Really?? 600 character narrative composition (9 required)
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2023-09-20 05:36:06
Junior 1

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (1)

That time, I was very moved, very embarrassed, very surprised, very...... Although I will have mixed feelings for a moment, but I was really happy once!

On a sunny day off, my mother and I visited the Science and Technology Museum and got on the bus home. At this moment, I was exhausted. Although there were not many people on the bus, there were no empty seats, so I had to stand. It was not easy to wait until a passenger sitting near the front door got off the bus. I hurried to get on the seat. Ah, it was so comfortable. Finally, I could relax my aching legs. A few stops later, a white haired old woman stumbled onto the bus, just walked in front of me, pulled the railing and stopped. The old woman stood staggeringly on the bus, as if she might fall at any time. But people around are indifferent and just play with their mobile phones. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself, if this was my grandmother, if I fell on the bus, how painful I would be!

Thinking of this, I immediately made a decision to give up my seat to the old lady. But I just wanted to stand up and hesitated. How embarrassed would the adults around me be if I offered my seat to the grandma as a child? Will the granny feel embarrassed to take my seat because I am a child again? What can we do to help others and avoid causing others' unhappiness? Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind! So I stood up without saying a word and pretended to get off the bus and walked to the back door of the carriage. When I stopped near the back door, I looked back and saw that the old woman was sitting in my original seat. The carriage is still quiet.

When I got home, my mother said to me gently, "Son, your way of doing that not only helps those who need it, but also does not make those who get help feel embarrassed. You are a careful child. This way is really good!" I laughed happily after listening to my mother's praise.

That time, I not only made room for my grandmother, but also got praise from my mother. My heart was very satisfied. I was so happy!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (2)

"If there is a bosom friend in the sea, the horizon is like a neighbor." If a person has a bosom friend, he will feel no regret in his life. Because a true friend can help you when you are in trouble, and can also share happiness when you are happy. Let you feel that it's good to have you in the process of growth!

Throughout the long history, there is no real friend like Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, three brothers who have deep feelings and profound meanings during the Three Kingdoms Period. They saved all the people in dire straits for the common great cause of founding the country. In the peach garden, we will make a vow of blood and worship heaven and earth. Since then, he has become a good brother with brotherhood. During decades of war, they shared weal and woe with each other. They cut through the thorns and fought hard, and finally opened up a world belonging to them. The Kingdom of Shu was founded. Breathe together, share a common destiny, share weal and woe. The brotherhood between them can be learned from heaven and earth. Fear ancient and modern China and foreign countries, there is no comparable. When elder brother Liu Bei heard the news of the death of his second brother Guan Yunchang, he spat blood on the spot and immediately rode up to raise his whip, hoping to avenge his good brother in the kingdom of Wu. After the death of his two brothers, his younger brother Zhang Fei felt even more distressed. He suddenly felt that the sky was sinking and he drowned his sorrows in wine all day long.

A true friend is a valuable asset in life. it's wonderful to have you!

Friends help you to make progress.

When we were in the seventh grade, we were in the same dormitory, and he was arranged in front of me by the teacher. We also sat together in the restaurant, which was destined to become friends. At the beginning of the first semester, my grades were not very good, which required my efforts. When I encounter problems in my study, I will go to him for help. "Yu, what can I do with this question?" The reason why I go to ask him questions is that he has good grades and is easy-going. I always get the best answers when I ask questions, which benefits me a lot. After a semester of hard work and his patient help, my grades have been improved rapidly.

Whenever I eat, I usually don't like to drink plain and tasteless porridge in the restaurant. But several times, the school always makes soymilk by surprise. Because I didn't play out of habit. When I came to the table, I saw that other students were filled with sweet soymilk, and I felt a little regretful. Yu, who was considerate, quickly saw what I was thinking. Without saying a word, he poured half a bowl of soy milk for me to drink. This is my best friend. People who do not hesitate to help me when I am in trouble.

It's good to have you, friend!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (3)

"Thank you, thank you, the world is more beautiful......" Whenever I hear this song, my heart is filled with warmth, and I think of the help and care you, an unknown aunt, have brought me.

That afternoon, I was going to practice the piano, put on my piano bag and hurried to the bus stop. I checked the car number on my mobile phone with a "hiss". "No. 29, yes, it's this one." I whispered and got on the bus. There were no empty seats, so I stood beside pole of the bus. "Boom --" The bus started, and I was about to reach for the pole when the bus suddenly stopped, and I fell heavily on the floor of the bus. There was a sharp pain, which made me unable to stand up. My legs were bruised in two places, one was green, the other was red. I tried hard to get up, but the shaking of the car and the aching legs made me break the idea.

At this time, you stood up, stepped on the floor of the car, and walked towards me with your bag in your hand. With a worried face, you said to me, "Little girl, are you all right? Does it hurt? Why don't you take the bus with an adult? You can go to my seat first." Then you helped me up and motioned for me to sit in your seat. I sat on the seat and watched you take out a cotton swab and drop oil from the bag, and gently poured a little drop oil on the cotton, smearing my two bruises. I looked into your eyes, and you just looked at me. I saw the concern in your eyes, your eyes reflected me, and your face was worried from the bottom of my heart. A warm current rose from my heart, and I felt the pain suddenly disappeared. Soon, I arrived at the station. Although it was winter and it was so cold outside, I felt warm at the moment, without a chill.

Although this matter has passed for a long time, I will still think of you every winter. It is also your love that makes me feel how warm and beautiful the world is, and how harmonious and friendly the relationship between people is. Aunt, it's good to have you!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (4)

"It's good to have you" is a warm word. Staring at it, the person, the event, the scene... will slowly emerge in front of you.

Teacher, it's good to have you!

The homework was not completed in time, and I was anxious: what should I do? Just hand in the blank book? Or pretend not to remember this assignment? But on second thought, these tricks must not escape the hot eyed Zhu teacher. As soon as I finish my early reading, I will hold the pen firmly and bury my head in writing. Sometime, a dark shadow blocked the sunshine in front of my desk. I slowly raised my head and saw Mr. Zhu staring at me with a smile on his face. What I thought was a face splitting criticism turned out to be "make up quickly, and next time I will finish the homework on the same day!" I nodded sharply and hurried to finish the question just now. At this time, Mr. Zhu's smile was like a cool mountain wind, blowing away my anxiety and worry

Mom, it's good to have you!

On a winter afternoon, I walked out of school. The cold wind, like a sharp knife, mercilessly blew across my cheeks. The students and their families all hurried back. Because of the wind, for a moment, my eyes seemed to be burned by fire, and my ears and hands were swollen and stiff with cold. I couldn't help shrinking my neck into my collar. After a while, I vaguely saw a familiar figure running towards me not far away. Oh! It's Mom! My trembling body suddenly warmed up. "What are you doing in a daze? Let's go!" My mother took off her coat and put it on me. My heart suddenly warmed up.

Friend, it's good to have you!

"Ding Ling Ling," the bell rang after school. It began to rain outside the window, like broken beads. "Ah!" I suddenly thought, "How can I go home without an umbrella?" I muttered from time to time. At this time, only me and my classmates on duty were left in the classroom. The broom rubs against the ground and makes a harsh noise, which upsets me. "Haven't you left yet?" She patted me on the shoulder, and before I came back to my senses, she took my hand. "Let's go together." We held our umbrellas and walked into the rain. Friend, although we often make some small disagreements, you are always in my most need, like an angel coming.

Maybe it's just a smile of trust, maybe it's just a warm encouragement, maybe it's just a hint full of expectations... Because you are always by my side, my claustrophobic heart seems to be constantly sprinkling bright sunshine!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (5)

The vicissitudes of time can not leave a trace. That childhood, that time, is your persistent figure, let me no longer confused. It's good to have you, Coach Yao

Bright sunshine

The sun was shining brightly under the heavy trees, which seemed thin and fragmented. I hurried downstairs and leaned my schoolbag on the dark green iron net. When I looked up, I saw that you were standing in the sun waiting for us. I ran into the court and stretched. In a daze, I saw some wrinkles on your weather beaten face, and some white hairs added to your dark hair. I turned around and picked up basketball to practice with my classmates. "No!" You shouted hoarsely, walked quickly to us, and began patiently to teach and correct actions. We know that you pay great attention to our basic skill training every time.

The autumn wind is bleak

The withered and yellow withered leaves fall with the wind, drawing a beautiful solitary line in the air.

Today is the day for our school basketball team to go to the hospital for physical examination. After class, I quickly went downstairs, put on a thin cotton padded jacket and waited in the hall on the first floor. Soon, all the team members arrived. You trot from another campus. You paid for a van yourself. When we all got on the bus and sat down, I found it warm. You had asked the master to turn on the air conditioner long ago, for fear that we might catch cold. When you get to the hospital, you can help us all hang up and take us upstairs to measure our heart rate. As we entered the heart rate chamber one by one, you sat on the chair in fear that something might happen to us. Until the list says "children's normal heart rate", which means that all our players can participate in the game as scheduled, you will be relieved and open your eyebrows. We know that you are more worried about our health than our parents.

The cold wind is biting

The district basketball match began. You shouted hoarsely and kept commanding us to "fight". The dry lips are like dead branches, bleeding at any time. Even so, you still shout. You watched us running away from the field without missing any details. When we win, teach us not to be proud; When we lose, teach us never to admit defeat! We know that you are not only the technical guidance on the court, but also our spiritual pillar.

Coach Yao, it's good to have you! Under your careful guidance, I constantly challenge myself and defeat myself; With you, I will not wander in the face of difficulties; With you, my basketball dream will be more brilliant!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (6)

I once thought, why do I have a rebellious brother instead of a gentle and considerate sister? But later I found that it was good to have such a brother!

I remember once, when I looked through the photographic records in my notebook computer, I found a video by accident. When I opened it, my brother in the video jumped and jumped on the bed wearing a thick cotton padded jacket, and sometimes made strange noises, which made me almost laugh. I felt that solo music was not as good as public music, so I sent it to my mother's mobile phone. After watching the video, my mother told me with a smile that my younger brother might have thought he had "peerless magic skills". He was so happy that I couldn't hold my breath of water and burst out with a "poof!", which made my younger brother very interesting.

In the evening, after my brother came home, I took out the computer and opened the video for him to see. He only saw half of it. He hurriedly pressed the pause button, closed the page, and said, "Don't look!" I proudly replied to him, "It's no use not to look at it. I saw it at noon." He was very upset. Suddenly, he pushed me away with lightning speed and deleted the video. After he left, I found it again from the "deleted video" and found several pieces of it

Such farces are staged between my brother and me every day. If you don't believe me, let me give you a few more examples.

One day, I sat on the sofa watching TV, holding the TV remote control tightly in my hand, fearing that he would suddenly pull it away. I glanced at him from time to time with the rest of my eyes, only to see him staring at my remote control, suddenly he rushed over and grabbed the remote control. I quickly grabbed it, but he didn't take it away. He silently sat back and planned the next "sneak attack"... Every time I watched TV, there were several thrilling scenes.

Although my brother and I will quarrel when we meet, we miss each other very much when we "disappear for a day". Think of the scene where we talked about the game with relish on the way after school; When parents are not at home, we secretly play games together; There is also the scene of my mother sitting on the side, we work hard on our homework together... These scenes have long been lingering in my mind. I can't imagine what life would be like without my brother, so I still have to tell him this. For me - it's good to have you!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (7)

Last weekend, we went back to our hometown.

Just entering the village, I saw Grandma standing at the door of her house looking around, her eyes full of eagerness. I quickly opened the window, and a cold wind hit my face. It is winter. The cold weather, coupled with the wild wind in the countryside, makes people shiver. I put my head out of the window and shouted excitedly, "Grandma, we are back." Grandma suddenly looked back and saw us, her eyes shining with joy. As soon as the car stopped, I jumped down and hugged her! She also hugged me tightly, her face turned into a chrysanthemum, and she could not close her mouth happily. I looked at my grandma's red face and called everyone in. Grandma just sat down, looked around, stood up again, so many people came. She is naturally restless. Busy before and after. The mother couldn't stand it and snatched the half cut apple from Grandma: "Mom, can't you take a break?" Grandma laughed, and the wrinkled chrysanthemum bloomed, "I'm happy, happy..."

Just after sitting down to chat, Grandma looked at the wall clock and got up. "You talk first, I'll steam some steamed buns for you to take home. Then I'll cook" She walked quickly to the kitchen, and her mother smiled and shook her head. I was so happy that I went to the kitchen with my grandma.

Although I can't make steamed bread, I can burn firewood since I was young. After a while, the noodles were reconciled and the raw steamed bread was ready. Grandma put enough water in the pot and put on the steamer. I sat in front of the stove. Ignite the fire and add a bean stick to it. The fire rises and lights up the whole stove. Grandma came and helped me add firewood. The huge tongue of fire licked the bottom of the pot, and the fire reflected the whole gray wall, and also lit up Grandma's old but smiling face. Outside, the cold wind is cold, and inside, the fire warms the heart.

We sat in front of the stove and shouted to her to tell me stories as if we were children. She put down her work, covered her hands for me while telling, and from time to time she would send firewood to the stove. The fire grew stronger and my hands warmed. I looked at the flickering fire and Grandma's face silently. Everything seemed unchanged, but when I grew up, she was also old. Suddenly, I found that what had not changed was that she was holding my rough and dark hands, still warm.

"Eat a steamed bun!" I was in a daze when a snow-white steamed bun appeared in front of me. I took the steamed bun from Grandma and took a bite. The aroma filled my mouth. I not only bent my mouth!

It's good to have you

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (8)

Home is like a safe haven. There are delicious meals cooked by your mother and detailed instructions from your father. At home, you can do everything you want to do and enjoy yourself. When I was a child, I always looked forward to going out and playing with my friends, but when I was tired of playing, I still had to go home to rest. Now, in the daytime, I have classes at school. When I come home from school, the first sentence is, "Mom, I'm home". It feels good; In the hot summer, as long as I get home, I feel cool and cool. It feels good; Every time I get home, I can lie on the soft sofa and relax my muscles and bones. It's really comfortable.

When I was bullied outside, I felt much happier only when I returned home and told my complaints and unhappiness. When I failed in the exam, although I always nagged when I returned home, my parents' guidance always made me correct my questions. At this time, I naturally felt a trace of warmth in my heart. When I cry and feel sad when I encounter setbacks, my mother's comfort enables me to face setbacks correctly, while my father's humor and humor always encourage me to beat about the bush, making me more confident to overcome setbacks, not afraid of failure, and win. So I have to say: "It's good to go home!"

At home, I can be relaxed, free and unrestrained. Unlike being outside, I often feel uncomfortable. I remember one time, my mother went to Xiamen on business, and my father was going to the company for a meeting. I was the only one left at home, so I had to go to my aunt's house to eat. I always felt uncomfortable when I had nothing to do at her home, so I picked up a book and read it with relish. After a while, my aunt had prepared a delicious meal. I was a bit greedy after seeing it, but it was at my aunt's house after all, so I had to sit quietly. If I were at home, I would have been eager to eat a big meal. At the beginning of the meal, my aunt seemed to see my mind and always helped me with the dishes. On the contrary, I was even more uncomfortable. If I were at home, I would not be so shy. In the evening, when I came home, I felt much more relaxed. pretty good

I remember that during the summer vacation of the third grade, the school organized us to go to the "Youth Military Academy". That was the first time I left home to live independently outside. At first, I felt very excited. But I never left my parents. After only two days, I began to feel homesick. When I got up in the morning, without my mother's voice, I always felt empty, as if I had lost something. In addition to the hard training in the day, I was tired and sweated heavily. At night, although the bed of the "Youth Military Academy" was not comfortable at home, I could not sleep in the beginning because I was tossing and turning, It makes me want to go home and have a good sleep. The five days of life finally passed. When I got home, I lay down in bed and had a good sleep. Finally, I got rid of my tiredness.

It's better to go home!

Really?? Narrative composition 600 words (9)

In our daily study, work or life, we all have the experience of writing compositions. We are familiar with compositions. With the help of compositions, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is the one that Xiaobian carefully sorted out. I'm really ashamed - 600 words of narrative composition _ first day diary composition, for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

Whenever I think of that, my face turns red.

It was a hot summer. I was going to my grandmother's house by bus. It took me more than an hour to get there. There were so many people on the bus that I finally found a place, so I picked up my mobile phone to watch the video. After two stops, an old lady who was over sixty came up. She had white hair all over her head, wore ragged clothes, wore shoes with patches on her feet, wore a pair of reading glasses on her nose, and held a sack with many empty mineral water bottles in one hand. Her clothes seemed to have not been washed for months, so she had a "special" smell, The passengers on the bus can't help but want to "retreat".

The car was rocking, and the grandma was also rocking with the car. It seemed that a sudden brake could make the grandma fall down. I suddenly thought: Do you want to make room for the grandma? At this time, two "I" suddenly appeared in my mind. One of them said, "No, I can't. You can't easily find the position. How can you let it go? What if you let the center become unstable and fall down? It's better to sit in the position and watch the phone..." Then the other "I" "We should be ready to help others, you are still a Young Pioneer..." and the other one said to me: "No other passengers have made way for her, so you should not be a 'front bird'!"...... I think we should not let go!

At this time, a boy of six or seven years old said to the old woman, "Grandma, please take my seat!" The old woman repeatedly praised the boy for being polite, and some young people on the bus lowered their heads in shame.

I think that if I had not hesitated so much and cared less about other people's opinions, but had stood up and stepped aside boldly, I would not have such a sense of guilt.

It made me understand that when you want to do a just thing, you should not hesitate, because it is not disgraceful. That time, I was ashamed.