Composition on Changes in Autumn (20 compilations)
Tell yourself to be strong
2024-05-26 09:02:19
describe the scenery

Changes in Autumn Composition (1)

In autumn, there are great changes in plants, animals and weather, waiting for us to observe carefully. Let me tell you something!

In autumn, the leaves of poplar, birch, elm, willow and many other trees have changed into yellow coats, and they are ready to fall under the big trees to sleep with the autumn wind. And the pine trees are still standing guard there, with needle like leaves still green. Some animals are ready to hibernate. For example, the little frog is digging a hole to sleep in winter. The grizzly bear is looking for a big tree hole. When the weather is cold, it will hide in it and sleep.

The autumn wind blows and blows, blowing away the hot summer, dropping the leaves all over the mountains and fields, and opening the harvest smile of the farmer uncle. The wind from Uncle Autumn is cool and getting colder. In autumn, I also collected many red maple leaves. Some let me make bookmarks, and some let me make specimens. Have you found these changes in autumn?

In autumn, there are many changes waiting for you, me and her to discover. Autumn is also a harvest season, busy season, I love this colorful season!

Changes in Autumn Composition (2)

With the cool autumn wind blowing the earth, I saw the scene when the leaves were colorful, and suddenly realized that autumn had come to us inadvertently, and the scenery around us was also changing quietly.

Autumn is like a magic magician. The willow trees in the park have turned from green to yellow. It is like a girl dyeing her beautiful hair yellow. Thin branches swayed in the air with the wind, and willow leaves fell into the arms of the earth. The leaves of the trees on both sides of the road are gradually infected with the autumn frost, and the fallen leaves are flying in the air with the autumn wind, which is particularly beautiful. The gusts of autumn wind blew away the summer heat and ripened the fruits.

The fruits in the orchard are ripe, red apples hang on the branches, plump pomegranates grin at us, big persimmons burn like red flames on the branches... In the fields, golden wheat waves rise and fall with the wind, very beautiful, and sorghum plants are like drunken strong men, There was no way to straighten my waist... The maple leaves in the mountains were getting red. They were like palms of fire, jumping from branch to branch, from heaven to earth.

Autumn always has a unique charm, infecting us. I love the unique beauty of autumn.

Changes in Autumn Composition (3)

With the cool autumn wind blowing the earth, I saw the scene when the leaves were colorful, and suddenly realized that autumn had come to us inadvertently, and the scenery around us was also changing quietly.

Autumn is like a magic magician. The willow trees in the park have turned from green to yellow. It is like a girl dyeing her beautiful hair yellow. Thin branches swayed in the air with the wind, and willow leaves fell into the arms of the earth. The leaves of the trees on both sides of the road are gradually infected with the autumn frost, and the fallen leaves are flying in the air with the autumn wind, which is particularly beautiful. The gusts of autumn wind blew away the summer heat and ripened the fruits. The fruits in the orchard are ripe, red apples hang on the branches, plump pomegranates grin at us, big persimmons burn like red flames on the branches... In the fields, golden wheat waves rise and fall with the wind, very beautiful, and sorghum plants are like drunken strong men, There was no way to straighten my waist... The maple leaves in the mountains were getting red. They were like palms of fire, jumping from branch to branch, from heaven to earth.

Autumn always has a unique 'charm, infecting us. I love the unique beauty of autumn.

Changes in Autumn Composition (4)

Changing Autumn

When autumn comes, everything has changed.

Several white clouds were floating in the blue sky, and a line of geese in the shape of a chevron flew south with a cry of "Gaga". Under the blue sky are golden rice, red sorghum and white cotton. All the fruits in the orchard are ripe, including red apples, yellow pears and red lanterns of persimmons.

The maple leaves in the park are redder. The chrysanthemums in full bloom are colorful, including red, yellow, white and purple. They are very beautiful. A gust of autumn wind blows, and the flowers smell sweet.

The leaves of the tree are turning yellow. When the autumn wind blows, leaves fall gently, just like dancing golden butterflies.

The original green lawn has unknowingly turned into a golden carpet. In the morning, there are countless crystal clear little pearls beating on the golden carpet. They flash under the sunshine, as if blinking their big eyes. It's lovely!

How beautiful autumn is!

Changes in Autumn Composition (5)

Changes in Autumn Excellent Composition

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less been exposed to the composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. So how do you write a general composition? The following is an excellent composition about the changes in autumn. It is only for reference, and I hope it can help you.

Sister Xia unknowingly left, and Miss Qiu came to us quietly, and the sky gradually became quiet and pleasant.

When autumn girl comes to the grass, the grass becomes withered and yellow; When autumn girls come to the woods, leaves fall one after another; When Miss Qiu comes to the river, the water becomes cool... Wherever she comes, she will be bleak. She was very sad and began to cry. Her tears turned into autumn drizzle, which irrigated the earth.

The autumn rain fell on the fields, and all kinds of crops changed their appearance. The sorghum blushed and smiled, the sunflower stared at the autumn sun and rolled its round head, the corn was happy with clusters of red tassels, the apple was clamoring to wear a red coat when it was cold, and the grape was clamoring to wear a purple robe when it was cold... In an instant, the field became fruitful and colorful. Miss Qiu smiled happily again, and covered the sky with rosy clouds.

The animals began to prepare for winter. The wild geese flew south in a "man" shape. The little ants happily stored food. The little prairie fowl hibernated after thinking about eating enough. The little squirrel was busy carrying pinecones... Everyone was "busy and happy".

What about people? Busy harvesting fruits, enjoying the joy of harvest.

Autumn is a cool season, a colorful season, and a harvest season. I like autumn.

Changes in Autumn Composition (6)

Autumn is not as colorful and fragrant as spring; There are not so many little creatures singing like summer; It's not as beautiful as winter. However, it is the most beautiful in my heart

Autumn is a season of alternating cold and heat. Every autumn rain is cold. A few days ago, after an autumn rain, there is no longer a hot and unbearable temperature. The rampant autumn tigers suddenly disappeared. People can go out into nature and enjoy the unique scenery of autumn; There is no longer ultraviolet radiation in autumn, and the skin is hot. The autumn sun feels soft and charming; The powerful typhoon and the roaring rainstorm have gone away, and the autumn wind is refreshing and comfortable.

Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring. " Many people think that autumn is desolate and lonely, but I think it is a cool autumn day. poetic charm. The orchards and fields are full of autumn harvest scenes and farmers' laughter. The most beautiful smile hung on the farmer's uncle's face. Ah! How beautiful autumn is! The beauty is intoxicating, like a painting!

Winter is beautiful, and the snowflakes in winter are snow-white; Winter is happy. Winter comes to us with light steps, and autumn waves goodbye to us. Snow in winter is the best decoration of Mother Earth and the happy spirit of Sister Tree.

When winter comes, snowflakes roam in the air. I walk on the land with a "white carpet". Not only does the land wear a "coat", but also the roof is covered with a thick "cotton padded jacket".

What a beautiful winter! I love the colorful spring, the scorching summer sun, the crisp autumn sky, but I love the winter ice and snow!

Changes in Autumn Composition (7)

One autumn evening, I had dinner and walked in the community garden.

Ah! A few days later, the autumn wind made the garden so colorful. You see, the leaves of several small maple trees have turned dark red, the leaves of tall ginkgo trees have begun to turn yellow, and rows of small banyan trees have become much older although their leaves are still green. The chrysanthemums in the garden have already opened. They are golden, light yellow, white and pink. Their petals are bent like a woman's curled hair. Under the touch of autumn wind, the grass on the ground is not as green and dense as in summer. Suddenly, a gust of autumn wind blew on my face, sending out faint fragrance. I suddenly looked up and saw that the osmanthus on the osmanthus tree in the north of the garden was in bloom. The golden osmanthus is hiding in the leaves, just like the fireflies in the night sky!

At this time, several boys and girls in colorful autumn clothes came running in front of them. They were bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, chasing and playing in the cool autumn wind. Looking at their unrestrained and naive appearance, I couldn't help thinking of the scene of chasing, playing and picking up leaves in the autumn wind with my companions when I was not in school. How happy and unforgettable it was!

Autumn has changed a lot. It not only changes the color of natural scenery, but also changes our life. I love autumn, I love the changes brought by autumn!

Changes in Autumn Composition (8)

Autumn has come quietly. Autumn rain is the key to open the door of autumn. When the door is opened, the fruits are ripe, the leaves turn yellow, and fall from the side of the mother tree. Groups of geese are rushing to fly south. They are now in the shape of "man" and "one". The fruits are also full of postures. You see, the yellow bananas are like boats, shaking and shaking, bringing the cool autumn. The chrysanthemums in the park compete for beauty. They wear many colors of "clothes", such as purplish red, light yellow, and snow-white... They are colorful and beautiful.

As soon as autumn comes, it is the season of grain harvest. You see, the paddy field is golden, like a golden ocean. The paddy is like an adventurer, exploring in the "ocean" heartily. The autumn rain is like a small trumpet, telling everyone that winter is coming.

The animals were all busy preparing for the winter. The little squirrel found many pinecones to be food for the winter. But the little frog was digging a hole to sleep comfortably. Autumn, like the electric fan, fans fan fan ah, for the animals to fan the winter chill.

Ah, autumn, you are so colorful and charming, you have created a golden season for us.

I love this golden autumn season.

Changes in Autumn Composition (9)

"The breeze of time blows slowly past my ears." I vaguely remember the melody of this song. That autumn was full of too many memories. At that time, someone gently sang this song, which was too pale to see a black hair, and the shocking voice lit up my world.

A warm hand stroked my hair, the warm voice sounded in my ears, and the rustling leaves blown by the bleak wind became the soundtrack of this song.

He loves singing very much, as if singing connected with his life. He sings all the time, as if his voice would never be hoarse. He really loves music, and I am also happy to be a listener.

He also likes to laugh. Even if there are a few wrinkles around his eyes, his smile can also give people an illusion, just like an angel, very beautiful, very beautiful.

I like him, like his singing, like his laughing. However, when I saw a heavy "box" carrying him, I could hardly control my feelings, grief, and unbelievable negative emotions. In this autumn, he disappeared in my life, forever, forever passed away.

He is my grandfather. He stayed in my heart with his singing voice.

This autumn, great changes. This autumn, there is no song I am familiar with. This autumn, there is no longer the smile that moved me. This autumn, there is no one I like anymore.

Not this autumn, not the next autumn, not the next autumn, never again. He can only live in my world, but not in this world.

The changes in this autumn are really great.

Changes in Autumn Composition (10)

Autumn is a happy season, a harvest season. Walking in autumn, I found that some things around me have wonderful changes.

The attire of trees

I don't know when the ginkgo tree in the community took off the green T-shirt and changed into a yellow sweater. Ye Grandma, worried about catching cold, had already changed her green spring clothes into yellow autumn clothes. And the little leaves who love beauty like their grass green skirt best, so they have not been willing to take it off. The osmanthus tree is jubilant, because it has blossomed, and the yellow flowers are fragrant, with a faint smell of fruit, which makes people in the past can't help stopping to smell it. The refreshing feeling is really intoxicating. Pomegranate trees and orange trees are even more festive. After a hard summer, they finally bear heavy fruits, and laugh happily. Autumn is a grand festival for trees!

Sky Holiday

When I was free, I occasionally looked up at the sky and was surprised to find that the sky in autumn was as blue as a gem and as pure as crystal. Occasionally, several white clouds floated in the sky, but after a while, they drifted in the other side of the sky. At this time, the sky is really as clean as ever. It is as blue as ever, so pure, so clean, so fascinating! If the sky in spring is soft and the sky in summer is fanatical, then the sky in autumn is quiet. That's because autumn is a leisure holiday in the sky!

Animal granary

When autumn comes, why does the little tortoise, who has always been active at home, become "delicious and lazy"? In the past, crawling in the big water tank every day was a regular exercise for the little tortoise. But in recent days, his appetite has obviously increased, he doesn't exercise much, and he likes sleeping very much. For this reason, I was very worried, thinking that the little tortoise was ill. Grandma smiled and said to me, "Silly boy, the little tortoise is going to hibernate soon, and it needs to eat well to make up for itself." It turns out that autumn is also a granary for animals!

Autumn is on the branches, in the sky, in the dribs and drabs of life, and in our children's eyes. As long as we observe carefully with a pair of eyes, we will find many interesting changes around us!

Changes in Autumn Composition (11)

Autumn comes to us unconsciously.

The weather is getting cold, and the grass is dry and brown, but sometimes you can see several clusters of wild chrysanthemums in the grass. Wild chrysanthemums are yellow, purple and white. Some of the leaves on the trees turn yellow, some turn red, and some fall down from the trees, like butterflies dancing in the air. The persimmons on the mountain are ripe, like small orange lanterns.

There were cicadas shouting "hot -" in the trees on the mountain in summer, but now the weather is getting cooler, and even dead cicadas can't be seen. The grasshopper and praying mantis still exist in early autumn. They jump everywhere when you go up the mountain without paying attention to them, which frightens you. You thought they were snakes, but now they are all gone. Butterflies don't know whether there are any more, because now the leaves begin to drift from the trees, sometimes more beautiful than butterflies.

Oh, what a big change in autumn!

Changes in Autumn Composition (12)

Autumn has come, autumn has come, the world has changed.

The grass in the lawn is yellow, like a golden carpet.

Many flowers in the parterre withered, but chrysanthemums were in full bloom, yellow, red, purple...... Colorful chrysanthemums all exuded a faint fragrance.

The most striking thing is the two maple trees in our campus. Those fiery red leaves are really like cute little hands. When the wind blows, they will wave to us! It seems to say, "Come on! Come on!"

The fruits in the orchard are ripe. There are red apples, yellow pears, and golden oranges hanging all over the branches like little lanterns. The breeze is blowing, like nodding and smiling to the guests.

The wild geese in the sky saw the falling leaves. They formed a "one" word and a "person" word, and were flying south!

There is no end to the changes of autumn. I love autumn!

Changes in Autumn Composition (13)

The autumn sky is like a sapphire that has just been washed by the autumn rain. It is blue and beautiful. Clouds, a girl with thousands of changes in the sky, are floating in the blue sky, adding some vitality to the beautiful sky.

When autumn came to the garden, the colorful chrysanthemums bloomed. The blooming flowers are like people's happy and smiling faces.

Autumn came to the fields. From a distance, the crops looked like billowing waves. From a close look, the rice bent over with a smile, the sorghum turned red, and the corn was happy. Where the autumn wind passed, the grain was fragrant, and the farmer's uncle's face was full of harvest smiling faces.

Autumn comes to the orchard, ah! All fruits are ripe, including small lanterns like persimmons, agate like hawthorns, gourd like pears... red, purple, yellow, orange... How lovely! Large and small, colorful, countless. The faces of the fruit growers were all blossoming with laughter.

I'm crazy about you, Qiu! I praise you, Qiu! You are a season of harvest and beauty.

Changes in Autumn Composition (14)

In autumn, the fragrance of Dan hangs and leaves fall, like a thick gold carpet on the earth. Autumn, like a painter, comes quietly with light steps, turning the green of summer into beautiful gold.

In the park, many golden leaves fell from the trees, like golden snowflakes. A burst of autumn wind blew, and the fallen leaves floated up from the ground, as if a golden butterfly were dancing and spinning. In the sky, wild geese are singing the "harvest song" and flying south. How beautiful the scenery is!

When Sister Chrysanthemum knew that autumn was coming, she smiled and looked more beautiful against the green leaves. In autumn, in order to repay her sister's smiling face, she used her brush to paint chrysanthemums with various colors: red chrysanthemums, yellow chrysanthemums, red and white chrysanthemums... They stood on the "golden carpet" and danced beautifully, some like jellyfish with wonderful dance movements, some like water spray, which really dazzled people.

Autumn is also a crosstalk performer. She makes Daogu laugh and bend over, and makes Sorghum blush. In the orchard, she painted the apples red and the pears golden, which is really attractive.

On campus, although the children took off their shirts and put on thick autumn uniforms, like animals preparing for winter, they ran around the playground happily playing games.

I like autumn, her brushes and her funny jokes.

Changes in Autumn Composition (15)

The philosopher said, "No two leaves are the same." Yes, everything is changing, and the flowers and trees in autumn are different from before.

Autumn is like a gust of wind. With a little blowing, flowers, trees and everything have changed. This year's autumn came earlier, it arrived in the middle of August, but it left later, and it ended at the end of November. In August, the grass is growing vigorously. It can cover my feet when I step on it. However, I am reluctant to step on such a lush grass. Autumn seems to be against you. In September and October, the leaves are also very lush. It is difficult to find a yellow leaf, let alone the leaves falling. The only thing that can prove that it is autumn is sweet scented osmanthus. In any community, you can smell the fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus. Usually those inconspicuous trees can not expect to have such fragrant flowers now.

In November, I felt that autumn had just arrived, the temperature began to drop, the golden leaves on the trees began to fall, and many flowers also withered. But it's already late autumn.

At the beginning of December, the temperature reached below zero, and autumn ended perfectly. Although the autumn of this year is a long time, it is only a short month to really feel autumn. But fortunately, the changes in autumn are so great.

Everything is changing, so are people. I have entered junior high school, and must have changed from before. I hope I can develop in a better way, so that I can be more perfect!

Changes in Autumn Composition (16)

Summer passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, Miss Qiu came to the world with a brisk step. She sent out a colorful 'letter' - leaves, telling people that autumn has arrived. The color of ginkgo leaves is light green. It is different from the mountain ash leaves. It is composed of leaves and petioles. There is a big wave on the top of its leaves, which looks like a fan on the whole. The frame of ginkgo leaf looks like a gilt edged skirt, which is very beautiful. Gradually, it turned to late autumn. When the cold wind came, the golden color on the ginkgo leaves began to spread from inside to outside. When the ginkgo leaves are all yellow, it will make a final farewell to the big tree mother. With the help of Uncle Feng, he slowly jumped into the embrace of the earth.

Eh? There seems to be a fire? I came closer and saw that it was maple leaf. Its leaves are pink and pink, and its shape is like a palm. It is very cute. I touched the leaves. They were smooth, soft and tender, as if they were paper towels. They were very comfortable.

The iron tree is different. Its leaves are composed of large pieces of leaves, but small pieces of leaves in a large piece. This small leaf is very thin, its head is very sharp, green, like a long needle, very sharp. It feels slippery. From a distance, the whole iron tree looks like a huge flower, very beautiful.

Autumn leaves, although you are not as lovely as delicate flowers, you can add color to the brilliant autumn. In my mind, you have your own inner beauty and mature beauty. I love you - autumn leaves.

Changes in Autumn Composition (17)

In autumn, there are great changes in plants, animals and weather, waiting for us to observe carefully. Let me tell you something!

In autumn, the leaves of poplar, birch, elm, willow and many other trees have changed into yellow coats, and they are ready to fall under the big trees to sleep with the autumn wind. And the pine trees are still standing guard there, with needle like leaves still green. Some animals are ready to hibernate. For example, the little frog is digging a hole to sleep in winter. The grizzly bear is looking for a big tree hole. When the weather is cold, it will hide in it and sleep. The autumn wind blows and blows, blowing away the hot summer, dropping the leaves all over the mountains and fields, and opening the harvest smile of the farmer uncle. The wind from Uncle Autumn is cool and getting colder. In autumn, I also collected many red maple leaves. Some let me make bookmarks, and some let me make specimens. Have you found these changes in autumn?

In autumn, there are many changes waiting for you, me and her to discover. Autumn is also a harvest season, a busy season. I love this colorful season!

Changes in Autumn Composition (18)

"Dead vines, old trees, dim crows, small bridges, flowing water and ancient roads", the familiar "Thinking in Autumn in the Clear Sky Sand", rings in my ears, taking me into the illusion of autumn.

The setting sun is like blood. The red sun in the west lies low on the horizon, giving the earth a red afterglow. A lonely Ye Qiu traveller rode slowly along the rugged ancient road on a thin horse. Occasionally, some old crows would fly up from the tree beside him and croak in the air, which was very annoying. Not far away, a small bridge crosses the stream, and another family emits wisps of smoke. But the traveler still frowned, as if thinking: "Where is my place?" What a sad picture! "A thousand miles away, I am worried about long autumn visitors." "Not one day I can see Fan Li. There are scattered smoke trees and five lakes in the east."

Oh, what a sad autumn!

"Put down the sickle which is full of rice fragrance, and use the basket to hold the full fruits and fruits between the bamboo fences" Suddenly, a cheerful autumn picture unfolded in my mind: farmers were busy in the endless golden paddy fields, harvesting one warehouse after another. The sweet and delicious fruits in the orchard are ripe. What a cheerful picture! "I said that autumn is better than spring," "The mountains are empty after rain, and autumn nights stand."

What a beautiful and happy autumn!

In our place, Ryan, autumn seems to slip away quietly, without the unique beauty and flavor of autumn. There seems to be nothing special here in this season, just a period of time between summer and winter. Even if you mention and emphasize "autumn" to the residents here many times, they will only think: "You have to wear sweaters again." "You can eat pineapples!" and other topics. So, in a word, autumn is boring here.

In my heart, autumn is full of fun. Picking fruits and catching fallen leaves, these four wonderful and different feelings are mixed together to form a colorful autumn.

Changes in Autumn Composition (19)

Miss Qiu, quietly, quietly, while you are not paying attention, put a golden carpet on the earth, and yellow clothes on the orchards, fields, and gardens!

The fruit in the orchard is ripe. The golden pears are like golden gourds. Pomegranate also grinned, revealing pink teeth. The red persimmons are like little lanterns. The red apple looks like a little red face.

The fields are golden. When the rice is ripe, it seems that someone has paved a thick layer of gold in the fields. There is also a piece of corn field beside the rice fields, ah! The corn grows very well. One by one, the corn takes off its green coat and puts on its golden cotton padded jacket. The soybeans here are also mature. Pieces of pods are split. The soybeans jump out of the inside happily to see the outside world.

In the garden, a fragrant fragrance came to me. It was the fragrance of osmanthus. The sweet scented osmanthus trees are densely covered with golden and white osmanthus flowers. The beautiful sweet scented osmanthus trees are like little fairies. The yellow ginkgo trees and yellow leaves are like small fans. The fans fan away the summer heat, and butterflies dance in the flowers

Miss Qiu, thank you for bringing us cool and happy. Miss Qiu, we love you!

Changes in Autumn Composition (20)

"Autumn is coming, autumn is coming." The autumn wind shouts loudly. The blue sky suddenly became much higher, the weather suddenly became cool and the temperature dropped.

Because autumn is coming, the birds fly away. Each tree cried its leaves yellow. At this time, the wind doll who was skinning came. He accidentally knocked over the red ink and poured it on Grandpa Maple. It was all red ink. The wind doll ran to the brook at once, and all the maple trees were dyed red with ink. The flowers withered and the fruits matured. The animals immediately collected food. The bear filled his stomach and was ready to hibernate. The rabbit and the squirrel also looked for food everywhere. When Qiu girl turned around, the rice was yellow, the sorghum smiled red, the fiery apples, the red persimmons, the yellow pears, and the purple grapes hung all over the garden.

Miss Qiu put on makeup for Dashan. This is eye shadow, here is lipstick, there is foundation, only blush, this is. Sister Yunduo sprinkles holy water all over the world. Children play and play in the water, while adults listen to the rain. Good rain knows the season. Trees are absorbing the nutrition of holy water. Primary school students read the happiness of autumn, which also adds a bit of autumn color to autumn.

The autumn sky is particularly beautiful, like a feather, like a piece of light yarn, like a loom telling the story of a cowherd and a weaver. Like a piece of rock candy. The autumn sky can be said to be a supermarket in the sky, with everything.

Autumn is beautiful. Autumn is full of feelings. Autumn is harvest. Autumn is beautiful. Let's sing for autumn.