Family Growth (11 pieces recommended)
Until the four seasons are missed
2023-12-08 02:25:13

Family growth (1)

At 10:00 a.m. last Friday, my dear teacher Shi sent my mother the demand for this activity. My mother sent it to me immediately. To be honest, I don't really want to participate in this activity. Because every time we participate in activities, we want to be perfect, so we will be tired. But on the other hand, in every activity, I will have a lot of harvest, growth and memories engraved in my heart, and I am looking forward to it. Of course, the most important thing is that I should not betray Mr. Shi's trust in me.
When my mother came back from work on Friday evening, we prepared several versions of the content, and finally chose to recite the family poem Let's grow together.
Although my brother didn't participate in the first rehearsal, my parents and I read it carefully and felt that it was too warm.
On Sunday, when we came to our new home, my brother and I changed into white shirts, and my parents also made formal preparations. The younger brother was too low, so he was given a stool and the background music "Love Concerto" was ready, so we started recording.
After recording, I saw my family on the screen saying something to me: Mom's smile, Dad's seriousness, and my brother's concentration. I think I'm really happy!
Thank Mr. Shi for trusting me again; Thank my brother, father and mother for their great support; Thanks for this activity, our family can bravely express love and feel love!

Family growth (2)

From the birth of life, parents are full of hope that their children will be healthy and become the most popular one among the children. As the children grow up, parents will find that how to educate their babies has become a problem. Free, superior, lively, cute, intelligent... All kinds of expectations and various parenting concepts make many parents have no choice. Today, they tried this method, and tomorrow, they will try other tricks. Maybe one day, they suddenly feel that even the standard of "qualified" is hard to reach.

In the process of children's learning life, achievements are important, but the role of family education is not only to urge children to complete homework, but also to let children learn to live independently.

To let children grow up healthily, as parents with ideas, we should start from their psychology and cultivate a child full of sunshine.


1. Emphasize the cultivation of independent consciousness

Children need the care of their parents, but the sense of security that parents give their children is to meet their immediate needs, not to let their children rely too much, thereby giving up their long-term interests.

Parents should consciously stimulate their children's sense of independence, so that they can not only rely on their parents to obtain a sense of security, but also get some satisfaction through their own efforts.

Through children's solitude, children can no longer be their parents' little tails. Even if they can't see their parents around, they can enjoy life happily; Over time, it is easy for children to have independent ideas.


2. Give children the right to do

It is undeniable that every parent loves their children, but deep love is never indulgent; It is to start from the happiness of children's life and let them learn the ability to live independently.

When children see their parents doing housework and they have the idea of participating in it, parents should not refuse their request, but take the initiative to let children work happily with themselves.

When children have the idea of learning, or even playing games, if it does not affect their growth, parents can not take over and directly make a negative attitude.

Sometimes, letting children try "dangerous" actions may be more meaningful to their education, and on the contrary, give them better education.


3. Let children learn how to meet their needs

Being coquettish is a means for children, and crying and being angry is also an expression of their needs.

When children vent their emotions, parents should not meet their needs unconditionally, but should analyze from a more sensible perspective whether children's needs are reasonable, whether the method is appropriate, and how to deal with them.

Intentional parents will say "no" decisively when their children are demanding too much, and at the same time analyze the reasons and reasons for them, so that children can learn to control their own needs, and also let them know that all their needs need to be achieved through hard work.

Family growth (3)

Our first social environment after birth is family, so family has an important factor in our growth.

I have read many articles and stories, and now most of the people who commit suicide are teenagers. Some because of video games, some because of the burden of learning. However, in a word, all the reasons are family and school. In other words, parents and teachers.

Most of the teenagers who are addicted to video games are because their parents are busy with work. They are not at home all day and all night, and there is no restriction. They use video games as a pastime. However, if I didn't think about it, I would never get out. Why are video games so attractive? I collected a lot of materials and my understanding, and got the following three points:

1、 Can not get the love of teachers and classmates friendship. Some students addicted to the Internet are mostly poor students. First of all, they were disgusted by the teacher, and then the students were alienated because of the teacher's opinion. Finally, they were discouraged and thought they had no hope, so they found the network as a good friend.

2、 The urging of family parents. Learning is the first task of students, and also the first killer and friend. Learning is a brain drain. In case of poor performance, parents and teachers' supervision in many ways will cause psychological burden, so that they will commit suicide. Parents and teachers should pay attention to the fact that poor grades should not be blamed and reviled all the time. They should find ways to make students happy and then face learning.

3、 Nostalgia for the virtual world. Animation and games are a virtual world created by people's imagination, in which you can find your ideal things. It can be your own feelings, your life you have always wanted, etc. In short, it can carry the feeling that many people have always wanted, so it is so popular. We can say that we are perfect there. In addition to his disappointment in the real world, he would commit suicide to pursue the perfect world, the strong self in that world.

In the future, the network will become an indispensable thing in people's life. However, it is a double-sided character, good and bad. However, as long as they can recognize it, they will not go astray. Self awareness is the most important. All parents should tell their children about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet from an early age. In the future, they will form a habit of reminding themselves not to be too obsessed when surfing the Internet. Please also sit beside students when they are surfing the Internet, and don't say too many words to urge them.

Here, I want to say that if there are people who are addicted to the Internet and lose confidence in life around you, please use your hands to call back their souls. The way is to make him full of hope for life again.

Family growth (4)

My father was an inspector at Rugao Family Planning Guidance Station, and my mother was an ordinary teacher at Rugao Primary School. I am a small fan, and I also like to record the stories in my daily life in the form of a diary. Today, I found some articles related to my family from my diary to share with you.

Saturday, March 5, 20xx Sunny

This afternoon, my father and I went to the Longyou River for a while. Although spring has arrived, the cold hasn't subsided yet. I still feel so cold! I can't help putting my hand into my pocket. Look! Some grass has peeped out of their heads and is observing this new world. I touched the grass with my hands. It was prickly and tender. On the Chimonanthus praecox tree, several small yellow flowers are still stubbornly blooming. Similarly, the winter jasmine of the yellow family began to bloom, telling us that spring was coming. The spring plum by the small bridge stood gracefully, the pink flowers were blooming shyly, and the leaves were still hiding in the branches! The dragon swims in the river. The river is clear. A few ducks are playing in the river. How happy they are!

What parents say: When you are in the nature, you don't need to do any thinking, just do a kind of emotional communication. In this kind of communication between people and nature, you will feel that there is an invisible power sneaking into your body, giving you unlimited power and confidence. On holidays, we always take time to go out with our children, so that they can get close to nature and make friends with animals. Such children will be more calm and calm when encountering difficulties.

Monday, February 6, 20xx Light rain

Today is the 15th day of the first month, the Lantern Festival. In the community and on the street, people have set off all kinds of gorgeous fireworks, and the explosion of one after another makes you have to rush out of the house to join the festive crowd. After dinner, the three of us rushed to the newly built cultural center.

I still remember last year's Lantern Festival, when we played in Anding Square, I felt very sad when we saw the packing bags of sky lights everywhere and the falling sky lights everywhere on Anding Square. I decided to stop putting sky lights and support environmental protection with my own practical actions. I looked up and saw that the sky lights were still like meteors, covering the whole sky, but I had no curiosity in my heart, but there was some inexplicable helplessness“

What the parents said: Unexpectedly, my son will stick to his agreement and feel sad when he sees the sky full of Kongming lanterns. Care for others, care for society and protect the earth. If only all families would take action!

Saturday, November 19, 20xx Sunny

"Baby, get up!" Mother smiled and cried amiably. Seeing that I didn't respond, my mother showed off the English she had just learned from me, "Get up, now!" I pretended not to hear it, turned over, wrapped the quilt more tightly, and continued to dream. When my dear mother saw no effect, she used her unique skill to lift the quilt and expose my whole son to the cold air. I had no choice but to get up, dress, wash my face and go out.

My father and I walked into the elevator lazily, yawning, half blinking, and acting reluctantly. Out of the elevator, a cold wind blew. We pulled our clothes up and began to trot. In this way, my father and I formed a two person "track and field team" training began.

It seems that the street in the morning is still awake. The street was deserted, and only a few cleaners were cleaning. The roadside flowers and grass are wrapped in dew and doing beauty. Occasionally, several cars roared away from us, and soon disappeared.

After just a few days of training, I have reached the fatigue period. Without much kung fu, I feel very tired. I pretended to be unbearable and complained incessantly. But my father turned a deaf ear to my little tricks and ran forward. I had no choice but to try my best to open my legs, run forward and follow my father like a little schoolboy.

The naughty dew wet our clothes, and sweat seeped out from our forehead. Dad asked me to take off the coat and take it for me. My mood brightened immediately, I ran, jumped, and quarreled with my father

When I got to the gate of the community, I accelerated my pace and sprinted, leaving my father far behind. At this time, my mother had prepared breakfast and greeted me at the door with a smile. After a long time, my father came back breathlessly, and I couldn't help laughing.

Parents' words: run out of health, run out of perseverance, run out of success! Let's work harder to be "sports talent"!

You can see that this is my family. Reveal the truth in the ordinary, and grow happily in the sunshine!

Family growth (5)

I have a warm home, a happy home, but also a home full of books.

When I was young, I often asked my father: What is a book? Are books fun? Was it good? My father always told me with a smile that a book is a mysterious thing. Now you may not understand it, but you will know it when you grow up. But I think books must be very interesting. Otherwise, why does Dad read books whenever he is free? He also says that books are mysterious.

When I grew up, I really realized my father's meaning of "books are mysterious". Books are really mysterious. They can not only bring you into the kingdom of books, but also make you feel the happiness of reading. You can almost find the answers to any questions in books. Books are really powerful.

Gradually, I also like this new friend.

Once, my father bought me a copy of "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". I was attracted by the scene in the book when I read it. I saw late at night. My mother saw that there was still light in my room, so she got up to have a look. It was only when I saw it that I knew that I was reading. When my mother came to me, I didn't feel that my mother was coming. She was still watching attentively, I didn't find my mother until she closed the book for me and let me sleep. Reading is fun.

At home, we often play the game of Idiom Solitaire, and can queue for a long time.

A lot of books were put on the bookshelf, sofa, bedside, desk and tea table at home. Gradually, we were not only satisfied with the books at home, but began to read in the library and borrow books from the library.

However, the books we read are not comics, but books about learning. Since reading books, my composition level has improved rapidly, and my reading level has also risen. The composition has also been published. Reading makes people progress.

Happy reading, happy growth, scholarly family, with my growth.

Family growth (6)

When the sun warms the grass, it grows up happily; My relatives gave me warmth, and I grew up happily.


When I was young, my grandfather would pick me up every day after school, but because there were too many parents picking up the children at the school gate, I often couldn't easily find his shadow. Once after school, I stood anxiously at the school gate, but never saw him. Just when I was worried, a hunched figure waved to me, with dark and thin hands. I'll have a closer look. It's Grandpa. I jumped up with cheers. From then on, Grandpa seemed to understand something. Every time he came to pick me up, he would wave to me, and I could quickly see him in the crowd. Grandpa's waving is a warm love for me.

The winter in the fourth grade of primary school was particularly warm, because my grandmother knitted a sweater with me. "Come on, try this sweater." Grandma's kind voice seemed to melt my heart, and I nodded like a chicken pecking rice, feeling happy. I have seen countless times that every morning my grandmother will knit a sweater for me first thing after doing housework. I just want her granddaughter to wear a sweater when it is cold. Her hands rotate nimbly, and each thread weaves a warm sweater through this bamboo stick, which weaves Grandma's love for me. Grandma's sweater is a warm love for me.

Now I am in the second year of junior high school. I have to study very late every day. I am so nervous that I am still tense when I lie down. At this time, my mother always leans down to leave a kiss on my forehead after turning off the light. With her gentle kiss, my nervous and tense body will gradually relax and I can sleep in peace. That kiss, sweet, but also with a different fragrance. Mom's kiss every night is a warm love for me. This warm love is family affection.

Kinship is rain, when I am thirsty, please bring me cool; Family love is fire, which brings warmth when I am cold. Anyway, thank you, my relatives. I grew up quietly in the warm love of my family.

Family growth (7)

"Sunshine always comes after rain and wind, please believe there is a rainbow. We will accompany you after rain and wind..." "Sunshine" is a fascinating topic, and people of different ages have different comments on her. So how to train sunshine children.

For children with different personalities, parents should adopt different communication methods and maintain a good communication attitude. Lack of patience and irritability will lead to communication failure.

Both parents should reach an educational consensus. If one needs to sing "red face" and the other "white face", they should also be modest. Children should not be allowed to take advantage of the loopholes. They should know that parents have the same educational views.

No matter what different opinions you hear, parents should keep calm and not deprive their children of their right to speak. When children have different ideas, parents should let the children finish talking, and then express their own ideas, pointing out the children's merits or mistakes. Don't sell your old age, learn to think in terms of others.

While telling the children their right to be human, they should also let them bear the responsibility of being human. Give children a certain space and time to pursue harmony, perfection and happiness in life. Appreciate your children and let them make an appointment with happiness!

Parents' requirements for their children should be analyzed in detail, and the actual economic situation of the family and the physical and mental health of the children should be taken as the premise, instead of being obedient. Overly meeting children's requirements is likely to lead to excessive desire of children. Once parents are unable to meet their requirements, it is bound to cause dissatisfaction of children, making it difficult to discipline them.

The child has entered the third day of junior high school and is about to meet the high school entrance exam, the first turning point in life. The book also mentioned the method to overcome the tension in the examination room, which is worth adopting.

In this year, we will work with our children to solve learning problems that arise at any time. Give appropriate rewards for children's efforts and progress, and point out and encourage children's slack and difficulties in a timely manner. Remind children to set their own learning goals, work hard towards them, and approach them. This is my reading experience.

Family growth (8)

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (I)

Family gives me happiness Every Friday night is the happiest time in our family. At this moment, there are always various entertainment activities at home, and bursts of laughter and laughter come from my home from time to time. Today is Friday again. My aunt came to our house with her cousin. After dinner, my mother suggested, "Cheng Guangjian, that is, I will be the examiner for today's event." With the unanimous consent of everyone, I first posed a riddle: "Double happiness, a city name." My cousin answered first, "Chongqing!" I said, "That's right." I said, "A well is seven feet deep. There is a frog at the bottom of the well. It jumps one foot at a time. How many times do you think it will take to jump out?" My cousin replied, "Seven times!" I said, "No!" Then my aunt said, "The well is straight up and down. Another seven feet deep, the frog will fall down once every time it jumps, so it will never jump up." I said, "That's right." Then I said, "Yellow lanterns, green covers, hold them high to make people love, guess a kind of fruit." The whole room immediately fell into meditation. My mother first said with a question, "Is it persimmon?" I said, "You guessed it." Then I said, "It took a man an hour to ride his bicycle from A to B, and it took him two and a half hours to get back at the same distance and speed. Why?" My sister said, "His car broke down." My aunt said, "He met an acquaintance on the road and was delayed." Mom said, "He may have gone shopping in the mall." I said, "It's all wrong." At this time, Dad said, "This is a brain teaser. You think, an hour is 60 minutes, half an hour is 30 minutes, and two and a half hours is not an hour?" After listening to Dad's words, everyone suddenly understood. I said, "You guessed it." In this way, the happy night passed unconsciously in our laughter. This is my happiness. It can be said that I grew up in the happiness my family gave me.

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (2)

Family brings me happiness

There is happiness everywhere in life. It can come from a song or a piece of

Small things, even for a moment, also have countless happiness. Once when I was writing a math paper, I was puzzled by a word problem, and I turned it over

I didn't find a solution to the whole textbook, and the math book was twice as thick as I read

High. At this moment, I thought of my savior - Mom. In my eyes, all

Math problems are not difficult for mother. "Mom, please show me this question." Mom took the test paper and frowned. It seems that

The level of the examiners was very high, which baffled my mother. Five minutes, ten minutes... hours

Every minute passed, and my mother was still thinking. Finally, she wrote the solution.

But I didn't agree, so I explained my own point of view. One of us said this, the other said

In the end, there was no consensus. Dad heard the sound and said, "What are you doing? I'm coming

Take a look. " "Come and help me with the problem!" I was going to send my father to play the game, but he

He told me a way. The three of us argued that the ground was red and none of us would back down. Semih.

After that, I was so tired that I lost my voice, so I volunteered to quit, but my parents were still shouting

I couldn't help laughing when I watched them arguing.

I love my family and my parents. It is because of such a home that I can

Be healthy enough to grow up. Family makes me feel happy.

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (3)

"Teach less and learn more"

Family brings me happiness

Kou Jiashu, Jinshan Third Middle School, Jinshan Town, Harqin Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia

The family is extremely powerful. It is the joy of your sadness; It is the peacemaking when you are in conflict with your friends; It is the source of your confidence when you are frustrated; It is the fountain of happiness when you fail in the exam. My family is a happy family of four. It is composed of a patient mother, a cautious father, a naughty brother and a happy me. Every day, it brings me happiness and strength. I feel the warmth and sweetness of love in my family.

Dad, Dad is the guiding light in my study. He taught me to be rigorous and conscientious in doing things. It is my failure that is my motivation and confidence to stand up. I only got 60 points in a math exam. When I returned home, I thought it was a storm, but Dad was not angry. Sit down calmly and study the root cause of the wrong problem with me, I also worked out several math problems that were the same type as my mistakes, and asked me to do them again. After my father's repeated training, I really remember those problems very well. In the next test, I got satisfactory results. In addition, I was taught to check my homework carefully.

Mom, my mother is a good teacher and helpful friend in my life. Whether it is the health condition or the living habits, it can let me get rid of the shackles of worry. My mother knows that my study pressure is very high, so every time I come home from school, there will be a large table of delicious food waiting for me, and my mother will also decompress me in various ways, for example: today's food is boiled mutton, tomorrow may be beef and potatoes, and the day after tomorrow will be meat and potato chips

My younger brother and I, my younger brother is the naughty bag at home. Every time when I come home from school, he always opens the door for me with his silvery laughter and chubby smile. When I put down my schoolbag, I always eat it while I am there

I secretly hid my pencil box or ruler during dinner. If I lost something again, it would be right to find him, because only he can be so naughty at home, but he never does too much. If you find him hiding secretly, he will certainly smile at you, making you not have the heart to talk about him. I am the peacemaker in my family. No matter how many conflicts and contradictions occurred in my family, I tactfully resolved them one by one. So in our warm home, my family is always happy.

The happiness that my family brings to me cannot be explained in words, because home always gives me a warm embrace when I am lonely; Home always gives me a strong arm when I am tired. Home is always the best home for my soul.

Instructor: Wang Xiaoyan

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (4)

The process makes me happy to write 700 words

This composition is very rubbish

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (5)

Family gives me happiness I live in a happy and happy family with my father, mother and me. There are many happy things in this happy family, one of which I can't forget. On the night of my birthday, my father bought a birthday cake for me. When I saw the cake on the table, my mouth couldn't help drooling. When I saw the beautiful cake, I couldn't bear to eat it. It was so beautiful, and I couldn't bear it. When I made a choice between not eating and eating, my father turned off the bright light, and the room became dark immediately, Dad lit the candles on the birthday cake. Suddenly, all the candles opened and turned into a flower, and the music of happy birthday sounded. Our whole family gathered around the table and sang the song "Happy Birthday to You". The song echoed in the room for a long time. I began to blow out the candles. I silently made a good wish, and I blew out all the candles in one breath. I smiled happily. My father cut the cake, and I gave it to my father and my mother each. Looking at my father, my mother tasted it with relish. When she looked at my wolfing appearance, there was a lot of cream on my mouth, like a white beard. I was very happy. My parents were also too happy to close their mouths. Happy laughter came from time to time in the warm room. This is my home. My parents, who love me, have paid a lot for their home. They have paid all their love and everything late at night. But the happy, hearty laughter flies out of my home continuously, floating around nearby. I grow up healthily and happily in this happy and happy family.

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (6)

How to Get 700 Words of Happy Composition

How to Get Joy -- Reading "Looking for Joyful Forest"

I read an article by Yang Hongying called "Looking for Joyful Forest". It said that the three members of the fox family were eating their breakfast glumly, because the bacon they ate was cheated from Mrs. Crow's mouth, and the grapes they ate were brought back by Mrs. Fox who told others that the grapes were sour, and others did not dare to eat them

Because they are calculating on others all day long, they are not happy at all. Mr. Fox had a dream. He dreamed of a place called Joyful Forest. People everywhere were very happy, with no pain or trouble. So the Fox family decided to go to Joyful Forest. On the way to find them, they first occupied the house of the hairy monkey, and then grabbed the mushrooms with the white rabbit, but finally they caught the poisonous mushrooms. The family was poisoned after eating them. After being poisoned, they refused to drink the medicine boiled by the mother of the hairy monkey and the white rabbit, because they did not believe that the mother of the hairy monkey and the white rabbit would save them. Finally, the fox family returned the house to the hairy monkey and picked many mushrooms for the white rabbit's mother. When they set out again, they felt happy.

This story tells us a truth: happiness does not need to be searched deliberately, and helping others can achieve unparalleled happiness.

From this, I think that in life, we will encounter all kinds of problems and need help from others to solve them, and we will also need to help others. When it comes to help, students will immediately think of donation, donation, or cleaning, cleaning, of course, this is part of helping others. Helping others is not necessarily under the call of teachers or schools, It's not something you have to do, but something you do from your heart. Sometimes the ways to help others are visible, such as helping mother to buy vegetables, helping the old man to carry things upstairs, etc. Sometimes it is also a kind of spiritual support or comfort, such as donating money to people in poor areas or disaster areas. There are more conditions for helping others. As long as you have a kind heart, you will get great happiness from helping others!

In the past, I often heard the slogan "Help others and be happy" on TV. At that time, I was only a freshman, and I don't know what it meant. Until now, I have a deep understanding of this sentence>

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How to obtain 700 words of Happy Wang Jiahui



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How to obtain 700 words of Happy Wang Jiahui

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (7)

Happy knock on the door 700 words composition

Happiness knocks on the door and 700 words of composition - Happiness is actually everywhere. In the eyes of fish, happiness is really playing in the clear water; In the eyes of birds, happiness is flying high in the blue sky. In my eyes, happiness is sleeping in a big lie in. The ice cola in summer and the excitement of the playground make me endless satisfied and happy. In fact, happiness is everywhere, depending on whether you can perceive it keenly.

In the physical education test of 800 meters, I tried my best to run a good result, and naturally I was in a good mood. Before the bell rang, my stomach began to growl, as if to protest with me and make me suffer "harassment". At last, class was over. I picked up my schoolbag and went straight to the canteen. I didn't care whether the zipper of my schoolbag was closed or not. The tasteless canteen food was so attractive at the moment. After gorging on it, it was a whirlwind. The plate was clean. The sound of "burp" is full of happiness.

When I was at home before, power failure was a very depressing thing. The computer can't play, and the TV can't be seen. It will be even worse in summer, and the air conditioner and fan can't be blown. The power failure of the school just a few days ago was in the early winter, and the breath of late autumn that has not completely faded still shuttles through the corridors and doors and windows of the dormitory. With the sound of "Pa" and the sound of electric current, I quickly realized that there was a power failure! Then, a continuous stream of shrieks came to my ears, like ghosts in haunted houses, and we walked around the dormitories, pretending to be ghosts, terrorizing, thrilling... Everyone had a good time playing. Downstairs, a group of brave boys gathered to shout to the students upstairs, echoing with each other, and it was very lively; The tense and exciting uproar finally ended in the teacher's "lion roar". That night was a night of joy and excitement.

I once asked: What is happiness? The man replied: Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Altman fights small monsters. Hahaha... inadvertently, the smile is like a spring lily blooming on my face. The noon nap bell rang. I thought that the ordinary day would be passed safely, and I could not wake up. My mother's warm and familiar face was really so clear, it was like joy from heaven, and happy tears blurred my eyes in an instant. A number of happy fragments and moments are gathered together, such as a jigsaw puzzle. The sharp heart makes it more and more complete! Can you hear the subtle knock on the door, like the sound of flowers blooming?

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (8)

Family brings me happiness Last weekend, my parents took me to climb the mountain. Every time we climb the mountain, we always have a small competition to see who will climb to the top first, so this is no exception. "Pre prepare start!", "Judge", under the order of my mother's doctor, my father and I rushed out quickly and threw my mother out of sight. My father and I were running towards the mountain desperately, while my mother was leisurely doing yoga while walking at a pace like a turtle. I ran hard while looking for my father. Seeing that the road finding expert would not catch up with me, I was so excited that I wanted to grow more legs at this moment. At this time, the mother behind was also coming up. She was also eager to call me, "Run, run! Dad is catching up with you!". ha-ha! So when he was about to approach me, I deliberately pretended to twist my foot and kept shouting "ouch, ouch". Indeed, my father stopped to take a quick step to see what was going on. I walked up to him and ran away as soon as he wasn't careful. He didn't respond, and I had already run to the top of the mountain. Ha ha ha, I am the first again. I shouted happily at the top of the mountain. The valley echoed with my happy and proud laughter, as well as the happy laughter of my parents. I love my family, I love my parents. This home gives me endless happiness and leisure

My family gave me 700 words of happy composition (9)

700 words of happy composition given by my mother

700 words of happy composition given by my mother

Family growth (9)

Today, I read a story about how to make girls a kind princess. The hero of the story is a girl who was just born two years old. Her second aunt had been married for many years and had no children. She liked the girl very much, so she discussed with the girl's biological mother to adopt the girl as her daughter. The mother thought about it again and again, and finally it was sisterhood. The girl's mother agreed to adopt her daughter to the second younger sister. When the girl was four years old, her mother (second aunt) gave birth to a younger brother. When the girl was six years old, her father (adoptive father) died suddenly in the factory. Later, my mother married a man who had two sons. He did not dislike his mother and was willing to accept her and her children. Then the girl's mother gave birth to a younger sister and a younger brother. After the girl graduated from college and started working, her first month's salary was fully dedicated to her parents as a show of filial piety. After reading this article, I think that the girl's special experience has created her character of knowing kindness and repaying kindness, as well as her filial and gentle character. As the years passed, she had a deeper understanding of the true meaning of life, a more thorough understanding of love, and gradually he was better at giving and expressing affection and love. Love is art, love is skill, love is the source of happiness, and it is also the driving force of life. We should also learn from girls, not only to love and be loved, but also to love.

Family growth (10)

I live in a teacher's home, my father teaches Chinese; Mother teaches math. Therefore, I have lived in the fragrance of books since I was young.

I remember Shakespeare said: "Books are the nourishment of human beings. Without books in life, it is like the earth has no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like the birds have no wings." Reading is a kind of dedicated learning, a beautiful enjoyment, and reading will bring us a new world.

My mother has read Cinderella, Snow White and other fairy tales to me since a few months ago. Gradually, when I grew up, my mother asked me to read the Tang and Song poetry "Silent Night Thoughts" and "Goose, Goose and Goose"; When I went to kindergarten, my study went to a higher level. My mother read me the story "The Crow and the Turtle Dove", and "The Canary" taught me how to be a man; When I went to primary school and learned Pinyin, I was able to read by myself. It became my habit to read 20 minutes before going to bed every day. Then a little older, I went to senior grade. "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" surrounded me. I felt sorry for Lin Daiyu's death and admired Cao Cao's wisdom.

I learned Helen from "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". Keller's desire for light and her optimistic spirit. Go to Faber's Insects to feel the magic of the animal world. Free fantasy in Andersen's Fairy Tales.

After reading this book, I learned the truth of life, realized the true meaning of life, felt the beauty of life, and thought of it.

I am growing happily in the sea of books.

Family growth (11)


I have a happy and interesting home, and in this home full of laughter and laughter, my dear parents, who taught me simple but important truth when I grew up, make my life full of fun. In this interesting life, my father plays the role of a mountain and tries his best to protect me, while my mother is more like a river. The gurgling river will always nourish my young soul.

Father's love is grand and solemn. It is like an invisible wing. Although it cannot be seen, you can feel the warm protection of father's love.

I remember one time, I went to harvest wheat with my father. From that experience, I got the most precious wealth in life. That day, the scorching sun was like fire, and the hot sun forced the water in my face out, turning into crystal beads of sweat. I felt very thirsty. At this time, I could not help but glance at my father's face. Similarly, the sweat on his face dripped constantly, and his lips were dry and cracked, becoming old. But Dad didn't seem to have any intention of being lazy. He wiped the sweat on his face with his clothes and licked his dry lips with his tongue. I saw my father was so determined, so I was full of energy. When my father saw me, he smiled.

After that, I learned perseverance and perseverance.

And maternal love is gentle, but also strict. I remember once, I went to my classmate's house to play, and we went to see his goldfish together. The little goldfish with big eyes and flat mouth are all very cute. What's more, their clever and cute actions made me love them. So I grabbed one and put it in my pocket. After that, I hurried home, patted my pocket and showed off my success to my mother. But as soon as I pulled out the goldfish, I was slapped by my mother, and then my mother took me to my classmate's home to apologize

After that, no matter how good others are, I am not impressed.

In fact, no matter father or mother, they all gave me one thing - unlimited love. If my life is a small boat, then my father is a rudder to steer me in the right direction, while my mother is a sail to give me enough power to move forward. From this, only by mastering the subtle relationship between the rudder and the sail, can I exercise perfectly and go to the other side of my life.