Unforgettable mistake (select 3 articles)
Life is made by oneself
2024-03-28 05:17:16
primary school

Unforgettable mistake (1)

"Ding Ling Ling"... The bell rang, and the teacher began to hand out the paper. I got the paper and looked through it, and then began to answer the questions.

After a while, I saw the fill in question of "________________, ten thousand miles to run wild", and I was dumbfounded. In a moment, my mind was blank, because "Xiao Teng has such a strong character", I can't write! I took a sneak glance at the students around me. They were all writing with their heads buried. At this time, an idea came into my mind to copy! It's just a word. Thinking about it, I opened the book in the drawer, quickly turned to the lesson, quickly checked the characters, and then closed the book. At the same time, I saw if anyone found me, and saw that the students were still seriously answering questions.

As time went by, I finished answering the whole paper.

A few days later, the teacher handed out the test paper. I couldn't be happy when I looked at the bright red 100 points. I felt that it was so dazzling, as if I were laughing at a person who was cheating and dishonest. I really regretted cheating in the exam. I felt ashamed of myself and had no face to meet people. I should admit my mistake to the teacher! But the teacher won't blame me! I hesitate. If I confess, the teacher will be disappointed! The students will look down on me, so forget it! No one found out anyway! No, I can't. I can't make my mistakes any more. I thought of a sentence that I should never be ashamed to admit my mistakes. I should admit my mistakes. I went to the teacher's office, opened the door and went to the teacher to admit my mistakes. Instead of scolding me, the teacher said that I was an honest boy.

Through this, I learned that we should not cheat in the future, but be an honest Young Pioneer.

Unforgettable mistake (2)

In my childhood memory, I have tasted all kinds of ups and downs, and this time I want to say one of them - bitterness. That mistake has been unforgettable to me all my life. Now I understand that I really made a big mistake! I always remember clearly that

When I was five years old. On that day, I hummed: "With a trumpet in my ear, I hide in the quilt to read cartoons, although I am still in the ivory tower..." This song, "I am sweet and sour", ran home happily. Because the sun is very excited, the sky is scorching, and my good mood slowly becomes thirsty. So I ran home with all my strength and rushed into the gate post. I saw a bottle of mineral water on the table, which was not just someone's. I didn't care about it. I began to drink it, 'Gudong, Gudong'. Here, my mother came over at a lightning fast pace and urged me: "Go to take a nap."

I whispered, "Call me to take a nap again, I don't want to sleep!"

My mother's ears are comparable to those of cats. My "whispering" was heard by my mother. My mother used her unique skill, "Lion Roar", and shouted at me, "What are you talking about?" (That voice can be said to be 10 times my voice, no, 100 times is right! My life is so hard!)

I 'apologized' and said, "It's nothing. How dare you talk more, little girl!" My 'young and ignorant' scholar of ancient TV said this.

Mother shouted, "Don't go to bed!"

I said in fear: "Zhe!" Then I turned around and didn't forget to make a face.

I moved my last step into the bedroom and hummed the song "Idol Sect" in a low voice in the bedroom: "The annoying people go away, I just ignore..." At this time, the trembling voice of the old lady selling ice lollies came downstairs: "Sell ice lollies!" The voice tempted me like a devil. I felt powerless all over, The devil's hand seemed to lead me to buy ice lollies. I could not help but silently read: Liu Yao! Liu Yao! Let the god of perseverance come! Hold on! Let's set out for victory! But the voice was like a magic person, breaking my heavy encirclement again and again. Finally, I couldn't help it, because the ice lolly had been flying in my head all the time, and I was lying on the bed tossing and turning.

Steal? that 's ok! While my mother is still taking a nap! I thought, but in the blink of an eye, I thought: No! How can you steal! But how can you eat delicious popsicles without stealing them? When I hesitated, the milk flavor, pineapple flavor, apple flavor... all came to me. So, I chose to steal. I crept into the living room, opened the cabinet, and paid 1 yuan from it. My series of actions were as light as a kitten, and as professional as a thief. But God didn't care about me, so my mother got up! She asked me puzzled: "What are you doing?" I giggled: "No, no, nothing!" She said: "Put your hand out!" I immediately felt ashamed. If there is a hole in the ground, no one can compete with me! But it's hard for 'mother's fate'! I handed over my hand nervously, and my heart suddenly jumped like a fawn, so I had to run away in panic. My mother caught me quickly and said: "There is no way to run after doing something wrong!" I was severely beaten by my mother. Up to now, my wound is still dull and painful.

Sobbing, I will never steal money again!

Unforgettable mistake (3)

When I was five years old. On that day, I hummed: "With a trumpet in my ear, I hide in the quilt to read cartoons, although I am still in the ivory tower..." This song, "I am sweet and sour", ran home happily. Because the sun is very excited, the sky is scorching, and my good mood slowly becomes thirsty. So I ran home with all my strength and rushed into the gate post. I saw a bottle of mineral water on the table, which was not just someone's. I didn't care about it. I began to drink it, 'Gudong, Gudong'. Here, my mother came over at a lightning fast pace and urged me: "Go to take a nap."

I whispered, "Call me to take a nap again, I don't want to sleep!"

My mother's ears are comparable to those of cats. My "whispering" was heard by my mother. My mother used her unique skill, "Lion Roar", and shouted at me, "What are you talking about?" (That voice can be said to be 10 times my voice, no, 100 times is right! My life is so hard!)

I 'apologized' and said, "It's nothing. How dare a little man talk more!" My 'young and ignorant' scholar of ancient TV said this.

Mother shouted, "Don't go to bed!"

I said in fear: "Zhe!" Then I turned around and didn't forget to make a face.

I moved my last step into the bedroom and hummed the song "Idol Sect" in a low voice in the bedroom: "The annoying people go away, I just ignore..." At this time, the trembling voice of the old lady selling ice lollies came downstairs: "Sell ice lollies!" The voice tempted me like a devil. I felt powerless all over, The devil's hand seemed to lead me to buy ice lollies. I could not help but silently read: Liu Yao! Liu Yao! Let the god of perseverance come! Hold on! Let's set out for victory! But the voice was like a magic person, breaking my heavy encirclement again and again. Finally, I couldn't help it, because the ice lolly had been flying in my head all the time, and I was lying on the bed tossing and turning.

Steal? that 's ok! While my mother is still taking a nap! I thought, but in the blink of an eye, I thought: No! How can you steal! But how can you eat delicious popsicles without stealing them? When I hesitated, the milk flavor, pineapple flavor, apple flavor... all came to me. So, I chose to steal. I crept into the living room, opened the cabinet, and paid 1 yuan from it. My series of actions were as light as a kitten, and as professional as a thief. But God didn't care about me, so my mother got up! She asked me puzzled: "What are you doing?" I giggled: "No, no, nothing!" She said: "Put your hand out!" I immediately felt ashamed. If there is a hole in the ground, no one can compete with me! But it's hard for 'mother's fate'! I handed over my hand nervously, and my heart suddenly jumped like a fawn, so I had to run away in panic. My mother caught me quickly and said: "There is no way to run after doing something wrong!" I was severely beaten by my mother. Up to now, my wound is still dull and painful.

Sobbing, I will never steal money again!