Unforgettable composition (20 required)
The farthest distance
2023-08-18 09:24:37

Unforgettable composition (1)

Smile is the most common expression of human beings. A seemingly simple smile can greatly affect other people's emotions.

Liu Shangquan is my classmate. Although we have been separated for three years, I am still impressed by his smile.

When I was eight years old, my family moved to Wuhan because of my father's work. At that time, I went to a local primary school, and all the students were strange to me.

When I walked into the classroom the next day, my hands and feet became soft, and I felt nervous until I suddenly felt a blank in front of me. My heart beat as high as 130 times. I chose a back and corner seat. Then the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves, and the students in front talked about each other, which made me feel more stressed. When it was my turn, I slowly walked onto the stage and said in a small voice, "I am Lin Guanteng." At that time, I was so shy that I forgot what I wanted to say. I saw my classmates looking at me with big eyes open and expressionless. At this time, I suddenly saw Liu Shangquan sitting in the fourth row, the first, smiling at me. Suddenly, I felt that my nervous heart had melted.

When I was at a loss, Liu Shangquan gave me a smile, which made me feel less nervous and have more courage to face life in a different place. Next time, if some students are as anxious as me, I will smile like Liu Shangquan to warm them in time.

Unforgettable Composition (2)

One day last summer vacation, after dinner, I went for a walk in the small garden next to Changtai Garden. At this time, I saw a scene that still reminds me!

At this time, I saw a fashionable young woman coming from the front, throwing an apple core on the ground while walking. Suddenly, I felt disgusted with the young woman. Just then, a little girl who was held by her mother came running from the side. Her big bright eyes seem to show us her young and innocent mind. She stopped in front of the apple core, looked at it, and then looked up happily. She innocently said to her mother, "Mom, Mom, look at it!" Her mother looked at it and said impatiently, "What's good about it! Go!" "No, no!" The little girl picked up the apple core coquettishly and held it high. When her mother saw it, she said angrily, "Hurry up, throw it away! It's so dirty, throw it away!" The little girl listened, and tried to break free from her mother's hand, trying to throw it into the dustbin, but there was no one nearby. At this time, she suddenly found that a cleaner was coming with a small cart. The little girl immediately ran over and threw the apple core into the cart with a little hand. She ran back with a smile on her face, just like a bud.

How touching this scene is, the rudeness of young women and the innocence of little girls. Let me never forget!

Unforgettable Composition (3)

In life, we have met countless faces: there are innocent and lovely faces, sunny and handsome faces, and kind-hearted wine lovers who are always lucky to go to Zhan Pu Da Mu...... But the most unforgettable one is that face full of wrinkles, weather beaten, but kind and kind. Although that face has become withered and yellow after years of training and destruction, that Guan loved my young soul, The kind face that soothed my sorrowful spirit is unforgettable all my life.

One noon a few days ago, my parents were on business. After school, I went home alone and heated the meal my mother had prepared for me in advance with the microwave oven. Just as I was preparing for dinner, suddenly I heard a knock on the door. My parents were on business. Who else could it be? I quickly looked from the "Cat's Eye". It was Grandma. I immediately opened the door and saw Grandma's kind face. Her face was red, a trace of fatigue. "Kid, go hungry and have a taste of Grandma's craftsmanship." Grandma originally sent me food. I wolfed down the delicious food. Inadvertently, I looked up and saw Grandma smiling at me. Her wrinkled face was full of kindness. "Grandma, you must also be hungry, please eat some!" I said to Grandma. "No, I don't trust you when you are alone at home. Besides, you are growing up and eating leftovers is not nutritious enough." Grandma said as she kept putting hot food into my bowl. I ate delicious food with relish, and felt a special taste. Isn't that a taste of selfless love from the elders? When I ate, I noticed that Grandma was holding food for me with one hand and rubbing her thigh with the other.

I'm going to school. Grandma and I left home together. I noticed Grandma's strange posture when she went downstairs. She struggled to grasp the handrails on both sides of the stairs with both hands, and her feet moved slowly step by step. When I saw Grandma's pained expression, I remembered there was something on her leg. I can't imagine how she came to my house. I quickly helped her: "Grandma, you should go to the hospital anyway, OK?" Grandma nodded, smiled at me and said, "My granddaughter has grown up, and she knows how painful it is." At this moment, I saw that Grandma's kind face was full of happiness.

Grandma's face is full of kindness, care and encouragement. It will be engraved in my heart forever.

Unforgettable Composition (4)

From childhood to adulthood, I have seen innocent and lovely faces, sunny and handsome faces, kind and simple faces, sinister and cunning faces... But the most unforgettable one for me is the face full of wrinkles, weather beaten, yet kind and kind - my dearest grandfather's face.

When I was young, my parents were busy with their work, so they entrusted me to my grandparents. Three and a half years of the six-year primary school were spent in the foreign public house. Every day after school, I would "fly" to my grandfather who had been waiting for a long time at the school gate. Grandpa always smiled and "changed" a few sweets from his pocket and peeled them into my mouth. On the way home, my young hand always held my grandfather's old but warm and powerful hand, and shook it happily and forcefully. Grandfather always asked me in his gentle and slightly hoarse Shandong dialect: "Jiakang, did you listen carefully this day?" "Jiakang, did you get praise from the teacher this day?" "Jiakang, did you have fun with the children this day?" I nodded happily and crossed the familiar road. Grandfather always protected me with his tall body, and I hid under his broad and thick body like a chicken. I looked up from time to time with a smile. Looking at his smiling face, I felt extremely secure and satisfied.

The happy time floated away like a beautiful butterfly. And I also returned to my parents. There are fewer days to see my grandpa, but every time I talk to him on the phone, when I hear his voice, which is hoarse but concerned, my grandpa's kind smile immediately appears in front of me, and I feel warm in my heart.

One winter, I was seriously ill, didn't go to school, and was bored lying in bed reading. Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door. I got out of bed, opened the door, and saw my grandfather standing outside the door, panting and saying to me: "Jiakang... I bought you some medicine." Before I could say anything, my grandfather said, "Did you eat?" I shook my head weakly. Grandfather said gently, "Well, let you taste Grandfather's skill!" Then he walked into the kitchen trembling. After a while, a bowl of delicious porridge came out with some beef sprinkled on it. Grandfather took a spoon and fed me one mouthful at a time. He was afraid that I would be too hot. Before each spoon, he would blow it. Looking at his caring and kind face, I felt that it was the most delicious meal I had ever eaten. After dinner, Grandpa waited for me to fall asleep and then went home quietly.

My grandfather often comes to ask me about my study. In the first semester of my sixth grade, in order to consolidate my mathematical foundation, my grandfather sacrificed his time and energy to help me with mathematics. In order to correct my questions, he often stayed up until more than two in the middle of the night, but he still insisted on getting up at seven every morning. Whenever I ask, "Grandpa, are you tired

After high school, I had less contact with my grandfather because I was in Xi'an. But this did not affect my feelings towards my grandfather. Every time I returned to Tongchuan, I found my grandfather was much older, his silver was thinning, and his voice was hoarse. But the only thing he didn't change was his kind and kind face. As soon as I see you, almost every wrinkle is full of love and smile.

On the road of life, there may be many things that can be forgotten. In the future life, there will be many people and things that will move me, but I will remember my grandfather's kind smile for life. It is the essence of love and the treasure of my life.

Unforgettable composition (5)

In my memory, my mother seldom smiles. I once asked her, but she always said, "My mother has no laughing nerve, so she can't smile."

Once, the school held a calligraphy contest, and I won the first place in the whole grade. At noon, I flew home like a bird, handed the certificate to my mother, and then stared at her face, "You should smile this time."

Mom opened the certificate and glanced at it, then said as usual: "Mom congratulates you, continue to work hard in the future!"

I had to walk away disappointed.

In the third class yesterday, the midterm paper was handed out. I opened it and was stunned. 79 points? How could that be? I carefully checked the test paper again from beginning to end, hoping to find out what was wrong with the teacher's approval, but my hope turned into a bubble. It turned out that I was careless and missed a topic. I was very upset. After school, I came home in fear and dared not take out the test paper. It was not until my mother asked me for the test paper that she nervously handed it to my mother. I thought to myself: "This time, my mother will go back to Leiting,...... Alas, who calls me careless......" I was thinking with my head down, when I heard my mother smile softly: "Be careful in the future, my mother has confidence in you!" I raised my head in surprise, and saw my mother's face rippled with a kind and beautiful smile, as bright as the sunflower in the school flower bed.

I couldn't help jumping into my mother's arms and saying, "Mom, I will be careful in the future, and I will make you smile more beautiful!"

Unforgettable composition (6)

Today is Women's Day. I decided to give my mother a surprise to make her happy. What should I do?

I thought about it, but nothing new came to my mind. When I was ready to pick up my pen to do my homework, I had a brainwave. Ha! I know. This time, I will write my homework well and write the words correctly. My mother often taught me to write well, hoping that I could get rid of the bad habit of poor handwriting. So today I decided to give my mother a special gift!

First, I wrote Chinese. I wrote it one stroke at a time, seriously, without letting go. Before I knew it, the Chinese homework was easily done by me. Looking at these neat homework, my mood became better. Compared with the previous ones, I felt that I was really terrible! Then came math. I used to draw a circle when I wrote "0". Today I have to change it. Before, I thought it was difficult to write the words well and write the homework neatly, but today it is different. At this time, I understood the meaning of "nothing is difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart".

I couldn't help giggling when I thought of my mother coming home after a busy day and seeing my homework happy, so that my mother didn't find it when she came home. "What are you laughing at? Did you write your homework?" "It's needless to say, I promise you will be satisfied! Here!" I handed my homework to my mother. "Wow! Did you write this word? It's so beautiful!" My mother suddenly laughed. "Mom, happy holidays!"

I was also very happy to see my mother laughing. I made up my mind to write correctly every day and let my mother spend every day happily!

Unforgettable Composition (7)

Spring is coming to us quietly, and the golden rape flowers also show their beautiful smiles. I stared at the sea of flowers. Falling into memory······

The midsummer of that year was the happiest summer vacation for me, and also the summer vacation for my sister to accompany me most. In my image, my sister is very busy, junior high school is busy with the high school entrance exam, and senior high school is busy with the college entrance exam. That year, I was just a little girl who didn't understand the world. I just complained about why my sister didn't play with me.

The sun shone brightly that day. The sun shines on the earth. My sister pulled me to my grandmother's field. The narrow dirt road covered acres of fields. Small wild flowers are full of small dirt roads. They tell the world their beauty. Red, blue, white, pink, and small green leaves hold small flowers, which are more delicate and lovely. A gust of cool wind blows against my face, adding a sense of coolness to the hot summer. In summer, this year's rape flowers are still in full bloom. My sister and I walked in the rape field. Looking at the endless sea of golden flowers around, I feel happy. A gentle breeze blew, and the "sea" stirred up blossoming golden "spray". My sister pulled me to run, and the sound of "rustling" was heard all the time. The breeze brushed my face. I think I have never been so happy. My sister's sweet smiling face is reflected in my heart. Forever forever······

Unforgettable composition (8)

A beautiful face is a rose, blooming with a charming smile, and a kind face is a wisp of warm spring breeze, which makes the love in my heart take root; The face of the vicissitudes of life is a meter of sunshine, which warms the ice of the generation gap in my heart. Unforgettable face of vicissitudes.

Three years ago, when I returned to my hometown, my hometown was in a small village in the countryside. I walked a lot of muddy roads on the way to my grandfather's house. My grandfather's house was just a dirt house. I was used to living in the city when I was young. I was a little uncomfortable. I was a little timid, hiding behind my father and peering at the tall, serious and strange grandfather. I only saw him once, I came back to see you when I was four years old, and now I have forgotten it. I spent the afternoon playing alone at my grandfather's house. After dinner, my grandfather, who had talked with my father all afternoon, came to me, took my hand and said, "Grandson, Grandpa will take you to the field to have a look." I should go with him.

I don't know how long I have been walking, but I finally arrived at the field. It was dusk and the sun was setting. There were some golden ears of wheat shining in the sun. The wind blew and they were hanging from side to side. At this time, I looked up at my grandfather's face. I was stunned. The residual light of the sunset was reflected on his face. The stripes on his face were shining brightly in the sun. My eyes were narrowed together, A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The wrinkles on his face were like the thousands of layers of land piled together. What a thrilling joy it was. It was a face that had experienced many vicissitudes! Are not the wrinkles on the face the traces of vicissitudes carved by wind, frost, rain and snow? It is an earth shaking force. On that face with vicissitudes of life, I seem to see the traces of history. The cold and merciless years have made the old man in front of me so old, and it is the years that have made the old man get rich harvest satisfaction.

Grandfather took my hand and a piece of wheat and said, "Grandson, you must work hard! Like these wheat poles, real fruits grow!" The vicissitudes of life make people old, but people's spirit is not old.

Whenever I am hindered in my study, I always remember the words my grandfather said. It is that sentence that reminds me of my grandfather's face of vicissitudes, that unforgettable face.

Unforgettable Composition (9)

Time goes by without mercy, and a hundred blessings are not paid. If you chew hard and bear the pain, everything will pass.


At the age of 12, his father died of a brain infarction. At that time, the traffic was inconvenient and life was tight, so the tragedy happened, and the good people said that it would be gone. In the days to come, he, his mother and three sisters will depend on each other. This sudden grief led to the sinking of the mother and son, but it also made him learn to be independent and strong at the age of 12.

His mother provided him with books for several years. He was afraid that his mother and sisters would be involved because of him, so he decided to quit school. In his 20s, he had his own wife. You can't support a family without income. He went to the county to teach. He taught the third to fourth grade courses in primary school. He taught every course, but he could barely make a living. Later, he had two daughters. He didn't have a house. So many people were embarrassed to live in relatives' houses. He wanted to build a house. The couple burned red bricks in the field and sawed wood by themselves. Their wrinkled hands touched solid bricks, and their dusty faces were dripping with pure sweat. When the foundation frame was finished but there was no roof, he asked his wife to take the ladder to cover the tiles. Finally, they had a house, but there were only three rooms, one for his mother, one for a guest, and the smallest and most humble room where they lived together.

Gradually, the two daughters also grew up and got married. The younger daughter and her husband went to the county seat, but the older daughter welcomed a son-in-law to the door. Several years later, he was old, his face was full of vicissitudes, and the "curse lines" on his forehead refused to come down. A pair of black eyes did not match his half white hair in any way. The eldest daughter gave birth to a pair of children. The boy is me.

In retrospect, grandpa's experience in this life is a portrayal of the life of a hard farmer. Even so, he always smiles at the world, and no matter how thin his hands are, they must support the sky! There is also that clear, weather beaten but resolute face, which is worth remembering all my life and unforgettable!

Unforgettable Composition (10)

In my memory, there are countless faces, which are kind, kind, severe, gentle and sad. But one face that I will never forget is my grandfather's face.

My grandfather is a strong person. When I was in primary school, my mother was busy with her work, so my grandfather could only pick me up. Therefore, I gradually hated him. Every time I went to school, I always ignored him, but he was not angry, and as always, he doted on me.

I remember one time, when I took my grandfather's money to buy ice cream, when I looked up, I saw my grandfather's kind face. It was a face that had experienced years and vicissitudes of life. I seemed to see his daily hard work and tiredness. On that face, wrinkles appeared to be clear, and there were a few spots on the pale yellow skin, That was the first time I observed his face so carefully. I thought: Grandpa is really old!

When I was in Grade 4, my grandfather suddenly fell ill. I felt that the sky was falling down. When I ran to the ward in a hurry, I saw my grandfather was resting. My mother said to me, "Be quiet and don't disturb my grandfather!"! At this time, I saw great changes between my grandfather and his former grandfather. His face was not kind anymore. It became haggard. There was no gloss on his face, his skin became rough, and his eyes were empty and lifeless. I asked my mother: What disease did Grandpa have? Mother said: Grandpa had cerebral hemorrhage, and his brain was stiff, just like a 3-year-old child! No wonder his eyes are a little dull.

Later, I couldn't go to see him every day because of school, but every time I went to see him, he insisted on walking with crutches. Every time, he sweated heavily and would not rest until his clothes were wet. In this way, Grandpa is getting better every day. Now, grandpa is no longer that haggard, his face has luster, smile, and become strong again!

I hope that all the old people in the world will be healthy, safe and happy every day!

Unforgettable Composition (11)

Out of the door, I cried. I couldn't stand the pain. All the sadness in my heart poured out.

One morning, looking out of the window at the clear sky, my heart was relaxed and happy. When my mother received a phone call, she ran out of the door and told me to stay at home. Before I came to ask what it was, my mother had gone out. My heart was a little uneasy. I was thinking: a few days ago, my aunt talked with my mother and father for a long time, and I vaguely heard a few words, as if someone was ill. My heart is a little flustered. What's the matter?

"Ding Lingling -" The phone rang, and I hurried to answer it. It was my mother. The news on the other side of the phone made me speechless. Grandpa was ill. I hurried out.

When I got to the ward, many people in the room surrounded my grandfather. I slowly walked to the side of the hospital bed. Grandpa was very happy to see me and asked them to move their chairs to let me sit next to him. Grandpa's hand was pricked with a needle and dripping, his face was a little pale, and my hand was no longer so strong. The face was still so familiar, so kindly smiling at me, the wrinkles on the corners of my eyes were deeper, and my grandfather looked very thin. I knew in my heart that my grandfather had been in the hospital for several days, and he must have had injections and pills. I endured, tears just in the eye socket.

Every time I go to Grandpa's house, I can see his kind face and amiability. He often asked me to grow vegetables with him in the backyard vegetable garden. "This dish is my own, and it must be fresher than that vegetable market!" he often said. Our grandfather and grandson are very busy, each with a straw hat! Grandpa is always so kind, I can't forget.

A week later, Grandpa left the hospital, and I went home with him. He was like an old child, holding my hand to the vegetable garden. "Look, this is the last time we planted it, how about it? Look good, I'll cook it for you later." He smiled brightly and was not affected by the pain of illness. "He was not here a while ago, and entrusted others to take care of this dish. It looks good." I smiled and said to my grandpa, "grandpa, I will cook it later. It must be delicious!" My grandpa's kind face reminded me of all my good memories of being in the vegetable garden with him, and he stroked my head and promised. I'm glad that we had a very happy day.

The next day, Grandpa's illness worsened. He was already lying on the bed powerless, his hands and feet looked very cold, and I felt my feet were weak. I knelt down at the head of Grandpa's bed, holding hands and trying to convey warmth to him, all of a sudden. I couldn't bear the huge fact. I rushed out of the room and looked at the sky. My tears could not stop flowing. All the good memories of my grandfather and everything came to my mind. The printed picture is of him in bed. His eyes are closed, his face is so kind, and the corners of his mouth are gently raised. He is very calm.

I, unforgettable that face, unforgettable that kind face.

Unforgettable Composition (12)

Walking on the crowded road, I saw strange faces one after another, but after searching for thousands of miles, I never found the face that I could not forget.

The breeze is blowing. In my mother's nagging voice, I picked up my bag impatiently and walked quickly to the door.

Finally, I got away from my mother's nagging voice and came to the station. Just after one foot got on the train, there was an intermittent voice behind my ears, "Wait... umbrella." Turning around, I vaguely saw my mother's figure, her hair was disordered by the wind, and she held a flower umbrella in her hand.

Maybe it was instinctive reaction to my mother, so I habitually got on the bus and said to the driver, "Hurry up." The car started like this, and my mother's figure became more and more blurred, until it became a point and disappeared

When school was over, the originally breezy weather stood on the same front with my mother, and it began to drizzle. The rain condensed on the glass, bit by bit, fell and disappeared. Because I hated my mother's nagging voice, I decided to go home on foot and walk alone on the road, with the drizzle slapping on my face. But who could have foreseen that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the raindrops were as big as beans. I quickly hid under the eaves of a house to take shelter from the rain, ready to leave when it rains.

At this time, an old man came out of the house. Her bent body and her vicissitudes of life face were very attractive. Her face was like dry bark, and wrinkles were all over her face like ravines. Her eyes were deeply sunken, like a deep abyss, and her eyes were full of life's vicissitudes. But her kind face deeply moved me.

"What's the matter, child? Don't you have an umbrella? Come in and sit down." She said to me in her slow and kind voice. "Well, thank you, Grandma," I replied with a smile, staring at her face.

Then, as she entered the room, the room was small and dark, she arranged me to sit down, walked with a faltering step and brought me a towel to wipe the rain on my body. She slowly sat beside me, with a little difficulty on her face. And I, have been staring at her face that vicissitudes of life, some sad. Suddenly, she smiled at me and said, "Why didn't you bring your umbrella? Didn't your mother come to pick you up?" Then I told her what happened in the morning and said that I hated my mother's nagging. She sighed softly. "My son, what about the mother who doesn't love me? Your mother is in a hurry now. She must apologize to your mother when she comes home later." I still stared at her face, as if seeing her mother's old appearance. My heart suddenly became sour, and when I arrived, I was really sorry for my mother, so I suddenly got up and ran outside, Hope to rush home as fast as possible. At this time, some old grandma called me and said with a smile; "Wait, umbrella." I suddenly stared, feeling that this sentence was so familiar. It seemed that someone had said the same thing to me. Yes, it was my mother. So I took the umbrella and rushed into the rain.

Until now, that face still appears in my mind, it is so vicissitudes. It was she who made me feel the warmth of strangers, and let me know the value of kinship.

Unforgettable Composition (13)

As time goes by, I can't find the thin figure and the smiling face at the end of the bluestone slab

As time goes by, there are many memories in the clear water, including a smiling face. Eh, whose face is that? So familiar, so kind, oh, that's the face of an old man at the other end of the bluestone slab. I call him Sugar Grandpa.

Sugar grandpa, an old man who is very good at blowing sugar people. He always sits at the end of the bluestone slab, always smiling and making a sweet sugar man, always wearing very simple black pants and white shirt, always stained with a few drops of dangling syrup. A head of white hair marks the age. Everything is so ordinary, except that he has only one guest, me. After spending a long time with Grandpa Sugar, I like to stay with him all day, just because there will be free sugar.

Grandpa Tang likes smoking, but he only smokes very cheap cigarettes. Sometimes, when choked by fake cigarettes, I will gently walk to grandpa and ask him, "Grandpa Tang, are you OK?" Even so, I will subconsciously watch out for his greasy clothes and his black nails that frighten me. Besides smoking, Grandpa Tang also likes to listen to the theatre very much. But he never goes to the theater, just likes to listen to his old radio. I sometimes ask my grandpa, "Grandpa Sugar, why don't you like going to the theater?" My grandpa smiles more deeply: "Grandpa doesn't like going to the theater, it's too noisy Sugar Man is always more interesting than Sugar Grandpa's Secret. The light smoke partially covered the old man's deep eyes and some stiff smiles

Unconsciously, I grew up and left my hometown, gradually forgetting Grandpa Tang's smiling face, just like the forgotten childhood. On that day, when I returned to my hometown, I caught a glimpse of the bluestone slab. The path was still the same, the slab was still the same, but the old man was not there. I asked my father, who told me that the old man had a very rough life: Grandpa Tang had a warm family, but his son stole things when he grew up, and violated the law. The old man was humiliated because of his son. A few years ago, the old man left, but none of the people who sent him to his death said so. His father turned red. I understand why no one comes to buy Grandpa's sugar, and why Grandpa doesn't go to the theater even listening to the radio. Grandpa smiled at everything, accepted everything with a smile, and avoided others with a smile.

"Girl, come and taste grandpa's new skills." I vaguely saw grandpa's smiling face, heard the familiar words, and looked up. Only the bluestone stood there. Grandpa, I will never forget your smiling face, and I will always smile to life. The smiling face appeared in the sky.

Unforgettable Composition (14)

The face is a symbol of a person. There are no two identical faces in the vast sea of people. Everyone's face has a long history. The most unforgettable thing for me is my father's discolored face.

Warm orange

"Will" I shouted and looked at my father proudly. My father scratched the back of his head and said mischievously like a child, "Why did you lose again? No, no, one more game, At the beginning of the attack, my chess had the upper hand. When I was about to be the general, I found my handsome and my father's generals were lost. I felt my head puzzled, but my father said mischievously, "Your handsome saw my general is powerful, and took him to the seaside for his honeymoon." I laughed, and my father also laughed, his face turned orange, which was a warm color.

Caring Purple

Outside the window, the wind was mixed with the rainstorm, thunder was rumbling, thunder was flashing, and I was in the room, groaning painfully on the bed. My father's forehead was sweating like a bean. He looked out of the window, looked at me, took me onto the motorcycle without hesitation, and drove to the hospital. Along the way, the ground was bumpy, and the motorcycle fell down several times, but it was my father who helped me up again, Through the crystal tears, I saw my father's tall figure. I suddenly felt that my father was like a giant, a giant who was willing to give everything for his children and was not afraid of difficulties. My heart was completely filled by this giant. After a long journey, my father finally came to the hospital. By the light of the hospital, I saw that my father had become a "clay man". My father's face was purple, which was the color of care.

Angry Red

A gust of autumn wind blew, rolled up the leaves on the ground, and the street lamp gave out faint light weakly. I dragged a heavy step on the way home. One meter, one meter, near, near again. I stared at the door blankly, dried my tears, walked in, and handed the "blood red" test paper. I saw my father's face changed again, this time into red, angry red, He looked at me and didn't speak for a long time, but I had already cried into tears. Red is the color of blood, red is the color of anger

My father's face is like a chameleon, but in my opinion, no matter which color is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or purple, it contains deep love for me. Red makes me progress, orange makes me happy, yellow makes me happy, green makes me confident, blue makes me modest, indigo makes me brave, and purple makes me warm. In a word, I love my father's face, I love Dad more!

Unforgettable Composition (15)

There will be many strange things in life. No one knows what will happen next second, what they will understand, and what they really know. Life is full of endless exploration and challenges.

Strangeness does not necessarily mean that she is untouchable. When you approach her, you find that she is very pure, has a kind and dedicated heart. No matter how hard, hard or tired he will feel very happy - the cleaner. In winter, the temperature can reach several degrees below zero. Some people may be sleeping late, while those who are about to get up at five o'clock in the morning will get up and sweep the floor. They are working hard to keep the city clean, so that we can have a good environment and a good mood to work.

Whenever I come to school in the morning, there are many cleaners working. It had just rained, and there was water on the ground. There was water on both sides of the road, and it was impossible to get feet. There were all kinds of garbage floating on the water. This was when a cleaner came to see her missing many times, but it was not completely cleaned up. When she was wet, she went into the water and picked it up bit by bit. At that time, she was wet when she came out of the water wearing cloth shoes, She did not worry about the cold water and still worked hard to finish her work. I saw her trembling, but she did not leave. I stopped her when I couldn't stand it, but she told me: "This is my job. I must finish it before I will be happy and give up halfway. It will only make me uneasy. You should remember to do everything in the end. You won't be happy if you give up." After that, I started working again.

I thought to myself, yes, everything should be done completely, not half done. I should seriously do everything well, and not let it leave a vacancy. No matter how difficult it is, it will continue to be perfect. There will be no worry, no pressure.

Do anything not give up easily, do not jump to conclusions is not necessarily a failure. Frustration is inevitable. As long as we work hard, there will be hope. Try, try to understand the true meaning of happiness.

Treat everything with heart, let every dream blossom, and realize everything in life carefully, so that your life will be more colorful.

Unforgettable Composition (16)

In my small memory head, I can't remember how many times I wrote about this guy! But I always want to write about him, perhaps because of the charm of his face, which is a confident and optimistic face.

He was my deskmate in the sixth grade of primary school, an outstanding student. In the face of failures and difficulties, he always smiled to overcome them.

In that monthly exam, I failed because I didn't study hard, and I dropped 10 out of the top five in the class. In addition, during the preliminary football match of grade, my class was defeated because of my improper cooperation and arrogant attitude, which made me more worried and more sad. And what about him?

"I heard that he failed in this exam, and the question was so simple that he failed." Some girls who were concerned about the score were whispering again. I overheard this sentence, looked at him sideways, but he looked at me frankly, smiled and said: "Why? If you fail in the exam, you should introspect yourself. I will do well in the exam next time! It's football match in the afternoon. Don't make me so nervous, will you? " Seeing how confident he is, I also laughed.

"Another goal was conceded, and our class made another defensive mistake and conceded a goal!" The "loudspeaker" of our class nervously reported to everyone. In the afternoon, our class played basketball finals with Class XX. At the beginning, our defender made a series of defensive mistakes, leading to a 0-12 score in the first 10 minutes. Everyone was as anxious as an ant on the hot pan. But as the captain, he smiled and said to his teammates after the pause: "Everyone just performed well, but the defense should cooperate with each other, so that we can have a chance to counter attack!" All the players looked at their captain and kept smiling, They all smiled confidently. The tense atmosphere disappeared. It seemed that he was determined to win. Seeing the score rising, equaling and surpassing, he and his teammates jumped with joy.

I compare myself with him secretly. If you don't review before the exam, you will be unhappy if you fail; How childish I am when I hold an arrogant attitude on the football field, dribble alone and scold my teammates after losing points! So I made up my mind to learn from him, his positive heart and his smiling behavior.

After graduating from primary school, I never saw him again, but his smiling face is as clear as ever in my heart, and that smile has always guided my way of dealing with people and things! That smile always reminds me to face difficulties confidently and optimistically!

Unforgettable Composition (17)

With the first bird call in the morning, a ray of sunshine once again sprinkled on the poster of "Community Volunteers"

When I first stepped into the community, I saw a poster of "Community Volunteers". All the people on it were radiant and energetic. But if you look carefully, you will find that in the most lateral photo, there is an old woman whose pale face is full of hardships of life.

Early in the morning, I pushed the door to go to school. When I turned to stretch my head, a wrinkled face appeared in my eyes. I saw that the old woman was laboriously cleaning the corridor. Sweat slid down her cheek drop by drop, soaked all the silver hair, and her nose was playing back and forth, sometimes making a gasping sound. Those bloodshot eyes were eager to close for a whole day, and their eyebrows were feebly twisted. But she still grits her teeth and cleans with difficulty. Every once in a while, the head will quickly droop, and the wrinkles will be deeper and deeper in the face of vicissitudes

I stared at the armbands of other "volunteers" on her body and remained silent for a long time. At this time, a hoarse voice came from my ear: "Boy, why are you so silly? Hurry to go to school!" I turned my head and saw the old lady waving her hands to greet me. I nodded subconsciously. Just as I was about to step into the elevator with one foot, I heard the voice of the old lady again: "Boy, your bag is left here!" I hurried out of the elevator and turned around, I saw her thin figure struggling with her schoolbag, and I inadvertently saw Grandma's weathered face, like mountains and valleys, in the ups and downs, or sad, or wind and rain

That face is unforgettable in my memory. That trace of time, let me understand, only because of you, let our community more beautiful! Only because of that tired face can we see your more noble personality!

Unforgettable Composition (18)

She is the one who loves me most. When I was young, she was willing to let me loose her little hand and let me learn to walk by myself. When I fell down, she did not pull me, but encouraged me again and again: "Get up, don't cry, and continue to walk." I knew that she wanted to train me to be an independent person early. No matter how big a setback you encounter, as long as you have courage, you can turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone. But at that time, I was too young to understand.

Day by day, my feet grow taller. Yes, I grow up. But she still cares about my behavior or words everywhere. I went to school, and she didn't pick up and drop off like other parents. She only took me to school once, and told me the route while walking. Next, I went to school on my own, until now. When I was in primary school, she began to teach me how to cook. When I learned how to cook, she taught me how to cook in the morning. For several times, I was always hurt by oil spray. I want to give up studying cooking. But she said, "Are you sure you don't want to learn it? Well, don't regret it later." After hearing these words, I seem to feel that learning how to cook must be of great benefit to me in the future. So, I persisted. Until I make it to her taste. One more thing I haven't forgotten: every time I go shopping with her. She always tells me the price of the things she bought today and asks me to calculate the total price.

More importantly, she pretended to go on a business trip in order to let me stand on my own for a few days, so she went to live with her grandmother. As a result, my independent life began. In the past, she taught me how to cook and stir fry, so I cooked and ate by myself. A few days later, she was very happy to see me safe and sound. It was she who taught me to stand on my own feet.

Now, I'm older, and I can see her white hair growing out one by one, and she also has dark circles under her eyes, even that tired face. All of this is for me, to make me a good man, so I will never forget that tired face.

Unforgettable Composition (19)

In life, we have seen countless faces. Some are happy and some are sad. But the most unforgettable thing is the tired face.

"The difficult class is over!" the students said happily. But it's raining cats and dogs outside. A cold wind blew, and I couldn't help shivering. The other children's parents came, but their mother didn't come.

A child and I followed the teacher to the reception room. Along the way, darkness shrouded the earth. The bright moonlight splashes on the earth, which is the only ornament in the night. The sound of dewdrops falling on the leaves was heard from time to time, ticking. Another wind blew, and the leaves rustled. I couldn't help quickening my pace. She and I came to the reception room and we played games. At this time, I really hope she can play with me until my mother comes to pick me up. But the reality is beyond my expectation. Her mother picked her up.

Now I'm alone, and I feel lonely as never before. Tears slowly swirled in my eyes. I tried hard not to let it flow out, but it still burst into tears.

I looked at the school gate, hoping that my mother's figure could appear at the school gate. A minute later, my mother didn't come. Three minutes later, my mother still didn't come. With the passage of time, I began to want to give up. Suddenly. A spot of light came into my eyes. "Mom, Mom!" I cried happily. I saw my mother's beautiful face in the faint light, and now I am exhausted; Originally neat hair, now it is messy; The clothes that used to be clean are now wet. I can't bear my mother to become so for me.

I walked out of the reception room, and the tired face became more tired against the light. "Baby, I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault. My mother is really helpless. If you want to buy something, my mother will buy it for you and apologize." My mother said guiltily. "No, Mom. You have work to do, and you have time to pick me up. I can't ask for a gift." Mom was silent for a while, didn't say anything, and pulled me into the car. My heart swelled with an indescribable touch.

After so long, I still clearly remember the face that became tired for me.

Unforgettable Composition (20)

Unforgettable face that always smiles

As time goes by, I can't find the thin figure and the smiling face at the end of the bluestone slab

As time goes by, there are many memories in the clear water, including a smiling face. Eh, whose face is that? So familiar, so kind, oh, that's the face of an old man at the other end of the bluestone slab. I call him Sugar Grandpa.

Sugar grandpa, an old man who is very good at blowing sugar people. He always sits at the end of the bluestone slab, always smiling and making a sweet sugar man, always wearing very simple black pants and white shirt, always stained with a few drops of dangling syrup. A head of white hair marks the age. Everything is so ordinary, except that he has only one guest, me. After spending a long time with Grandpa Sugar, I like to stay with him all day, just because there will be free sugar.

Grandpa Tang likes smoking, but he only smokes very cheap cigarettes. Sometimes, when choked by fake cigarettes, I will gently walk to grandpa and ask him, "Grandpa Tang, are you OK?" Even so, I will subconsciously watch out for his greasy clothes and his black nails that frighten me. Besides smoking, Grandpa Tang also likes to listen to the theatre very much. But he never goes to the theater, just likes to listen to his old 'radio'. I sometimes ask my grandpa, "Grandpa Sugar, why don't you like going to the theater?" My grandpa smiles more deeply: "Grandpa doesn't like going to the theater, it's too noisy Sugar Man is always more interesting than Sugar Grandpa's Secret. The light smoke partially covered the old man's deep eyes and some stiff smiles

Unconsciously, I grew up and left my hometown, gradually forgetting Grandpa Tang's smiling face, just like the forgotten childhood. On that day, when I returned to my hometown, I caught a glimpse of the bluestone slab. The path was still the same, the slab was still the same, but the old man was not there. I asked my father, who told me that the old man had a very rough life: Grandpa Tang had a warm family, but his son stole things when he grew up, and violated the law. The old man was humiliated because of his son. A few years ago, the old man left, but none of the people who sent him to his death said so. His father turned red. I understand why no one comes to buy Grandpa's sugar, and why Grandpa doesn't go to the theater even listening to the radio. Grandpa smiled at everything, accepted everything with a smile, and avoided others with a smile.

"Girl, come and taste grandpa's new skills." I vaguely saw grandpa's smiling face, heard the familiar words, and looked up. Only the bluestone stood there. Grandpa, I will never forget your smiling face, and I will always smile to life. The smiling face appeared in the sky.

This article comes from Fan Wen Station.