Primary school composition: 600 words composition (17 collections)
A young life
2023-08-31 01:02:39

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (1)

The National Day is coming. In the morning of October 1st, I attended the barbecue held by Zhang Yuelin and her family in his father's company.

When we arrived at the destination, we first poured the charcoal into the barbecue oven, and then lit it with a match. Then each of us took a newspaper to the barbecue oven and fanned it desperately to make the fire bigger. After a while, put the barbecue net on the barbecue stove when the charcoal is burning. After that, you can cook something to eat.

Zhang Yuelin and I rushed to take a chicken wing individually. First, we inserted the chicken wing on the barbecue fork, and then lifted it on the barbecue stove. We kept rotating to keep the chicken wing from burning. We will paint a little barbecue juice or honey on the surface of the chicken wings every few moments, so that the roasted chicken wings will be better to eat. After a long time, the chicken wings we have waited for are finally ripe. We hold a bamboo stick to insert the chicken wings on the bamboo stick, and then paint some barbecue juice and honey to eat with relish. One chicken wing can't fill my stomach, but it has been burning chicken wings for too long, so I chose a sausage that would be cooked quickly. After smearing honey on the sausage and baking it, I saw bread beside it. I took two pieces of bread and sandwiched the cooked sausage between the two pieces of bread. It was really like the sandwich we bought in the bakery, but it was a pity that the egg was missing.

I think the most interesting thing is to roast rock sugar grapes, which are actually honey grapes. In fact, it is similar to roast chicken wings. First, use a bamboo stick to thread grapes into a string, and then apply a lot of honey on the grapes. Then put the grapes on the barbecue oven, and after a while, apply honey. Strangely, the honey won't solidify. It turns out that glucose will not solidify until it is coated with rock sugar. Honey is difficult to solidify, let alone in such a high temperature oven. When I eat roasted honey grapes, I feel a bit of the taste of ice sugar gourd bought in the street, but there are many grape seeds in the grapes.


After learning from the experience of the last barbecue, I can finally eat something at this barbecue, because the food I basically baked at the last barbecue was burnt. With this successful experience, I remembered a famous saying "Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it".

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (2)

"The sun always comes after the rain." This is a lyric and also a famous saying, which can tell people not to give up easily, but to support in the end. No matter how hard it is, as long as you stick to it, the sun will always reveal dark clouds, and the sky will be clear and sunny.

The recent health test is about to start again. The teacher always asks us to train running in PE class. Today, I want to run 50X8. I want to run first because I am in front. I slowly step forward, take a step forward with my right foot, and then put my hands on the ground, keep my eyes on the front, and get ready. Now it's like a year, I watched the teacher slowly raise his hand... I saw the teacher suddenly put his hand down and started. I ran up slowly, because I wanted to save my strength, so I had to jog first. Although it was jogging, I and the fastest runner were only one meter away. I ran round and round, tired and thirsty. This was because I wanted to run slowly, I ran slowly. What's the relationship? I looked at the man next to me. He was a head shorter than me, but he still tried to run forward. The sun was very hot that day. The ground was hot like a steamer, and the air was sultry. The whole school was scorching with the sun. Shan still ran hard in the scorching sun. Looking at the hard working man, his heart lit up the courage to run. My pace was faster and faster, and the amplitude of my hand swing was larger and larger. So I ran to the last lap, breathing more and more quickly, and my throat seemed to be baked by fire, The whole person is like Africa, but the end is right in front of me. I hold my hand and prepare for the final sprint. "One, two, three" I rushed to the end, and finally I crossed the end. It took 1 minute and 42 seconds. The sun always shines after the rain.

On this day, the teacher asked us to close our eyes and stand on one leg. I lifted my feet to my knees and closed my eyes. During the process of standing, I kept shaking and shaking, and my legs still shook from time to time. There are many times I want to give up, but my heart has been thinking that the sun is always in the wind and rain, persistence is victory. Don't these two famous sayings want me to stick to them? I opened my eyes and looked at other students. Some of them put their hands flat to keep balance, some leaned against objects, and some just stood. Looking at most of the students still persevering, I thought that since everyone would rather be tired and persevere, why should I give up? Yes, even if I am tired or bitter, I will persist and stay with you. Because the class is a big family, I gradually stabilized, my legs did not tremble so much, and I was so tired that I insisted until the teacher said stop. Although my legs are sore and tired, I persevered. After stopping, we shared our experience just now and enjoyed it.

This is the courage and persistence that a famous saying brings to you.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (3)

On October 20, when the weather was crisp and the sky was clear, the school organized our fourth and fifth graders to visit Kunshan Dangui Garden.

As soon as I got off the bus, the first thing I saw was the words "Dan Gui Garden". Walking into the Dan Gui Garden, the sweet scented osmanthus wafted out, and the scenery was extremely beautiful: rows of willows by the river looked like beautiful girls, as if they were nodding and smiling at me; One after another, the pink petunias played a welcome song like small trumpets, as if they were welcoming us; The tall and straight ginkgo trees are luxuriant and luxuriant, like loyal guards guarding the Dan Gui Garden.

Dan Gui Garden not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a wide range of entertainment items: fishing, barbecue, and dragon boat riding. One of the most attractive things to me is to cross the cable bridge. When we took the dragon boat in high spirits, we set out directly to the Iron Chain Bridge. As soon as I saw the cable bridge, I was frightened by its precipitous momentum. The total length of the cable bridge is about 50 meters. It is supported by only two iron cables, and only some wooden plates are laid underneath. But I thought again: How can a little man be afraid of the chain bridge? Thinking of this, I stood up and bravely stepped on the cable bridge. I held the handrail tightly with both hands and stepped onto it. But as soon as my feet landed on the bridge floor, the cable bridge shook violently, feeling like it was about to fall. Suddenly, I was frightened, my face was pale, my legs were weak, and the whole person was trembling. I think: It's too dangerous here. I'd better go home! I just turned around and thought again, I'd better practice my courage! So I got up my courage and walked to the center of the bridge. Unexpectedly, the bridge shook even more. I closed my eyes tightly, my feet and hands could no longer be controlled, my feet seemed to be connected with the iron chain, and I dared not take a step forward any more. At this moment, the scene of the Red Army grabbing Luding Bridge in a hail of bullets seemed like a movie, and I saw scenes after scenes. I just crossed the bridge to train my courage, but the Red Army soldiers risked their lives to cross the bridge for victory. In contrast, I felt extremely ashamed. Suddenly, a miraculous force surged up from the foot. At this time, I am confident, with tacit cooperation, firmly, step by step forward.

Today's autumn outing not only made me enjoy myself, but also exercised my will. Today's journey makes me linger and forget to return, with endless aftertaste!

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (4)

One day, a humorous story happened in the automobile kingdom.

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the cool dew rolled on the brother of the car, awakening the brothers from their dreams.

They opened their hazy eyes, shook their bodies and slowly went to the breakfast shop to have breakfast. You must go running after eating. Panis carried many children to the park on the bus. He was going to the bus station to report. I met the roller coaster Taragi on the way. Taragi said, "Panis, how are you! "Panis said," Hello.

After a while, the off-road vehicle Rahm came and said proudly, "I'm tired after jumping for so long. Every day so many passengers let me carry them on my back." Taragi said, "Can you jump?" Rahm said angrily, "Of course, I'm so famous, but you don't know." "Then can you stand on the track like me?" Taragi said, "I can't." Rahm said unconvinced, "Can you jump to me like this?" Taragi bowed his head and ran quickly. Rahm said to Panis, "Panis, what will you do?" Panis said, "I, I..." Panis felt that he was too ordinary and could do nothing but run. He quietly left with crystal tears.

Panis arrived at the bus station and stood silently in the corner, shedding tears. Another bus, Brin, came up and said, "What's wrong with you. "Panis whimpered," I'm so useless. It doesn't work at all, Brin

En smiled and said: "Even if you are useless, then there is me. I am the same as you, it is a bus! "Panis felt much better after hearing Brin's consolation.

A caretaker approached Brin and asked him to take the passengers to the railway station. Halfway, Brin was hungry and couldn't run. The administrator rushed to the scene to refuel Brian and the passing subway car Tainier.

Smiling, he said, "Why can't you run?" Brin left here angrily.

Arriving at the railway station, Brin stood on the roadside and watched his passengers get on others' cars, muttering, "Good morning

I know I will come here. " When Thomas came to the section of the arch bridge, the arch bridge suddenly cracked, and he was pressed below. The management rushed to the scene and asked Brin to send the passengers back to the railway station. Brin was very happy!

When Brin returned to the railway station, he told Panis what happened today.

Since then, Panis and Brin have become very good friends. They will help whoever is in trouble. They are playing a wonderful story in the auto kingdom.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (5)

Everyone has a birthday, and birthday is a memorable day for each of us. Then October 1st, the birthday of the motherland, is even more extraordinary. Every Chinese people know that on the Tiananmen Square on October 1 every year, the five-star red flag flutters in the wind. Xingdi sisters of 56 famous ethnic groups gather together to sing and dance. The uncle of the People's Liberation Army marches at a neat pace to pay tribute to the motherland. As the representative of primary school students in the capital, we also wear colorful clothes to sing with the uncle of the People's Liberation Army for the motherland!

In June, all of our fifth grade students received a glorious task - to participate in the National Day parade in Tiananmen Square on October 1, and I was honored to be one of them.

During the summer vacation, we basically gave up the rest and stared at the red sun to come to the training ground, training one morning at a time. Many students fainted during the training, but they still kept on training. Some students were injured, but they forgot their own pain and still stood tenaciously on the training ground. The training is hard, and the training is intense. But every one of us feels extremely honored to stand on Tiananmen Square on October 1. Because we always remember the saying: "The honor of the motherland is above everything!" Time passed quickly, and we ushered in October 1st in the intense training. Each of us is very excited, because each of us bears a heavy responsibility and is always ready to accept the review of the motherland! In the early morning of October 1, I got up very early, put on my clothes, took my things, and arrived at the assembly site early. After arriving, we sat on Wangfujing Street, nervous and excited, and always had an indescribable excitement. We are the 41st square array, whose name is Better Tomorrow. Our float is called "Fanhua Sijin". There are two representatives of new players on the float, who are cheerfully waving flowers in their hands to show their respect for the motherland.

When I walked on Chang'an Street, I felt an indescribable honor and pride. Because today is the 60th birthday of our motherland, we should report to our motherland with practical actions! Look at the solemn Tiananmen Tower, look at the happy crowd in the square, look at the smiles on people's faces. I just want to say one sentence: "Happy birthday, mother of the motherland!" I think this sentence can best express my pride, excitement and excitement.

Our cheers and blessings fly to the blue sky with the flying colored balls. Colorful balloons are filled with our best wishes for our motherland. Here, I also wish the great motherland, just like our name, "Better tomorrow!"

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (6)

Remember the most regretful thing:

In my life, many things have happened, and the most unforgettable thing for me is the one in preschool, and the one I regret the most.

I studied very well in preschool. Once, the teacher asked us to have a small test, and then the teacher said: "Students, take out the book, and then finish the question, the teacher will give you marks, who did well in the exam, the teacher will give you some small prizes." Of course, we were very naive at that time, thinking about what the prize would be, maybe sugar, maybe a small book, maybe a pencil, Maybe it's an eraser, maybe it's a beautiful timetable, maybe it's a ruler with no pattern on it,~~~~We thought about many things that the teacher might send, but at this time, the time passed, I copied the questions but didn't finish them, I only did 13 of the 20 questions, I only did 10 of the 13 questions correctly, and some of the remaining papers were "?", some were "X", I only got more than 70 points, but the prize was a small red flower. I really regret that I didn't treasure the exam and let the old man steal away. At this time, I dare not think about the consequences of my going home. My mother may hit me, and may "Oh, I know". In a flash, I came up with a method that I thought was perfect.

On the way home, I tore the small test off the book. When I got home, my mother checked my homework. At this time, my mother found that my book was very thin and seemed to be missing several pages. She asked, "Yingying, why are you missing several pages in your book?" I lowered my head and dared not speak. My mother knew something must be wrong, I pressed the hands-free button to call my classmate who came home with me. The phone rang "Didi", and my heart was "thumping". Suddenly, the phone was connected, and a childish voice from the classmate was heard. After my mother asked the classmate about the incident, she was very angry, and began to hit me. At that time, I also felt very aggrieved. Didn't it just tear the question on the book? My mother seemed to see through my mind, and said: "You learned to tell lies at such a young age, will Zhang Da learn it well? You go back to your room to reflect on yourself and find what you have lost." After hearing this, I regretted very much, and admitted my mistake. My mother smiled and praised me for being a good kid who knows my mistake and can change it. At the same time, I also found what I have lost, That is - honesty.

Later, my mother told me a lot of reasons, one of which I will never forget: be honest in everything you do, and dishonesty will bring disaster and misfortune.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (7)

Growing up, we must have many firsts! For example, the first time I learned to walk, learn to write, learn to swim... In my impression, the first time I made dumplings left a deep impression on me. Now let me tell you about my first experience of making dumplings!

One Saturday afternoon, my mother said to me, "Shall we eat dumplings tonight?" I thought for a while and said, "Yes, but I also want to make dumplings." My mother hesitated and said, "Well, I'll get ready. You go to do your homework first." I said happily, "Great! I'll do it now." When my homework was almost finished, my mother was ready. "Have you finished your homework?" My mother asked me, and I quickly said: "OK, OK, I will finish it soon!" My mother said: "Work hard, I will wait for you." After a while, I finished my homework and said to my mother: "I have finished, let's start to make dumplings!" My mother said: "You first see how to make dumplings, and then make dumplings." But I haven't learned it for a long time. My mother said, "Well, you'd better use the dumpling machine to make dumplings." I immediately said, "OK! Why didn't you say earlier? Take it here." My mother took it and said to me, "Can you use it?" I frowned and said, "I've never seen it before, let alone it can use it." Mother smiled and said, "First put the dumpling skin in the middle, then dig a spoonful of stuffing into the middle of the skin, and then press it together." I said, "That's not easy! Look at me." Alas! Simple to say, difficult to do! The first filling is too much, and it's really ugly. The second filling is too little to stand on. I said impatiently: "No more, no more, I'm in great trouble!" My mother said: "Be patient and take your time." I listened to my mother's words, so I calmed down and made another dumpling. Ah! Finally, it succeeded! I am very happy. But before I could make a few, my mother finished making all the dumplings. I think: really, don't leave me some. Even so, it didn't affect my good mood at all. I hurried my mother to put down the dumplings I had made and wanted to quickly taste what I had made. After a while, the dumplings were cooked, and I couldn't wait to pick up one with my chopsticks and take a bite, wow! How fragrant! Needless to say, I am so happy to eat the dumplings made by myself.

This is my first experience of making dumplings. How about yours?

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (8)

When the boy and the girl first fell in love, the boy folded a thousand paper cranes for the girl and hung them in the girl's room. The boy said to the girl, these 1000 paper cranes represent a thousand of my heart. At that time, boys and girls were feeling the sweetness and happiness of love every minute. Later, the girl gradually alienated the boy. The girl got married, went to France, and went to Paris in her dream for countless times. When the girl broke up with the boy, she said to the boy, "We must face the reality. Marriage is the second reincarnation for women. I must seize every opportunity. You are too poor. I can't imagine the day when we are together..." After the girl went to France, the boy sold newspapers, worked as a temporary worker, and did small businesses. He worked hard at every job. Many years passed, with the help of his friends and his own efforts, he finally had a company of his own. He is rich, but he still thinks about girls.

One rainy day, the boy saw a pair of old people walking slowly in front of him from his black Audi. The boy recognized that it was the girl's parents, so the boy decided to follow them. He wants to show them that he not only owns a car, but also owns a villa and a company, so that they can know that he is not a poor man, but a young boss. The boy followed them all the way with a slow car. The rain kept falling. Although the old couple were holding umbrellas, they were still wet by the slanting rain. At the destination, the boy was stunned. It was a cemetery. He saw the girl in the porcelain statue on the tombstone smiling sweetly at him. And beside the small tomb, there are strings of paper cranes hanging on the thin wire, which is so vivid in the drizzle.

The girl's parents told the boy that what the girl didn't go to Paris was cancer. The girl went to heaven. The girl hoped that the boy would stand out and have a warm home, so the girl made such a move. She said she knew the boy and thought he would succeed. The girl said that if one day the boy came to see her in the cemetery, please take some paper cranes with you anyway. The boy knelt down in front of the girl's tomb, tears streaming down his face. The rain didn't stop on Tomb Sweeping Day and drenched the boy thoroughly. The boy remembered the girl's innocent smiling face many years ago, and the boy's heart began to drip blood.

When the old couple walked out of the cemetery, they saw the boy standing nearby, and the door of Audi had been opened for the old man. A plaintive song came out from the car stereo, "My heart, I don't regret it, it's all for you again and again, thousands of paper cranes, thousands of feelings, flying in the wind..."

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (9)

From birth to now, there is one person who has been caring for me, and that is my mother. My mother gave me a lot of love and warmth.

I remember one year, when the weather was cold and it was snowing heavily, it was my birthday. I knew in my heart that my mother would never forget my birthday, so I was going to test what my mother had prepared for me for my birthday, so that I could have a psychological preparation.

I walked up to my mother and said, "Mom, do you know what day it is today?" My mother said as if nothing had happened, "Yes, yes." Hearing this sentence, I was secretly happy: Mom did not forget my birthday, too good, too good, Mom did not forget my birthday! I thought and laughed. "Why are you giggling? There is a solar term today - heavy snow. Put on more clothes and don't catch cold." Mother said while cutting vegetables, "Ah? Mom, I didn't ask you that." I said. "Then what do you ask?" Mom said with a puzzled face. "Let me give you a hint. I was born in winter." I looked at my mother and said. My mother looked at me and said, "I still don't know what you are talking about. Go away. I want to cook!" When I heard this sentence, I was very angry. I shouted to my mother: "Today is my birthday, and you have forgotten, hum! I ignore you!" Then I ran to the room angrily and closed the door.

After a while, my anger gradually subsided and I was ready to apologize to my mother, but my whole family searched everywhere, but my mother was nowhere to be seen. I ran to my father and asked him, "Where is my mother?" My father said to me, "My mother is out." "It's so cold outside, and my mother is still out. You are really right. Why don't you persuade my mother?" I said angrily.

Then I ran to the room and sat on the bed waiting for my mother. After a long time, it was almost evening, and my mother had not come back. I began to worry. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I knew it must be my mother. I opened the door quickly and saw that it was really my mother. I saw my mother's face and hands had been frozen red, with a cake on her hands. So my mother helped me buy a cake. Before I could speak, my mother said, "Happy birthday! Daughter, this is my birthday gift for you. Let's eat together later." Hearing this, I didn't know what to say. I opened the cake box according to my mother's instructions. When I opened the box, let me see a bright, cake above the words: Happy birthday! I was moved to see this line of words. We gathered together, accompanied by the singing of my parents, I made my wish. At the moment when I blew out the candle, tears unconsciously flowed down from my cheek and back of my hand. Although the weather was very cold that night, our family could not feel it at all. Only warmth surrounded every corner of my home, and only happiness surrounded us.

Mom, it is you who let me experience selfless motherly love. Thank you!

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (10)

People say that childhood is the best, and indeed I think so. Whenever I think of the funny things in my childhood, I can't help laughing.

Once when I ate peanuts, my father teased me and said, "Xiaobei, do you remember that you once ate peanuts at night and almost..." Before my father finished speaking, I quickly covered my father's mouth and said, "Yes, of course I do! But I can't talk about this again!" Then I left quickly.

When I mentioned that, I started when I was eight years old. When I was eight years old, I was very fond of eating. I was very greedy, and my mouth could not stop. I would grab some delicious food as long as there was something delicious, so that my weight increased rapidly during that time. My mother immediately made a plan for me to lose weight in the summer vacation, and also stipulated that I was not allowed to eat anything after 7:00 p.m. Alas! Since then, I have been suffering every day.

One night, my father ate peanuts alone and drank a little wine. At this time, my mother was going to take a bath. That's great! Finally I can eat, oh! My heart can't help shouting! But then my mother seemed to see my mind, stared at me and warned: "You are not allowed to eat peanuts when I am taking a bath. I will have to check later!" Then she turned to take a bath. After my mother left, I carefully put my head out of the door, looked around, and watched my mother go from the bedroom to the shower room to close the door. I was relieved. So I closed the door, went back to the table, and walked around the peanut plate for several times. Is it eating? Or not? Do you really inspect after eating? Don't eat and look greedy. My eyes were fixed on the peanuts, my mouth was drooling, and my hands kept rubbing. At this time, I saw a big and bulging peanut, picked it up and put it in my hand, and then squeezed the peanut. I saw three plump flowers sliding down, and I ate them immediately. Oh, eat them well! One more, one more..., suddenly the door opened with a "click", and I immediately made a military salute like a reflex: "Report to the officer that I did not steal food, I was peeling and eating for my grandparents, and their teeth were not good!" The grandparents quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes..." Dad also covered his mouth and sniggered, and Mom was immediately amused by me, Touch my head: "Well, go to bed quickly!" So I immediately left.

Funny things about my childhood. I laugh every time I think back. I really want to go back to my childhood!

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (11)

My childhood was spent in my courtyard, where there were too many memories of my childhood. That memory has been hidden in my heart for a long time.

I remember when I was five or six years old, I played and ran with a large group of my friends all over the yard as usual. Suddenly, I saw a pile of soil left by workers' uncles planting lawns in the corner. As if I had discovered a new continent, I shouted happily to my friends, "Look, there is a lot of dirt!" Hearing my cry, everyone stopped running and looked in the direction of my fingers. "Oh, really!" "How can there be a pile of soil?" "That's great!" The young friends all talked after seeing it. Then Ning Ning suggested, "Let's mix it with mud and play with it!" "OK." "Good idea!" All the people agreed.

Do what you say. We took out the water bottle we had with us, poured the water on the soil, and rubbed it with our hands as if it were noodles. Wipe sweat with muddy hands when tired. After a while, everyone had a piece of slap sized mud in their hands. We give full play to our imagination and make things we want to make: small people, small animals, small houses... and all kinds of strange things. Everyone is concentrating on making their own gadgets. Later, we simply sat on the mud ground, sat in the mound, made up all kinds of stories full of childlike fun with the things we kneaded, played family games, and made bursts of childish laughter from time to time... When the mud in our hands was not enough, we continued to use soil and then knead. A child is a child, who forgets everything when playing. Time always sneaks away without even saying hello. If the sun hadn't gradually set to the west, I think we would have played happily all the time and never be disturbed. It was not until the adults came to ask them to go home for dinner that we remembered that we should go home. We quickly hid our "handicrafts" in a hidden corner, agreed to play the next day, said goodbye to each other reluctantly, and went home separately. No one would expect what the mud would become when it dried. When I got home, I found mud everywhere on my hands, face, clothes and trousers. All of this, of course, can not avoid the nagging of my mother for several days and the "belt" of my father. However, I forgot the pain when I got rid of the scar. I just got beaten and shed tears. After a while, I slipped out to play. I still got carried away. Finally, I was in a mess and went home to help me do things and please my parents.

Now, childhood has gradually gone away from me, and happiness seems to have gone away from me. Sometimes when I stand on the balcony, I can see those little brothers and sisters playing downstairs, and hear those innocent and happy laughter, it seems that I can find my former 'shadow' on them, reminding me of my childhood memories. I hope this innocent and beautiful memory can accompany me all my life.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (12)

Although Jingyanggang is a deep mountain and wild forest, it has become a scenic spot since Wu Song's heroic deeds of fighting tigers spread all over the country. Many people come to visit it. This matter came to my ears. My eyes rolled and a plan came into my mind. Ha ha, you can find a good job!

So I came to Jingyanggang and cut some wood secretly. Although this is a scenic spot, the management system is quite loose. There are only two or three policemen in a large forest. I bought more stools, chairs, tiles... My "Wusong, please come in" store will open in about a month. On the first day, the business was so good that people regarded themselves as Wu Song. Gradually I opened a branch, but

It was a cool afternoon. I sat at the door of the store. Somehow, there were quite few guests today. Near dusk, there was a little noise from the grass. After a while, it disappeared again. Suddenly, an eight foot tiger jumped out of the grass. Suddenly, a strong cool wind blew into my heart, which made me shiver! Is it not the seventy-two generation descendants of the killed tiger who came to seek revenge from the shopkeeper? I saw that the tiger's cold eyes were looking at me, and refused to let go. I was so scared that my legs became weak, and I stumbled a few steps and fell down. It was strange that the tiger did not move at all. It seemed that it was coming to watch me play acrobatics. It was getting dark. Could it be difficult to stand face to face all night? I will collapse. It was still the first to move. It ran away and disappeared in the jungle.

For several days in a row, I began to feel terrible. Later, it was actually very cute. Straight hook was just its surface action. After we got familiar, it came to my store every day at dusk to ask me for meat.

About a year later, a car stopped in the yard and they wanted me to help them catch the tiger. They belong to the circus, but I don't want to, so I promised on the surface and had already planned secretly.

At dusk, the tiger came, and the circus people couldn't wait to catch it. I cleared my things and said a few words to the tiger. It seemed that it had enlightened me and led me to run, run and keep running

Maybe I start a new 'life', not so clever in everything. We left Jingyanggang, and I opened a new shop called "Old Friend"

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (13)

On Saturday night, my mother and I made a three-way agreement. On Sunday, I was in charge.

In the early morning of Sunday, the alarm clock started to shout, as if to say, "Little lazy boy, get up quickly!" I rubbed my eyes and thought, "Oh, it's so easy to look forward to Sunday, can't you let me sleep more? It's really annoying!" Suddenly, I thought that I had an agreement with my mother last night. Today is the day for me to "carry on my mother's business" and act as a "housewife", I immediately bounced out of bed. I first picked up the dishcloth and decided to "take a bath" for the three windows of my home. I went to the first window first, and I found that the main reason for this window was "too many freckles on my face.". oh Because this window belongs to my room, it is stained with a lot of dust and ink. Hum! It's not difficult for me. I brought a basin of water, wiped it with a rag, and it was done. I went to the balcony again and found that the window was "too dark", and I cleaned it easily! Come to the last window, hey! Because in the kitchen, it was covered with a lot of oil stains, and I couldn't wipe them off with a duster. I had to use professional window cleaning tools to wipe them off. After cleaning the window, I met with difficulties.

The noon was coming soon. I took the 100 yuan given by my mother and went on my way! When I came to the farmers' market, I saw: shiny purple eggplant, bamboo shoots like a small pagoda, slim garlic, jaunty lobster, lively shrimp... I thought my mother always matched meat with vegetables, so I bought two potatoes, one green pepper, two towel gourds, one crucian carp, and some cherries. This task was completed by me.

Finally, I began to challenge the kitchen! When I got into the kitchen, I put the cut potatoes into the frying pan and fried them. Hey! This fried potato is so funny! I think so. The two dishes are simple, but the potatoes are a little salty. In the end, it's time to kill! I reached in and grabbed the crucian carp, ready to take off its "armor", but the crucian carp could not wait to die. It jumped and splashed all over my face, and finally I subdued it. I washed the fish and put them into the oil pan. The "beep beep boo" oil splashed all over me. I simply covered the pan. In this way, I served dishes.

When I saw the bright windows and the rich dishes on the table, it was a bit hard, but very interesting.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (14)

"The years are slipping away silently. At last, the days of picking wild flowers and counting stars are scattered on the yellow calendar, away from us, and the happiness will be locked in the threshold of memory forever. Then comes the despair and loss after disillusionment. However, I am unwilling to fail, I am unwilling to be lonely, I want to light my heart candle, let it disperse the dark night around me, let it melt the ice covering my heart.

She, a very competitive girl, has been transferred to a key middle school for nearly half a year. When she moved here from a very ordinary school, she knew that she had a lot of relationships at home and spent a lot of money. However, she has no friends here, and what bothers her most is her achievements. Every time the score sheet comes out, her name is almost at the bottom of the Long Snake Array. Whenever she thinks of this, she has an inexplicable sense of depression. It seems that the name in front of her weighs tens of millions of tons, which makes her suffocate.

She has to work hard, she has to live up to what she wrote, and she has to take action. As a result, she no longer daydreams about useless and illusory things all day long, because she knows that she must face reality and cannot be a visionary. She concentrated in class, answered questions enthusiastically, and completed her homework carefully... She tried her best to do all this well. Sure enough, her performance improved, and her face also showed

Long lost 'smile. In this way, she insisted on doing so, and her achievements reached the middle reaches. All this made her very happy.

Once again, she opened her beloved diary and wrote: "People, like tea, can certainly show the color of vitality as long as they put into the boiling life, light up their heart candles and activate themselves."

After writing, she closed the diary again, locked it in the drawer, and locked the joy of success into her heart.

Gradually, her achievements soared, she became more confident and made many friends

She opened her diary again and wrote solemnly:

"Life is a chess game with no regrets, a drama with loud voices, and a sea of waves. I am just an ordinary passer-by, but I am confident that I can resolve the confusion and hesitation of my heart. Now, I really did it..." She is me.

Of course, you and I are just ordinary passers-by. When faced with despair and frustration, we must light up our hearts and find confidence. It must reflect the true nature of life force.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (15)

The snow covered the traces of the years, but the snow fight with my father kept my memory fresh and made me happy.

That day, with the crystal white snow, the cold wind fell on the earth. My father winked at me. I immediately understood his "intention" and applied to my mother - "Mom, my good mother, would you let me go out with my father for a while?" My mother could not resist my hard work and agreed.

Out of the door, I am like a bird out of the cage. Because in this snowy world, there is no school pressure, parents' blame, homework restrictions... only freedom and happiness.

When we came to the bridge, it was covered with white snow. Suddenly, Dad almost fell down. He squatted down carefully and gently lifted the snow! Because the tiles on the bridge floor are like "glass", they are so slippery. My father and I helped each other, groped forward, and avoided pieces of "glass".

When we finally wanted to get off the bridge, my father let go of my hand, and I shook around like a naughty "little mouse". It turned out that my feet were sliding on the "glass". I am extremely frightened. Fortunately, I have good balance and adjust my posture in time, or I will fall into the mud!

My father and I went to the bookstore to read for a while, and then we were ready to go home. On the way home, my father and I will cross the bridge again. The breathtaking scene just now reappeared before my eyes, and I held my father's hand tightly.

Suddenly, he pouted, let go of me, and bent down. I think he must want to have a snowball fight with me. I also bent down, rubbed a fist sized snowball and threw it at him. "Pa -"! Hit the target. My father's head was covered with snow like silver flakes, and his face and body were covered with snow. Dad wiped his face with his hands, and he became a "big white cat", and his mouth was stuffed with snow because he had not had time to close it.

I cried out happily and sat on the ground laughing, my eyes bent into crescents of the moon, my face facing the sky, and kept laughing "cluck, cluck, cluck". Dad also rubbed a snowball "whoosh -" and flew across the sky, and I hurried away. I was like a "big tortoise". My feet were windy and I stumbled and almost fell. Looking at each other's embarrassed appearance, my father and I laughed happily.

The crisp laughter of my father and I drifted far away in the world of ice and snow.

Primary School Composition Writing 600 Word Composition (16)

In the years when we were growing up, there would always be parents who would accompany and care us. They would run around for our study and life, even if they were tired, they would not be slack. Our parents have done so much for us, but how much can we do for them?

On the way home, I could not help complaining about the homework left by my teacher - washing my mother's feet and writing my own feelings. It was really a waste of time and no new ideas. I was going to write a random article to deal with things.

When I got home, my mother just said a few words to me and then went back to the bedroom. She was a little wilted, maybe she was tired. Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little distressed. I want to help my mother relax. "By the way, wash your mother's feet."

I went to boil hot water. Unexpectedly, I did something that my mother did very skillfully for three times - the knob of the stove could not be turned on. Half an hour had passed when I carefully brought the water to my mother.

When I came to the bedroom, my mother looked at me in surprise. I know I'm going to wash her feet. Something seems to have crossed her eyes.

I helped my mother take off her socks and put my feet in the sink. Who would have thought that as soon as her tiptoe touched the water, she suddenly retracted. What's going on? I am full of questions. He tried the water with his fingers. Ah, it's hot! The temperature of the water can scald the skin off your hands! Alas, I'm really confused. How can I not test the temperature of water before washing my mother's feet?

I felt guilty and said to my mother, "Sorry, Mom, I'll change some more water." My mother nodded and smiled.

This time, I have a long memory. Before giving the water to my mother, I tried the temperature with my hands - it's just fine if it's not cold or hot.

Put my mother's feet in the water again and gently lift water for her. This time, we didn't speak. The room was quiet and there was a warm atmosphere lingering between my mother and me. Suddenly, my hand touched something hard on my mother's feet - it was a cocoon. I was shocked. She runs around all day long, relying on her feet. This cocoon records how many roads my mother has traveled for me and how much she has paid! However, in the face of our various unwise contradicts, she never complained. I feel a sense of pain when I think of these things.

The water gradually lost its temperature, and my feet were washed. My eyes were slightly wet. I looked up at my mother. Her eyes were red, but her mouth was bent upward.

My mother has paid so much for me. I never said thank you. I just washed her feet once, and she was so moved. It must be that I care too little for her at ordinary times! I really should do more for her.

The next day, when the teacher collected his homework, I found that every student's expression was very serious and serious, and there were no complaints anymore.

It seems that we have done too little for our mother, so from now on, take more care of her.

Primary school composition: 600 words composition (17)

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Shakespeare once said, "Books are the nourishment of human beings." It is true that books lead us into the palace of knowledge; It is a book that broadens our bold imagination; It is a book that teaches us to feel the true meaning of life.

When I was babbling, I became good friends with books. After dinner in the evening, he kept pestering his father to read to me. My father doesn't speak Mandarin very well, so whenever he mispronounces or mispronounces a word, I immediately correct it. Although I was young at that time, I had a quick reaction.

Gradually, I also grew up, on the third grade, recognized the word, can read by myself. Every day after school, I always finish my homework in a hurry. Why? There is not much homework in Grade Three. Why are you still in a hurry? Let me tell you something, after I finish my homework, the rest of the time belongs to "reading time"! "Mom, hurry up! If you don't go, there will be no time!" You see, there are still more than two hours left. I'm too young, but I'm afraid that the book will be bought! On the way, my mother rode to the bookstore as fast as she could for fear that I would be worried again. "Ah! Fortunately, it was not bought!" I sighed.

My eyes suddenly fell on the "Green Fairy Tales" not far away. I went over, picked up the book and opened the first page. Mother also picked up a book and read it with great interest. The second hand of the clock ticked 120 times, that is to say, my mother and I have been reading books in the bookstore for two hours. My mother suddenly looked up and said softly: "Baby, can you go home?" I said without looking up: "Wait a moment." "Alas, I really forget to eat and sleep! I often forget to eat and sleep while reading." My mother said. A few minutes later, the light in the bookstore "beeped" and turned on. I finally came out of the sea of books, and "snapped" the book closed, as if I was going to shut the knowledge I was about to run out in my mind. I swallowed again and thought to myself: I have met my first old friend again today. I am fascinated by the beauty of the princess; Admire the prince for his bravery; I was filled with righteous indignation for the old queen's wickedness; Praise the servants who dare to sacrifice.

Books give me wisdom; Books give me energy; Books give me reason; Books have given me companionship. Book, our "longevity fruit"!