Mental journey composition (8 high-quality articles)
I said to myself that the book of half a city
2023-10-13 00:57:28

Mental Journey Composition (1)

Mental journey composition 800 (1)

Believe in your composition 800 words

Believe in your composition 800 words

Shi Xingyuan

In fact, a person's biggest opponent is himself. We should value ourselves and believe that 'when winter comes, can spring be far behind?', We should motivate ourselves to reach the peak of success. We should surpass ourselves and always think: 'There is no best, only better; I believe in myself, I have confidence in myself, I believe that I can succeed, I believe that tomorrow is beautiful, I believe that I can do it! '

A few weeks ago, our school held the 6th Track and Field Games. I participated in the 400 meter women's track and field event. At first, I was confident of myself. But when I heard the students in other classes say, 'XXX, you really can't choose. Don't you know that your opponent can win the first place every time he runs in primary school?' Some students even satirized me: 'I think you are a clay bodhisattva crossing the river. You are in danger. You know that there are tigers in the mountain, and you prefer to travel in the tiger mountain. Even if you fight for your life, you can't run away from others! A stupid bird is a stupid bird. You can't fly the phoenix even if you are angry! ' Hearing the irony and rejection of this sound, I lost most of my confidence. Even my best friend advised me to give up, but I still couldn't make up my mind and wanted to take a chance. None of the students in the class would support me. They all said firmly that I could not win, but I thought: 'This is clearly to grow the ambition of others and destroy my own prestige! I should try my luck. After all, I pay much attention to the training of reaction, explosive power and endurance when I start running. ' Although I think so in my heart, I understand that this is not just a simple competition. I represent my class. If I win, I will be happy, the teacher will be happy, and the students will also be happy. Because I won honor for my class, but I lost? Not only are you sad, but also the teacher is disappointed, and the students will hate you! After thinking about it, I finally felt that I would try my own strength no matter what.

On the day of the competition, I was so nervous that I looked at my opponent. It turned out that I was in the same company as him in military training, but what could happen? I can only do my best. At the beginning of the competition, he was thirty or forty meters ahead of me. He and I began to keep this distance. Listening to the students' cries of 'Come on', I suddenly had confidence. I silently said: 'Believe in yourself, believe you can succeed!' In this way, I was constantly cheering myself on. This kind of self suggestion was very effective. When the end was near, I held my breath and chased after it. With a burst of cheers, I rushed out of the end. I won the first prize. At this time, the voices of sarcasm and ridicule before the game became the exclamation, 'You are so awesome. How did you do it? Let me help you walk!' I know that the students are also worried about the collective honor, but they still care about me.

The reason for this success, only I know, because I believe in myself, have confidence in myself, because I believe that I am the best! I believe I will succeed!

Shanxi Qinyuan No. 2 Middle School


The article is concise and attractive at the beginning. The main content of the contest described the journey of 'I' participating in the contest, with sincere feelings and vivid characters. The end echoes the topic, with complete structure, and also points out the center.

People have to experience so many times before they can grow up and truly understand the true meaning of life. However, no matter what the environment, it is most important to be confident, not discouraged, and go forward bravely. The teacher hopes that self-confidence will accompany you along the way.

Mental journey composition 800 (2)

As long as we study earlier and harder than others, we can taste the taste of success.

--Thoughts on Reading Fu Lei's Family Letter

Everyone has experienced the kindness and instruction of their parents

When I read this family letter

I feel a different kind of teaching

I seem to have found another kind of parent's son

This is something most children can't understand

This may be the reason why I have been admiring her son for ten years

It's the letter from home

Like a precious conversation

Closer our distance

I feel like a good child


Keep in mind

Fu Lei is a famous literary translator and literary critic in China

He is a learned man


An upright scholar

Extremely personalized

Zhu Meifu, her mother, is a person with oriental cultural attainments

Baptized by Western culture

Both kind and kind

Elegant and virtuous oriental women

Fu Lei, his father, has extensive knowledge of contemporary Chinese and foreign literature, music, painting

Deep research

High personal cultural accomplishment

The object of his training is to receive good family education from childhood

Fu Cong, the son of an international master

He understands

Art, even like piano playing, requires strict technical factors

But it's not "craftsmanship"

It is the embodiment of whole heart and personality

He educated his son and said, "I always think it's better to learn

Fine art

The most important thing is "people"

To develop a "person" as far as possible

Before becoming an artist

Learn to be a man first


That kind of so and so family is smart anyway

Will not make much contribution to mankind

A person who is purely devoted to art

In addition to his art and personal personality

Nothing more

After reading Fu Lei's Family Letter

I am really moved by Mr. Fu Lei's seriousness in life and his care for his children

From family letters to career life art

From eating to dressing

all kinds of work , no matter how big or trivial

Take care of everything

Parents can learn how to educate their children

Art learners, especially piano learners, can learn ways to improve their skills

Friends who are interested in the history from the early days of liberation to the Cultural Revolution can also get some understanding from the description of Fu Lei, the party concerned. What impressed me most in this book is to strengthen personal cultivation

From the words of family letters, Fu Lei is a person who is very strict with himself

In some aspects, they even have a taste of being mean to themselves

Fu Lei asked his son to set three principles: not to say sorry to the motherland, not to do anything sorry to the motherland, and not to be in his own country

Some people think that letters are the most authentic, natural and honest words


Because all the words written down are immediate thoughts

Where to Think

Where is the word

Even more so when writing to relatives

And he dares to analyze himself

Admit mistakes in front of children

Give experience and lessons from your own experience


I want to read Fu Lei's family letter. What we read should be Fu Lei himself

Fu Lei also teaches his children in accordance with their aptitude

On the education of Fu Cong's music

It originally emphasized skills, and then repeatedly asked him to really understand the work itself

This is to think about everything from the perspective of "why"

So as to see the essence of things

Fu Lei's own ideological experience in educating his children is also constantly improving

What we see in Fu Lei is the idea of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures

Noble parents bring up successful children

Fu Lei and his wife devoted their whole life

Two children cultivated with painstaking efforts

Very successful

The earnest instruction of parents in family letters

Sincere communication between children and parents

Kinship overflows between the lines

It gave me a strong inspiration

After reading Fu Lei's letter

I learned a lot

I know my parents better. This book is not only an education book

It is also a book that can bring parents and children closer

Let children know their parents better

Let parents know more about children


I read Helen Keller's autobiography "If You Give Me Three Days of Light"

I feel deeply

"If You Give Me Three Days of Light" mainly tells about the bumpy life of blind and deaf Helen Keller

And her mental journey

Her life is only 19 months bright

Mental Journey Composition (2)

My Heart Journey Composition 800 (1)

My University Journey

Department: Department of Educational Science and Technology

Major: Educational Technology

Student No.: 200983024011

Name: Li Ningning

My mental journey

When I mentioned writing this growth report, I thought about how to write it and in what form. In the end, I decided not to write it as an assignment, not as a composition, and not to use some fancy words to describe it. I just want to write it as a kind of real psychological conversation, a summary of 20 years

Time flies, time flies, and I am already a sophomore unconsciously. In the campus, I used to call others my brother and sister, but now I am the brother of others. I feel that my wonderful college life is almost over before it starts

I was born and raised on the loess land where I was raised. I am from Shaanxi. I admit that I am a comrade, but I only admit that I have been watching, understanding and listening for so many years, without really talking about a comrade's own love. Next, I will tell you my journey of more than 20 years in chronological order

I grew up in a remote rural area. Because there were many children at home, I spent my childhood almost with my grandparents. There is a primary school in the village, where I finished my primary school. I am a very strong and face saving person, so since I was young, I have been very strict with learning requirements. No one has ever helped me with my courses, but my grades are very good every time I take an exam. I am very proud of this and reduce my parents' worries. When I was in the fourth grade of primary school, I did not do well in the exam once. When I came home, I looked unhappy. When my parents asked me, I actually burst into tears. Please laugh when I think about it now. Although my parents didn't give me too much care and accompany in my childhood, I also read a happy childhood under the care of my grandparents. The most proud thing is that my grades in primary school are almost the first in my class. Every year, I win the "three good students", which adds glory to my parents.

Up to junior high school, my grades were very good. I was the first in my class when I entered the middle school. In the eyes of teachers and students, I am a good student. In the eyes of my family and relatives, my learning is very good „„ All people give me the position that I am excellent and dare not say so, at least I am excellent „„ My family has high expectations of me, perhaps that is the case. I have always believed that I will go very smoothly on the road of learning! The high school entrance exam came, and everyone thought I would do well! But everything happened to me unexpectedly. I didn't get into the provincial key middle school, so I was ten points short. I really didn't know what to do at that time? My father said to me, I'd better save face if I could find an acquaintance to pay for it. I don't want others to look at me the same way. I never went. I was silent and even reassessed myself. What kind of student am I

In the reexamination, I only entered an ordinary high school, and my enrollment score was 16 in our class

In retrospect, a dozen of them were not bad enough, but at that time, in my heart, it was hopeless, and I had never tried this kind of taste. The teacher asked the class committee to rank from front to back, no longer the best in the eyes of students, no longer a good student in the eyes of teachers. The only thing that remains unchanged is parents' expectations

I still remember my first monthly exam, my Chinese score was the first in the class, and it seemed that I had regained the trust of the teacher! It seems childish to think about these things now, but at that time, they were all natural

In a word, the failure of the middle school entrance exam and the high school's strong players have further stimulated my passion for learning. However, the curriculum in high school is not as simple as that in junior high school, and I gradually feel the pressure of learning. I study day and night to make my dream of college come true. In high school, my math score was particularly good, but I was a little poor in physics.

In my sophomore year in senior high school, I chose liberal arts. Although the teachers and students felt incomprehensible, and although my math was the top in the grade, I still insisted on my choice and entered the liberal arts class! But somehow, I don't regret my choice. For three years, my grades have been very stable, so I never thought that the college entrance examination would be unstable and fail so! The teacher said that although I can't get a particularly good point, the last general point should be OK. But the result is that my composition, which has always been good, has gone off the topic, and my college entrance examination, which has always been poor, is particularly poor.

This is another crossroads. I don't know where to go when I stand there? At that time, I didn't dare to touch anyone, and my parents were at a loss. After a few days of depression, I remembered my college dream again. I still didn't give up. This time, I decided to go to cram school to realize my college dream in this year. In the year of tutoring, I devoted myself to study, and my parents also gave me the greatest support. After a year of hard work, I finally got into college.

Of course, the first thing to enter the university is military training. Rather than calling military training the first test of the university, we should call it the first lesson. Not to mention how hard the military training is, I can only appreciate the dignity of organization and discipline from the orderly quilt like a bean curd, the connotation of military orders falling like a mountain from the indispensable assembly time, and the elegance and charm of green soldiers from the tired and happy singing. After the military training, I will officially start my college career. Like all my classmates, I am just an ignorant freshman who knows nothing, has just finished the battle of senior three, and is full of curiosity and yearning for college. What is the concept of university? Actually, I don't know.

I am now a sophomore girl. I have lived in the university for two years. It is an experience

A bumpy mental journey. Like any freshman, I have a beautiful vision of college. I also came here with colorful dreams, Lingyun ambition and passion. No matter what happened in the past, I believe I can start again here and have a better life. I want to be excellent in science, get scholarships every year, pass CET-4 and CET-6 in English, and pass CET-2 in computer. I also know that university is half a society, so we should not cling to textbooks as we used to. We should pay attention to the cultivation of ability and the accumulation of work experience. I plan to find many part-time jobs. There is also one thing that we are looking forward to: a vigorous love. But soon after the school started, the passion had dissipated before it burned, and the dreams were shattered one by one. I began to be confused and lost. Because of my family background, I know I can't go on like this. I can't waste my youth here with my parents' hard-earned money. But I can't focus on my study. My heart is very painful and guilty. I want to escape. So I thought of quitting school or quitting school. Even if I was wandering, I would not waste my life here. I want to pursue my dream and do what I like. It's just that I also know that all this is just for me to think about. My behavior is undoubtedly a fatal blow to my parents. I am not a wayward child, I do not have enough courage. I can't do that! We must find something to do. Everyone has different choices. Some people are busy in various societies, some people read all kinds of books, and more people are addicted to QQ and games. But I chose to learn. I don't have any special skills. I can only realize my dream through learning.

About 30% to 50% of the students in the lower grades of the university will feel that the interpersonal relationship is uncoordinated, and they will use selfishness and boredom to describe the interpersonal relationship. Therefore, online love, falling in love, and running home have become the choices of some students. There is such a law and a change in interpersonal relationship. The rule is that in the first half of the first semester of freshman year, it is the peak of interpersonal relationships for most students. Everyone is extremely good. The collective activities and dormitory relationships are very good. Some dormitories are also ranked as the eldest and the second. At the end of the first semester, they enter a silent period and are tired of playing. In the new semester after the winter vacation, the sense of "vicissitudes" will lead to the complexity of "interpersonal relationships", and there will be no simple smile in the future. When it comes to "change", it means that the tolerance of modern college students to others has declined significantly, and their dissatisfaction with others is very easy to be written on their faces. Some people say it is "immature", others say it is "personality", and others say it is "right" struggle. Anyway, in modern times, intolerance is a kind of progress, but it cannot be absolute and exaggerated, Because tolerance is an important skill in interpersonal communication after all.

In the second semester of my freshman year, I brought a computer with me. When I was free, I would chat online about QQ and watch TV. Gradually, the dormitories all took computers, and watching TV became our fun. At that time, we felt that time passed quickly, and most of our time was addicted to the Internet. At the end of my freshman year, I looked back on the past year and felt that I had wasted a precious year. I decided to study hard in my sophomore year and not waste time.

The time of my sophomore year flashed by. I made some achievements in this year. I got the Computer Certificate II and took the Computer Test Band 3. Although I didn't pass the English Test Band 4, I will continue to work hard and try to pass it in June. I hope I can work harder in the remaining two years! Create a better future for me.

My Heart Journey Composition 800 (2)

My mental journey

To be honest, people will experience all kinds of things from childhood to adulthood. Of course, I was angry, happy and miserable at that time. But think about it afterwards and compare other people's life experiences. I think my life, at least so far, is relatively flat, smooth and happy.

I got in touch with love early, so I learned how to communicate with people and the opposite sex. I learned the bitterness and sweetness of love early, that the pay is not necessarily rewarded, and that love is not necessarily as perfect as a fairy tale; I entered the boarding school earlier, so I learned to solve and face some problems independently, to deal with people from different family backgrounds, and to know that not everyone is so friendly. In the process of experience, I may have been sad, moved, afraid, or happy. During this period, I met many people and met many things. But when I think about the past, all the ups and downs may not be bad. It taught me to grow up, making me better and more mature.

We are constantly growing at each stage. After entering the university, I seem to have changed a lot unconsciously, becoming more optimistic and aggressive. Now I am 20 years old, and I have been in college for 2 years. Before I knew it, I would soon enter my junior year. It's really fast to think about it. After two years of college life, my psychology has matured a lot. In college, we have more time and more opportunities to meet various friends from all over the world. My popularity is good, so I also have many friends. In fact, there may be many nodding acquaintances. After all, there are few people who can really make friends.

In life, maybe some people are ambitious and want to show their strengths. Some people are lazy and live a life of one day. In my opinion, the results are important, and the experience is also important. You should understand life. In life, there are three realms: knowing, understanding, and understanding. What a realm! But the most expensive is the word "Wu".

My Heart Journey Composition 800 (3)

2012, my journey

This is my mental journey over the past year. I can't help but say that it is not to let everyone believe anything, but to throw a brick to attract jade, and to arouse the touch and reflection of thoughts. The examples in the article are real people and stories around me. Please forgive me for any disrespect. The article is a bit colloquial, which inevitably has repetition, imprecision, contradiction and even mistakes. Please comment and correct. Let's begin.

1、 Do people have souls?

I am 33 years old. I never believed in ghosts and gods until one thing completely changed my view. My father died in November 2010, when my son was one year old and four months old. At about 11:40 pm the next day after his death, my son woke up with a cry in his sleep. His eyes were wide open, full of fear, and tears flowed down his face. I cried very hard. I had never cried like this before. I looked at the roof and the door from time to time, and sometimes looked behind me from my shoulder. My hands kept pointing at something, and my legs kept kicking. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop crying. After crying for more than an hour, I lost my patience and shouted to my son, "What are you crying about?"! Then my son pointed to the door and said, Grandpa! I was stunned when I heard that there was nothing at the door. I thought you were talking nonsense. Finally, I cried until almost 4 o'clock. There is a saying of "seven seven" after people die. I stopped crying for a few days, and I cried again at about 12 o'clock in the evening. The next day, I went to Baidu to search whether children could see ghosts. The query results showed that many people had such experiences, all of which happened when there were elderly dead children at home. After knowing this, when my son cried every seven nights (other times he didn't cry), I knelt in front of my father and said, Dad, if you miss your grandson, come back to see him, but he was too young to see you and was afraid. Come and see my son when you want to see him again. Less than five seconds later, my son stopped crying and would not cry again all night.

Don't they all say that people die like lights out, and nothing is left after death? Why does this happen? I began to feel that my father did not really leave. He was always around me, but I could not see him, but he could see my every move and hear me. But my son could see him. Later, I knew that children under 7 could see him.

I used to hear people say that in a few days after the death of someone's elder, they told their family in their dreams that our house was leaking and you should repair it. When I woke up the next day, I was very confused. I looked at the elder's grave. The rain washed the grave into a big hole a few days ago, and it seeped down. When I saw this scene, I suddenly realized that our dead relatives did not really leave. After filling the pit with earth, I never dreamed of them again. Some people don't know what happened. If they didn't go to the cemetery to fill the earth, they would have the same dream for several days until the pit was filled. I just heard it before, but now I hear four people tell me that they have experienced it personally. (One is my daughter-in-law's aunt, and three are colleagues. For the sake of respect, they don't say their names)

I also went to Baidu to check the near death experience. It is the people who are extremely weak and unconscious due to illness or sudden accidents, and who have recovered after several days of rescue, to tell people what they have seen and heard in the past few days. I am more convinced that people have souls. When people die, the energy of their bodies decreases until they can't carry their souls. For example, I am dying of illness in the hospital. My soul leaves my body and floats to the roof. I can see my body lying on the hospital bed, and my relatives cry around me. I can hear them speak, but they can neither see me nor hear me. I can float through the wall of the ward and travel around freely. When I was cremated three days later, I could see who had gone and who hadn't gone, what clothes everyone wore, what cars they drove, what words they said, and even what was in my mind. In forty-nine days, I can see my grandparents and father and get together with them. If I miss my family, I will go back to see them and tell them what I want. The next morning, they woke up and found that they dreamed of me. The words in that scene were vivid and vivid, because I met him in a dream. I can do something for you in forty-nine days. Anyone who has lived in the countryside may have heard of a phenomenon that everyone is gathered together, with a table in the middle, a bowl of water on it, and a chopsticks placed in the water, leaning against the bowl. I saw a person chanting and talking, and then the chopsticks slowly got up on their own and stood straight in the bowl (I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but five people have seen it with their own eyes and told me about it, one is my daughter-in-law's aunt, and four are colleagues. For the sake of respect, they don't say their names). However, we clearly saw that no one helped this chopstick. How could it stand up slowly? According to Newton's laws of physics, chopsticks cannot stand up slowly without external forces acting on them. Our country is not always indignant without Norbert

Are you a winner of the Nobel Prize? Why don't you study and overthrow Newton's laws of physics to shock the Nobel Prize? If you can't win the prize, you can at least open a new chapter in mechanics:) Why not? If you want to perform this program for others, if you have a good relationship, I can help you. I slowly lift the chopsticks with my hands to prevent them from falling down. What you see is that no one moves the chopsticks, and they stand up slowly, all because you can't see me. Say again "money can make the devil go around". Let's not think about his figurative meaning, but the original meaning. Can ghosts push the mill? Yes, it can. If the relationship is good, I can help you to do it for free. What you see is that there is no grinding, and you are grinding round and round. Looking back, people die like lights go out. How did the lights go out? As we all know from our life in the countryside before, the kerosene lamp at home became weaker and weaker when there was no oil. At last, it was suddenly lit and extinguished, and then a wisp of white smoke swirled from the wick. The ancients used simple language to realistically describe the scene at the moment of death, which is impressive, but we first thought of its figurative meaning! As time goes by, I will not be so free after 49 days. I can't help you just because I want to. Why? I will discuss it later.

2、 Do animals, plants and nonliving matter have souls?

Buddhism advocates that everything has a spirit. Is there really a spirit? When Japanese scientist Jiang Bensheng studied water, he stuck a piece of paper on the outer wall of a glass of water, which said, "I love you, you are beautiful, you are sweet, you are pure, thank you, etc." When he praised and thanked you, he observed that water molecules would crystallize into regular shapes through special instruments, which was very beautiful, whether written in Japanese, Chinese, English, French, Russian or any other language, The results are the same. But when I wrote on the paper that I hate you, you are ugly, I hate you, you are a fool, you smell so bad, and other insulting words, I found that the shape of the water molecule crystal became irregular, unorganized, and there was no sense of beauty. If you don't write, say these words in front of the water. No matter what language you use, the result is the same as the previous one. Finally, the conclusion is that water is conscious and can understand people.

An American researcher (whose name is forgotten) had a whim one day, what would it look like to clip the lie detector clip onto the leaves of a potted flower in the room, and see if the display screen did not respond. He lit a leaf with a lighter again, and then he was surprised to find that there was a big reaction on the display screen, indicating that the plant was very afraid. The leaf burned and the fire went out. After a while, the fear still didn't disappear until everyone in the room went out and came back two hours later. Scientists from all over the world have studied and confirmed that when a forest fire occurs, trees can transmit information, most of which are feelings of fear and despair, but they cannot move and can only be burned by the fire. As shown above, plants are also conscious.

People who have lived in the countryside and raised cattle at home know that they cannot speak in front of the cattle when they are ready to sell them. The next day, when holding a cow, the cow will cry and will not leave. Our explanation for this is that cattle are human. Cattle are cattle, people are people, cattle have cattle nature, people have human nature, how do cattle connect with human nature? Those who have pigs at home also know such things. I wanted to kill pigs and eat meat for the Spring Festival, but I didn't say it in front of the pigs. I just discussed with my family about killing pigs at night. The next day when you enter the pigsty to catch a pig, you will find that you can't catch it alone. Why? Is this the stupid pig who only knows how to eat, sleep and eat in our eyes? Did he feel that he was going to be killed? Yes, I did, so I ran away. How did the pig know that he was going to be killed? Let's say pigs are also human. We also heard such strange news from the news media from time to time that someone accidentally saved an animal with kindness, and the animal saved his life when he was in trouble. There are also some strange people who can talk to animals, and so on. Do we still want to say that animals are human? Yes, animals really connect with human nature, plants also connect with human nature, and non living materials (water, stone) are also connected with human nature. Because they, like us, have souls.

3、 Where does everything come from?

People, animals, plants and nonliving substances all have souls. The essence of soul is energy, and energy comes from the energy field of the universe. In other words, we, including the flowers, birds, insects, fish, birds and animals around us, are all from the same place - the cosmic energy field. So, how can we communicate with the universe?

Tell me how my son was born. When I combine with my daughter-in-law's fertilized egg, it will send out energy waves of a certain frequency. At this time, my son's soul is floating in the sky. When his own frequency is close to this frequency, it will make him feel extremely happy and joyful. (But if he finds an energy wave that is more pleasing to him at this time, he will choose to reincarnate in someone else's home.) He will choose us, It will attach to the fertilized egg, grow up slowly in my daughter-in-law's body, and become my son after birth. We just gave him flesh and blood, so he and we are only "blood" relationship, except for these, he and we are essentially not related

Tied. He is him, I am me, and my daughter-in-law is my daughter-in-law. The three of us are all alone. Then why can the three of us become a family in this life? It is the so-called fate to meet thousands of miles away. After tens of thousands of years and hundreds of reincarnations, the three of us met here in this life to form a family. Everything is fate. I will cherish this fate after a hundred years of cultivation.

And my son. From the tiny fertilized egg at that time, after more than 300 days of growth, he was born with a weight of 6 kg and 4 liang. Think carefully how amazing it is. Why can it grow so fast? Does it rely only on the mother's diet and nutrition to be transmitted to him through the placenta and umbilical cord? What if the maternal diet is seriously deficient? Can the fetus grow up healthily? Think about our parents. My father was born in 1950, and there were nine sisters. My grandmother was short of food and clothing at that time. She had no next meal, and her own nutrition requirements could not be met normally, not to mention the fetus? But why can all 9 of my father and sister grow up slowly after childbirth in October? The answer is that the fetus (human) needs at least two kinds of nutrition, one is diet nutrition, which is secondary; The second is the cosmic energy, which is the main thing. The fetus can grow healthily only by continuously obtaining energy from the cosmic energy field. The ancients often said that we should absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and absorb the spirit of heaven and earth. The same question, why do we sleep? During the day, our physical activities, work, study, life, thinking, walking, sitting and lying are all consuming energy. At night, we go to sleep, stop the acquired consciousness, and our souls constantly absorb the energy of the universe, so we can be refreshed the next day. Sometimes dreaming at night, staying up late or losing sleep will affect the absorption of energy, so the next day you will be in low spirits. Sometimes, after staying up late and going to work the next day, I can't stand it. I lie down on the table and take a nap, even if it is only 5 or 6 minutes. When I wake up, I feel refreshed. Why? The same is true. Zhuge Liang once said, "Indifference leads to a bright future and tranquility leads to a far future.". How can you make your mind clear even if you are indifferent? How can peace go far? I didn't understand before, but I also understand now. Now in most areas of China, the wedding ceremony is still a worship of heaven and earth, two parents and husband and wife. Why should we worship heaven and earth first and then parents? Why can this custom last for thousands of years? Because heaven and earth (the universe) separate the true self from the higher self, and give me cosmic energy; My parents gave birth to me, raised me, and gave me flesh and blood and food energy. The ancients understood the essence of life and the mysteries of the universe, which is why simple truth can be passed down for thousands of years without change.

4、 Do people have reincarnation?

Man, is there a past life and this life? Can you reincarnate? If we are reincarnated, why can't we remember the previous life? If everyone can remember the past life, then this problem will be solved. However, we can't remember, some people can. You can search Baidu for "The boy who died prematurely is reincarnated to a neighboring village. Let me talk about the content roughly. The medical conditions in rural areas are poor. A child died of illness. His grandmother was reluctant to give up the child, so she took out the seal of the child's father (Long Zhanggui) and stamped it on his buttocks, hoping that the child would be reincarnated to recognize each other. After a while, a child from a neighboring village was born. When he was born, he had a seal on his ear with three words: Long Zhanggui. Later, when the child grew up and went to primary school, he told his teacher about his last life and mentioned the chapter on his ear. His teacher didn't believe him. Finally, he vomited and rubbed hard before believing that the child was not lying. He didn't have to learn Chinese in class. He told the teacher that he had learned Chinese in his previous life, and he had never learned Chinese, but he spoke Chinese fluently. He told his teacher about his family members, trivia, home location and so on in his previous life. Later, the teacher accompanied him to go there and found that what the child said was true. Is this just a special case, an accident? The reporter investigated and interviewed the neighboring villages. Most of the villagers never doubt the reincarnation, because this phenomenon is common in several neighboring villages. Not only many of them can remember the past lives, but also many children are reincarnated after the death of their family elders! Wu Wenzhi, the director of the local county literature and history office, was skeptical at first, but after five or six years of investigation, he was convinced.

Another video was also searched out on Baidu. It was a program "Past and Present" of the US Discovery Channel. At that time, many websites were able to watch it and download and save it. Later, when searching and watching it again, it was found that many website videos had been deleted, leaving only an empty column there. The reason is unknown*_* This video has a long content and many examples. Let me give you an example. A gangster robbed a supermarket with a pistol. A policeman bravely stopped the robbery. However, the gangster shot the police in the chest and pierced a major artery near the heart. After full rescue by the hospital, he died of excessive blood loss. Two years later, the policeman's grandson was born, and just after he was born, he entered the emergency room. The doctor found that the child had a big heart connection

The artery is broken, and after the operation, it is safe and healthy. When the child was more than 2 years old, he could say the whole sentence when he began to speak. He said to his father, "I would have done it when I was your age. I spanked you when you were disobedient. Remember that I took you to the seaside that year, and so on. I still had to take his father to the seaside once.". After experiencing all this, the father of the child was shocked at the beginning, and finally fully convinced that his son was reincarnated after his father's death, because from

Mental Journey Composition (3)

Growing up is a spiritual journey.

In the late autumn night, it was still cold. I was sitting on the desk with my pen nib rustling. "Wow," I yawned, rubbed my eyes, looked at the time of eleven o'clock, shook my head helplessly, picked up my pen and continued my fight.

As the high school entrance exam is approaching, the burden on me is inevitably heavy. The orange light painted a layer of gold sand on the dim small room. The milk tea on the desk is steaming hot, rendering the room particularly warm.

Suddenly, the pen stopped, and the composition "Warm" came into view. I bit the tip of my pen. When I was ready to write, I put down my pen and sighed. Can't I feel warm? No, my parents love me so much that they should feel warm! Still, my feelings were not so obvious, and I didn't notice anything carefully... My thoughts were in a mess. I scratched my head hard. I wanted to scratch all my hair, but also to find some clues and details.

Suddenly, the tip of my finger accidentally touched the steaming milk tea. I gently lifted it up and blew slowly. As soon as I raised my neck, a cup of milk tea immediately went into my stomach. In the warm belly, a stream of heat instantly spread all over the body, moistening numb and stiff limbs, so warm. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration. Why did this cup of milk tea appear here on time every day. I see. It's her, Mom. She was afraid that I would study hard, so she made a cup of milk tea to relieve my fatigue. Usually, I think this is right, it's peaceful! Now, how difficult it is! Apart from my mother's patience and details, who in the world can treat me so meticulously. For a moment, my thoughts were like a spring, and I was deeply moved.

"Zhi", the door opened without a crack and saw a figure shaking outside. I smiled a little and knew that it was my mother again. She was worried about whether I had fallen asleep. If I don't sleep, she will not sleep. Gradually, the sound of footsteps faded away. I knew that she would come again, twice, three times... I sorted out my thoughts, grasped the pen, and sped up my writing speed. Maybe this composition is not my best one, but it is definitely my most true and emotional one. I use the pen in my hand to interpret my mother's love and warmth.

Growing up, from numbness to feeling, from feeling to taste, from taste to gratitude. Growing up is no longer a symbolic word, but a label and voucher for the transformation of the soul.

Let the thorns bloom warm flowers, and let the indifferent mind bathe in fire. The warm taste lingers in the light hot cup.

Whether you are still beating in the heart that has been throbbing for a long time. When I grow up, are you growing up?

The transformation of the soul only wants to have a transparent heart and tearful eyes, to find love, understand love, learn love, and sing a happy song with family.

Mental Journey Composition (4)

[Chapter 1: My Journey of Mind]

It was Saturday, the first Saturday of the new semester. In this week, my heart has tasted three different flavors.


At the beginning of school, when I learned that our fourth grade was divided into different classes again, my heart felt bitter and astringent, and my heart was full of nostalgia for the old classes. The most difficult thing for me to understand is that my favorite teacher Zhou became the head teacher of Class 5 (2), while I was assigned to Class 5 (3). In response to such a result, I was silly, confused, and wanted to cry. But I knew that nothing could change. I decided to settle down and understand the truth.


When I was in Class 5 (3) these days, I met a new teacher, a new classmate, and a new deskmate. At the moment, my mood has changed from the previous loss to excitement, happiness, and curiosity, just like the first time I put a sweet candy in my mouth when I was young.

Our head teacher is a math teacher. Her surname is Lu. Although she is a little fat, she looks very approachable. The Chinese teacher is the famous Xia teacher in the school. She looks very young, just like our big sister. After a week of getting along, I fell in love with these two teachers.


As it is a new class in the new semester, the teacher wants to re elect class cadres, so he decided to hold a class cadre election on Friday class meeting, and let students who want to be class cadres get ready. I also participated in this election campaign. On that day, I remember very clearly that after my election speech, most of the people who voted for me were former classmates who knew me. Although I was elected monitor by a narrow margin in the end, I felt like swallowing a green plum in my heart. I think, maybe at the moment, the students in the class can not fully understand me and recognize me! In the future, I must work hard to make you fall in love with me.

I think it's pleasant for us to divide classes. It is because of class division that I have so many different feelings; Because of the division of classes, I have more classmates; Because of the division of classes, my primary school life is colorful!

[Part II: Mental journey]

Once, when I was sorting things out, I accidentally turned out my childhood photos. Looking at those photos, I can't help sinking into memories

You must want to laugh when you see this picture. How could a child have such an expression? Of course, this photo was taken when I was 2 years old. My father was seducing me with my favorite mints at that time. Of course, I was greedy! I kept staring at the sugar for fear of being eaten by others. Looking at the sugar in my eyes, I seemed to say, "Mint candy~~come here~~let me eat you!" Until now, even I could not help laughing when I saw this picture. Now, when I think of that foolish energy and the happy and relaxed life at that time, I really miss it.

This second photo was of course taken when I was 7 years old. That summer vacation, my father took me to Yantai to play. Although I was a "dry duck" at that time, my enthusiasm for water was not small. I was very excited to see such a wide sea for the first time since I was a child, so I couldn't wait to swim. Of course, I learned how to swim here, I remember catching two flounder and putting them in the mineral water bottle, because I was afraid they would run away, I tightened the bottle cap tightly. When I returned to the hotel after going out, I found that both fish had turned over. I was very worried at that time. I just grabbed the fish and did artificial respiration, but the fish didn't survive. Instead, my mouth was full of fishy smell for several days.

The handsome guy in the third photo is of course me! At this time, I was 13 years old. My ignorance when I was young has become mature and stable now, but my character of playing will never change. This is my birthday. When I saw a small slide, I climbed up and wanted to slide down. You can guess what happened next from the proportion of me and the slide in this photo! Yes, I got stuck in the middle of the slide. Alas! This is not good when I grow up. I can no longer play as freely as when I was a child. However, my childlike innocence will not change. I will always live happily as a child.

Growth is the only way for everyone. Over time, some things will change, while others will not. I believe that my childlike innocence will never change when I grow up in the future. I will follow this path of life, and the farther I go, the wider I go

[Chapter 3: Composition of Mental Journey]

Nine years ago, with a flick of my fingers.

What flows away is time, but what cannot flow away is mood.

Growth seems to be a topic that everyone often talks about, and I am no exception.

The wheel of life revolves quietly. I hold a cup of tea in my hand and stand against the window, letting my soul wander and dance in my heart, listening to the voice of my heart————

The pointer of time points to the innocent childhood.

A girl from Yaya to hang a red scarf, step by step, looks young, but so firm and persistent. Every day, she would listen carefully in class and ask the teacher if she didn't understand. She likes reading; Likes adventure. The innocent and pure heart, without any impurities, is like a spring. Reading, learning culture and other things, just because she loves learning and thinks learning is a happy thing.

Every day, she will communicate with her classmates and keep smiling at them. She, like other girls, will be sad because someone ignores her, and will also be elated because of a compliment from others. Sincerity and directness have added many good friends and colors to her life. So she is happy, and the warmth of human relations has always moved her.

Every day, she talks with her parents, and like her peers, she likes to play coquetry with her parents. She even felt that she was the happiest child in the world, her parents were the greatest in the world, and everything they said and did was right. In the caring eyes of her parents, she began to understand love and tolerance.

This is my childhood: naive, simple.

The wheel of life continues to rotate————

The door of middle school life opened, and the girl gradually grew up and entered the rainy season of her life.

The girl began to have troubles, doubts, and sometimes quarrels with her parents. She began to look at life with suspicion.

The girl became sentimental and began to like to use a diary to record her feelings at that time.

When I was in middle school, I had hesitation and confusion, but I was full of expectations for life.

This life experience made me realize that everyone is like a white board. The teacher gave you lines and frames, so that you can play freely without crossing the boundary; A good friend gives you color, which makes you feel happy in life; And your parents decide the size of your paper.

[Chapter 4: Mental journey]

"There is no language in high mountains, no waves in deep waters, and the most gorgeous is plain. It is neither plain nor tasteless, but simple, quiet and deep; it is deep persistence, inner peace, deep calm, and the realm of things and things that I forget."

This is the ultimate realm of life that I can think of. Maybe the ultimate realm is only limited to my personal scope. One day, there will be no fame, no profit, no joy or worry in my heart. Even if this realm is reached, I just don't know when this day will be. It may be hundreds of years later, and it is impossible now. Only think about it, or realize it in a dream.

In the days when I walked into the Three Gates, I thought I had found myself, but I didn't know that it was just a phenomenon, but I found some similarities in my middle school life. It can be said that my heart was still so empty, and I was integrated into Guo Jingming. His light sadness, worried feelings and deep tone seemed to evoke resonance in my heart. Even so, I still can't be sure of myself. It's like a burst of sadness from the autumn wind. I can't judge whether it is sadness that is sent by the autumn wind or whether the autumn wind itself is sad. Maybe the two merge, maybe nothing. It can be seen that people are complicated.

I wish there was a fairy tale in the ancient distance. Fairy tales that can integrate themselves. There are beautiful princesses, handsome princes, and beautiful palaces. Of course, nothing is ok, as long as it is a fairy tale. However, fairy tales that can be integrated into my fairy tales do not exist, but the ancient fables still exist. He said: You will never know whether the fish is happy, but others will never know whether you know whether the fish is happy. As no one knows, standing in the distant sky is a lonely 'sea dragon', or a lonely glory. In life, a simple fairy tale can only be a dream, while a complex fable is a must.

Forget that you could have given up and put your head on your head. The so-called literature and art, the so-called youth, and the so-called dream are all invisible things, just like the prosperous summer light in memory, which is too strong. However, after carefully reviewing the heat, smell, and shape, they can only be blurred into one piece in the brain, and then stuck tightly under the eyes, I wish he could stick it there forever. However, I'm afraid that this will never be possible until it is fixed.

In those summer seasons when the rainstorm crosses the sky, the wings are shed in the sun, covering the secret. In addition to boredom, helplessness and sadness, this secret covers the soft heart. Waiting for a day when the external objects covered can be poked out, and then all the backlog will be released. For a moment, return to freedom.

Maybe I should admire the ancients, because I have never understood why Tao Yuanming could treat what later generations regard as wealth with such a relaxed and indifferent attitude. He could write freely, regardless of the secular world, but only ask the heart. And the wife and son, the vast loneliness, the long emptiness, how he endured, how to spend. It's a pity that I don't know how to drink, let alone taste wine. If I understand, maybe I know the answer. I wonder if wine tasting is like tea tasting. Hold it in your mouth and slowly give it away. Go through the viscera to touch every corner and every drop. Then calm down and savor the lingering fragrance between your lips and teeth to let yourself settle down. However, this is a profound kung fu that requires a certain amount of morality and talent to cultivate. I really don't understand.

Next, I don't know who I will integrate into, but I certainly won't be myself. I always know what I need, but I'm afraid to have what I need, so I am doomed to never integrate into myself and never reach the realm of life. Then, continue to let the secret cover and hide in the softest part of the soft heart. Just hope that I will not be troubled in the future.

The summer sun is strong and can stab me. Summer is short, though it is sad.

[Chapter 5: Journey of Mind]

Everyone will have their own mental journey, but the number of ways is not clear or some objective circumstances encountered on the way, so they can't settle down to think about it. In fact, everyone should calm down and meditate. In the tense competitive society with all kinds of inexplicable pressures, people feel tired, numb and even resentful again and again. At this time, we are prone to extreme thoughts and even extreme behaviors. I think it is possible for our high school students to be temporarily unhappy when they are rising in the morning sun. However, the sun rises in the east and the rain falls in the west. The Tao is merciless but affectionate.

In life, ups and downs are inevitable. We were exposed to the ninja turtle when we were young, and then we were exposed to a lot of nonsense movies and television, which all remind us that you can smile at everything, and then we are ten years old. People in Beijing often say "wring juice" in soap operas. People should not wring juice too much. It's good to smile for ten years. Beijingers first knew that people can't wring juice because things are complicated, because wringing juice can't solve problems. People should be easy-going, people should look forward, people should go with their hometown, and they should cheer up rather than dampen the fun.

It is not terrible to encounter setbacks on the way of life and difficulties on the way of study. What is terrible is the shadow of psychology. The social environment - large and small environment - itself is objective, and the shadow is dark, cloudy and rainy day itself is objective, but you can make subjective efforts to improve yourself and make your heart bright. In the final analysis, a good attitude depends on self adjustment. The flag of the Young Pioneers is a five pointed star with a torch. If a person wants to make a difference, he must hold high the torch of enthusiasm, which lights up people's mental journey. The torch symbolizes bright hope. To extinguish enthusiasm is to extinguish hope; Extinguishing the torch of enthusiasm is like a dead heart; To extinguish the torch of enthusiasm is to make trouble with yourself. Objective existence or objective existence.

Everyone has feelings of love and being loved. We are loved at the beginning of our life, and we are always satisfied with our love. Parents said to each other that they would worry about their children until they graduated from college. Our feelings of being loved - that's all - have been satisfied. But we don't feel satisfied. We have our good reason.

The normal extension of a person's mental journey continues to extend, probably from the beginning of the feelings of love and the seeds of love. (Loving yourself does not belong to the emotional category of love. It is the category of rationality.) You can say that you love yourself very much, which shows that you are very rational; But you can never say that you only love yourself. That is to say that you don't have the emotion of love - love society, love the collective, love parents, love teachers, love friends - love. That is to say that you are not mature enough, because the relationship between love and being loved is ultimately proportional.

It's good to be loved more, but we can't be mature just by being loved. Only when the emotion of love is brought into full play can we mature. We should have our narrow sense of love and broad sense of love, we should have the spirit of universal love in Europe and the United States, we should have our logical mental journey. It is illogical for us to be at home and not love home, and to be at school and not love school. We still have a long way to go. We help each other and move forward together.

[Chapter 6: Journey of Mind]

The road between hearts is long, the love is deep, and the heart can go far.

Sometimes, although the feeling is far away, it is clearly in front of us, and we can even hear the beating of our hearts. Sometimes, though we sit opposite, we can't walk into each other's hearts.

My heart is trudging every day, from far to near, from uncertain feelings, I don't know when, I like to use this heavy, sour mood to spend the rest of my spare time at work.

Put a glass of water and quietly look into the distance, waiting for whether a heart will come to my heart's appointment. When the tea in front of me gradually runs out of temperature, I will take a sip of it and taste whether it is all missing.

Middle age feels like the tea that has been washed for the second time. It is pure, transparent, without affectation and affectation. Occasionally, it can be seen that the tea slowly rises and falls in the cup and finally subsides. Like a star, no matter how brilliant it used to be, it will eventually fall into the dust... Every day we spend our days in this way to pass away our youth. One day, we found that there was less life on our clean face and more fat on our slender waist, so we panicked. What should we do? What should I do?

Day by day, the years are passing away quietly, and the face is disappearing year by year. But my heart is never old, nor can it be old. So I have more hope, and then I have a desire for the heart. In anxiety and waiting, I longed for a fire to melt my thousand year old fossil; I hope a wind will wrinkle my frozen lake; I hope there is a kind of feeling beyond love to activate my shocked red carp. I waited silently, and I silently examined every passer-by in my life.

Once you said to me: If the heart is near, the road is short no matter how far it is; If friendship is made of honey, no matter how bitter the sea is, it is also sweet. In this way, I began to pursue the distance that was far away but close to my heart. No matter how much wind and frost I have to encounter, or how many difficulties I have to go through, whether I fly or walk barefoot, I am moving in the direction you said

The heart becomes crazy in countless dark nights, hesitates in the dripping rain, becomes young in the bright smile, and learns to be strong in the long expectation. I don't hesitate any more in every encounter of my heart. I learn to give up in a journey of my heart. Abandonment is a virtue, and it is a belief. Learning to give up will lead to a better life.

This mental journey is full of infinite sincerity and kindness, and this mental journey is full of too much encouragement and wishes.

This road is full of birds singing and flowers smelling; This road is high and flowing, with wind and rain.

This road has only a way of coming but no way of returning.

Mental Journey Composition (5)

My mental journey

East flowing water, falling leaves. Swallows go, there is time to come back; Peach blossoms withered, sometimes in bloom, life is short, but there is no time to return. Outside the window, the rain turned red cherries and green plantains, wetting my childhood memories.

That year, the sun was green and the flowers were red. I was happy and carefree. Singing the songs taught by the teacher, eating the food made by my mother, and playing with puppets bought by my father. Seeing the beautiful actress on TV, I want to be an actress; Look how high the plane flies! I want to be a pilot; Look at those beautiful clothes. I want to be a fashion designer again... When it comes to the future, I always talked about it, but I didn't have a specific idea. After all, I don't even know the meaning of the future.

Time flies like an arrow. The time of childhood passed away quietly and slowly. In the twinkling of an eye, I was a junior high school student, entering adolescence. The budding soul is filled with those beautiful and dreamy fairy tales. Speaking of the future again, I hope to meet a prince charming.

When the "prince" was about to smash my crystal shoes; When my grades plummeted, my father told me that in the process of life, gain and loss are interactive, and only surrounded by distress can I feel relieved; The joy of breakthrough comes from difficulties. For today's deficiencies, is there a plan and arrangement for tomorrow? For the current deficiencies, will there be goals to strive for in the future? My father's words woke up my fairy tale dream and let me return to real life. Am I a person who is content with the status quo and doesn't want to make progress? No, I've never been! So for the first time, I have a concept of the future.

Counting the number of leaves falling and the process of flying in a hurry, the calendar slips from the title page of time page by page. When the weather was getting cooler and summer was gone, I stepped into the campus of the kindergarten. On both sides of the road, colorful flags fluttered to welcome the arrival of new students. Facing the new environment and friends, I suddenly felt lost and helpless, just like the flowers in the greenhouse have never experienced difficulties and worries, and one day I need to face frost and rain independently.

In the first lesson, I was deeply attracted by the joyful and active piano sound and the gentle and elegant dance movements. My great interest outweighed my hesitation and fear. I devoted myself to learning, and I was slowly busy but never tired every day. Because of a conversation with Director Qin, I have a clear goal in mind - I want to become an excellent preschool teacher. It's such a simple goal, but it needs great efforts! At first I was not confident that I could succeed, but when my efforts became positive certificates, I was full of confidence!

Life is not from the sky, happiness, not from the heart. Looking back, my mental journey has gradually changed and enriched, and I believe that I will have a better tomorrow in the future!

With my own efforts, the future, I can!

My mental journey

To be honest, people will experience all kinds of things from childhood to adulthood. Of course, I was angry, happy and miserable at that time. But think about it afterwards and compare other people's life experiences. I think my life, at least so far, is relatively flat, smooth and happy.

I got in touch with love early, so I learned how to communicate with people and the opposite sex. I learned the bitterness and sweetness of love early, that the pay is not necessarily rewarded, and that love is not necessarily as perfect as a fairy tale; I entered the boarding school earlier, so I learned to solve and face some problems independently, to deal with people from different family backgrounds, and to know that not everyone is so friendly. In the process of experience, I may have been sad, moved, afraid, or happy. During this period, I met many people and met many things. But when I think about the past, all the ups and downs may not be bad. It taught me to grow up, making me better and more mature.

We are constantly growing at each stage. After entering the university, I seem to have changed a lot unconsciously, becoming more optimistic and aggressive. Now I am 20 years old, and I have been in college for 2 years. Before I knew it, I would soon enter my junior year. It's really fast. After two years of college life, my psychology has matured a lot. In college, we have more time and more opportunities to meet various friends from all over the world. My popularity is good, so I also have many friends. In fact, there may be many nodding acquaintances. After all, there are few people who can really make friends.

In life, maybe some people are ambitious and want to show their strengths. Some people are lazy and live a life of one day. In my opinion, the results are important, and the experience is also important. You should understand life. In life, there are three realms: knowing, understanding, and understanding. What a realm! But the most expensive is the word "Wu".

My mental journey

January, mood: as if approaching suffocation.

At the beginning of the New Year, the trees have been decorated and the night sky is also full of fireworks. I rubbed my hands and breathed. I could smell the air filled with a strong sense of joy. In this happy and peaceful day, my heart is confused, as if I suddenly fell into a vortex on a calm river, and I struggle in a panic, at a loss.

After this New Year, we will be involved in the vortex of the high school entrance examination. Or I have been involved in it before I know it. I don't know from which moment, the heaven and earth turned into black and white:

The white of the chalk is on the black board.

Row this way and then row that way.

With the passage of time, wear away;

The white of the test paper is between black and black ink.

I also laugh to myself when I wander around.

As time goes by, it becomes dim.

I fell into that world.

The keyboard and screen are black and white.

Black and white eyes, black and white dreams.

The time is black and white, the world is black and white.

I don't understand why I arrived at school just after seven o'clock, gave up sleeping and added classes at noon, ate dinner at Xinlian, and slept until the next day... What I was so diligent and demanding was just a few beautiful answers! In my opinion, this is not suffering, it is just a laughing stock. Sticking a "youth" label to show ignorance does not deserve my sympathy. The real hardship is that we have lost the ability of independent learning and independent thinking. We began to work hard and become a question answering machine. What's more, most of our knowledge only existed until the end of the exam. Can you afford to be so young? My sympathy is reserved for those who are teachers - hardworking, kind-hearted, but ignorant to feel the joy of thought and life guide.

——This is my idea at that time. I don't want to continue this kind of life. I want to really learn knowledge and take care of my own spiritual forest. I want to know how to think and feel life - not just to win a few hard points in a game. So, in the anxious swirl, I almost suffocated.

In June, the senior high school entrance examination. Mood: jump -- great sorrow -- magnanimous -- great joy. After success: sad -- happy -- lost and sad.

During the high school entrance examination, my mood was like the sunlight jumping between the branches and leaves on the tree. After the exam, I felt very sad (not because of my grades). A few weeks later, I felt broad-minded for some reason, so I went to visit my former teacher and was very happy without saying anything. It was the first time in a long time that happiness overflowed from the inside to the outside, and I deliberately suppressed my joy when I left - I can't laugh anymore. The results came out, a few points from the ideal, but still admitted to the desired high school. Then I thought of the military training and future study career, and the boredom of doing nothing, which inevitably added a sense of sadness and frustration.

——I don't dare to think what it will be like to do it again, so now, I'm just secretly glad that it has passed.

From September to December, I feel a little indifferent and almost nihilistic.

In the dilemma, my mind slipped out of a few lines of poetry: ten thousand miles of infatuation, in the prime of life, but I do not know where the Hongs go; The falling flowers are like flowing water destined for people, and a song from the west goes with the sky. It expresses a kind of calm towards the world. It took me three days to finish reading The Condor Heroes. I was clearly just reading the story, but suddenly I saw through the past worries and entanglements, and felt my sleeping heart was activated and lifted, and a force from the soul haunted me. However, once online, this feeling gradually blurred, and returned to normal, leaving only a trace of fragrance in my heart.

——But I believe that following this fragrance, I will meet the whole garden in the future.

Maybe it's 2014. An inexplicable sadness has set the tone for most of the time, and happiness seems to be less than its opposite. However, my heart is at ease. I caress a Qiang flute, listen to the sound of the music, go far away, extend to hope, and rush into the hazy tomorrow

My mental journey

It was Saturday, the first Saturday of the new semester. In this week, my heart has tasted three different flavors.


At the beginning of school, when I learned that our fourth grade was divided into different classes again, my heart felt bitter and astringent, and my heart was full of nostalgia for the old classes. The most difficult thing for me to understand is that my favorite teacher Zhou became the head teacher of Class 5 (2), while I was assigned to Class 5 (3). In response to such a result, I was silly, confused, and wanted to cry. But I knew that nothing could change. I decided to settle down and understand the truth.


When I was in Class 5 (3) these days, I met a new teacher, a new classmate, and a new deskmate. At this moment, my mood has not been as lost as before. Instead, I am excited, happy, and curious, just like the first time I put a sweet candy in my mouth when I was young.

Our head teacher is a math teacher. Her surname is Lu. Although she is a little fat, she looks very approachable. The Chinese teacher is the famous Xia teacher in the school. She looks very young, just like our big sister. After a week of getting along, I fell in love with these two teachers.


As it is a new class in the new semester, the teacher wants to re elect class cadres, so he decided to hold a class cadre election on Friday class meeting, and let students who want to be class cadres get ready. I also participated in this election campaign. On that day, I remember very clearly that after my election speech, most of the people who voted for me were former classmates who knew me. Although I was elected monitor by a narrow margin in the end, I felt like swallowing a green plum in my heart. I think, maybe at the moment, the students in the class can not fully understand me and recognize me! In the future, I must work hard to make you fall in love with me.

I think it's pleasant for us to divide classes. It is because of class division that I have so many different feelings; Because of the division of classes, I have more classmates; Because of the division of classes, my primary school life is colorful!

Mental Journey Composition (6)

Once, when I was sorting things out, I accidentally turned out my childhood photos. Looking at those photos, I couldn't help sinking into memories.

You must want to laugh when you see this picture. How could a child have such an expression? Of course, this photo was taken when I was 2 years old. My father was seducing me with my favorite mints at that time. Of course, I was greedy! I kept staring at the sugar for fear of being eaten by others. Looking at the sugar in my eyes, I seemed to say, "Mint Candy came to let me eat you!" Until now, even I could not help laughing when I saw this picture. Now, when I think of that foolish energy and the happy and relaxed life at that time, I really miss it.

This second photo was of course taken when I was 7 years old. That summer vacation, my father took me to Yantai to play. Although I was a "dry duck" at that time, my enthusiasm for water was not small. I was very excited to see such a wide sea for the first time since I was a child, so I couldn't wait to swim. Of course, I learned how to swim here, I remember catching two flounder and putting them in the mineral water bottle, because I was afraid they would run away, I tightened the bottle cap tightly. When I returned to the hotel after going out, I found that both fish had turned over. I was very worried at that time. I just grabbed the fish and did artificial respiration, but the fish didn't survive. Instead, my mouth was full of fishy smell for several days.

The handsome guy in the third photo is of course me! At this time, I was 13 years old. My ignorance when I was young has become mature and stable now, but my character of playing will never change. This is my birthday. When I saw a small slide, I climbed up and wanted to slide down. You can guess what happened next from the proportion of me and the slide in this photo! Yes, I got stuck in the middle of the slide. Alas! This is not good when I grow up. I can no longer play as freely as when I was a child. However, my childlike innocence will not change. I will always live happily as a child.

Growth is the only way for everyone. Over time, some things will change, while others will not. I believe that my childlike innocence will never change when I grow up in the future. I will follow this path of life and go farther and wider.

Mental Journey Composition (7)

In ordinary and light daily life, we always have to contact with composition. According to different genres, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of essays on the journey of growth collected by my editor for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

The handle of 'little flower umbrella' in childhood has fallen off; Childhood white shirts have been washed yellow by the years; Old childhood photos still have a bright smile. In the twinkling of my fingers, when I grow up, my troubles come one after another. The days of innocence are long gone

An innocent little girl, wearing a lovely flower skirt, sits on a gorgeous merry go round, holding a sweet cotton candy in her hand, and smiles to her parents not far away... But these innocent memories of childhood fade away, disperse and go away with time.

The carefree days have gone away from me. For me now, those days are just memories.

I don't know when I became a little rebellious? I owe my parents too much. They raised me up with great pains, but I became more and more ignorant. Previously, when I came home, I would laugh and shout, "Mom, I'm back!" Then, go to your room and do your homework. Now, I just walk into the house with a cold face, habitually pick up the remote control and watch TV. When I see the time of eating, I finish eating and then do my homework, so that I have to do 8:9 every day. It was a good result, but also slowly regressed, let them disappointed me again and again, I really have no conscience!

I now understand their good intentions, and I don't want to degenerate any more. I don't want to face them with such deep guilt when I grow up. I can't bear to see their cold eyes again. They have paid too much for me. How can I bear to let them worry about me again.

It is only half a year since graduation. I should also think about my future. I can no longer ignore my parents' expectations like this. On the way of growing up, I was confused, struggled, and became a little mature from childishness.

Once, I longed for growth and always wanted time to pass faster and faster. Now, I hope that time will always be fixed on beauty.

As the sun sets, I walk along the path in the forest. The street lamp reflects my lonely shadow, and my thoughts float far away - I can't bear to part with those people, things, and beautiful things in my childhood

Mental Journey Composition (8)

"Learning can make people gain knowledge" "The higher the diploma, the better the working pay". This is why you love learning? Isn't that obvious? Who doesn't know that learning can gain knowledge? Who doesn't know that a high diploma will make a better job offer? However, will you love learning because of this? In fact, people's laziness will overcome their desire for honor. A person who is "in the late stage of laziness" will not love life just because of his fame and wealth. Learning for examination and ranking often runs counter to learning itself. Real learning is because learning knowledge and increasing wisdom can make your life richer, more interesting and more powerful. It is a passion for life. It is a healthy and positive life state and a love for all the beautiful things around. Is full of curiosity and determination to explore the unknown. It is a kind of life state of selflessness and independence without comparison with others.

I once read an article by a high school student. He proudly told me that his composition was based on the composition writing template - five paragraphs, three parts and four links, with a rigorous structure! One of them wrote about diligence, and he wrote "Mr. Lu Xun succeeded because of diligence". Woo hoo! You can tell that the Tao of composition is gone! How can it be fun to write a composition by copying mechanically and compulsorily? When writing an article, which sentence is the expression of your heart? In order to write industriously, Lu Xun was forced to say that he was "successful" because of diligence? He did not know why Lu Xun made countless Chinese children remember him in the end, nor whether Lu Xun's stealing fire in foreign lands to refine the Chinese soul could be called utilitarian "success". Writing for perfunctory purposes like this is not only an expression of our ignorance, but also the burial of our conscience and the humiliation of our life by such a young soul. Writing is just a tool to express one's feelings. Students should use writing to exchange ideas, taste life, and become an independent and interesting person! Boys and girls, we are still young. Don't be hypocritical for the sake of writing. In order to write, we should lose our conscience in such an expressive place as composition. That kind of composition, write too much, oneself won't be questioned by conscience? Ten years later, when facing his own child and an innocent soul, will that hypocritical soul not be tortured and questioned by conscience? As a student, I have the responsibility to remind you that you should never abandon your conscience, go to hypocrisy, and fall into the abyss.

Why do some people read badly? Why did those people abandon their conscience? That's because their life state is wrong! Those people embrace the indifferent mind, and learn how to perfunctory with knowledge in a perfunctory state, instead of learning how to live a better life with knowledge. The most difficult part of the examination composition is "healthy and positive". This is just eight words for anyone, has been able to do. "At the beginning of human life, human nature is basically good". From the beginning, people's minds have been "healthy and positive". However, in the process of growing up, people gradually mature, so that in the future, they will lose this healthy and upward trend and suddenly not realize it. When desire erodes the soul, when confusion obscures dreams. Are you still willing to clear the clouds, pursue dreams and explore unremittingly? Whether you are willing to continue to move forward towards your dreams, continue to study for physical and mental health, and continue to work hard in a positive state.

We should be thankful that we were born in a great nation, and only the culture of this nation in the world has revealed the supreme realm of life to the world. "Red Cliff Fu", "Caigen Tan", "Motto Couple", "Ghost Shadow", "Night Stories Around the Furnace", "Preface to Lanting Collection"... all guide us to enjoy healthy and positive life with enthusiasm for life.

Once we were all healthy and positive people. Let our conscience, let our dreams, let our enthusiasm for life come to light again, and the world will become beautiful and full of hope.

This is the meaning of literature and education.