Described gingko leaves (7 practical articles)
Be brave to face
2024-05-11 01:39:30

Describing ginkgo leaves (1)

There are many kinds of leaves in autumn. Some people like holly leaves, others like rose leaves, and my favorite leaf is ginkgo leaves.

The shape of ginkgo leaf is different from other leaves, like an open folding fan. Ginkgo biloba leaves are light green at the beginning. Compared with its surroundings, it is the most eye-catching focus! When the leaf grows to its peak, it is very beautiful. When I look at it, I feel relaxed and happy. The feeling of stewing disappears in an instant. Until the leaves wither and turn yellow, its style is still no less beautiful: once the wind blows, the leaves are flying like butterflies, so beautiful!

Ginkgo biloba leaves can not only be viewed, but also be made into a "panacea"! It has a good therapeutic effect on physical diseases. After treatment, the leaves can also be used to make tea! This is ginkgo tea, but the leaves without special chemical extraction contain toxic ingredients, which can cause paroxysmal convulsions, allergies and other hazards. Be careful!

I love gingko!

Describing ginkgo leaves (2)

Leaves floated down from the trees. I stared at them for a long time before I realized that autumn is coming, which is a signal from nature.

Walking on the avenue of Ginkgo Park, I found that many ginkgo leaves had been dyed with autumn color, and yellow leaves could be seen everywhere. When I walked through the ginkgo forest, leaves fell on me like golden butterflies dancing.

Standing in the park, I looked up and saw that the leaves on the trees were all golden. A breeze blew, and these yellow leaves fell on the ground like a golden carpet. Tourists came to the golden world to take photos, sing, dance, and watch the beautiful leaves.

I love autumn, but also the ginkgo leaves in autumn.

Describing ginkgo leaves (3)

When the wind blows, the ginkgo leaves dance with the wind, like butterflies flying around the ginkgo tree for a long time, and people who are in love cannot bear to leave. I know, which is the lost love, fleeting years, will not stay.

Bow down, give up two leaves, and rotate your fingers constantly. The two leaves then turn into two butterflies, which is the swan song of Brother Liang and Yingtai, flying in the world.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I held back my head and didn't let my tears fall. Because you said you were my tears, and I was afraid of losing you, so I smiled heartlessly all day long, afraid that you would lose sight if I was careless.

But the years are merciless, I still lost you in the autumn wind, just like this ginkgo leaf, which has brightened the whole summer and cooled the whole summer. Now, it is not only a bleak wind, but also a lonely soul, returning to the earth. This winter, is destined to be sad, painful bone marrow; This winter, I can't warm the whole city, but I'm just a wanderer in this city. I can't find my home in search.

Do you remember that in the rainy April, I walked alone in a foreign country, because you told me that I was no longer lonely; Can you remember that the years when you were with us were so quiet and good, day and night, although we didn't embrace each other, our hearts were warm.

At that time, the mountain was green, the water was green, the willow branches were spreading, the fishing boats were dotted, and the heart was in full bloom like a peach blossom.

At that time, I began to miss this city, where there were people I missed.

I began to have some little woman feelings, some dependence, some can't let go, thinking about this, every day and night, together for life, but the reality is that I am here, you are there.

Time goes by like water. You have forgotten me in this city for four years. Spring has passed and winter has come. I never thought of holding me in my arms. I am also a little sad, thinking of your kindness to me and waiting quietly.

Winter is still coming, and the wind is whistling through the skin. It is thin and cool, and I can't warm my heart until now.

Could it be that the wandering leaves also know that they are gathering and dispersing and going with the wind.

If so, you have lost me and will not look for me again; I also lost you, unable to find.

So, let us both want to forget, look at the sky and let go of love.

Since then, I have been lost in autumn, and this winter is no longer warm!

A ground of ginkgo leaves is my broken love in this life!

Describing ginkgo leaves (4)

I remember when I was very young, the places where Ginkgo trees could be seen in Jinzhou seemed to be the municipal party committee and the railway branch. At that time, it felt like I was enjoying exotic scenery. About when I was in the third or fourth grade of primary school, there were many old people planting trees on the liberation road that I had to walk every day after school. They planted the ginkgo tree that I liked. The old people told me that it would take decades for the tree to bear fruit. Now, more than thirty years have passed, and every tree has been bearing many fruits.

I like gingko trees. In my eyes, each ginkgo tree is like a scholar with a beautiful waist. Pieces of leaves are like folding fans in the hands of literati. With the gentle shaking of the folding fan, the whole canopy is also gently shaking, such as the literati chanting poems and eulogies. When the autumn wind comes, folding fans are painted with golden edges. A branch of the fan bone has also been highlighted. At this time, the fan face will occasionally have some golden spots. Nature's skillful craftsman dressed up as small folding fans. Unfolding the fan is like the literati splashing ink on their own fan, which is more changeable under the whirling light and shadow. Each folding fan has a different charm and is unique. At this time, the whole canopy will sing along with the wind, just like the singing of literati at a gathering.

In midsummer, the trees are covered with green fruits. They are shy and hide behind the leaves. When you look up, you can only see a green curtain of leaves. In late autumn, the fruit has fully matured. Each fruit has turned orange, and can no longer hide behind the green leaves, so they stick out their heads one by one to look out. That kind of feeling is really like dew and shame, like dew and shame. The passers-by could not help looking up. It doesn't matter at first sight. Each fruit can't help falling down. When the night is still, you will hear the gentle patter when you land.

The leaves begin to turn yellow when the fruits fall. I like the yellow of ginkgo leaves, warm yellow. Unlike other leaves withered and withered. The yellow color of ginkgo leaves in late autumn makes people feel comfortable. The cool autumn wind blows through the leaves like yellow butterflies flying and falling, which also shows a myriad of postures.

At this time, I always like to stand under a tree with a book, open the book and look at it slowly. At this time, reading is not the goal, but waiting for a destined leaf to float into my book. This leaf is the bookmark of my book. Regardless of size, beauty or not, this leaf is my treasure in the book. Collect only one piece every year, never be greedy.

Describing ginkgo leaves (5)

This article, "Composition Fragments Describing Ginkgo Leaves", is arranged by the composition collection of primary school students for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

1. When entering the Ginkgo Forest, ginkgo leaves of all sizes waved their countless "little hands", as if they were greeting us! Look! Some yellow leaves swayed gently in the autumn wind, like green and yellow leaf screens, which looked very beautiful in the sunlight. A gentle breeze blew, and several pieces of ginkgo leaves ran out of the tree mother's arms and fell with the wind. It is like a small boat swaying and fluttering in the water. It's like several butterflies dancing in the wind. It's very beautiful!

2. A closer look shows that the leaves of ginkgo trees are also different in shape, some like fans, some like beautiful butterflies. In this late autumn season, the leaves have changed a lot. The original green ones have also changed. Some are yellow with green, but most of them are yellow. A breeze blew, ginkgo biloba leaves trembled in the branches, "rustling" to ring, like singing songs; The withered and yellow leaves slowly fall from the tree, just like golden butterflies dancing in the air. How beautiful!

3. Ginkgo leaves have a little green, and beautiful golden yellow. The edges are also inlaid with a beautiful lace of light brown, which looks like golden clouds from afar.

4. Some leaves have fallen down, and when they fan their small fans, they seem to say to us: Autumn is coming, the weather is getting cooler, so it's time to put away the small fans; There are also leaves flying in the air, like beautiful butterflies, rocking back and forth in the cradle of the breeze.

5. Sometimes, ginkgo leaves are also very naughty. A gust of wind blew, and the gingko leaves on the ground flew happily into the air, attracting the children to follow behind. They clapped their hands and shouted excitedly: "A group of yellow butterflies are flying! A group of yellow butterflies are flying! Oh oh!"

6. From a distance, it seems that there are many fairies covered with a layer of golden gauze standing on both sides of the long Ginkgo Street, while the thick leaves on the ground are like a warm yellow carpet, and pieces of ginkgo leaves falling in the air are like a group of flying butterflies... How can I not be intoxicated by this charming scenery?

7. This ginkgo leaf has yellow stems and leaves like a triangle with numerous veins in the middle. This leaf grows stronger and stronger from the stem to the edge. Most of the leaves are yellow, which can show the beauty of autumn. I chose this leaf because of its special shape.

8. Ginkgo leaf, with golden dress, soft curves, sweet smell, soft body, and beautiful dance. It is a pure and innocent girl.

9. When the ginkgo tree was first planted, there were only a few sparse branches without a single leaf. The color of the tree trunk and branches is the same, they are light brown like potato skin, and there are also small thorns on them. The first time I saw these trees, I thought they were ugly.

10. Ginkgo leaves are like fans. When summer comes, I will take some ginkgo leaves home. I tied them together and they became a big fan. When it was very hot, I took out a "big fan" and fanned it again and again until it was cool.

11. The leaves of ginkgo trees are very smooth, so smooth that they almost don't look like autumn leaves. Pick up some and look carefully, like small orange fans, small umbrellas stretched out, small parachutes falling, and their leaf veins are so thin and neat, like rows of parade columns.

12. Around the leaves, there is a thin edge of light green, which is not completely faded green, and the two colors are like the skirt edge of the leaf girl. When the autumn wind blows, the leaves dance like a dancing golden butterfly. Gently stroking the page, there is a kind of astringent feeling, but it is very soft and cool. It has a strip of leaf veins on it, which makes the ginkgo leaves very delicate.

13. Its shape is like a semicircular fan. The upper part of the central part of the leaf forks to form a slit. The leaves have beautiful lines and curves, giving people a delicate and beautiful feeling. It is like the autumn wind with a brush.

14. It is not as elegant as peony, nor as noble and elegant as rose. Ginkgo is just an ordinary leaf, but it has a very attractive beauty.

15. I couldn't help picking up a piece of ginkgo leaf from the ground and looking carefully. The leaves are golden, and there is a wave on the top of the leaves, which looks like a cattail fan on the whole. The surface of ginkgo biloba leaves is smooth, soft and tender, extremely comfortable! Then look at those crushed ginkgo leaves on the ground. They, like other leaves, silently dedicate themselves to others until the last moment of life. They will eventually turn into fertilizer to feed the new life of the next year. Isn't this the dedication we need to learn?

16. When I observed the ginkgo leaves, I found that some were still green, but some were already yellow. When I looked again the next day, I found that the small ginkgo leaf had become a small fan with colorful colors.

17. When I was about to take this ginkgo leaf home, I found that there was a ginkgo tree beside me, but the leaf was green. When I went home, I found that the ginkgo leaves were originally green, but gradually turned yellow with the change of season. When it comes to autumn, it will turn into deep yellow and finally fall.

Describing ginkgo leaves (6)

Many ginkgo trees have been planted in our community. These days, gingko leaves fall from the tree one by one, as if butterflies were dancing in the air.

A few ginkgo leaves fell into my basket. I picked them up and just wanted to throw them away. I accidentally found that the ginkgo leaves in autumn were so beautiful! The edge of the fan-shaped leaves is surrounded by a yellow edge, like a beautiful skirt. This should be Miss Qiu's skirt, right? Miss Qiu sews her skirt so beautifully. It's really cute!

I will collect more pieces to collect the beauty of autumn. I picked up a few pieces and found that each leaf was different. Some of them had a few gold dots in the gold border, and some of them had a few large and round yellow dots in the middle. Each leaf has its own creativity and is unique!

Another day, I went to grandma's house to play with my sister. I saw Grandma drinking ginkgo leaves as tea. Can ginkgo leaf cure disease? I checked the data and found that ginkgo biloba can relieve asthma, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and relieve pain; It is also effective for cough and asthma due to lung deficiency, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and hyperlipidemia; It can also improve memory. I didn't expect that the ginkgo leaves in autumn are not only beautiful, but also effective traditional Chinese medicines. I love ginkgo leaves in autumn more!

As a human being, should we, like the ginkgo leaves in autumn, try to have something useful to the world while pursuing beauty? Don't everyone want to realize their own value in life? How? How is it realized? You have to think about it!

Describing ginkgo leaves (7)

Autumn is a harvest season, but sometimes it also represents infinite beauty

This is a romantic story of a ginkgo leaf among millions of ginkgo leaves. It has gone through the vicissitudes of time, and its whole body is covered with the color of autumn; It is like a small unfolded paper fan to retain the memories of the past. Where it is, it is often the place where some people dream, because there are too many memories left for people

Finally one day, it could not stand the baptism of time, floated down from the tree, and became a beautiful butterfly. Butterflies fly and fly into the endless rice fields. They are full of rice. It looks like a golden sea. Some rice is blown by the wind, just like the waves in the golden sea.

The butterfly flew and flew into the colorful orchard. The apples there blushed when they saw it. The pears there showed off their skin when they saw it. The persimmons there burned when they saw it.

Butterflies fly and fly to the endless fields. Eh, did you see children playing those days? A gust of wind blows, it's really cold! It is homesick, and quickly return to its own home, the eternal ginkgo tree.