suddenly found that I was so naive.

Why are you so stupid? I have been very satisfied, but you want to make me happier. I am very distressed. I want you to stop and have a rest, but you said: "Mom is not tired, she can persist, so you can be happier." I can only cry silently.

Mother, I cherish every penny you earn. I love you and love you like the sea. I can't repay you now, but I will. In the near future, I will treat you as you treat me.