A fierce tug of war 600 (10 compilations)
Work hard for the future
2023-11-28 00:46:55

A fierce tug of war 600 (1)

In the fourth class this morning, we are going to have a tug of war competition for the fifth grade. Everyone is very excited. I didn't join the team because of my small strength. I have to be a cheerleader with other students who have lost the election. Teacher Lu led us to the open space between the dormitory buildings. I saw a yellow and long hemp rope lying on the ground, like a boa constrictor. The game begins. Our preliminaries were compared with Class 5 (6), and we won two games in three games. In the first game, the boys were ranked twelve, and Class 2 won. The second round: 12 girls each, and our girls won. Our class (2) won the preliminaries easily.

The semi-final is against the five (7) classes, and the winner or loser will be determined in one game. There are six men and six women in this round. Listen to our class Bao Yanan: "First, we will spend a little while waiting for Class 7 to lose strength, and then we will try our best to pull." So we (Class 2) won the semi-final again.

The final match is against a strong (3) class, I thought! This is the last game! If they don't win! How to win glory for Class 5 (2)? We must not lose this game. In the first round, the boys in our class were defeated by Class (3)! The second round: the girls in our class and the girls in Class (3) have been neck and neck, and finally the girls in our class won. At the beginning of the third round, Niu Bingrui of Class (3) pointed his finger at Class 2 and said, "Today you are playing to death!" In the third round, there should be six men and six women, but in Class 3, there were twelve girls, and six more boys. The game began. Look at the students on the field. They pushed forward with one leg and stepped back with the other, making all their efforts to pull back. Wang Wensen shouted, "Ah!" His face was as red as an apple. Cheerleaders shouted their voices almost to smoke. I suddenly saw Teacher Lu standing beside the tug of war team, shouting, "Come on! Come on!" and directing the team members to exert themselves with gestures. Not knowing whether it was the strength given to them by Teacher Lu or their unyielding efforts, they pulled the members of Class 5 (3) at once. We won! Ben Anrui jumped three feet high happily. ha-ha! Teacher Lu smiled too! We are the first in the fifth grade!

I learned from it that unity is strength, the most powerful force. As long as we work hard, we may succeed!

A fierce tug of war 600 (2)

"One two, one two, come on, work hard..." Eh, where is it? Why is it so busy? In fact, our class is holding a fierce "war" - tug of war!

The rules of the game are very simple: pull backward in both directions (as you like, without looking for a "little assistant") until the red rope tied in the middle of the long rope is pulled to your side, and we win; On the contrary, the other party wins.

"Three, two, one, start. My two eyebrows formed an inverted "eight" character, my eyes looked ahead, my teeth crunched and crunched, two blue veins appeared on my neck, my body leaned back slightly, and my feet were in a backward lunge. I was very nervous. I was afraid that my team would lose. Beany sweat quickly slid down from both sides of my cheeks

Looking at Pan in front of me, I couldn't believe my eyes, and almost didn't cry out: he was holding the hemp rope with one hand, and the other hand had already no idea where he had "flown" to, and he danced happily! His eyes narrowed into a slit, a very enjoyable look. In my opinion, he may regard this "battlefield" as a tourist beach in Hawaii. Suddenly, the guy started to play "swing", swinging left and right under the rope, and was pulled over by the other party when he was not careful. He looked frightened. First he was stunned, then he came back to his senses. He was very afraid, and his heart was like fifteen buckets of water. He was worried and tried again. The whole person was hanged, and the palm of his hand was hot and painful

His appearance can't compare with that of his classmate Yao, who shouted slogans, which made us more energetic. But in the end, the naughty "eel" slipped away from us - our team was defeated. The other side's eyebrows were loosened, but our side frowned. With our sighs and the other side's cheers, the curtain of this fierce game was pulled down.

Although the sky is still blue, it is gloomy in my eyes. Later, we carefully summarized our experience. We should go all out and unite as one, otherwise we will fail.

A fierce tug of war 600 (3)

Last semester, in a physical education class, the teacher asked us to hold a wonderful and fierce tug of war on the playground.

The game is about to start. The teacher said the rules: "There are three stages in the game: elimination, final and final. You can't change teams during the game." Everyone immediately warmed up and entered the state of preparation. Some are moving the knee joint, and some are pressing the leg; Some move the elbow joint. Our "enemies" are also exercising their muscles and bones. The provocative look made people shudder.

At the beginning, our team was uniform, leaning back, trying to pull it over. But the other side seemed to be rooted on the ground, and could not move at all. I was getting tired and sweating. The people of the other side remained motionless. I clenched my teeth, frowned, and held on to the rope, but the other person was still stronger than us. Gradually, gradually move towards each other... We lost. The team members were listless and dejected, as if they were walking corpses.

Next is the final. The teams to participate in the competition are the third group and the fourth group. Xiao Ming can't wait to play. He looks like a strong man, waving his arms, bowing down and pressing his legs, like a lion ready to go. The finals began. Xiao Ming stood at the end, tied the rope to his waist, and held on to the rope with both hands. We looked at this posture, and it was a win. The third group won with the help of Hercules.

The finals began, and the third group and the fifth group had a showdown. The two sides are evenly matched. The rope moves to the left and right at one time, and the stalemate will not stop. Watch the loud voice of the students, "Come on, encourage! Come on, encourage!", hold your fists, command the team, and want to help pull. At this critical juncture, Li Xiaohong in Group 5 accidentally slipped and fell down with a sound of "Dong". The members of Group 5 rushed forward. Alas, the general trend was that Group 3 won the game again. The members jumped excitedly, "Oh, we won!" Come and hold Xiao Ming together, unable to restrain their ecstasy. The whole audience cheered.

This competition is really exciting, and I will never forget it!

A fierce tug of war 600 (4)

In the past few weeks, our school held a big break activity, during which we held a fierce tug of war. We have seven groups, and then we began to draw lots??

The scene turned from low tide to high tide. The cheering and stamping of the students merged into one. The scene turned from low tide to high tide. When the whistle sounded, the students tried their best to eat like tigers. The muscles and veins in our hands are abrupt. The muscles are tight, the hairs on the body are straight, the hair is erect, the forehead is shrunk in a circle, the palm of the hand is red by the rope, some even blistered, and the sweat is rolling. In spite of this, we still pulled hard, and the more we pulled out the hand, the more "cruel". We clenched our teeth and endured the pain, thinking: we must persevere, not relax, to win, we must win "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The cheerleading team shouted for us rhythmically, and our team members seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. All of them used their strength to puff up their cheeks, red and swollen, like steel soldiers. We thought we were going to win, so we didn't pay attention to each other, but Zhao Lin's group of students took advantage of our lack of attention and came up with a sudden "attack". This made us dizzy and wobbly, as if we had drunk the secret medicine. The red scarf is getting closer and closer to each other. The cheers and feet stamping of the students blend together. Our team members have been working hard and exerting their own strength, but we still lost to Zhao Lin and his team?? Alas - our team members lost confidence, and finally our group failed.

The next group to carry out this fierce struggle is the other group.

The other groups were more powerful, hard working, and used the power of nine bulls and two tigers. Everyone blushed and their hands frothed??

At this time, the other team members were all red eyed, but he had to be red. He bared his teeth, and his mouth was crying hard. He held the rope tightly with both hands and pulled it hard towards his own direction. Who was that—— Zhang Zhaosen. He is an excellent player. "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The cheerleaders shouted for us rhythmically, and their team members seemed to be getting stronger.

Group by group, "PK" each other, feeling that no one is afraid of anyone.

In the end, no one had beaten Zhao Lin and her team.

This is a fierce struggle! This tug of war is unforgettable!

A fierce tug of war 600 (5)

"Jingle, jingle", class is over! Today, we are going to have a tug of war. After a brief explanation and demonstration, the teacher led us to the playground.

The competition started immediately. Our group quickly arranged the front, middle and back players according to the teacher's method just now. Each of our small hands tightly grasped the hemp rope, and our feet were like 502 glued, standing motionless in the "work" position. When the whistle sounded, we all tried our best to pull the rope back like tigers. Although my hand has hurt badly, I know that if I let it go, it will drag everyone back and probably make our group lose the game, so I gritted my teeth and insisted. Watching the red scarf move to the left and right, I felt uneasy. At this time, the cheering sound of the cheering team became louder and louder. Their encouragement has become our motivation. We pulled and pulled harder. Ma Muyao, standing in front of me, is a bean sprout, thin and small, but has great strength. Look at him, his eyes are round, his face is red, and his teeth are gnawing. He pulled the rope back bit by bit. Ah, the red scarf symbolizing victory has finally come! Our cheerleaders are constantly jumping, laughing and encouraging us with all the actions that can show cheering. Ah, we finally won! We cheered, and some of us rolled happily on the ground.

It's the decisive game. When the whistle sounded, we tried our best to pull it out. Maybe we were too excited and a little proud just now. We didn't hold on, and the red scarf of victory moved to the other side. At this time, our team was a little worried, but suddenly it seemed that they had the same heart, and they pulled back with all their strength. Maybe it was this sudden force, and the opponent could not stand it. Like dominoes, they fell over one after another. We jumped three feet high and shouted, "Oh! We won! Finally we won!"

After this competition, I learned a truth that no matter what you do, you should unite, because as the saying goes, "people of the same mind move Mount Tai"!

A fierce tug of war 600 (6)

The fierce tug of war is coming to us with light steps, and a battle without gunsmoke is about to be staged

In the afternoon, the whole playground was crowded with athletes in all kinds of sportswear. The cheers of our A and B teams played for a while, inspiring our morale. The whole team's cry was earth shaking and magnificent, and the focus of the whole court moved to the game. The two sides fell into a struggle, and the other side gradually gained the upper hand. We can only fight with brute force when we heard a classmate shout: "Don't work hard, they are fat, and they should use smart force!" When I heard this sentence, I remembered the scene of hard work during training, no! We can't lose! I tried my best, and sweat poured down like a waterfall, but I still couldn't bring back the defeat.

In the first half, we were completely suppressed by them, and the whole team sat on the grass discouraged. At this time, the team leader stood up and shouted: "What are you doing? Look at your current situation. We haven't lost yet. We still have a chance. This is a test. Don't fail, only succeed! Even if you try your best, you can't give up!" The team leader's speech greatly increased the morale of our team.

We went to the "battlefield" and prepared to fight with them! The second half of the game began. We leaned back and fought with the strong friction with the ground. When I looked on the ground, the soles of the newly bought shoes of Xiaogang's classmate in front collapsed due to unbearable force. When I looked up, his eyes were closed, his face was red and his veins were bulging. Scanning the past, my comrades in arms all tightened their faces, and I screamed: "Try hard, don't be discouraged, give them a shot!" At that moment, we pulled hard and grabbed the red rope. We reddened our eyes and shouted as we pulled. Our cry was so loud that we were going to crack the earthquake. We fought harder and bravely. "Yeah, we won!" Xiaochi smiled triumphantly. Xiaogang smiled when he looked at his shoes and shouted "worth it!"

The tug of war left us with the joy of victory, and we look forward to the coming of next time.

A fierce tug of war 600 (7)

On Tuesday morning, the weather was sunny and sunny, so the teacher changed the time for exercises between classes to tug of war. The students came to the playground and saw that the rope was anxiously waiting for everyone to compete.

The exciting tug of war competition finally began. The teacher whistled for the first time, and the students picked up the rope to get ready. The whistle sounded for the second time, and the game officially started. The red rope in the middle of the rope slowly moved towards us. When the other side saw that the situation was not good, they pulled hard towards them, and the red rope moved to the other side again. We thought to ourselves: We are sure to lose now, but the power from nowhere let us make the red rope cross the yellow line and win. Before the students had enough rest, the second game began. Because the first game consumed too much physical strength, although we had used enough energy, we lost finally due to lack of physical strength. At last, the most important game was the third game. We walked to the position designated by the teacher with our hearts pounding. At this time, everyone thought: this is the most important game. We can only win but not lose. At the beginning of the game, we didn't wait for Class 3 to react. We pulled back hard and killed Class 3 instantly, winning the game.

The second game was played by Class 3 and Class 1. Class 1 was obviously not the opponent of Class 3, and was knocked out of the game after several times by Class 3.

The third game was our Class 2 and Class 3. Due to the victory in the first game, our class was full of morale, and the students held their breath. It was like a brave and invincible soldier, with the cheerleaders shouting loudly, our class won the third game without surprise. At this time, the students were all tired and flushed. Beads of sweat rolled down from their faces. Some students sat on the ground to rest; Some are still talking about the course of the game.

The awarding moment is the happiest time for students. Because this honor is hard won, it teaches us to learn to unite and work together to give play to the great power of the collective.

A fierce tug of war 600 (8)

"Come on! Come on!" The first tug of war competition of our Second Primary School began with the sound of shouting and cheering.

For this competition, we made full preparations. The teacher picked out the big men in the class and practiced several times with other classes. Before the competition, we ran and did warm-up exercises. So when we went on the court, we were all confident that we would win.

We watched the previous classes tug of war and learned some experience. Later, it was our class's turn to tug of war. The team members staggered from side to side. When the teacher said to take the rope, they held the rope tightly. Their hands moved forward, their legs bent down, and their center of gravity moved forward. When they were "ready", the rope began to straighten. "Start!" We also shouted: "One two, come on! One two, come on!" The team members did not slack off. They pulled hard one by one, but from my perspective, they would find that the rope did not even move, even some of them were leaning towards the other side. We cheered up and shouted hard for the team members. The rope moved a little towards us, but the other side pulled back. So the team members pulled harder, their faces were a little red, and the rope that did not move made us agitated, for fear that we could not pull out the opponent. It seems that the opponent began to gather strength. After a while, the opponent pulled hard and pulled the rope to their side.

It's OK. Anyway, it's the best of three game system. They just won one game. I comforted myself. As soon as the whistle sounded, the team members froze the situation. It seemed that the chance of winning was higher. We continued to shout loudly, but the other side also increased its power, and the rope slowly moved towards them. Our team members quickly made efforts to freeze the situation. The other side attacked again, and we could not hold it. So the cheerleaders below began to increase their voices, Later, the watching class also added fuel for us, so the team members put all their strength to use. It was really a hard battle, and it was really hard to fight. After a long stalemate, the opponents took the right moment to pull the rope to their side. But because we were frozen, they pulled the rope completely after a while.

Now we have no hope. They have already won two games. We will lose without three games. But this is a friendship contest. Friendship is the first and competition is the second. But the students were dejected one by one, and some even cried secretly. At this time, the teacher told us that we should not be conceited about winning or discouraged about losing. So don't be discouraged. Next time, everyone should practice more to win. But the most important thing in tug of war is perseverance and unity. I believe that we can do these two things, We will be invincible!

A fierce tug of war 600 (9)

Our Class 5 (2) passed five passes and cut six generals, finally reaching the final. This time, our class's opponent is Class 5 (1). Before the game, the playground was very lively. The contestants in our class are all in high spirits and doing various warm-up exercises. The cheerleaders are glaring at the cheerleaders of Class 5 (1). Before the game started, the game was full of gunpowder, which seemed to be imminent.

"Duh!" As the whistle sounded, the players in our class grasped the rope tightly, their feet were against their feet, and their faces were red. The other contestants, unwilling to be outdone, kept pulling the rope, trying to pull the red silk on the rope to their team. The game was frozen for a long time. Suddenly, one of our players accidentally loosened his hand and sat down on the ground, making the players lose their center of gravity. Everyone flew to the other team. In the first game, our class lost miserably!

The second game started again. Cheerleaders shouted rhythmically: "One two, come on! One two, come on!" The players in our class seemed to have beaten chicken blood and fought hard. After a while, Red Silk "came" to our team, and we won the second game! The last game is also the most critical game. Our player went on the court with a red face, and his eyes seemed to be about to die with the other player.

The finals have begun. "One two, come on! One two, come on!" The cheerleaders shouted again in the rhythmic voice just now. Even Mr. Guan and Mr. Su couldn't help shouting. Our rickety team immediately recovered and quickly snatched back the red silk.

"Du!" The whistle sounded, and our class won! The cheering sounded immediately and for a long time above the playground.

This tug of war made me understand that unity is strength.

A fierce tug of war 600 (10)

In the tug of war, we competed with Class Six (1). After the athletes of each class arrived, they held the rope tightly in both hands until the referee shouted "Ready - Start!" The originally lively venue was silent immediately, and all the students in the audience looked at the athletes, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

When the athletes heard the order, they immediately formed a lunge with their legs bent back and looked straight at each other, hoping to exert all their strength. The middle red line has also been frozen.

"Come on!" I don't know who shouted, and the venue immediately became boiling. "Come on! Come on!" "Come on, Class Six (1)!" "Come on, Class Six (3)!" These voices stirred together, deafening. The athletes listened with more effort and leaned back. I looked at the students of Class 6 (1) sitting in the audience and saw that they were all yelling red and thick necked. One of the students shouted hoarse, but did not care. He still shouted hard, and his face turned red. Seeing this scene, the students in our class refused to be outdone. They shouted with full strength, and the noise became louder.

Look, Xiao Jie, the athlete of our class, seems to have his legs stuck by the earth, and he doesn't move. He holds the rope tightly and pulls it back with great effort. His mouth still sounds "ah ah" from time to time, so that he can have more strength. There was a layer of sweat on his head, but he didn't care. Other athletes are also trying to pull back to add glory to their class.

The red line deviated a little towards our class, but the athletes of Class 6 (1) were also very powerful. The red line deviated a little towards them again. The athletes of our class looked bad and pulled hard. The red line finally deviated towards us. The venue was quiet for a second, and then the cry of "We win!" and "Class 6 (3) wins!" broke out, and we hugged happily.

This tug of war, I learned a lot, the most important thing is: unity is strength! Great unity! The team will succeed only if they work hard, pay and strive together!