Composition: Nature 600 words (18 compilations)
Love cannot be old or will be old
2023-09-20 02:04:41

Composition Nature 600 Words (1)

The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, the pink clouds were reflected on the flowing water, the whole river became purple, and the horizon seemed to ignite a fire.

The first star appeared, twinkling on the dark blue sky. It is so big and bright. It is the only one on the whole vast sky, radiating eye-catching light, like a light hanging in the sky. The frog's green body is covered with dark green spots, and its white belly seems to be inflated.

The raindrops are like broken beads, falling drop by drop on the puddles formed by rainwater. The spring rains have turned the mountains green,; Dyed green water, dyed green flagstone path. On Sunday, I went to line up to buy rice. In front of me was a young man. He was not fat, but he was strong enough. On the round face, there are two thin eyebrows, a pair of big eyes, and a slightly smaller nose. The lips are thicker, like Africans.

The whole city is like a burnt out brick kiln, making people breathless. The dog lay on the ground and stuck out its bright red tongue, and the nostrils of the mules and horses were very wide open. What is more touching is the painting of my aunt in snowy days. Last year, I went to my aunt's for the Spring Festival.

One day, after a heavy snow, she took me to live with her. The park became a silver world, as if we had come to the North Pole. But my aunt was not afraid of the cold, so she began to paint after selecting the scenery. She painted and painted, her lips turning purple with cold, and her hands turning red with cold. I tugged at the corner of her clothes and said softly: "Aunt, go back, next time..." But she just squinted at the scenery and looked at the paintings, waving her brush back and forth on the paper

The stars are shining like pearls under the sky.

Composition Nature 600 Words (2)

If nature has color, what color would it be? I thought hard.

If nature has color, then spring is green. isn't it? You see, spring is coming. With the intermittent spring rain, willow buds quietly emerge from the branches, and grass peeks out of the soil to watch the world of spring. The winter jasmine stood up carefully, opened its arms to enjoy the shower of spring rain, and spit out pieces of green leaves. Looking around, in the narrow and long oleander flowers, pieces of golden yellow and wheat green interlace into the beautiful scenery of decorating the fields. Ah! What a vibrant green, spring is the color of hope.

What color is summer? Look, on the crape myrtle tree, the clusters of red flowers leap among the numerous branches and green leaves. They are so bright and lovely, like smiling faces in full bloom. In the garden, canna, with its broad green leaves holding several red flowers like hands, is graceful and graceful. It really deserves its name. The lotus is even more unique among the flowers. The large green leaves on the left and the clear mirror like pool water make it look so elegant. Ah! Summer is a colorful flower. Oh, I see! Summer is fire red.

Autumn is a different color than summer. Look, the cotton like snow in the field and the rice with bowed head are full and red, revealing the charm of autumn. Looking out from the green leaves, the apple trees are covered with bright red apples, the dates like little red lanterns are covered with branches, and the grapes like purple agate are hanging under the grape trellis. How charming! Some people say that gold is a symbol of harvest. Yes, autumn sees mature colors everywhere.

Winter is snow-white, with refined beauty. Look! The vast land is silvery white. The fluffy, shiny snowflakes are shining with tiny silver light. Red plum, green pine and white snow blend together to form a white auspicious snow picture.

The four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, each season is different in color, giving us different feelings and different breath. Put on layers of colorful new clothes to nature, make nature colorful and make the world full of vitality.

Composition Nature 600 Words (3)

Lu Ban saw the children playing with lotus leaves and invented the umbrella; Newton was hit by an apple and knew the gravity of the earth; Scientists saw the frog's eyes and invented the electronic frog eye; We got inspiration from butterflies and invented camouflage clothing... I am most interested in Lu Ban's umbrella making.

I know the story: one day, Luban saw some children playing with lotus leaves. Luban thought: If only there was something that could block the wind and rain like lotus leaves! Lu Ban went back and told his wife this idea. So Lu Ban covered the shelf with a piece of sheepskin and fixed it as a simple umbrella. However, his wife asked him how to put the umbrella away. After repeated experiments, Lu Ban finally invented a retractable umbrella. You see, Lu Ban got inspiration from nature, which is enough to show that nature is really a good teacher for human beings.

All things in nature are interrelated. We should know the way of nature so as to maintain the ecological balance of nature. For example, flowers rely on bees to transmit pollen; Birds live on pests; Human beings live on food. Therefore, we must understand nature, conform to nature, and abide by nature in order to do things well.

Now the earth's ecology is getting worse day by day: we cut down a lot of trees, reducing the forest area; The factory discharged a large amount of sewage, seriously polluting the Yangtze River and other rivers... We destroyed nature, and nature also made us punished, such as the 1998 flood in China, the 2015 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, and so on. Therefore, we should protect nature, love our homes and maintain ecological balance.

Nature has given us a lot of inspiration. We should observe and explore things around us and learn more about the way of nature. Only in this way can we invent and create something.

Composition Nature 600 words (4)

Let's go into the sea! Look at the endless sea and spray. What a beautiful scenery! And the seashells on the beach, what beautiful patterns! Go to the seaside, look at the endless sea, and then enjoy the flexibility of the wind and the tenderness of the waves. The sea will take away your sadness, your unhappiness, and your unhappy memories. All of a sudden! You seem to have entered a new world, where there is no sadness, no unhappiness, only one thing, called "happiness".

Let's go into the mountains! Look, thick leaves; The chirping of birds; Fresh air; All this takes away your tiredness, lets you fall into a vortex of exuberant spirit, lets you keep rotating, lets you forget your tiredness, lets you forget your sleepy eyes. This beautiful scenery will attract your eyes like a magnet. It will make you forget to sleep and even forget all your memories. The only memory is its beautiful figure.

Let's go into the grassland! Look, how big and mysterious the grassland is. Walking on the mysterious grassland, you may not see the end. At that time, you may think: "What is that at the end?" At this moment, you will forget your original identity, and you will go forward as a scientist with doubts in your heart, to solve the mysteries of nature and explore the mysterious grassland.

I feel the crisp bird song, flexible breeze and clear sky. This is nature, this is the breath of nature, the sound of nature, the beauty of nature. What is brewing in the air of nature? Nectar? Perfume? Or mint? Nature, why do you make depression become happy, fatigue become spirit, and joy become happier? Nature, please tell me, what magic will there be?

Composition Nature 600 Words (5)

Are you worried? Are you tired? Go to nature! Let the beautiful scenery of nature wash away your troubles.

Let's go to the field. There is a large area of grass in the field. There are unknown wild flowers on the grass. Look carefully at the grass. It looks like soldiers. People step on it and press it, but it doesn't bow.

Let's throw ourselves into the mountain again! Seen from afar, the mountain is not high, but when I walked to the foot of the mountain, I looked up and found that the mountain was a giant. The mountain is not afraid of wind and rain, sun and rain. How admirable it is to stand forever!

Let's go to the sea! I heard the sound of "clatter" and "clatter" on the beach, and walked barefoot across the beach, feeling so comfortable! The sea, like a piece of blue cloth, is boundless, and its vast mind is worth learning.

Friend, are you free? Please go to nature!

In mid May, the school held a meaningful activity - getting close to nature in order to let us have a close contact with nature. So under the leadership of the school, we came to the lakeside park to touch the nature together.

As soon as you enter the park, a breath of spring comes to you. Birds are singing on the branches, butterflies are flying among the flowers, and nature presents us with a vibrant scene. The flowers are smiling at us, and the green trees are waving to us. Nature shows us another kind of beauty. The breeze is blowing. It seems that both hands are caressing our faces. How beautiful spring is and how rich spring is. The fragrance of flowers lingers around our noses. Grass green, stay in front of us. The scenery of spring makes us intoxicated, and the breath of spring makes us linger back and forth.

Spring, gave us surprise, spring, gave us a green feeling. The beauty of nature, the beauty of spring, the breath of spring is more beautiful! I love you in spring! Nature I love you! This activity of getting close to nature has made us deeply fall in love with nature. We must protect nature well.

Composition Nature 600 words (6)

It's another sunny day, but the cool wind blows out of the window from time to time. In the early morning, my parents and I went back to our hometown Yuzhou to play, ah! The air in Yuzhou is so good and fresh.

After we had lunch at Grandma's house, I went to the gazebo to look far. The scenery of my hometown was really charming! I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to go out and play." My mother agreed.

I came to the rear of Grandma's house with my good friend Yuanyuan and my mother. The first thing that caught my eye was the tall haystack. Beside the haystack, there were lots of green cabbages and carrots. I couldn't see the edge at a glance. It was very beautiful! Going further, I saw green trees, green mountains, even flowers and water are green, which reminds me of the fairy tale world. There is no noise here. It's very quiet. We suddenly found a very mysterious grove. We walked to the deep of the grove. Ah, there were flowers and grass in the grove. There were many flowers and grass. There were bursts of fragrance in the air. The sound of birds and flowers came from here.

After playing for a while, we saw the farmer uncle growing spinach. It was a pity that we didn't help. I saw an aunt and her sister planting garlic again. I ran to her and asked, "How should I plant garlic?" The aunt said, "First use a hoe to dig four ditches in the ground, and then insert garlic into the soil. When inserting garlic, you must tie it far apart." I did as my aunt said, but at the beginning, it was always not good to plant garlic, and I also planted garlic upside down. The garlic could not grow, Make sure that the garlic with a sharp end faces up and the garlic without a sharp end faces down. After the garlic is inserted, you need to turn over the soil with a rake and gently cover the garlic. The rake is really heavy. I'm tired and my back aches. My aunt praises me for doing well. I'm very happy! I know the hardships of the farmer uncle now. I think a lot of garlic sprouts will grow next year.

The birds were singing, the river was flowing, and the sound of cars came from time to time, but soon disappeared. How could such a quiet and beautiful nature not make people intoxicated?

Composition Nature 600 words (7)

In the past, when I faced nature, I thought that nature was fragile and would be broken at the touch. But last winter vacation, I saw the tenacity of nature.

That day, a neighbor near our house came to cut bamboo. He took a machete and went up the mountain. He found a green bamboo on the edge and cut it one by one. I thought to myself: This bamboo can only consider itself unlucky. With the sound of "Ka, Ka, Ka.", the connected part of bamboo has been very short. I thought to myself: but three knives, this bamboo will surely die. I silently counted: one knife, two knives, three knives. To my surprise, the bamboo did not fall down, but was still a short part of the connection. I disdain to think: another three knives, he will be finished! One knife, the bamboo did not fall, two knives, the bamboo still did not fall, three knives, the bamboo still did not fall. I was deeply shocked by this bamboo: a bamboo, the desire to survive is so strong that he does not want to die, he wants to continue to live, he has not realized his ambition. So he struggled, struggling under the machete, struggling in the hands of death. I was stunned and stood still, feeling my feet weighed a thousand pounds. But in the end, the bamboo still failed to escape the clutches of death, and he fell down. I respect this bamboo because of its tenacity and unyielding

In life, there are many such "bamboos". Even if their fate is in the hands of the god of death, they are also strong and unyielding. Even if they die, they do not shrink a step. For example, Beethoven, even though his ears were deaf, his mouth could not speak. But he still did not flinch, tenacious against death. He took the fate by the throat and played the music of life.

I was very ashamed. At that level, in math class, I came to the stage to answer questions. At this time, some students said I was wrong. I threw my notebook down and quit. I cried after class. I am so fragile in the face of nature. In the future, I must be as indomitable as bamboo.

Composition Nature 600 words (8)

I appreciate nature because it created us.

When you see the beautiful scenery of flowers, grass and trees, you will feel the beauty created by nature. Such masterpieces tend to fascinate us.

When nature created us, it also created everything in the world and bred the ecosystem of the whole earth.

I appreciate nature because of its incomparable beauty and comfortable living environment. It has selflessly offered us water, food, minerals, and even a pair of healthy and powerful hands that only explore the outer space.

Nature, as its name implies, is everything in the world: plants, animals, microorganisms Our world is occupied by nature all the time.

Appreciating nature is a virtue. Appreciate the environment at the beginning of creation and after development of nature. Appreciate their value in this earth, you will find that life is so beautiful.

Where does our space come from? We come from nature. It is nature that created and bred all these things, and we should respect them.

To appreciate nature is to appreciate each of us and the creation of nature. As long as we are willing, we will become the most brilliant part of nature.

Let's cherish every day that remains! Every day belongs to nature. They are all fresh.

Enjoy nature! Appreciating it can make our life more beautiful and optimistic.

I appreciate nature and all things in the world.

Composition Nature 600 Words (9)

There are many mysteries in nature, and today I found a small "secret", that is, I found why ants move, and tomorrow it will rain heavily.

I was curious about this question before. When I was seven years old, one day when I was playing on the grass in the countryside, I found that a large group of small ants were lining up in a long line to a small hole, and each ant had something like small sand grains on its body. I thought to myself: What are these small sand grains? My mind was full of question marks. I went to my father with curiosity and said, "Dad, why do the ants walk to the small hole in a long line?"? Every little ant will have something like a small grain of sand on it? Later, my father told me, "That's because every time the ants encounter the muggy situation, they will tell the" ant colony ". When the ants learn about this situation, they will move immediately. In the muggy weather, it will rain heavily the next day. The ants will find a small hole that can shelter from the wind and rain. They move because their previous house will be affected with damp, So they have to move. The things like sand on the ants are their food. " oh I understand now! I also have a small question, that is, why can ants predict that it will rain the next day? Dad said: "Ants are the same as us humans. They also feel muggy. So if ants feel muggy, it will rain the next day."

I understand another truth. I also heard my father say, "If people see ants moving, it will rain heavily tomorrow." This also confirms the proverb, that is, if ants move in the snake passage, it will rain heavily tomorrow! " I now know that it will rain heavily tomorrow. I really think why is it so magical? I remembered another sentence: I don't know what is the absolute truth, but I am modest about my ignorance. I didn't know that small ants could bring such great help to people, but I believed another saying that when they woke up, they said to me, "You and the world you live in are just a grain of sand on the boundless sea and the boundless sand bank." In my dream, I said to them, "I am the boundless sea, and the big world is just a grain of sand on my sand bank." I also want to tell the ants: "You are not the smallest."

Nature is not only our inspiration, but also the teacher of human beings. Nature has brought intelligence and imagination to people.

Composition Nature 600 words (10)

Today, I was "drunk" in the fragrance of flowers. Forget worry, also forget worry.

My ears followed the sound of flowers and made a wonderful journey.

The fragrance of flowers drifted into my nostrils. It was like an invisible hand holding me forward. I could not help but lift the skirt edge, raise my red lips, take a small step, and follow it all the way.

"Huhuhuhu" looked up and saw three butterflies dancing in the blue sky, dancing beautiful dances. The color on the butterfly's wings in the sun shines on the grass, like the sunrise in the morning. In the dancing of butterflies, my hands and feet moved involuntarily.

Who is singing "La la la"? oh The ladybug violinist and the bee band! They shook their wings and swayed their bodies as if they wanted to dance. As if the ladybugs were also like the bees, turning round and rolling around on the two fallen leaves and dancing their own dances.

Where does the steady and wonderful drumbeat "Bang Bang Bang" come from? A glance away, ah! The frog also joined in. She took her children, tadpoles, to jump from one place to another. They were also attracted by the three "dancers" and played drums to cheer them up.

I was dazzled by the beautiful dance music, wonderful accompaniment and calm drums.

The fragrance of the flower seems to have been a little impatient. He grabbed me and took a big step. When he arrived, the fragrance was getting deeper and deeper. A rose appeared in front of me. It was trying to break open the green leaves that wrapped it layer by layer. Although only a little stamens were exposed, the fragrance was strong and irresistible. At this moment, I seem to see the mystery of life it contains, and its amazing perseverance.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong" When the rain came, every little parachutist bravely jumped from the clouds to my head, and my heart was filled with coolness. My heart has just been called back. It's time for me to go home.

Today, I feel the beauty and mystery of nature. No worries, no worries

Composition Nature 600 Words (11)

In the vast universe, there is a beautiful blue planet, which is the earth where our human beings live. In this earth, there is also a beautiful and charming nature.

There are flowers, trees, and rivers in this beautiful nature... When you enter the nature, you can also hear many beautiful sounds, such as the singing of birds, the sound of the wind... But now the nature has changed into another shape: flowers have been picked, grass has been trampled, trees have been cut down, and rivers have become more and more dirty. This is all caused by human beings.

Human beings have no idea that these plants are silently contributing to human beings. Trees can purify the air and make it more fresh; Flowers and plants can reduce the noise... but human beings do not know how to cherish them. They constantly cut down trees so that they can no longer help us; They also trample on flowers and plants, pick and trample on them; What human beings have done is not only that, but also pollute the river, making the fish feel that their friends are like this, which will make them feel disappointed and hate us, and they don't want to be friends with us in the future. I think the birds don't want to be friends with us, just like the fish, because we humans keep catching them, so they can't sing for us, wasting the birds' dedicated performance.

Humans, if you don't want to lose these "good friends", you can, as long as you stop picking and trampling flowers, cutting down trees, polluting rivers, catching birds and letting them fly freely in the sky... you can let these "good friends" come back to you.

So I would like to appeal to people: for our homeland, for our "friends", for our nature, act quickly. As long as you pick less flowers, step less grass, cut less trees... you will be a hero who saves the earth, nature and the future. If you want to be a hero, please act quickly!

Composition Nature 600 Words (12)

"In the shallow water, there are lots of graceful reeds in the marsh; they are swaying in the wind with many poses, and they are plain and wild." I sat in front of the window and recited softly. Through the thin gauze of the window, I seemed to see the new tough reeds again.

In April, there is far less clarity than Lin Huiyin's description of "one tree, one flower blooming, and the swallow whispering in the beam". Although the haze of cold winter is no longer there, we still remember to send the howling wind. Along the winding path, I gazed forward and saw a clump of reeds. Their life seems to have ended, the color is very decadent, even stained with a little musty black. The withered branches and withered leaves are everywhere, which seems to have been completely destroyed by the wind and rain of nature. The reed is so weak!

I turned to go, and casually bowed my head. Eh, where did I get a little light green? Ah, is it the rebirth of reeds? I slowly approached and looked carefully, and the little green came into my eyes. I can't help but stretch out my hand. The leaf is small and thin, and the veins on it are very special. Lines of rays extend from the veins of the leaves, close to each other, leaving no gaps. I saw its ankle was suffused with deep purplish red, was it reminding me that "green life also has blood"? Or is it telling me that it has never been knocked down and will be more prosperous after the baptism of wind and rain?

Looking at the new reeds, I can't help but feel my heart pumping: reeds, I will remember your warm blood flowing from top to bottom! The road of life is so long, it is inevitable to encounter seed. seed frustrations, like you, although the body is weak, but also with blood, perseverance, not afraid of wind and rain! As long as we face the storm bravely, it will be a rainbow!

Reed, you quietly set your steps on the ordinary road, but I heard an extraordinary echo. This is the power of life! Not looking forward to the sunshine from heaven, nor fearing the wind and rain, proudly playing the strongest movement of life!

Composition Nature 600 Words (13)

Nature's first gift to us is natural scenery. The natural scenery brings us vitality. The rolling rivers are flowing, beating and cheering. The calm sea lies on the beach, allowing human beings to swim in its body at will to avoid the summer heat. Tall trees can also be seen everywhere. They give people fruits to enjoy the cool under their shade. Everything is full of vitality.

The second gift from nature is crisis and wisdom. Where there is crisis, there is wisdom. Nature has created natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, droughts and mudslides, which have brought us great pain and taught us how to overcome these difficulties. This is the second gift of nature, crisis and wisdom.

The third gift nature gives us is the ocean. Some people will ask: Is the ocean a gift? Of course. First, most of the electricity we use at ordinary times is derived from the power of the sea. Secondly, the edible salt we eat also comes from the sea. Third, we can go to the seaside in summer. Who says it is not a gift?

The fourth gift nature gives us is oil and water. You may say that oil is not created by nature. Who says not? Nature creates life and land. After the end of life, there are still residual bones left. The residual bones are buried in the earth. After being squeezed, they slowly become oil. Oil makes cars full of power. Of course, water is indispensable to us. More than half of our bodies are made of water. People will die if they don't drink water for three days. How important this gift of nature is!

Nature gives us not only so much, but also life, earth and so on. Ah! What a great gift of nature!

Thank you, dear nature!

Composition Nature 600 words (14)

Zhong Kexin

There are voices everywhere in life: the "rustling" sound of the wind blowing through the willows; The sound of rain on the street; Children's happy singing...... There are many voices in nature. God has given us ears. Isn't it just for us to listen?

Sister Chen came to the world wearing a thin veil, and the sun slowly rose. Sister Chen is extremely shy and blushes. The breeze gently combed the willow girl's hair; Morning dew drips on flowers and plants; The sound of "buzzing" came from the flowers. Who was so hardworking and started work early in the morning? Morning is quiet and noisy.

The fog gradually dissipated, and my brother came in the afternoon. A thunderclap broke the silence, and raindrops jumped down from the sky. It falls on the street, on the tree, and in the river. The raindrops jump happily and vigorously. Countless raindrops played the music of nature. "Tick tock, tick tock......" Raindrops dropped on the street and gathered into a river, flowing slowly. The roadside trees were washed clean, covered with pearls and agates, and the raindrops rolled about mischievously.

The rain gradually stopped, and Grandpa came slowly in the evening. The sky was dyed red. The birds sit on the tree chattering and chatting, enjoying the leisure and beautiful time. The small river flows slowly with sparkling waves. Sometimes, a few stones fall into the river and make a sound of "plop". Small flowers and grass shook their bodies and danced beautifully. The little beetle crept past quietly, making a very faint sound. The white clouds gently floated past, covering the red face of the sun.

The night mother-in-law came quietly. The street was silent, but a grand concert was quietly held in the grass beside the river. Grass acts as a conductor, the frog plays its bass, the cricket plays its small guitar, the katydid is the lead singer, and the tree accompanies. Beautiful music sounds, which belongs to nature only. They compose a new movement for nature. Is this a waltz? Or a little love song? Is it a cheerful samba? The music is continuous and melodious. A lively scene in the grass.

We should listen carefully to nature and feel its rhythm. The melody of nature is often the most beautiful in the world. Don't think that nature has no music, as long as you are willing to listen carefully, you will find its true mystery.

[Listen to nature]

Wang Liangjie

Nature endows human beings with many sounds. The nature, beauty, freshness, joy and cheerfulness all originate from the singing of flowing springs in the mountains.

Look, at the foot of the hill, there is a light and pleasant sound. Who is playing this wonderful music? Oh, it's the famous performer Nature. But who is the singer? Ha ha, it's the waterfall hiding under the tree! The performance has just begun, and now it is just a pleasing prelude. The flowing spring is implicit. It slowly falls down the mountain. The water collides with the rocks and makes a soft "pop" sound. The sound is so sweet that Uncle Tree on the side shakes happily. Grass also stealthily sticks out his head to come to the concert. The small waterfall is more and more interested. Its singing voice becomes a little high, and the spring water falls from the top of the mountain, "Whoa, whoa"

At this time, Grandpa Feng also came to see Little Waterfall's concert. He always felt that something was missing, so he assisted the little waterfall and helped it blow a breath. "Huh ---" Suddenly, the water poured down, and a long spring hit the stone heavily. "Huh ---" The sound was not small, which shocked all the "fans" who listened to the concert around, The climax of the concert came unannounced. The magnificent voice was so impressive that the conductor was full of enthusiasm. The small waterfall sang all the reserved sounds. It broke out many times. Many other small animals came to the river to listen to it. The spring of the small waterfall flowed into the soil, moistened the grass, and splashed on the branches, All living things can hear its beautiful song.

Grandpa Feng was tired. He went home to have a rest. Without Grandpa Feng's assistance, the singing of the waterfall gradually eased down, and everything in the mountains recovered its original calm. However, he was still full of feelings and still had lingering fears. He kept singing to express his love and gratitude for nature. It sang softly and softly, and then it continued to sing

Nature is beautiful and full of vitality. Take it back and spit it out. As long as you listen carefully to its beautiful natural voice, you will find it hidden anywhere, in mountain streams, under trees, in grass

[Listen to nature]

Shen Xinyi

"Tick, tick, tick" raindrops fall on people's umbrellas, "rustle" raindrops fall on leaves, and "da da da" raindrops fall everywhere on the earth, playing soft music.

In spring, everything recovers and raindrops celebrate the arrival of spring. With a few rumbling thunder, it was drizzling in the sky, and the raindrops fell on the ground. The first cheers in the world, "tick tock" raindrops gathered together with their companions. A car flew under the raindrops, and the raindrops made a "clatter" sound, splashed a spray, rolled up layers of ripples... The children ignored their parents' advice and ran straight outside, With one foot in the puddle, the rain gently stroked their heads and stayed on their heads all the time. There were bursts of children's laughter in the street. When the rain stopped, the children returned home and became drowned, but their faces were still full of happy smiles.

In summer, when the sun is scorching, eating popsicles and going swimming, what I want most is the next rainstorm, which will wash away the heat of summer and bring cool breeze. The rain is coming in droves! Without any sign, the rain poured down and all the passers-by took a cold bath. Lying in front of the window, watching and listening, the rain outside the window is like a waterfall; The rain on the eaves "ticked" down, and the rain outside the window was majestic, like clouds around, as if in a dream. Close your eyes and listen to the music "Tick, Tick, Sand" formed by nature. The rain has stopped. The earth seems washed away. The air is so fresh and the sky is so clear. The stuffy feeling of the past has been swept away. The green trees become more green and the river becomes brighter.

Listen to the sound of rain, listen to the music brought by nature, as long as you feel carefully and listen to every bit of life, you will find a more wonderful life!

Composition Nature 600 Words (15)

Listen to nature composition 1

Listen, the crickets are chirping in the grass, the wind is whistling in the grassland, the waves are tapping the coast... The sound is everywhere, everywhere.

I like to listen to birds singing in the branches. Without any accompaniment, it is still so beautiful, giving people a pleasant mood.

I like listening to the rain. The drizzle is continuous, it is so gentle, it seems to pour out its mind. I still like the downpour. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground, the sound of knocking leaves, the sound of striking windows... All of this converges into a symphony, which is pleasant to hear.

I like to listen to the sound of flowing water. Who says pipelining is ruthless? Listen, its dripping sound, its pattering of pebbles, its rushing sound of running water are so beautiful. I think the current water is also happy.

I like to listen to the wind blowing leaves. The rustle seemed to be whispering.

The sound of nature is so beautiful, but this is only one side of nature.

The roaring wind blew everything down; The roaring flood washed away the beauty of the past; The heavy snow has crushed the houses... These inharmonious voices cannot be blamed on the ruthlessness of nature, but on the human beings' too ruthless treatment of nature.

It is man who says that nature is beautiful, and it is man who destroys nature.

The sound of nature was so beautiful in the past, but now only nature can cry.

It smiled and cried: "Human beings love nature so much, but they have destroyed it. They have destroyed all the beautiful things." Laughing and crying, the most beautiful voice

I want to listen more to the beautiful sounds of nature, can I? Sad human?

Listen to nature composition 2

Everyone is eager to live in the embrace of nature with the singing of birds, the fragrance of flowers, the flow of streams, and the running of animals. There is endless fun in nature. When you hear a bird, a frog, a wind, a lion... your heart will be integrated into this beautiful nature. In spring, we walk in the garden and listen to the sound of flowers blooming and falling; In summer, walk in the woods and listen to the sound of birds chirping; In autumn, step into the field and listen to the swaying sound of plants; In winter, stay in a white world and listen to the sound of the north wind.

All this is the sound of nature. As long as you listen, discover and feel carefully, you will find that all these are part of nature, and nature is so close to us.

In this world, nature gives us inspiration to listen.

Walking in the mountains and rivers, you can see the waterfall "flying down three thousand feet, which is suspected to be the Milky Way falling into the sky". If you listen carefully, you will find the majesty of nature; From the beach, you can see the waves of "surging waves". If you listen carefully, you will find the sea is magnificent; Sitting by the brook with flowing water and walking in the forest with green trees, you will see the landscape of "eagle hitting the sky, fish flying at the bottom". Listening carefully, you will find the active side of nature

Have you ever listened to the sound of nature? The sound of the gurgling water flowing through the winding and continuous brook; The skylark's soaring cry; The sound of the eagle hitting the sky.

Listen to the voice of nature, you will understand the depth and mystery of nature more; Listening to the voice of nature, you will also find that it is nature that constantly gives us courage, strength and good mood.

Composition Nature 600 words (16)

Nature's Language 600 Word Composition 1

The Language of Nature

The ancients often said that the tortoise would sweat and rain. After hearing this, I was bored. How could the tortoise sweat when its shell was so hard? These days, I found this secret!

It was a sunny morning. My brother and I were playing with the little turtle at home. The little turtle is only as big as my palm, and its color is black green. Its claws are very sharp! I scratched my hand last time. My brother and I are going to torture the little turtle.

My brother put it on all fours to see how it turned over. We looked at the little turtle and smiled glowingly. Hey, the tortoise has a smart mind. He struggled for a while, then stopped, as if thinking about something. Before long, he kicked his feet and turned over. Not reconciled, I went to turn over the turtle again. But I stopped because I felt his hard shell wet. I lost interest in playing. I quickly picked up the tortoise to study it and discussed it with my brother. I asked, "Do you know why the tortoise sweats?" He said in bewilderment, "I don't know whether we played too long and he was tired." I denied, "I should not!" So we began to "meditate" again.

At this time, I suddenly remembered a sentence: tortoise sweats to rain! The little turtle is sweating today. Maybe it will rain tomorrow. But it's so good today. It should be a good day these days! I told my brother about this question, and he said to me, "Is that right? It's OK to have a look tomorrow." So I waited with anxiety.

The next day finally arrived. I woke up at five o'clock. I can't wait to look out of the window. The sky is cloudy and rainy, which verifies my guess.

I think: Nature is really magical! This should be the language of nature.

Nature's Language 600 Word Composition 2

The Language of Nature

Seeing this topic, you must be surprised: "Isn't it only human beings who have language? How can nature have language?" But I said that nature has language! If you don't believe me, let's go and have a look!

Look! In summer afternoon, there was no wind in the sky, and the air seemed to be frozen. The depressed brother Yun, who had been offended by anyone, lay down with a sullen face and a frown on his face, which made people gasp for breath; Even the naughty cicada babies hid among the curly leaves, "cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada". Duke Lei woke up hot from his afternoon nap and yawned lazily, "Boom Boom Boom". The deep voice hit each ear, which irritated Brother Feng, who was grumpy. He puffed up his cheeks and tried to blow "Boo Boo". In a moment, the dark clouds in the sky billowed like mountains and seas. Sister Lightning, who came to visit, refused to be outdone. She took out the sword at her waist and said, "Za La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La. Lei Gonggong simply played a big drum to urge Grandma Yu to help; Grandma Yu came here in a hurry, "spluttering". Brother Yun burst into tears like a child who had been fed up with grievances, and squeezed out big tears. After a while, she began to shoot around first, and the small trees danced wildly in the rain, "rustling" loudly to welcome the arrival of raindrops.

The rain patted the leaves and spread out rhythmically, like a dancing spirit; The rain is beating on the eaves, "ding dong ding dong" seems to be playing a grand piano. The white key presses down, and the black key jumps up. The rhythm is particularly moving; Raindrops embrace the earth, and the dry earth is happy. "Gudong Gudong" drank the rare nectar; Even the talkative cicada baby didn't say a word, as if he was listening to the most beautiful natural music... Duke Lei was tired and went back to sleep in his afternoon. After a while, the nagging voice of Grandma Yu subsided and drifted vaguely, like a layer of mist. Sister Lightning and Brother Feng had already returned from school, leaving only Sister Rainbow who came back late from playing outside in her seven color clothes of red, orange, yellow, green, black, blue and purple to show off shyly in the sky

Now believe it! If you listen attentively, you will also like the language of nature!

Language of Nature 600 words Composition 3

The Language of Nature

Nature is talking to you, do you hear? Every member of the nature walks through every corner and sends out their breath, can you smell it? The spatial dynamics of nature are always updating, see?

Watching the street gradually turning green, waving the charming grass to you in the wind, I hope you will not be lonely on the way to school; Walking on the road, I heard more than the whistle of the car. Looking up, it seemed that the grass told me to accompany you; Not only that, but also willows standing in rows on the roadside, as if they were protecting me all the way. In this way, I played quietly all the way, adding a lot of laughter. The pressure in the school did not dare to approach me, so I was relaxed. In spring, it comes.

Time will also be lost!

Before long, cicadas came to Uncle Grandpa's house every day and sang for him. They said that the old man had the best mouth; The trees and leaves are luxuriant. Many people in the countryside are willing to enjoy the cool under the trees and sit together chatting. It's nice, isn't it? There is also a pool beside a cool tree in my hometown. There are lotus flowers in it for you to enjoy, which adds a beautiful view to your eyes unintentionally. But do you remember the ice cream that is the least in summer? No need to guess, no one will forget it, it is also my favorite!

After a crazy summer vacation, I finally relaxed. But it is still unsatisfactory!

It was the beginning of the school season again. The ice cream was gone, and Grandpa Tree's hair turned yellow. Some even left it and put on his autumn clothes. The most gratifying thing is that it is time to harvest. Each family is busier than the other. Fortunately, they have finished their work in an orderly manner.

Once again, there were no grass birds along the road, only the tree grandfather with white hair, and even the sound of the flute was merciless. No, the plum blossom still smiles at me in the snow, emitting its unique flavor.

Feel every detail with your heart. Some are not only surprises brought by study and enlightenment on the way of life, but also unexpected.

Composition Nature 600 words (17)

Mysterious Nature 600 Word Composition 1

Amazing nature

Are you tired of the monotony of life day after day? Don't confine yourself to the ivory tower. The outside world is colorful and changeable. So, go out quickly and broaden your horizon. You will see that the world is warmly waving to you and warmly welcoming every guest.

Travel is a kind of beautiful memory. Even if it is only one day, our memories are still very vivid and unforgettable. Going to the Forest National Park with my classmates is my most unforgettable memory. Sitting on the train, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery passing in front of me. The blue sea water and white spray surrounded the broken gorge, constantly shooting and jumping. The green mountains piled up one layer after another, like an amazing Ukiyo-e painting. When we reached the forest, we jumped out of the car excitedly and walked to the trail. Along the road, the dark blue sea water on the left side slapped the cliffs in waves. The cliffs raised due to the mountain building movement are very magnificent, towering and steep. It can be seen that people can never make the cliffs so magnificent. With the help of the world-class sculptors of wind power and water power, the folds and faults become more majestic and majestic after miraculous workmanship. The contributions of the two sculptors of wind power and water power are indispensable!

Travel is not only a teacher outside the classroom, but also a kind of understanding. Under the uncanny workmanship of nature, there is a great power of nature to fight back, which is unreserved and merciless. Even cliffs, reefs, and those strange rocks and mountains on the coast have been carved for a long time, and become sand by wind. The power of human beings is no match for nature. Why do people living on alluvial fan plains feel so sad and homeless? After the devastation of Typhoon Morakot, can you feel the strong power of nature's anger and resentment?

In travel, it is a kind of learning, a kind of understanding, and also a kind of entertainment. It can broaden the horizon and sublimate the soul. As the famous American educator said, "Life is given by God, let life be colorful! This is the gift we give back to God."

Mysterious Nature 600 Word Composition 2

Amazing nature

In nature, there are many magical things. Today I want to talk to you about the miraculous seeds in nature.

There is such a story. Someone asked: What is the most powerful thing in the world? The answers are very diverse. Some say elephant, some say lion, some say king kong jokingly. Of course, we don't know how powerful King Kong is.

As a result, all the answers are completely wrong. The most powerful thing in the world is the seeds of plants. The power that a seed can show is simply beyond everything.

Here is another story. The human skull is tightly and firmly combined. Physiologists and anatomists tried all means to separate it completely, but they failed. Later, someone suddenly invented a method, that is, put some plant seeds in the skull to be analyzed, and give the temperature and humidity to germinate the seeds. Once germinated, these seeds, with terrible power, completely separated the bones that could not be separated by all mechanical forces. The power of plant seeds is so great.

This may be a little special. It is not easy for ordinary people to understand. So, have you ever seen the formation of a grass under the rubble and stones? In order to yearn for sunshine and achieve its will to live, no matter how heavy the stones above and how narrow the stones are, it always twists and turns, but tenaciously penetrates the ground. Its roots drill into the soil and its buds stick up. This is an irresistible force. The stones that prevent it are overturned by it. A seed is so powerful.

No one calls grass Hercules, but its power is really incomparable to other things in the world. Because it is a force of "long-term resistance", which is elastic, flexible, resilient, and can not achieve its goal. I marvel at the power of the seed, but also feel for nature. How great and magical nature is!

Mysterious Nature 600 Word Composition 3

Amazing nature

Nature is magical. Like a magician, it can endow us with many things and destroy many things at the same time

Nature is a magic magician, making everything in the world colorful. Every season is very beautiful, but spring girls have the most colors. This is all from nature. Nature has given spring many things. It is nature that sprinkles the withered bark with red, white, green and other colors; It is nature that makes the hillside colorful; It is nature that put the forest concerto on the music; It is nature that puts on beautiful and bright clothes for flowers and sprays them with fragrant fragrance, making them compete for beauty. I worship the colorful nature!

Nature also endowed Xia with many things. Nature has made the garden full of various vegetables. The red tomatoes, purple eggplants, and green cucumbers are all like a race in the dark day by day, growing fast. Some of them hang on the branches like swinging; Some are like little rascals afraid of the sun, hiding under the fat leaves to enjoy the cool; Some seem sleepy and sleep casually beside the branches. Then look at the orchard, which is also changed by the magic of nature. The peaches in white and red, the plums in red, you won't let me, I won't let you hang all over the branches, the branches are low and crooked. Ah! The magic of nature is so powerful!

Nature also changed autumn. The autumn wind blew the cool wind into the campus, into the classroom, and on our faces, the leaves fell and the grass turned yellow. The campus is painted yellow. This is all due to nature.

Nature certainly does not forget winter. After the snow fell, a wonderful scene appeared immediately. On the needles of the pine trees, there was thick snow, like a white chrysanthemum tree; The deciduous trees are covered with snow, just like white jade trees; The weeping willows are silvery, and the bushes have turned into white coral bushes, which look like you are in a fairy tale world in a thousand different ways.

I worship nature! But I prefer the magical nature!

Composition Nature 600 words (18)

Since ancient times, people like to associate "autumn" with "sorrow", put a veil of loneliness and bleakness on autumn, compare autumn with the loneliness of life, and think that autumn is a symbol of the end. I dare not agree with it. There is an ancient poem that is well written: since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely. I said that autumn is better than spring. The nature is fair. While taking away the vitality, she gives the autumn fruits and replaces the green summer with a piece of golden yellow.

Soon we can enjoy the billowing rice waves in the fields; Red persimmons hanging high in the orchard, yellow orange with red; The corn cobs with full grains in the vegetable garden; The fat fish jumping in the pond, the healthy pigs and sheep in the pen... The joy of harvest will be permeated on everyone's face, and the festive drums will be accompanied by bursts of sweet scented osmanthus in the blue sky. Spring sows hope. Thanks to hard work in summer, autumn has yielded fruitful results, and people will eventually be rewarded by nature in autumn!

Nature is fair. She will not be partial to anything. When you lose something, she will also give you corresponding rewards. Just like the ups and downs of life, there are gains and losses. But as long as you really pay, you will be able to achieve satisfactory results in the autumn of life.

This is autumn. It is full of harvest joy. It is the autumn that people receive selfless gifts from nature! Grains are plentiful, fruits and melons are fragrant, forests are dyed, and emerald is golden. Nature has made us gain a lot, and told us a lot of truth. I think the most important thing is that there will be returns only when you pay!