200 character composition describing characters (17 selected articles)
Time told me not to look back
2024-05-10 09:23:34

Write 200 characters to describe characters (1)

I live in a happy family with 38 classmates. Among them, there are many students who have known each other since I was in kindergarten. Zhao Shirui is one of them.

Zhao Shirui has a pair of "downwind ears", a melon seed face, and is tall. Although Zhao Shirui's performance is not very good, it has a little known shining point, that is, helping others.

It was second grade at that time, and I was a little hot. At that time, it was Zhao Shirui who shared the table with me. Zhao Shirui asked, "What's the matter? Liu Jiahao, do you have a cold? Do you want to tell the teacher?" I was ungrateful: "My own things... I will solve them myself, thank you for your kindness." But Zhao Shirui still asked me from time to time.

After a class, I felt a little overwhelmed. The students said, "It's disgusting!" It broke my heart. Only Zhao Shirui said nothing, ran to the balcony, picked up the mop that had been washed, and dragged away my vomit. Although the floor was clean, there was still a smell in the classroom. Only Zhao Shirui talked with me.

When Zhao Shirui helped me drag out the vomit, I remembered the scene that I looked down on him, and I felt very ashamed. Zhao Shirui cares about my every action, and I remember it deeply in my mind.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (2)

Gao Wenyuan was my former classmate. At that time, I often played with him. He was also willing to help others!

One day, my pen disappeared after class. I turned my schoolbag upside down and couldn't see my pen. I thought, "Hey! It's over now. What can I do without a pen. At this time, Gao Wenyuan came. He asked strangely, "Dong Xiangyu, why are you so anxious. "How do you use it?" I said, "I still have it." Gao Wenyuan said.

Another time, when school was over on Friday afternoon, Gao Wenyuan said to me, "Let's each write a piece of calligraphy on Sunday to see who can write well." I readily agreed. However, on Sundays, I just played and forgot all about it. On Monday, Gao Wenyuan showed me the neat calligraphy. Looking at his calligraphy, I felt ashamed. I made up my mind to surpass him.

I like this little friend. His good qualities are worth learning from.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (3)

Why is the highest and most beautiful red apple always out of reach when it can be seen?

Why does my mother always say, "You'll know when you grow up" when I ask some strange questions? Why does my mother always shake her head and say, "You can only eat when you grow up" when I want to eat snacks? When I'm ready to pick up the lollipop, I suddenly remembered my mother's words. I can only eat when I grow up.

I ran to ask my mother, what is growing up? Why can we do some things when we grow up? My mother said, "As long as you are obedient, you will grow up." From then on, I must be good.

Later, I forgot this question. I didn't ask what I had grown up. I just wanted to be myself. One day, my mother said, "My child, you have grown up."

I can't react at the moment. Look at my mother's smile,. I can only see before, but I can't touch it, but this time, I finally touched it.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (4)

I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Jiayi. She has long black hair, her face is round and white, her eyes are big and bright, she looks very divine, her nose is tall, her lips are pink and tender, like the color of peach, her body is neither fat nor thin. On the whole, she looks very cute.

She is a good student who loves learning, labor and is willing to help her classmates. She likes English class best, and she also takes every subject seriously. Whenever we finished lunch, she would take the initiative to set up tables and chairs. Whenever some students encounter difficulties, she will help them enthusiastically. She is very lively and beautiful. When class is over, students like to play games with her.

She is very kind and caring. She likes small animals very much. In extracurricular time, she also participated in dance and English interest classes. She and I often played together. I like my good friend Liu Jiayi very much.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (5)

I am a lively and lovely little girl. I like to wear sheep's horn braids. My hair is very black; Big eyes, round eyes, very cute. My nose is a little high, with two big nostrils; My mouth is big, and it likes eating very much; I have just changed a front tooth, and two front teeth grow one by one. The students also laugh at my black teeth, which makes me feel bad; My ears are no different, but I still think they are cute; My skin was originally very white.

After I went to my grandmother's house, my skin slowly tanned. My mother said that I was very healthy, but I still felt ugly. So I drank milk every morning, and my skin gradually turned white.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (6)

Sister Gao Min is really a great person.

If one day I met Sister Gao Min, I would say to her, "Sister Gao Min, you are so powerful! You have won so many honors for China! Are you tired after so many years of training?"

"Of course you are tired! But as long as you persist, you will get something!" Sister Gao Min said with a smile. "Sister Gao Min, I really admire your spirit!" I said sincerely. Sister Gao Min touched my head and said, "Thank you, little friend, but every Chinese should do something to win honor for the country!" "Sister Gao Min, I must learn from you and work hard!" I said to her seriously. "Yes, you are the future and hope of our country. You must work hard to win more honors for our country!" Sister Gao Min said to me with great sincerity.

"Certainly!" I replied loudly. I think that the spirit of Sister Gao Min will always spur me to make continuous progress.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (7)

Xiaoyue plays volleyball, but he is "desperate"! She serves and cushions the ball at one time and shouts loudly, as if the voice can bring her infinite energy; She sometimes flashes a sharp light in her eyes, as if she wants to defeat her opponent with her eyes.

She banged her racket and kept moving... A quarter of an hour later, half an hour later, she became more energetic and more excited. Like a Popeye who ate spinach, she was brave and invincible, completely immersed in the world of volleyball - about an hour later, she stopped. She was sweating and panting, but her heart was filled with happiness and success.

Write 200 characters to describe characters (8)

My younger brother is about six years old. He has a round face and a lovely look. He is also very cute when he smiles, but when he cries, he yells.

Once, I saw my brother feeding my kitten and giving it milk. It seemed that he liked the kitten very much! I told my father about it. My father brought back a cat the next morning and told me that the cat was for my brother. I called my brother to the room and asked him to close his eyes. I counted 1, 2, 3 before he could open his eyes. After counting 1, 2, 3, my younger brother opened his eyes and found that I had a cat in my arms. He said excitedly, "Is this the cat for me?" I said, "Yes!" Since my younger brother also had cats, he would feed our kittens and drink milk every time after dinner. It seems that my younger brother really likes kittens!

Am I right? Is my brother very cute!

Write 200 characters to describe characters (9)

There are many people I know, but my grandpa is the one I know best.

Grandpa often wears a jacket, a straw hat, and straw sandals... He usually doesn't lose his temper, but if he loses his temper, he can be very fierce. He loves working very much. As soon as he has time, he immediately thinks about what he hasn't done in the field, and then goes straight to the field to work with relish.

Although there are not many advantages and disadvantages of Grandpa, he has a serious disadvantage, that is, he likes smoking cigarettes. I advised my grandfather many times, but he just didn't listen. Grandpa also has many advantages, such as diligence, thrift, helpfulness, etc.

Although grandpa has shortcomings, everyone can't be perfect, so I still love my grandpa very much.

Composition: 200 characters describing characters (10)

I know many people, but the person I know most is my mother, and I know her very well.

My mother is medium height, fat, with shiny black hair and bright eyes, like two black gemstones. Her nose is tall and straight, and she looks very energetic.

Once I went to Xiaogang's house to play. When Xiaogang and I were having fun, we accidentally grazed our leg on the iron door of Xiaogang's house and lost a lot of blood. My mother went downstairs to go out to buy vegetables. She saw me sitting on the ground and coming up to me and asking, "What's the matter?" I said, "My leg was scratched on the iron door." My mother hurried upstairs to bring me a Band Aid, brought me a basin of warm water, and then carefully cleaned my wound and put a Band Aid on it. Mom said: "It's OK, you can play, but be careful!"

The person I love most is my mother. The person I know most is also my mother. Do you love your mother?

Composition 200 characters describing characters (11)

While my mother was cooking dinner, I was watching my favorite cartoon with relish.

Just after looking at it, my mother's worried voice suddenly came from the kitchen: "God! The salt is gone! Go and buy some salt for me." After hearing it, I thought: "I'm enjoying it, but why doesn't she buy salt herself and let me watch cartoons at home?" So I said to my mother impatiently, "I'm watching my favorite cartoon, so I don't want to buy salt. You'd better go." But my mother coaxed me to say, "I will let you watch cartoons every day when you go out to buy salt."

So I reluctantly agreed to my mother's words. On the way there, I was still whispering: "It's a pity that I didn't see the ending of the cartoon."

Composition 200 characters describing characters (12)

My grandfather is a kind grandfather. He is over seventy years old. He has a lot of white hair and very little black hair. His face was covered with wrinkles and his hands were rough. He likes sports very much. Every day he goes out for a walk after breakfast and dinner. His life habit has never changed. Since I can remember, he has always had the habit of exercising. He also likes to ride a bike around Ma On Shan.

My grandfather loves me very much. Every time I go to his house, he doesn't let me go. He insists that I eat at his house. He often buys me pickles, teaches me to take a bath, and plays computer games. In particular, I admire him for not having to rely on his children to support him. When I grow old, I will support myself like him without children.

Composition 200 characters describing characters (13)

She has a pair of big watery eyes, staring at people to make people nervous, a talkative mouth, high bridge of the nose, extremely beautiful! She is my mother.

Sometimes, my mother nagged me, but sometimes she was very strict with me.

Once when my mother saw the sky playing music, she said to me, "It's raining outside with a few more clothes, don't catch cold, you know? And also take the umbrella with you." At that time, I thought my mother was very talkative, but I only got 86 points in another school test, As soon as I got home, I ran into my bedroom and hid the test paper. What surprised me was that the head teacher had already sent the results to my mother. After breakfast, my mother finally began to ask me how I did in the exam? Then, I tossed the test paper to my mother. Then I finally knew how strict my mother was.

Ah! My mother is unique because my mother is changeable.

Composition 200 characters describing characters (14)

I'm nine years old now, and I'm in grade three of primary school. The height is one meter and thirty-seven centimeters, but it is not too high among people of the same age. My personality is cheerful and I can always turn bad things into good things.

My hair stood straight at all, but as soon as I went to bed at night, I got up the next day and my hair was pressed into a small flat head. Shining eyes make me look very intelligent. It is because of my bright eyes that I can see every small word on the blackboard and concentrate on listening. My mouth is eloquent, and sometimes I turn myself on silent mode, that is, I don't say a word. Of course, I can hear my speech every time in composition class. You can also hear it in English, math and even German and French classes.

Composition: 200 characters describing characters (15)

My mother sent me to the English tutoring class this morning, and I finished learning English this afternoon.

I came to my mother's shop, and after dinner, my mother said, "We are all right here. Shall we go shopping?" "Good! Good!" I said happily. Mother took me to Jindi Shopping Mall after she packed up.

When we got there, we saw all kinds of things. My mother pulled me to the third floor. I don't know what my mother wants to do. My mother and I have been wandering from half past one in the afternoon to more than four.

In this time, I went shopping with my mother and I saw that my mother was a good shopper! I'm tired after shopping for so long. My mother is not tired. But my mother is virtuous and kind. I love my mother!

Composition 200 characters describing characters (16)

A new student has come to our class.

This new student is medium height, thin, with a pair of bright eyes, a small mouth, a red face, and big white ears. Study well.

When he first came to my class, he was very brave. We all admire him. The teacher asked me to introduce him to the school now. I want to make friends with him. When I led him to our school, I said to him: Shall we make friends? I thought he would refuse, but to my surprise. He readily agreed. We shook hands and smiled happily. When I returned to the class, I still thought he was really a good partner. He is very humble to every one of us.

I really should thank him because he taught me a lot about life.

Composition 200 characters describing characters (17)

The person I admire most is neither an idol star nor an ancient person, but Helen Keller, who never gives up life.

Helen Keller was seriously ill since childhood. He fought with the devil every day. In the process, he became invisible and inaudible. But Helen Keller still has a kind heart. His spirit moved me very much. When I found difficulties in my life, the first thing I thought of was Helen Keller's inspiration to me, because his never giving up attitude has not changed, which made me feel very admired. Although he could not see or hear, he was brave.

I hope one day I will never give up like Helen Keller and face the difficulties of life bravely.

So he

He is tall and thin. He is a good sportsman. He can play football and run very well. He exercises every day. He is in good health!

He has a gentle personality and a good temper. He doesn't swear and is especially polite to me.

He loves to tell jokes and often makes me laugh. Every minute I spent with him, I was so happy.

He is a hardworking man. He reads books every day to increase his knowledge. He likes and knows every kind of creature and insect.

He is a computer expert. He can play games and write articles.

He will help with housework, wash dishes and cook anything, and make tea for my parents.

Because my parents like him very much, I will like him even more.

Dear teacher

Teacher, you are more than a key, which can help us open the lost heart lock; How do you like a shuttle that can take us across the long river of history. But you are so tired and sick.

You have been ill for more than half a month and still think about us all the time. Let the teachers in other classes make up lessons for us and think about us wholeheartedly.

Today, we accidentally found your figure. Let's cheer for you every class and make us happy. Although our class was a bit messy, you were not angry and didn't say anything about us, but I would also like to say: Thank you for your teaching and care for us, and you can teach us when we are sick.

In the future, we should listen to our lessons and study hard to live up to your expectations. Believe our teachers, we will use our excellent achievements and proud success to assure you that the students you teach are the best!

I am what I am

I am a 13-year-old sixth grade student. I am an outgoing and smiling girl.

At school, after class, I chat with my friends. Xiao Jia (whose real name is not provided here) said something that was not funny. Everyone didn't laugh, but I did. My classmate asked me, "Is it funny?" I was out of breath and nodded. After laughing, I said, "Ouch! I'm so smirking. I can't help it. No matter how funny a joke is, I will laugh. I love laughing!" Everyone shook their heads helplessly.

At home, I have a habit of cleanliness. I don't like it if I'm not correct at all. Once, when my cousin came to my house, she went to my bed to play with her mobile phone. Just play and mess up the bed I just made! I was so angry that I dragged her down, cleaned up, and refused to let her go, for fear of messing up again. My cousin is helpless and can only follow me.

I am what I am! Would you like to make friends with me?

My sister

My sister has a round head, a red face like a red apple, a high nose like a mountain from the side, watery eyes, and a cherry mouth. My sister likes painting.

Once, my sister asked me to compete with her in drawing. My sister won't admit defeat and will definitely compete with her.

The competition began. My sister drew a bird, and I drew an elephant. After painting, I compared with her. My sister's bird was vivid, while my elephant was clumsy. When she saw it, she said to her parents, "You see, I draw better than my sister, and I won." I smiled, so did my sister, and the whole family laughed.

My brother

My brother is an ordinary person. Big ears, sharp nose, sharp mouth, thin body, this is my brother.

My brother also likes eating things such as peaches, apricots, apples, bananas, grapes... he can eat a pound without blinking. This is my delicious brother.

My brother also has many hobbies, such as playing table tennis, football, basketball, parallel bars, horizontal bars... This is a fun brother.

This is my brother. He has all kinds of advantages and disadvantages. If he corrects all his shortcomings, he will be a perfect brother.

My brother

My brother has been ten and a half months. He is very naughty and funny now.

Yesterday, when I entered the house to change my shoes, my brother smiled at me in my aunt's arms and stretched out his fat little hand as if to say hello to me. I hurriedly went there, held his little hand and kissed him. I picked up my brother and he jumped on my back happily.

When my brother is in the walker, he will either touch here or there. He will not move forward, but will only move backward. Every time he wants to go to a place, my brother always moves the walker backward. Once, my brother walked in the walker in front of the cabinet door, turned over all the things inside, and threw them on the ground. He still laughs. Do you think he is naughty?