Observing Things in Composition (16 Collections)
Plain is true
2023-08-16 00:54:38

Observe things in composition (1)

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 500 words - What You Watch for 1

All things in the world are multifaceted. There are negative sides to good things and positive sides to bad things.

I remember such a story. A boy in grade one met such a question on his examination paper: What is it after snow melting? Almost all the students thought that it was water after snow melting, but the little boy thought that it was spring after snow melting, and the teacher made a wrong number on his paper when correcting it. After the paper was handed out, the little boy was so aggrieved that he said to the teacher that it was really spring after snow melting. The teacher thought the little boy was right and praised him in public.

It is also a problem, but it can be thought from many aspects. Like the question "What is it after snow melting", the answer can be water or spring However, the most disgusting thing in people's eyes, it also has a positive side.

Maggots, a disgusting thing, have also contributed to the medical cause and saved an arm of a foreign woman.

There was a foreign woman who had this rare big abscess on her arm. There was a lot of rotten meat in it, which made the abscess on her arm never produce new meat. Doctors have tried many methods, but they still have no effect. The doctor said that if not, the limb could be amputated. After many discussions, doctors came up with a bold treatment plan. It is to plant the eggs of flies in the big abscess of her arm injury, so that the eggs can eat the stubborn rotten meat, so that her arm can grow new meat. After the efforts of the doctor, it really worked.

From this, we can see that we should look at everything from many aspects. We should not always think that good things have no negative side, and bad food has no positive side. Like the maggot in the above story, although it has nothing to do and is disgusting, it has saved an arm of a foreign woman. Therefore, we must look at things from many aspects and understand things!

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 500 words - What You Watch for 2

Kua Fu, a well-known mythical figure, has different feelings about Kua Fu's pursuit of the sun. Some people say that Kua Fu is a person with great ambition and the courage to pursue. Others say that Kua Fu is a person who overestimates his ability. In fact, different people will give different comments on any thing, and various statements have different reasons.

Is it wrong to say that Kuafu is ambitious and has the courage to pursue? Yes, Kuafu loves the light and dares to pursue the sun. Isn't keeping the sun's pace a sign of ambition and daring to pursue and explore things? Maybe there are also many people who want to keep the sun and compete with the sun, but who among them has Kuafu's courage to pursue? They just think about it and never practice it.

Since it is right to say that Kuafu is ambitious and has the courage to pursue, is it wrong to say that he overestimates his ability? Kuafu goes day by day. Why go day by day? For the sake of time, the sunset represents not only the past of the old day, but also the coming of a new day. So why did Kuafu stop time on this day, let the light stop at this moment forever, instead of looking forward to a more wonderful next day? This shows how unworthy Kuafu's behavior is.

In fact, there are many such examples in life. For example, we regret our mistakes because they have brought us losses. However, people often only see the disadvantages of making mistakes and do not find the experience that mistakes bring to you. As the saying goes, "A fall is a gain." If you make a mistake, you will think of the last time when you encounter similar events next time, and the chance of making mistakes will also drop.

Everything has its two sides. While it has its positive side, it will also have its negative side.

Look at things from another angle, and things will be more beautiful!

Observing Things in Composition (2)

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 1

During the Spring Festival, my family and I went to the flower market and bought several kinds of flowers. The flowers will add a "festive" color to the festival. Let me talk about my favorite narcissus. Narcissus belongs to Lycoriaceae, and its roots grow a little like garlic. I will buy narcissus flowers and put them into a glass flower plate, and then put some clean water and a few colorful crystal stones. Narcissus will settle down quietly in the flower plate, The sky of the Spring Festival is a little cold, and there is no sun. It seems that narcissus is a little motionless. Since then, I have carefully observed and cared for the narcissus every day, watered it, moved it outside to bask in the sun, and looked forward to the early opening of the narcissus. Although I feel that the waiting day is a bit long, it is full of expectations every day.

The slender leaves of narcissus are slightly curled, tender, moist and green, as if they were a goddess of flowers. The leaves stand out from them with several slender stems and strings of light green buds. They feel soft, like small peas. Many of the buds are full and seem to break. Looking at those small buds growing tall and ready to open, It seems that your eyes cannot bear to leave.

Because these days, the weather is very good and the sun is bright. Under my careful care, the narcissus grows a lot taller and looks like a shy girl. Unexpectedly, she pokes out light yellow flower buds from the green leaves. One flower bud after another has covered the leek like leaves, stretching and relaxing. There is a flower that has been sticking up and down, and has sprung up gracefully. The narcissus is blooming in front of you with a smile. She is so beautiful. Under the gentle touch of the morning wind, her hair emits a faint fragrance and comes to you.

My mother said that each branch of narcissus comes separately. What is more worth mentioning is that the narcissus flower is composed of six thin yellowish petals, which seem to be carved from white jade. At a glance, it seems that there are thousands of them. They dance with the wind and how excited they are.

When a gust of wind blew, the narcissus swung its soft body and danced on the water. The narcissus was certainly not as graceful as willows, nor as rich and charming as roses. But it has white as jade, fragrant and intoxicating flowers.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 2

One morning, my mother and I went to the park for a walk. The air in the park in the morning is very fresh. I feel very comfortable when I breathe fresh air while walking.

When I came to a pavilion, I just wanted to sit down and have a rest. Suddenly, I saw a group of small black things crawling along my feet. I quickly squatted down and looked carefully. It was a group of ants carrying food. They were carrying some bread crumbs and climbing forward together. The ants' ranks were very neat and formed a moving black line, just like a marching army. It was spectacular! Not far away, there was a group of ants around a piece of bread crumbs that looked like a mountain in their eyes. Some were pulling in front, and some were pushing behind. But the bread crumbs were still lying there motionless, as if they were deliberately against the ants. Later, I don't know which ant came up with the idea. They bit off the crumbs one by one, divided them into several pieces, and then moved the crumbs to their homes.

The little ants are not afraid of difficulties, strong, and the spirit of unity is really worth learning!

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 3

Today, I don't know why the Chinese teacher asked us to tell us how the grass came out. We were supposed to go to the back of the building to observe it!

In the back, we saw green grass and yellow wild flowers. On the other side, the ground is full of vegetables, which are still planted by the elder brother and elder sister in grade five! The teacher asked us to observe carefully.

I saw a plant, but I didn't know what it was. The teacher saw it and said, "This is aloe." There are two colors of aloe, green and purple. Its body is rolled, and there is no meat in it. It seems that a shy little girl squats in it and does not come out. There is also a kind of plant, called gourd, whose hairy leaves are like tiny velvet balls, which is very interesting. There is also a plant called Luffa. The teacher specially made a pole for it to climb up. It has already climbed up a bit, like a small dragon flying to the sky to find its mother. I also saw the beans. They were about to break through the ground. Two of them had already come out. Their small green heads seemed to be looking for something. They looked here and there, and seemed to be calling softly!

After a while, a light wind blew, and all the plants on the campus were dancing, as if they were singing happy songs!

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 4

In the evening, I stood on the balcony to rest and looked up at the sky unintentionally

Wow! I almost cried out. There are so many clouds in the sky. They are white in layers and piles. There is a blue sky behind them. The white clouds are even more white as jade. Some of them looked at me angrily like ferocious tigers, which scared me out of the air; Some are just like cute little white rabbits. I wish I could fly up to the sky to touch their fluffy hair; Some like a white bear in the chase game; Some are like flying fairies, flying to the far horizon; Some are like marshmallows. They look soft. I really want to fly to the sky and take a bite; Others are like waves, the sky is like the sea, splashing a lot of spray, and the waves are billowing in the sea

After a while, tigers, rabbits, marshmallows, mountains and waves were all piled together. The sky was like the sea. The piles of overlapping white clouds were billowing like billowing waves. They were billowing in the sea. Some clouds slowly separated and became islands in the sea

The sunset, accompanied by the sunset, slowly falls. It's really red! The surrounding white clouds are as red as if soaked in a red dye vat.

I saw that it was getting dark, so I reluctantly left the balcony and returned to the room.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 5

There is a rabbit in my house. It's very cute! The head is small and long, and the eyeball is large and almost round. She was dressed in a gray plush coat and was very good at it. My mother told me that it was called Rex Rabbit. It has a pair of long ears and likes to listen to the news around. The most striking thing is that its big ruby like eyes are embedded above the small nose, and below the small nose is a small three valve mouth. It has been looking around all day. It must be a little greedy.

This rex rabbit is different from other rabbits. During the day, it seems very quiet. It seldom eats turnips and vegetables in front of it. But in the evening, it comes out and flows without stopping eating. Rex rabbits also pay special attention to food and housing. The turnips and vegetables eaten at ordinary times must be washed, otherwise it will be ignored. The cabin must be cleaned every day, or it will appear embarrassed.

Rex rabbits are very timid. As long as there is a little wind and grass, it will shrink into a ball and prepare to escape until the surrounding calm down. It has returned to normal. Once when I was eating for it, I suddenly sneezed. It was so frightened that it immediately threw down its food and rushed back to its nest for a long time before it showed its head. Hey, what a coward!

Rex rabbit is still a "destroyer". One night, we were all asleep. The little guy ran out of his nest and came to my living room. It used its big front teeth to chew up the tea table. How could the tea table stand this "trouble" and become unrecognizable. As a result, my mother gave it away in anger.

Later, I checked the materials and learned that the life habits of rex rabbits are manifested in their nightlife habits

Sleepiness, vigilance, purity, solitude and gnawing. Its incisors are characterized by uninterrupted growth, and can grow to 0. 8-1。 5 cm, depending on picking and gnawing hard objects to maintain the length of the incisors. So we "misunderstood" it, poor little otter rabbit.

Little Rex Rabbit, I hope you can come back to me, and I will take good care of you.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 6

On Saturday, my father and I went to Suji to catch crabs. When we came to the river, we saw a crab shell. We speculated that there must be crabs around. We searched and searched. I lifted small stones. When my father saw them, he said; "You can't move the small ones, you should move the big ones." I listened carefully and thought that if you move the small ones, you can't move them. Because if crabs hide under small rocks, they may be found. If they hide under large rocks, they will not be accepted and are easy to be found.

We removed a big stone and found a pair of pliers. When I opened it again, I found a big crab. The crab is dark brown, with nine legs, two big pincers in front, and one of its back legs has been broken.

My father and I went home happily and put the crabs in the water tank. When I came back from school, I fed him a grain of rice. He moved the rice to the corner of his mouth with pliers. Unexpectedly, he ate all the rice at once.

I saw the shell of a crab in the water tank at home. At that time, I screamed: "Ah, the crab's shell has fallen off!" My mother immediately ran over and said: "Silly child, once he falls off a shell, he will grow a taller and larger shell. Since the crab has been growing, but its shell will not grow, so we thought that once it falls off a shell, it will grow taller or grow a little."

One day, when I wanted to catch crabs to play on the balcony, I tied his claws with ropes. He thought I was going to bully him and said to wave his paws. I also found that crabs walk sideways. Now I understand that "bullying" means crabs.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 7

A few days ago, the science teacher gave us each 8 mung beans, and asked us to go home to do a comparative experiment. The seeds that did not receive light germinated faster, but still germinated faster in the sun.

As soon as I got home, I found a black plastic box and a transparent plastic box. First, I put four green beans in the black plastic box, dropped ten drops of water, and then covered it with a layer of black gauze. Put four mung beans in another transparent plastic box, add ten drops of water, and then put both boxes on the balcony to bask in the sun. I went to do my homework. About an hour later, I went to the balcony to see that the mungbean in the transparent plastic box had cracked, but the mungbean in the black plastic box was only swollen without cracking. Five hours passed unconsciously. I went to the balcony again and found that some green beans in the transparent plastic box had grown up, and the green beans in the black plastic box had also cracked. I was so excited that I went to rest contentedly.

When I went to see it the next evening, the mung beans in the transparent plastic box had no change except that their roots were a little longer than yesterday, while those in the black box had not yet grown roots. On the afternoon of the third day, I saw a green bean growing a small green leaf in the transparent plastic box. By evening, the green bean in the transparent box had grown a lot of small green leaves one after another, even the green bean in the black box had grown a leaf.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 8

As soon as I finished my lunch this afternoon, I took a piece of white paper and a magnifying glass, and went to the field to observe it after I was ready.

I first picked a complete rape flower, its color is yellow. (The rape flowers in our fields have two colors, one is yellow, the other is white.) I picked the petals first, and there are four petals in total. I read that the stamens of rape flowers are usually 6, 4 long and 2 short, usually called "four strong stamens". The pistil is composed of two carpels, and the ovary is located on the top. Stem cylindrical, much branched; The leaves are alternate, large, dark green, without petioles and stipules. At first glance, it's really true that "I don't know until I see it". A closer look shows that there is a lot of pollen on the style of the stamen, but there is no pollen on the style of the pistil, which is big up and small down. I use a magnifying glass to look at it, and find that there is a little concave on the top of the pistil, and the hole seems to be green water droplets, which have drilled into it. I used a magnifying glass to look at the stamens, and found that there was a small yellow round stick on the stamens. When I touched it with my hand, I got some yellow pollen on my hand, and my fingers soon became very smooth and fragrant. I think it may be nectar? Such a flower, which was originally complete, now only leaves four calyxes.

Finally, look at the flower stems. There are no leaves on the flower stems, only a few small leaves. A few flowers have withered. Pick them, remove the broken petals and stamens, and then open the green ovary with your fingernails. There are green beads in it. I guess this is rapeseed? Crushed by hand, there is also some green water inside. I took a rape that had been dried in the sun and squeezed it with my hands. When there was no water, I poured some water into the drying kettle and inserted it into the cup with soil. After a few days, this rape has several flowers! I see, this is the truth of farmer's uncle watering.

This observation, let me learn the knowledge that the teacher did not teach, I am very happy.

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 9

If you ask me what plants I like, I will answer - bamboo.

If you ask me what I like about bamboo, I will answer: "Since bamboo is one of the 'three friends in cold weather' and one of the 'four upright people', its strong will and character of fearing cold are also what we need to learn, so I like it."

Bamboo, what a common plant! Its tenacious vitality is actually amazing! It "has knots before being unearthed". When it grows up, it is very tall, so high that people can't see its head. Bamboo has a wide range of uses: bamboo shoots can be eaten, bamboo can be used as a floor, a sleeping mat... In short, bamboo traces can appear in every corner of the home. We can see bamboo everywhere, and it has spread to all aspects of life.

Bamboo is green like jasper. From a distance, it looks like a fairy in green; Close up, it looks like jasper one by one. It's really beautiful. When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves sound like a piece of fairy music.

I would like to turn into a bamboo, stand on the roadside and offer silently

Primary School Students' Composition of Observing Things 10

The pitcher plant is very special and different from other plants. The pitcher plant grows up on the shelf, and its leaves are long and wrinkled. Wearing a green dress, there are insect traps hanging at the end of the leaves, like a small pig cage, a small bottle, more like a delicate small wine pot, with a round belly and a lovely hat. I gently touched the cage, which is soft and smells of faint fragrance.

One day, when I was reading the encyclopedia, I suddenly saw that there was a secret hidden in the insect trap! The sweet nectar kept seeping from the edge of the bag mouth, which was very attractive. These honey is the secret weapon of pitcher plants to lure mosquitoes and other pests! You see, that mosquito may be hungry. As soon as it smells the honey, it flies into the mouth of the pitcher plant excitedly, so it stops on the edge of the pitcher plant to suck the nectar. The edge of the pitcher grass is very smooth. The insects falling on it quickly slide into the trap bag of the pitcher grass like a slide. The pitcher grass immediately covers the "cap" for fear of mosquitoes escaping. Finally, the mosquitoes are "eaten" by the pitcher grass! A few weeks later, the poor insects were left with only their hard shells. Pitcher plants are amazing!

I also have a story with pitcher grass. Once, when I went to the botanical garden to observe the plants, many mosquitoes rushed to me, and I did not know how much blood they had sucked me. I really admire this strange plant! I like pitcher grass more and more.

Observing Things in Composition (3)

I believe everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition, especially the narrative composition, which is a written genre that tells events in a certain order. How to write an excellent narrative composition? The following is a carefully edited narrative composition about observing things, for reference only. Welcome to read it.

Narrative composition 1 about observing things

During the summer vacation, I went to my mother's office to do my homework every day. Today, I found that my mother's unit has bought a new tank of goldfish.

This jar of goldfish is beautiful! Their heads protrude, like wearing a big official hat; Eyes are round, but surprisingly small; The lovely mouth opens and closes, spitting out strings of pearl like bubbles; The body is covered with scales. Under the sunlight, the whole body is glittering with gold. When swimming, it shakes like a proud general wearing gold armor; The lovely tail in the clean water is like transparent flowers, and also like butterflies dancing in the water.

I watched them swimming and shuttling in the water happily. I was curious: these goldfish never seem to sleep, are they not tired? Why don't you take a rest? In order to solve the confusion, I began to observe carefully and consult relevant materials: it turns out that goldfish can sleep. Since they have no eyelids, they can only sleep with their eyes open. If you see the goldfish in the crack of the rock without moving, and the eyes do not roll, only the gill cover of the fish keeps opening and closing, gently turning, it is really the goldfish sleeping. However, it belongs to the shallow sleep state, so as soon as there is news, it will wake up.

I finally learned that goldfish can sleep, and how to sleep, and also understood a truth: Be careful to learn everywhere!

Narrative composition 2 about observing things

Looking up, the rain outside the window is still "clattering" - "clattering" underground, as if someone had pierced the sky. The shadow of failure in the final exam came to my mind. Almost endless homework pressed me out of breath. When I thought of the task my mother left unfinished, a sense of depression came.

Unconsciously, it has been gone for several hours, and the homework has only been written sporadically. Back to the bookshelf, looking for a book, my eyes fell on the photo beside the book. It was given by a friend, and there was also an unpleasant scene on it: on a lonely hill, only dead leaves fell on it, and the mountain was full of jagged stones, few trees, and the grass on the roadside had no spirit. I remember my friend said, "This is an extraordinary picture. But if you change your view, it will be even more extraordinary.". I did as my friend told me. I looked carefully from left to right and still saw nothing. I could see nothing except the wilderness. I thought: This is the worst picture I have ever seen.

Half a year later, the final exam was unexpectedly good, and my mood also improved unconsciously. One day, the photo fell from the book when I stopped reading. Picking up this picture again, I saw a different landscape: the stream on the roadside was almost dry, but it was still trickling; The stone on the mountain is indeed rugged, but soon it will be the soil of the origin of all things; The path on the mountain is muddy, but it will be paved with flagstones soon; Although there are few trees on the mountain, it will be a forest in a few years.

Look at things from another angle, and things will be more beautiful!

Narrative composition 3 about observing things

Snails always carry beautiful and exquisite small buildings and crawl in wet places for food. Speaking of its small buildings, it's really useful! When confronted with danger, it retracts its body into the small building; The danger passed, and the body stretched out of the small building. Whenever it is hot and dry, it will hide in a free and quiet building for summer sleep. In late autumn, it began to move again. It often climbed to the crack of the stone or burrowed underground to live in seclusion, hiding in a small building to keep out the cold and hibernate.

Snails are famous for their slow climb. I think it is because they carry such heavy shells! When it crawls, it will secrete white mucus. Snail mucus is very useful! When crawling on rough tree trunks or uneven ground, it may be slippery; In the upright or steep and slippery place, it can also play the role of glue, and can tightly stick itself. When sleeping in winter and summer, hide in a small building, secrete mucus, and seal the shell to resist the cold air in March and September and the scorching heat until the next spring.

The snail's body is divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen. The head has two pairs of antennae, one pair is short and the other pair is long. A pair of long 'tentacles' with small eyes at the top. This pair of eyes is like a detector. They feel the situation around them, speak to the headquarters when there is danger, and then retract into the shell. As long as you touch it lightly, you will react. Snail has well-developed abdominal muscles. When it crawls, it relies on its gastropods for movement. It's really interesting to stretch and shrink!

Snails like to eat some fruits and young leaves. If they climb too slowly and want to eat, they will have to waste some trouble. I'm really worried about it.

Narrative composition on observing things 4

I have raised silkworm babies before, and I learned a lot of knowledge in the flow of silkworm rearing, just like its molting.

That day, I went home and opened the box for the silkworm babies. Oh, the mulberry leaves are dry. They need to be replaced immediately. I ran to the balcony and brought fresh mulberry leaves. I replaced the mulberry leaves one by one, and it seemed that the silkworm babies smelled the fragrance of the mulberry leaves and wriggled their rounded bodies to climb over one after another. They surrounded the mulberry leaves and chewed them away. Suddenly, I found one of them extraordinary: the body was pale yellow, and there was a transparent triangle on the head. It looked up and did not eat or move. What is it doing? Is he ill. I immediately put it in another box and observed it carefully.

After a while, a crack slowly appeared on the head of the silkworm, and a small head slowly emerged from the crack. At the same time, the small head in front of the head had no strength to hang down and became shriveled. yes! It is molting. I saw that the head of Silkworm Babies was shaking from side to side and stretching forward. But the skin is not very obedient. It sticks to its body firmly. Why does the silkworm molt? I am determined to understand it. I soon found the answer in the extracurricular book: the originally hatched silkworm eats mulberry leaves and grows up slowly. When the body is restricted by the epidermis, the silkworm will molt. Generally, the skin is shed every other week, and a total of 4 times are needed in a lifetime.

At this time, the silkworm babies have completely drilled out of the skin. The newborn silkworm is whiter and fatter than before. In order to spin silk and make cocoons, silkworm babies do not suffer from molting. They are really admirable.

Narrative composition on observing things 5

You must know many plants, but do you know a plant that looks like a hedgehog? yes!

It's the fairy ball. Now let me talk about the fairy ball!

There is a pot of fairy balls planted on the windowsill of my house. It looks like a small hedgehog all over the body. This is its "weapon". I have been stabbed by it again and again, and my mother has also been stabbed. It's killing me!

Once my mother wanted to throw the fairy ball, but I refused. In spring, a small fairy ball grew around the fairy ball, but it was very weak, and a light wind blew. The little fairy ball was blown to and fro, as if dancing. When it rained, the little fairy ball was almost discounted by the rain. The fairy ball "mother" was worried about her "child", so every time it rained and blew, the fairy ball "mother" would protect her "child".

Xiatian has gone, and autumn has come. I forgot to water the Fairy Ball for five weeks, and suddenly remembered. Immediately ran over to see, the fairy ball was still standing on the windowsill to "bask in the sun" just like nothing. My father saw the scene and said to me, "Son, you don't need to water the fairy ball every day. It's a tropical plant." "Oh!

It is so, so I can rest assured ".

In winter, I forgot to sweep down the snow for the fairy ball, but the body of the fairy ball was gentle and the thorns were weak. To put it simply, the fairy ball was depressed and the little fairy ball was listless. I am also in a bad mood.

When spring came, the fairy ball miraculously "came back to life". With curiosity, I said to my father, "Fairy Ball is not afraid of cold.".

This is the fairy ball I observed myself. Tell me about what you observed.

Narrative composition on observing things 6

Nature is full of wonders. Just observe carefully; There will be discovery.

On a sunny morning, our family bought several pots of mimosa. The petiole of Mimosa pudica is not noticeable. What is noticeable is the grown leaves, round on both sides like lotus leaves. Some of their petioles are stacked, some are hanging down, and some are still young seedlings

When I touched the mimosa, it suddenly hung down and closed its leaves, like a shy girl. At first, I thought it was sick. I touched it around and found that they were also "sick". When I saw it, there were several worms on it. I immediately drove them away, but the mimosa did not move. When I asked my father, he said, "They are afraid of you!"

I believed it when I was young.

But at night, I couldn't sleep. I think mimosa has no eyes, how can it see me? So I got up to do the experiment. I walked gently to the edge of the mimosa, and made a hole in the mimosa with my grandma's needle. In case, I put a cup under it, which was ready about a minute later. I touched its petiole. Suddenly a small stream of leaf juice came out of the small hole. In the second test, where does water come from? I pulled out the mimosa just now and saw a small thing under it. I guess it must be a root. When I checked on the Internet, it was really its root. I also know its principle: when you touch a leaf, the root at the bottom immediately pours water upward, and the leaf hangs down because it is too heavy.

When I knew it, I ran to my father's bed and shouted, "I know, my father is playing with me!"

When my father learned that I found the answer myself, he praised me!

The nature is so wonderful!

Observing Things in Composition (4)

Today, I observed the full picture of the Eight Immortals on my wall.

The picture shows eight immortals crossing the deep blue sea. The fairy in the front rode on a large golden gourd with a big hat on his back and a long crutch in his hand. The second immortal, Lan Caihe, sat in a big flower basket surrounded by five green flowers. The man in the same row with him was wearing an ancient official uniform. His name was Uncle Cao. He was riding on a wave like white clouds. Immediately behind him was Lv Dongbin, who held a high flying dust in his hand. His wide sleeves danced with the wind, and what he rode was also a spray. Then there was Han Xiangzi in light pink. He was looking at the immortal beside him. His name was Zhong Lihan. He was lying comfortably on a big fan, floating freely on the sea and moving forward. In the same row was Zhang Guolao, who was riding a small donkey. At the back is a beautiful fairy named He Xiangu. She has a large lotus leaf under her feet and a white lotus flower on her shoulder. I like her best among the eight immortals.

This picture is so vivid. The characters in the painting are lifelike, free and easy, which reminds people of an idiom: The Eight Immortals cross the sea and each shows his own magic power.

Observe Things in Composition (5)

Why is Xiaobin's seat so busy?

Oh, it turns out that the topic draft sent by Xiaobin has been accepted. We are all happy for Xiaobin. When I overheard Xiaobin say that his father helped him write this article, I felt a little inadequate. Because although Xiaobin feels so happy, I don't think so. From Xiaobin's point of view, it is a new breakthrough, but just because it is not his true feelings, it seems a bit of a fly in the ointment. From my personal point of view, the composition and manuscript written with my own efforts, true feelings and painstaking efforts can be recognized by myself and others; In addition, only through their own efforts and painstaking creation can they satisfy themselves and others, so as to have a sense of achievement.

And photography also needs to use different angles to see things in order to take good photos. Because when you are like a hunter, when you find the prey, you should consider which direction to shoot, whether it should be close or far away, and all should be like a variety of angles. Because when you look at things from various angles, there are slight changes in every angle. Moreover, some things are accidental, so you must consider them quickly.

I hope that Xiaobin can continue to work hard, so that he can gradually get rid of the need for his father to help him write, so that he can give play to his unique talent and write some compositions that we are convinced by. Xiaobin, I look forward to this day!

Observing Things in Composition (6)

One of the growth of onion seedlings, the National Day, arrived. I followed my mother to the food market and prepared to buy some dishes to make a rich National Day meal. Suddenly, clusters of things like scallions and fire attracted my attention. I took my mother to see it. My mother told me: "This is the root of shallot, because it is as red as fire, and people call it Huocongtou." I thought it was very cute, so I asked my mother to buy some back to prepare for home. When I got home, I carefully separated the onion roots and selected some larger ones to give to my mother. Mother found an empty basin, sprinkled half a basin of sand on it, put more than half a bowl of water on her feet, and then inserted the selected onions into the sand. But I'm really worried, can the onions grow seedlings in the sand only sprinkled with water? The Second Growth of Onion Seedlings Today, when I came to the balcony, I saw that the top of the onion root just two days ago had split, revealing a little yellow hungry bud, like a pointed billed chicken floating out of the dry eggshell. It was a little hard when I touched it with my hands.

When I touch it with my hand, the onion seedling leans to one side, and it can't be far away in business. I was worried that the onion seedlings were not deep enough to grow in the future, so I was going to put them in the sand. When my mother saw them, she said, "Don't put them in the sand! You will kill them if you put them in this way." I was puzzled, and asked, "What should I do?" My mother said, "Wait a few days, when the roots grow up, they will not arrive." At this time, I was reassured that the onion seedlings will not die. A question suddenly flashed into my mind the day before yesterday, and I asked my mother: "Mom, why do you use sand instead of soil to grow onion seedlings?" Mother kindly said: "Although sand does not have much nutrients, it can filter water and is easy to transplant, and the onion root itself has nutrients. As long as there is proper temperature, proper water, sufficient sunlight and air, it can grow even without soil!" Ah! I see! I finally solved my mystery. I looked at the growing green onion seedlings in the basin and smiled! I thought: Cong Miao, Cong Miao, you must grow up well!

Observing Things in Composition (7)

Fang Weize

Every time I go to school, I pass by a path full of ginkgo trees.

In autumn, the ginkgo tree changed into a new golden dress. From a distance, ginkgo trees stand upright like soldiers defending our homes.

A gust of autumn wind blew, and the leaves rustled. They fall down one after another, flying like butterflies, and then spread a thick carpet on the earth.

Seeing these beautiful ginkgo trees, I quickly asked my mother to stop. Running out of the car, I picked up a ginkgo leaf and observed carefully. The yellow leaf was like a small fan. I turned it around. It was really windy! Suddenly, another leaf fell down, and the newly fallen leaf was a little green! I think: leaves are stamps, light green is for spring, dark green is for summer, and golden yellow is for autumn.

At this time, my mother said: "Ginkgo tree is called a living fossil, which has existed since the age of dinosaurs!" After listening, I felt that Ginkgo tree is not only beautiful, but also very old.

How beautiful the ginkgo tree is! I love ginkgo trees, but also love autumn ginkgo trees.

[Dragon Fruit]

Luo Chenxi

The first and second classes in the afternoon are two special Chinese classes. At the teacher's command, the students took out the fruits prepared in advance, including oranges, bananas, apples... I was no exception. I took out a large pitaya fruit, which looked very delicious. The students were envious of it.

When I began to observe, I found that pitaya is green and red, and the red part is very bright. From a distance, it looks like a burning flame, brilliant!

The pitaya has some ellipses and looks like a football; It is also like a lighted red lantern. It is big and red, and its whole body is covered with small petals, just like a blooming red lotus, so bright and beautiful!

I can't help but use my nose to get close to the skin of pitaya fruit, and gently inhale it. Wow, there is the smell of tropical rainforest in it! I seem to see the fresh green leaves appear before my eyes, so green and bright.

Unconsciously, I touched the pitaya fruit with my hand. In addition to those petals, some places are smooth, like cool ice; Some places are rough and dry, and they still feel prickly!

It's my favorite moment to taste! I carefully peeled off the red skin of the pitaya fruit, dug a small piece on the top with a spoon, and the pulp was immediately filled with a spoon. I quickly put it into my mouth, and took a bite with my teeth. The juice filled my mouth again, and swallowed it. It was sweet and cool. It was delicious! I couldn't help eating one mouthful after another. After a while, my mouth was red and gorgeous, really like a little vampire!

I love this delicious pitaya fruit and interesting composition class.

[Osmanthus fragrans]

Huang Xiheng

In the Pearl City neighborhood where we live, there are many osmanthus trees planted.

The leaves of the osmanthus tree are evergreen all the year round, dense and airtight, like a large green velvet umbrella stretched out from the top, which can block the sun and rain.

Autumn is coming, and the weather is naturally cool. The osmanthus blossoms are dark yellow, light yellow and orange red! The sweet scented osmanthus is composed of four small petals with small stamens in the middle, which is very beautiful.

Osmanthus is different from other flowers. They are small, hiding under the leaves, like a shy girl playing hide and seek with us.

Osmanthus has many functions. It can be made into sweet scented osmanthus tea, sweet scented osmanthus wine, sweet scented osmanthus pillow, sweet scented osmanthus cake, sweet scented osmanthus soup... Do you want to taste it when you see here?

I like sweet scented osmanthus, more like its obscurity, selfless dedication.


Wang Yixue

Today, the teacher asked us to bring fruit. As soon as I got home, I shouted, "Mom, I'm starving". My mother said to me, "There are oranges on the table. I saw that there are oranges I like.

The orange is small and round, wearing an orange coat, like a small leather ball, a small pumpkin, and a small lantern. It's really cute.

I picked up an orange. It was soft and smooth, as if it would roll away at any time. It was very funny!

I carefully peeled off the orange peel, which looked like a flower and a starfish. As for orange meat, they are most like several good friends holding together. When you break off your good friends, they look like a curved moon and a small boat... Take a bite, and the orange juice flows all over your mouth, sour and sweet, delicious!

I like oranges, and my brother Ye likes oranges. However, my mother told me that I should not eat too many oranges at a time, because eating too much will make me angry.


Chen Xin

More than a month ago, Miss Sun asked each of us to go home and plant garlic.

The round garlic seeds are like several good sisters holding together. They are dressed in snow-white clothes and are as beautiful as a bride. I carefully separated them and planted them in the soil one by one. How expectant!

After a few days, garlic sprouted almost all. The little sprouts were white, beautiful and shiny like gemstones. How lovely! I really want to have it right away.

More than ten days later, garlic has almost grown into a long green sword. Even the shortest one is as delicate as ivory.

A few weeks later, the garlic was fully mature, green, a bit like a grass seedling, disheveled. I selected some and asked my grandma to stir fry them. They taste delicious. It seems that they are going to fly into the sky!

I like garlic. Garlic is the most delicious and delicious! I planted it myself!


Huang Xiheng

My mother likes to buy fresh fruit, because my mother and I like to eat fruit. However, I like oranges best.

Orange is dressed in a golden yellow coat. It looks round, like a fat doll, a small leather ball, a small lantern, and more like a golden bell hanging on a branch. Orange also wears a green hat on top of her head, like a polite gentleman. It has countless small holes on its face, like spots.

The smell of orange is very special. You can't smell it if you don't smell it carefully. It's a little pungent, some fresh, and some sour. It makes your mouth water.

The orange feels different too. It is a bit rough and smooth, but it is much rougher than the apple. Moreover, the orange is soft and the apple is hard.

If you want to eat an orange, you need to peel it, just peel it from the bottom. After peeling, the pulp of the orange looks like a small pumpkin, fat, and covered with white silk thread. Once peeled, the pulp looks like a blooming flower. Eating one piece, the juice exploded like an explosion, sweet and sour, delicious, very delicious!

I like oranges. They are not only sweet and sour, but also add countless vitamin C!

Observing Things in Composition (8)

Observation diary plant 400 word composition 1

In a cool pond, sit a fairy; Elegant and graceful, soft and beautiful; Heroic appearance in the rain, sassy and charming eyes: the crowd is jealous, and red makeup is still no match.

A smile appears on the young cheek, the slim waist makes people fall in love with it, the elegant fragrance makes people intoxicated, and the refined experience makes people admire it. Ho, what an elegant name! As the wind wakes up the secular dust rhyme, standing in the rain, intoxicating, lingering.

She comes out of the mud without being stained, and is clean without being demon. Light, elegant, plain and unique are the themes of her life. She doesn't care about the clean or dirty water and mud around her. In a poetic or single pond, enjoy yourself and bloom your charm alone. Below is the billowing mud, and above is the clear sky. The lotus flower stretches its pink and white petals, looking so delicate and clean.

This kind of spirit can not help but remind me of Yu Qian who is clean and upright, Hai Rui who is honest and upright, and Bao Gong who is upright and upright... Just because corruption is widespread in the world, we must also awaken people with honesty and integrity, and let money, fame and wealth lure us, and we will not be moved by it. Isn't that a gentleman's spirit? Isn't that what He wants to tell us?

In the drizzle, sitting on the lotus leaf, a fairy smiled and looked around, humming beautiful music

Fourth grade observation diary composition 2

Today, the teacher is going to do an experiment for me - a paper cup that can't burn.

The teacher prepared: two empty paper cups, lighters, candles and half a glass of water. The teacher first took an empty paper cup and said to everyone, "Can you burn the bottom of the paper cup?" Some said, "Can you burn the bottom?" Others said, "Can't burn the bottom." After listening to this, the teacher began to burn the paper cup and first lit the candle with a lighter; Then, the teacher burned the bottom of the paper cup against the candle, and the paper cup soon burned. Finally, the teacher threw the burning paper cup to the ground, and the paper cup turned into a ball of ash.

The teacher took a paper cup with half a cup of water. The teacher said, "Can this paper cup burn?" Many students said, "You can burn the paper cup." Only some students can't burn the paper cup.

After listening to this, the teacher started to burn the paper cup again. The teacher burned the candle for a long time, but it still didn't burn out. The bottom was blackened by the candle, and the water in the paper cup began to bubble. Touching the paper cup, it was somewhat hot, but the paper cup was still not burned out. We were shocked!

At the end of the experiment, the teacher told us that this was because the paper cup with water had heat transfer during the heating process, so the paper cup would not burn up at once.

Fourth grade observation diary composition 3

Today, I observed ants and found a wonderful thing.

Today, I was playing in my yard. Suddenly, I saw a group of ants crawling on the ground, as if they were looking for food. So I was curious to see how ants talk and move things.

I will go to the house and get some bread crumbs and a magnifying glass, and put the bread crumbs next to the group of ants. Then I picked up the magnifying glass and carefully observed: the leading ant ran over, and then touched the feeler on the head with the ants behind, as if to say: "There are some delicious food in front, let's move all these things back to the hole!" That's it, These little ants moved all the crumbs I put there back into the hole.

I also observed how ants move things: if something is smaller, let an ant put it on its back; If something is bigger, let several ants put it on their backs together.

Through today's observation, I know how ants talk and move things.

Fourth grade observation diary composition 4

I have six small goldfish, they are very cute, the colors are: gold, white, red, black and two colors. They have big eyes and chubby bodies. Some of the scales on their bodies are golden and some are black and shiny. Of course, the colors of the flowers are different. The scales are red and white. They are very beautiful. The white on the tail is transparent!

They are very cute. As long as you shake your hand at one place in the aquarium, they will gather at that place together, stick their heads out of the water, open and close their mouths, as if complaining: "Don't fool us if you don't give us food! I hate it." Then they disperse. If your hands are circling on the aquarium, they will follow your hands, especially spiritually. When you swim, you will spit out a string of pearls, which are sparkling and beautiful. The pebbles under the water are colorful and beautiful.

Every time I feed the little goldfish, there is always a goldfish that eats quickly. After eating, they all look at us as if to say, "Dear little master, please show mercy and give us some more food!" As soon as I put it in, they scramble to eat food.

The second time they finished eating, they went back to sleep quietly. By the way, I found that fish sleep with their eyes open. My fish is very strange. It wags its tail from time to time after sleeping. What's more, my fish also sleepwalk. Once, black fish and red fish almost jumped out of the fish tank, which scared me. I beat them and helped them quickly before they came out.

My fish is really cute, smart and special!

Fourth grade observation diary composition 5

Today, we learn radio in Sculpture Park. During the break, I saw two ants quietly crawling past me, and I suddenly wondered: What are ants like?

Driven by curiosity, I wanted to catch some ants for observation.

I took out the feeding box used in our science class and put a "cap" on the two ants, and I covered both of them. I managed to put two ants into the feeding box and close the lid. I am very happy.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to take out the feeding box from my bag. Thankfully, the ants were still fine and didn't get bored by me. I observed carefully and found that there was a pair of big jaws and a pair of antennae on the head of the ant. The antennae are divided into two sections, and the tail of the antennae is very thick, like a big mallet.

I gave them a name. An ant is very lively. I named it "Little Monkey". It likes to crawl around in the bottle. Look, it is crawling again; The other is very lazy. He always stays there and refuses to move. He also likes to shrink his body into a ball and sleep deeply. I named him "Lazy". I heard that ants like sweet food, so I put some sugar in it.

Sure enough, the two ants began to climb up and down the sugar pile as fast as they could, as if they were fighting for sugar. I couldn't help cheering for the "little monkey", and later I began to worry about whether the "lazy" would be hurt. I patted the bottle gently. They seemed to understand me. The two ants immediately separated and occupied the ground respectively.

Then quietly and obediently, he crawled back and forth on the sugar pile on his side.

The two ants I caught are obedient and lovely!

Fourth grade observation diary composition 6

Once in a Chinese class, the teacher gave each group a piece of something. Let's observe it carefully and talk about what it is and what its characteristics are.

When I passed it to me, I looked carefully. It was dark, with many wrinkles, and looked like the pit of a big red jujube. When I smelt it again, it had a faint bitter Chinese medicine flavor.

When everyone observed it and the teacher asked what it was, one of the students said, "This is a big raisin." Another student said, "This is the seed of a pine tree." Another student retorted, "You are all wrong, ha ha... This is a small olive." The teacher looked at me jumping with my hands high and asked me to answer, I exclaimed excitedly, "This is Pang Dahai. My mother's voice is not very good. Sometimes she drinks it with it. It can cure the fire, sore throat and hoarseness."

The teacher said happily, "Zhang Zerui's answer was right!" As soon as the teacher finished, the students became lively. Some said that they had never heard of Pang Dahai, and some said that it was not fat at all. How was Pang Dahai called? The teacher asked everyone to calm down, and then said, "Can Zhang Zerui answer everyone's question? If so, please ask Zhang Zerui to answer this question."

I tried hard to recall the scene when my mother used Panghai, and then stood up and said, "I can answer that Panghai looks wrinkled and small, but after soaking in boiling water, it will become deformed, and the changes are very large. It becomes a very large cotton wadding, occupying the whole cup, just like algae in the sea."

After listening to the students' half belief and half doubt, the teacher said, "Zhang Zerui's answer is correct or not. Now let's try it. Each group should soak it with boiling water, carefully observe its changes, and be sure to carefully observe. After that, everyone should write a composition."

The students cheerfully did the experiment according to the teacher's instructions, which was exactly the same as what I said. I was very excited. The teacher said, "Today, what we have given you is Pang Dahai. All the students have done experiments to understand the characteristics and functions of Pang Dahai. Today, we should especially praise Zhang Zerui, who is good at discovery and observation in life. We hope that students can also observe things carefully in life, study them carefully and understand them."

Fourth grade observation diary composition 7

Thursday, October 20 Sunny

It is said that eggs soaked in white vinegar will become soft and transparent. Is it true? I decided to do it myself.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to open the refrigerator, carefully took out the eggs, gently placed them in a transparent cup, and slowly poured vinegar. Eh, the egg was immediately surrounded by thousands of small bubbles, and floated up little by little, swaying, sinking and floating, like a drunk drunkard. About a minute later, the egg slowly stuck out of its head, revealing a small tip the size of a fingernail.

Friday, October 21, sunny

What does it look like? When I got up the next day, I went to see the eggs before I washed my face. It is still floating, but there is a layer of brown film floating on it. Is this an eggshell? I have a closer look. The eggshell is still there! I gently touched the egg shell with chopsticks, and the surface of the egg shell was scratched, revealing the protein inside. I used chopsticks to continue to scratch on the surface of the egg shell, revealing more protein, and the egg became a big face. The white vinegar also became turbid. I changed the vinegar for it once.

October 22nd Saturday Sunny

Today, the egg showed us the transformation technique. The hard shell turned into tiny pieces of foam, and the small bubbles became smaller. The egg became transparent, like a crystal clear amber, and like a water balloon. I pressed it gently with my hand, and it bounced like a naughty crystal baby, like a ballet in diving, sometimes jumping out of the water, sometimes sinking into the bottom.

October 23 Sunny Sunday

I fished the egg out of the vinegar and carefully held it in my palm for fear of breaking it. I observed carefully that the eggs became thin and transparent, like inflated balloons, which could be broken by blowing. We can still vaguely see the yolk inside. I asked my mother: "Why does the eggshell become crystal clear?" My mother said: "The raw eggshell contains calcium carbonate, which reacts with acetic acid to form soluble calcium acetate and produce carbon dioxide gas." The thousands of small bubbles around the eggshell are carbon dioxide gas. I also know that egg soaked in white vinegar can not only cure cough, but also beautify the skin!

Observing Things in Composition (9)

Narrative composition on observing things: observing ants

I have never noticed ants before, but their spirit is worth learning.

This Mid Autumn Festival (you can change it according to the time), I saw a long "black chain" when I went to my grandmother's house for the holiday. I slowly approached them and walked a little, afraid of stepping on one of them. I squatted down and looked carefully, and I found that they were moving. Some ants in the middle carry food, while the small ants follow the big ants to see if there is any danger. Two larger ants are leading in front, like two powerful soldiers. After reading books and collecting information online, I know that ants transmit information by their antennae. When their antennae touch, they will know what help each other needs and what difficulties they encounter. On the way of carrying the ants, an ant always dropped the rice. It touched the antennae of the two ants in front and behind with its own antennae. Then the two ants immediately came to help and worked together to overcome the difficulties. At some time, a caterpillar suddenly appeared in front. Several ants in front came out and clamped the big green worm with pliers. A group of ants attacked, In the insect's wound, the big green insect rolled on the ground and killed several ants in pain. Finally, the big green insect died of pain. The leader and several big ants carried the big green insect back to the "new home" happily.

I know from them that solidarity and their spirit are worth learning.

Narrative composition about observing things: observing ginger

The Chinese teacher asked us to write a plant observation diary. I thought about it. What should I write? Write about the tree downstairs? Nothing new. A bowl of hanging orchids in the writer's house? It's too dull. Go to the botanical garden to observe plants? It's too inconvenient. I was thinking like this when I saw a basket of ginger. Hey, can't I observe ginger?

I take out the ginger and arrange them one by one. I see ginger has a ring of nodes, and their skin is yellowish brown. Ginger has various shapes, some like a palm, some like antlers, some like a person dancing, some like a big leopard carrying a small leopard, some like a flying horse flying in the air, and some like a dragon biting a bead.

I continued to observe, and found that there were small buds growing on the ginger. Some were as big as rice grains, some were as big as mung beans, some were already as big as soybeans, and some were even bigger, and they were going to grow leaves soon. What will it look like when it grows up? I checked on the Internet and found that ginger seedlings have branches and stems, on which there are green leaves, one by one, pointed at the top, wide at the bottom, about 2cm wide, and leaves are generally 15-30cm long.

Ginger seedlings also have long roots that extend all around, shaped like octopus feet. So ginger seedlings look like this! Then, I cut the ginger, and saw that the inside of the ginger was light yellow, and there were several circles around it, like a jade ring. I smelled it again. It had a special smell and a little spicy feeling. I took a small bite, wow! How spicy! I have never tasted the spicy taste of ginger! Ginger doesn't look impressive, but I heard that it has many uses. Ginger has the effect of detoxification and cooling, and can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine.

Ginger can also remove the fishy smell. When cooking, it can be used as a condiment to make the dishes more fragrant and fresh. Tender ginger can be used for pickles. It is crispy and delicious Ginger is really ugly!

Narrative composition about observing things: gecko observation

Gecko is an insect, which can help people eliminate mosquitoes.

Gecko is mainly produced in the southwest of China and the regions south of the Yangtze River Basin; It is also distributed to Japan and Korea. Reptiles have flat bodies, short limbs, suction cups on their toes, and can crawl on walls. Eating mosquitoes, flies, moths and other small insects is beneficial to human beings. Also called the scorpion tiger, formerly called the palace guard.

The general name of all lizards in the lizard suborder Gecko family, which contains about 80 genera and 750 species. It is harmless to people, but the cry is disturbing. It is a small reptile, mostly nocturnal. The skin is soft, the body is fat and short, the head is large, the limbs are weak and often have toe pads. Most of them are 3-15cm long (1.2-6 inches, including the tail which accounts for half of the total length). It can adapt to different habitats from desert to jungle; Many kinds of people often visit people's houses and live on insects.

Gecko has a very unique feature. If you cut off its tail, it can still survive, and its vitality is very strong. And its crawling speed is also very fast.

Gecko can live in warm regions all over the world, and at least some species are found on every continent. The spotted gecko is the most widely distributed North American species, which can grow to 15cm; The body is light pink to yellowish brown, with dark spots and spots. Gekko gecko is the largest gecko, with a length of 25-35 cm (10-14 inches); The body is gray, mixed with red or milky white spots and stripes; It is native to Southeast Asia.

Biological characteristics of gecko: gecko is a species of lizards, also known as palace guard. The back and abdomen of the body are flat, and the body is lined with grain scales or mixed with warty scales. The finger and toe end expand, and the skin folds are formed below them, which are densely covered with glandular hair and have adhesive ability, and can quickly crawl on the wall, ceiling or smooth plane. Among them, there are about 20 species of gecko, 8 species of which are native to China. Common geckos are verrucous gecko, webbed gecko, webbed toed gecko and gecko. There are four known species of the genus Saurus in China, and one species of the genera Hemilobata, Amphipotaxus and Scorpion respectively, which are mainly distributed in South China. There are no movable eyelids in this class of animals. When a gecko is strongly disturbed, its tail can be cut off by itself, and a new tail can be regenerated later. Gecko lives in buildings and feeds on mosquitoes, flies, moths and other insects. Night activities: in summer and autumn nights, they often haunt the walls, ceilings, eaves or poles with lights, and in the daytime, they hide in the wall seams, under tile corners, behind cabinets and other hidden places, and lay eggs in these hidden places, with 2 eggs for each; Egg white, oval, shell easily broken. Sometimes several females lay their eggs together. They are singing reptiles. The incubation period is more than one month. Physiological characteristics of gecko: other physiological characteristics of gecko are similar to lizards, but there is one difference: gecko has no brain, its head is hollow, and there is nothing between its ears. We can see from one ear and eye of the gecko, and directly see from the other ear and eye. Gecko's central nervous system is located in the spinal cord.

Gecko's broken tail is a kind of "self-defense". When it is pulled by external forces or encounters enemies, the tail muscles will contract strongly, which can break the tail. As there are nerves in the falling section, it can still beat for some time. This phenomenon is called "self cutting" in zoology.

Some people may say that I am afraid of geckos. In fact, geckos are not terrible at all:

1. Gecko is not poisonous. It doesn't matter if you touch him.

2. Gecko is actually very timid. If it is stimulated, its first reaction is to escape.

3. Gecko likes dark environment. If you don't come back late or go out early, it is not easy to meet it.

4. Gecko is a beneficial insect. If there is a gecko outside your window, you will rarely be bitten by mosquitoes. It is your guardian in summer!

5. The dried gecko visceral removing product, named "Tianlong", is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effects of tonifying the lungs and kidneys, nourishing blood essence, relieving cough and asthma, relieving spasm and wind, dispersing and detumescence, and can treat lymphotuberculosis, neuralgia, chronic arthritis, and breast lumps. It is a very, very good medicine.

Gecko has a long life. Generally, a gecko can live for 6-7 years.

So we see that geckos should not hurt them. Even when the earth is destroyed, geckos and other powerful insects may continue to live. So we should establish friendly relations with insects and protect them, because they are also life!

Observing Things in Composition (10)

After the outing, the teacher flashed a ball in the composition guidance class and asked: "What color is the ball?" Ding Ding stood up and immediately replied: "The ball is white." The teacher took the ball back to the back of the podium, and then came out and asked: "What color is the ball this time?" The students answered in unison: "Black." The teacher took the ball back. Then, he called Ding Ding up and asked, "I just took the same ball. You said it was white, and the students said it was black. What color is it?" Ding Ding was dumbfounded.

At this time, the teacher lifted the ball with a smile and turned it around slowly. Before the teacher asked, the students shouted: "Half is white, half is black." "Yes, what does this mean?" The teacher put the ball down and said, "The same thing can be seen from different angles, but different things can be seen. Only by observing things from multiple angles can we fully understand things."

The teacher hung up a small blackboard, which said:

1. The lush forest is surrounded by jade mirrors.

2. The water is shining, and the mirror like lake is inlaid with green velvet.

3. The waves dance in the stern, and the trees on the bank accept our review like guards.

The teacher asked Ding Ding to read it once, and then said: "This outing, I observed the same lake and trees from three angles, but the scenery was different. At first, I stood at the edge of the lake and looked at it horizontally. The trees were high and the lake was low, and the trees surrounded the lake. Later, I climbed up to the overlooking garden pavilion and looked down, and saw green tree crowns and the lake was full of water. Finally, I sat on the boat and looked far, and the trees on the bank surrounded the lake and stood in line. Similarly, when we write a composition, if we can observe things from multiple angles, the scenery we write will not only be comprehensive but also three-dimensional. After hearing this, Ding Ding immediately took up his pen and was eager to try it. A smile appeared on his face

Observing Things in Composition (11)

Sunday afternoon finally came. The students took a bath and started off when they were ready. The students sat in the car talking and laughing all the way. Some students looked at the scenery and were ready to go home to write a composition. Some students were playing a guessing game, but they were happy. Unconsciously, the community arrived. The students got off the car and walked to the community garden.

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students came to the garden of the community. The scenery in spring is really colorful, The teacher said to everyone, "Boys and girls, please listen to me for a few words, and I will recommend some things to you. You can observe carefully. You can divide into several groups to observe together for two hours, and then we will discuss what you found. Then, how about going home by bus? All the students answered with one voice" OK. Then everyone dispersed and formed several groups.

The tall buildings in the garden of the community have sprung up one after another. The small bridges and flowing water in the garden make people feel a happy mood. There is a rockery beside the river. The students pay special attention to a small willow tree beside the river. The willow tree is straight, brown in color, rough in bark, and covered with green leaves. A breeze blows from the branches, The branches sway gently. Pieces of leaves fly on the branches, like braids. Although it is not so tall, it still attracts many students. Two hours later, students and teachers reluctantly left the Garden Community.

Although the students were a little tired, they learned a lot.

My family keeps several small goldfish, and I often watch them.

Goldfish swim leisurely in the water, their eyes are protruding, as if to fall off. Look, they are still wearing a golden red dress on their fat body; The tail is like a big fan, swinging from side to side. Sometimes the fish will stay motionless in the corner. When I splashed the water, they were scared to swim around.

When the fish are hungry, they will swim in the direction of you as soon as they see the person near. I threw a fish food and a fish stuck its head out, as if asking for my advice. I had to nod, and the fish swallowed the fish food immediately. He seemed to feel that he was eating alone, so he swam to his friends and touched their mouths, as if to say, "Sorry." I put some more fish to eat. The little goldfish, like they had not eaten anything in ten years, immediately rushed to grab it, stood up and opened their mouths, as if to swallow all the fish food.

Goldfish is so cute. I like goldfish. Have you raised it? If you don't have one, please find it! They will bring you a lot of fun.

Observing Things in Composition (12)

Composition for observing the changes of things 1

Small soybeans are hard, yellow and round. They can't be chewed with their teeth when put in their mouths. They roll around on the table. I put soybeans into a paper cup filled with water. I was so excited that I decided to observe its growth every morning.

After a night of soaking, the little soybeans gained weight. I pinched it with my hand, and the body of soybean became soft, and some bean skins also cracked their mouths. I change their water every day. The next morning, I got up and saw that the soybeans planted in the water had sprouted! Small yellow bean sprouts like musical symbols. Every day when I got up, I couldn't wait to see Xiaodouya. I was surprised to find that Xiaodouya took off her big yellow pajamas, and the small sharp buds turned into two small green leaves, tender, green, and also grew white and fat "long legs", which was very popular.

Through careful observation, I saw the growth process of soybean seeds. How interesting! I learned a lot from the experience of soaking seeds.

Composition for observing the changes of things 2

Today, the teacher asked us to soak beans. When we got home, my mother had already prepared four kinds of beans. Kidney beans, white and fat, like silver ingots; Panda Dou, with a bulging belly, is very beautiful in black and white clothes; Black beans and soybeans are round, small and exquisite. They roll around when touched. They are very naughty.

I made a home for my friend Douzi. My mother handed me a glass, and half of the water was put in the glass. I put all the washed beans in. I heard a "splash", and the small, shiny water splashed in the glass, which seemed to be the happy laughter of the bean friends. I saw black beans and soybeans jumping several heights in the water, panda beans became more bright in the water, kidney beans became more white, I stared at them, they also looked at me.

Early the next morning, I couldn't wait to run over and have a look. All my friends changed. Kidney bean white coat has pleats; Panda Dou's clothes are worn; Black beans and soybeans are getting old and wrinkled. I called my mother, look quickly. My mother smiled and said, "Son, this is the first process of bean sprouting. You can gently rub it with your hands.". I tried to rub it, and the skin fell off easily, revealing the watercress. I changed the clean water for my bean friend, covered it with a thick, wet gauze, and pressed a heavy round panel.

On the third day, I found that the beans were much larger than yesterday. They were like children waking up, all of them stretched out their waists. The white, black and yellow ones are chubby. A closer look shows that there is a crack in the middle of the bean, and there is a very small bud in the crack, just like a baby smiling at me with its mouth open and teeth exposed. I was so happy that I changed the water for them again. The sprout in the middle of the bean has grown a full centimeter long sprout, like countless tadpoles gathering together. Like every

There is a new life quivering on the buds.

With the help of my mother, "Paodouzi" is very successful. I understand that in daily life, as long as you pay attention, you will get something.

Composition for observing the changes of things 3

I have a little turtle at home. I always think it is timid and bad.

Once, I put some meat in front of him, but he hid his head in the corner of the aquarium, closed his eyes, and did not want to eat at all. He had eaten all the meat before I returned to the aquarium.

Its head stretches and shrinks from time to time. When it sees someone, it always shrinks its head inside the shell. There are many crisscross patterns on its back. Its limbs are very short, like oars, and it swims very fast.

Once I fished a turtle out of the water and put it in my palm. I touched its head, and it immediately stuck out its head and bit me. It hurt me to death. Later, I dare not touch it casually.

I love my little turtle, and I'm a little annoyed with my little turtle.

Composition for observing the changes of things 4

One day, I was eating delicious biscuits downstairs. Suddenly, I accidentally dropped the biscuit on the ground. I wanted to pick it up and throw it into the trash can. I saw an ant crawling on it. It sniffed it with its nose and touched it with its feelers. I wonder if ants are interested in this cake? I couldn't take my eyes off. The body of the ant was divided into three sections: head, abdomen and tail. The ant also had two tentacles on its head. At that time, the ant turned around and left. It used its tentacles to talk with its partners, and then it ran to the hole. After a while, I saw ants lining up, like a long black dragon, pouring into the biscuit. The ants surrounded the biscuit, and they worked together to lift it up and move it back home.

As the saying goes, "When people are united, Mount Tai moves." Today, I really understood the truth of this saying by observing ants. Although ants are small, they are united and worth learning from.

Composition for observing changes in things 5

One day after school, while Grandma was still cooking, I went downstairs to ride a bike. I saw a big thing moving on the ground. What was that? I felt very curious, so I stopped to have a look, and found that it was a worm crawling fast on the ground.

It is about the same length as a butterfly, with a tawny head and a brown body. Its four feet were crawling on the ground quickly.

Just as I was entranced, it suddenly rolled over with a "clunk" sound. It was so funny. I immediately asked my mother to come down and watch it with me. I watched it go into the grass. It seemed that it was trying to drill a hole, and soon it disappeared. I asked my mother what kind of insect it was, but she didn't know.

Observing Things in Composition (13)

Today, I was playing ball in my yard. Suddenly, I saw a spider web with a big spider on it. This big spider is a bit scary - its head is as big as a walnut, and its legs are as long as three centimeters, which is even longer than its body. I saw this spider seemed to be sleeping, but when I looked carefully, it was moving and did not sleep. After a while, it began to walk around on its own network, as if walking. I thought it was very interesting, so I caught an ant and threw it on its website. I saw this big spider like a bullet, and in a second it ran to the side of the ant. The big spider stretched its head to the ant, bit the ant's body, and bit it in half. Then, the big spider swallowed its food one mouthful at a time. After eating the perfect meal, he stayed on the Internet and waited. Suddenly, another fly flew to its net. However, this time the big spider did not eat the fly like the last time it ate the ant. Its hands seemed to be able to cast spells. They circled the flies. After a while, the flies became white. Finally, the big spider slowly pulled the fly back to its nest. I took a very small insect and threw it into the spider's web. Compared with the big spider, the insect is like a grape and a watermelon. The "watermelon" opens its mouth and swallows the "grape" in one mouthful. I went back to my room and looked through the encyclopedia. I found that this spider was called the orb spider. This spider should be male, because the book said that its length was about 20 mm, and its web would be round at dusk, so it was called the orb spider.

Observing Things in Composition (14)

The whole body is black with six tiny feet, which is the shape of an ant.

One day, my biscuit fell on the ground accidentally, and I had a brainwave: "You can feed ants with it". So I took the biscuit to the outside, and found that there was an ant crawling around on the ground, so I put the biscuit down. When I put it down, the biscuit broke into two pieces, and the ant immediately found out that it tried to move it first, but for it, The biscuit is really a huge thing. It has no choice but to give up and leave in a hurry. Soon, I found that on its way back, dozens of ants appeared at once. They attacked the place where the biscuit was put. You drag and pull, lift the biscuit, and then move in the direction of millimeter by millimeter. To reach their cave, you must pass a "tunnel", It was not easy. The entrance of the "tunnel" was too small. Although they could not get in despite of their efforts, they were not discouraged. They worked together all the time. None of the ants fled at the moment. Finally, by breaking the biscuits into pieces, they finally moved all the biscuits into the cave. Watching them keep busy, I became more and more interested. Finally, I put together the killed mosquitoes, flies and leftover biscuits, and found that more and more ants were coming to this pile of "food"??, Finally, the ants removed all the food on the ground, and even the biscuit crumbs were hard to see. At the same time, I also found a secret. Ants are not desperate to move things. They will also find ways to change their strategies when encountering difficulties. In the process of moving, they always unite and persevere. No ant will become a deserter, and they will succeed in the end.

This is the ant, a lovely elf.

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 400 words - what you pay attention to

In the rain, there are many beautiful things: people, things, everything is so fresh and beautiful.

This morning, the weather was very cool, so we decided to go to the square to play. The square is very lively: there are children practicing martial arts, young people walking, and old people doing radio exercises. We were running on the square, very happy.

However, the weather was unpredictable. There was still a red light in the sky in the morning, and now it began to rain. Rain, like broken beads, drops down. Later, it began to rain heavily, like pots of water pouring from the sky. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, we have to hide in the pavilion, sitting in the pavilion to enjoy the rain: the rain beats on the grass, and the grass nods to it; The rain beat on the tree, and the tree waved to it, and they all sucked the sweet rain and dew. I immersed myself in the charming rain scenery. Suddenly, a drop of water fell on my head. I looked up in the direction of dripping water, and it turned out that the pavilion was leaking. The top of the pavilion is covered with thick vines. There is a big gap between the vines, and naughty raindrops are dripping down. It's raining hard outside and light rain in the pavilion, which makes us have nowhere to hide. What shall I do? We had to stand in the corner of the pavilion to take shelter from the rain, but there would still be raindrops falling in the corner.

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 400 words - what you pay attention to

Things in front

Students will feel happy in their childhood. For example, you are loved by your father, mother, grandfather and grandmother; Be praised by teachers and admired by classmates. These are your happiness. But that is not enough. Students should polish their small eyes and observe you talking to someone; How the person looks; How will science and technology be advanced in the future?? In this way, you will be happy, but don't think about your own shortcomings.

I saw some people who were very gentle and enthusiastic. For example, there is an old grandpa living on the 12th floor of my building. That grandpa is very enthusiastic. Every time he sees my mother and me, he smiles at us. Once school is over, we will all meet. Because grandpa is waiting for us every day, and his grandson is also studying in Changgang Middle Road Primary School, but he helped me to press the "18" floor every time after he knew my residence. I am very fond of their grandparents and grandchildren.

We can't forget the teacher who taught us. I will say that my head teacher, Miss Fu, likes 45 students in our class very much. She is easy to laugh, and we are so "naughty" that she cannot laugh or cry; On the other hand, Mr. Fu is easily angry. Why? Because our homework is sloppy! When Teacher Fu is angry, he will be "furious"!

Our future can not be "discarded"! We can imagine that in the future, cars will fly, computers will be on the cars, and they can dive; There are many automatic equipment at home??

If you think about it, it will take you into the space of imagination, and immediately you will feel extremely happy!

Our world is colorful. If we polish our own eyes, we will feel, feel, feel, compare and enjoy!

Cao Junhao

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 400 words - what you pay attention to

Unconsciously, it's December. It's cold today. The sky was gray, and the north wind kept whistling in the ear. The powerful force lifted the scattered hair of pedestrians, and people on the road were "fully armed". In this weather, even if you give me one million yuan, I will not step out of the house. But the weather was not good, and the shoes were broken, so I had to repair them in the cold and wind. Oh??

On the road, the wind blew hard and made my face ache. I can't help thinking: will the shoe mender come out in cold weather? A series of question marks popped out of my head! Riding, I could see the vague figure of the shoe mender in the distance. As he neared, his shabby and thin cotton padded clothes, wrinkled and old face, printed into my eyes without any cover, and I felt a kind of pity and sympathy in my heart.

"Grandpa, please repair my shoes. They are broken."

The shoe mender took it. Ah, it's a pair of hands full of calluses and vicissitudes! The cold wind turned his hands red and blue. The shoe mender had a hard time and worked hard. I stood by and watched, feeling inexplicably moved. A warm current spreads all over the body, flowing forever??

The shoes were repaired, and the eyes were filled with tears. I don't know why.

When I left, when I looked back, the thin figure of the shoe mender suddenly became tall.

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 400 words - what you pay attention to

Grade 4 of Pancun Primary School: Shi Tengyuan

See things from different angles

Why is Xiaobin's seat so busy?

Oh, it turns out that the topic draft sent by Xiaobin has been accepted. We are all happy for Xiaobin. When I overheard Xiaobin say that his father helped him write this article, I felt a little inadequate. Because although Xiaobin feels so happy, I don't think so. From Xiaobin's point of view, it is a new breakthrough, but just because it is not his true feelings, it seems a bit of a fly in the ointment. From my personal point of view, the composition and manuscript written with my own efforts, true feelings and painstaking efforts can be recognized by myself and others; In addition, only through their own efforts and painstaking creation can they satisfy themselves and others, so as to have a sense of achievement.

And photography also needs to use different angles to see things in order to take good photos. Because, like a hunter, when you find "prey", you should consider which direction to take photos in, whether it should be close or far away, and all should be at different angles. Because when you look at things from various angles, there are slight changes in every angle. Moreover, some things are accidental, so you must consider them quickly.

I hope that Xiaobin can continue to work hard, so that he can gradually get rid of the need for his father to help him write, so that he can give play to his unique talent and write some compositions that we are convinced by. Xiaobin, I look forward to this day!

Observing Things in Composition (15)

All things in the world are multifaceted. There are negative sides to good things and positive sides to bad things. I remember such a story. A boy in grade one met such a question on his examination paper: What is it after snow melting? Almost all the students thought that it was water after snow melting, but the little boy thought that it was spring after snow melting, and the teacher made a wrong number on his paper when correcting it. After the paper was handed out, the little boy was so aggrieved that he said to the teacher that it was really spring after snow melting. The teacher thought the little boy was right and praised him in public. It is also a problem, but it can be thought from many aspects. Like the question "What is it after snow melting", the answer can be water or spring However, the most disgusting thing in people's eyes, it also has a positive side. Maggots, a disgusting thing, have also contributed to the medical cause and saved an arm of a foreign woman. There was a foreign woman who had this rare big abscess on her arm. There was a lot of rotten meat in it, which made the abscess on her arm never produce new meat. Doctors have tried many methods, but they still have no effect. The doctor said that if not, the limb could be amputated. After many discussions, doctors came up with a bold treatment plan. It is to plant the eggs of flies in the big abscess of her arm injury, so that the eggs can eat the stubborn rotten meat, so that her arm can grow new meat. After the efforts of the doctor, it really worked. From this, we can see that we should look at everything from many aspects. We should not always think that good things have no negative side, and bad food has no positive side. Like the maggot in the above story, although it has nothing to do and is disgusting, it has saved an arm of a foreign woman. Therefore, we must look at things from many aspects and understand things! 500 words composition in Unit 2 of Volume I of Grade 4 - You are watching Kua Fu, a mythical figure familiar to everyone. Everyone has different feelings about Kua Fu's pursuit of the sun. Some people say that Kua Fu is a person with lofty ambition and courage to pursue. Others say that Kua Fu is a person who can't measure his own strength. In fact, different people will give different evaluations to any thing, There are different reasons for different kinds of statements. Is it wrong to say that Kuafu is ambitious and has the courage to pursue? Yes, Kuafu loves the light and dares to pursue the sun. To keep the sun's step is the expression of ambition and courage to pursue and explore things? Maybe there are also many people who want to keep the sun and compete with the sun, but who among them has Kuafu's courage to pursue? They just think about it and never practice it. Since it is right to say that Kuafu is ambitious and has the courage to pursue, is it wrong to say that he overestimates his ability? Kuafu goes day by day. Why go day by day? For the sake of time, the sunset represents not only the past of the old day, but also the coming of a new day. So why did Kuafu stop time on this day, let the light stop at this moment forever, instead of looking forward to a more wonderful next day? This shows how unworthy Kuafu's behavior is. In fact, there are many such examples in life. For example, we regret our mistakes because they have brought us losses. However, people often only see the disadvantages of making mistakes and do not find the experience that mistakes bring to you. As the saying goes, "A fall is a gain." If you make a mistake, you will think of the last time when you encounter similar events next time, and the chance of making mistakes will also drop. Everything has its two sides. While it has its positive side, it will also have its negative side. Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 500 words - what you pay attention to

Looking at things from another angle, the rain outside the window is still "clattering" - "clattering" underground, like someone pierced the sky. The shadow of failure in the final exam came to my mind, and I was overwhelmed by almost unlimited homework. When I thought of the task my mother had left unfinished, a sense of depression came over me. Unconsciously, it has been several hours since the homework was written sporadically. He turned to the bookshelf to look for a book, but his eyes fell on the photo beside the book. It was given by a friend, and there was also an unpleasant scene on it: on a lonely hill, only dead leaves fell on it, and the mountain was full of jagged stones, few trees, and the grass on the roadside had no spirit. I remember my friend said, "This is a different picture. But if you change your view, it will be more different". I did as my friend told me. I looked carefully from left to right, but I still saw nothing except desolation. I thought: This is the worst picture I have ever seen. Half a year later, the final exam was unexpectedly good, and my mood also improved unconsciously. One day, the photo fell from the book while sorting the bookshelf. Picking up this picture again, I saw a different landscape: the roadside stream is almost dry, but it is still trickling; Although the rocks on the mountain are rugged, they will be the soil of the origin of all things in the near future; Although the path on the mountain is muddy, it will be paved with flagstones soon; Although there are few trees on the mountain, it will be a forest in a few years. Look at things from another angle, and things will be more beautiful! Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 500 words - what you pay attention to

The whole body is black with six tiny feet, which is the shape of an ant. One day, my biscuit fell on the ground accidentally, and I had a brainwave: "You can feed ants with it". So I took the biscuit to the outside, and found that there was an ant crawling around on the ground, so I put the biscuit down. When I put it down, the biscuit broke into two pieces, and the ant immediately found out that it tried to move it first, but for it, The biscuit is really a huge thing. It has no choice but to give up and leave in a hurry. Soon, I found that on its way back, dozens of ants appeared at once. They attacked the place where the biscuit was put. You drag and pull, lift the biscuit, and then move in the direction of millimeter by millimeter. To reach their cave, you must pass a "tunnel", It was not easy. The entrance of the "tunnel" was too small. Although they could not get in despite of their efforts, they were not discouraged. They worked together all the time. None of the ants fled at the moment. Finally, by breaking the biscuits into pieces, they finally moved all the biscuits into the cave. Watching them keep busy, I became more and more interested. Finally, I put together the killed mosquitoes, flies and leftover biscuits, and found that more and more ants were coming to this pile of "food"??, Finally, the ants removed all the food on the ground, and even the biscuit crumbs were hard to see. At the same time, I also found a secret. Ants are not desperate to move things. They will also find ways to change their strategies when encountering difficulties. In the process of moving, they always unite and persevere. No ant will become a deserter, and they will succeed in the end. This is the ant, a lovely elf. Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 500 words - what you pay attention to

The students will feel happy in their childhood. For example, you are loved by your father, mother, grandfather and grandmother; Be praised by teachers and admired by classmates. These are your happiness. But that is not enough. Students should polish their small eyes and observe you talking to someone; How the person looks; How will science and technology be advanced in the future?? In this way, you will be happy, but don't think about your own shortcomings. I saw some people who were very gentle and enthusiastic. For example, there is an old grandpa living on the 12th floor of my building. That grandpa is very enthusiastic. Every time he sees my mother and me, he smiles at us. Once school is over, we will all meet. Because grandpa is waiting for us every day, and his grandson is also studying in Changgang Middle Road Primary School, but he helped me to press the "18" floor every time after he knew my residence. I am very fond of their grandparents and grandchildren. We can't forget the teacher who taught us. I will say that my head teacher, Miss Fu, likes 45 students in our class very much. She is easy to laugh, and we are so "naughty" that she cannot laugh or cry; On the other hand, Mr. Fu is easily angry. Why? Because our homework is sloppy! When Teacher Fu is angry, he will be "furious"! Our future can not be "discarded"! We can imagine that in the future, cars will fly, computers will be on the cars, and they can dive; There are many automatic equipment at home?? If you think about it, it will take you into the space of imagination, and immediately you will feel extremely happy! Our world is colorful. If we polish our own eyes, we will feel, feel, feel, compare and enjoy! Cao Junhao

Observing Things in Composition (16)

Since ancient times, grass is a kind of thing that is easy to be ignored, but I think it is an indispensable thing on the road of my life.

Grass is the power of life machine. It is full of vitality, dream and hope. Grass has a wide range of functions: it can be made into prescriptions for people to treat diseases; It can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, so that we have fresh air every day; It can protect water and soil loss and prevent desertification in the world?? It has another quality that has always inspired me, that is, perseverance.

I remember when I was in the sixth grade of primary school, I didn't play well in the mid-term exam, and I failed in the exam. I walked to the small river by myself and silently looked at the flowing river. I was stunned and sat down. I sat on the green grass, calmly reflecting on my previous loss. At this time, the light in my heart has disappeared, and I feel as if I have fallen into an abyss and can't get up. Thinking about it, I stood up, looked down and saw the grass was squashed by me. I thought to myself: grass also has a sense of loss like me! I went home in despair.

The next day, I came to the place where I was yesterday to reflect. Unexpectedly, the grass that was bruised all over by me yesterday grew up again and had more vitality. My heart was touched at once. The light in my heart was shining again, and I regained confidence. At that time, my heart was like a big stone, but now I have moved the stone away, and the knot of my heart has also been untied. Looking at the grass, I couldn't help drinking Bai Juyi's poem: "The wild fire can't be burned out, and the spring wind blows again." I ran home happily, just like a happy bird, flying freely in the sky. In the final exam, I was full of confidence and created brilliant results - because I knew where to fall, I had to work hard to get up from there, convinced that nothing in the world could fail as long as you persevered and worked hard!

Ah! Grass, you touched my heart and made it spacious and bright!

Grade 6 of Donghu Primary School: Huang Liwen

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 600 words - what you pay attention to

I once read a story that my father wanted to "transform the character" of a pair of twin brothers because one of them was overly optimistic and the other was overly pessimistic. One day, he bought many colorful new toys for pessimistic children, and sent optimistic children to a garage full of horse dung.

The next morning, when the father saw that the pessimistic child was sobbing, he asked, "Why not play with those toys?"

"Play will be bad." The child is still crying.

The father sighed and walked into the garage, only to find that the optimistic child was happily digging something out of the horse dung.

"Tell you, Dad." The child proudly announced to his father, "I think there must be a pony hidden in the horse dunghill!"

From this story, we can easily draw the conclusion that optimists can see opportunities in every crisis, while pessimists can see dangers in every opportunity.

People's beliefs are different, and the objects they serve are naturally different.

You must be familiar with the TV series "Bright Sword"! Both Li Yunlong and Chu Yunlong love their motherland. They are not afraid of the invasion of Japanese devils. They can take the lead in beating the Japanese invaders. Little Japan was driven away, and Li Yunlong and Chu Yunlong became two powerful enemies on the battlefield because of their different beliefs and political positions. Chu Yunlong was loyal to the Chiang family dynasty and supported Chiang Kai shek's autocracy. Li Yunlong, on the other hand, was dedicated to the masses and insisted on the road of people's democratic dictatorship. So they fought against each other. If it weren't for the war, I believe Li Yunlong and Chu Yunlong would become good friends. They appreciate each other's military talents.

As Sushi said in his poem "On the West Forest Wall", "The mountain peaks are seen horizontally, and the distance and height are different". The conclusions drawn from different perspectives are naturally different. Therefore, in the long river of life, we should think from different angles and directions when we encounter problems, and we should never be so obsessed.

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 600 words - what you pay attention to

Today, I read a cartoon. After reading it, I think I should have a different view on things. The cartoon shows a piece of paper on a table with a number written on it. A father and son were standing at both ends of the table arguing. The son raised his finger to "6", while the father raised his finger to "9". On closer inspection, it is 9 from the father's side and 6 from the son's side. This cartoon just came into my eyes because I thought the number painted on it was 6. When I looked carefully, I found that the number looked different from different angles. One time I saw 6, the other time I saw 9. I couldn't help thinking about what the number was? The answer is: not sure. I think that when we see something, we should not say what it is, but listen to what others say. If we think differently from others, we should not say that others' ideas are wrong. We should think from the perspective of others, so that we can answer correctly. So, how can we answer correctly? Similarly, we should think from different perspectives and think about why others think that way. If we can't think of it, we might as well ask others. In short, our thinking cannot be trapped in a narrow range. Once, we learned a text called "Painting Carambola", which fully explained that we should have different views on things. When we look at carambola from different angles, the carambola is different. Another example is to solve a word problem. Some people use arithmetic methods, and some people list equations. This is also the result of everyone's different thinking; We can't blame our parents for not doing well in the exam. We should think from the perspective of parents and understand their feelings at this time. They are also good for us. This cartoon left a deep impression on me. It tells us that we should have different views on things.

Grade 4 Volume 1 Unit 2 Composition 600 words - what you pay attention to

Well, I haven't written anything seriously for a long time recently. Let's write something today.

Suddenly, I thought of Wang Yijie for no reason, so I thought of such a story, a story about a girl, and each story was named after food. It's very interesting. Well, I'll write something like that.

Candied egg

In recent years, I have always thought of sugared eggs, their taste and some things about them and me. In fact, it was one of my favorite foods when I was young.

Because the leg is always easy to fracture, the impression of childhood is basically in bed. At that time, my mother would boil or poach eggs for me every time I broke a bone. Although my family was very poor at that time, it was not easy to buy eggs at that time. But my mother will do it for me every time.

I will never forget the way my mother fed me with tears: the dim light, I lying on the bed, and the mother who sat beside me blowing food for me with tears. This scene and the sugared eggs with a slight salty taste will never be forgotten.

In fact, the so-called sugar heart is a mature egg in July or August. It's an egg that my mother didn't cook because she had to work and take care of me. Although I didn't like it when I was young, it would flow into my neck when I lay down to eat.

But now I always think about it, about its taste, and more importantly, about the way my mother looked after me at that time. I think it's time to write this short story, otherwise I'm afraid I don't know when I can write it again.

Although my mother is now in menopause and sometimes blames me for no reason, I never answer back. Hehe, in fact, I seldom contradict my mother. Looking at her white hair, which is better than black hair, I always feel bitter. My mother loves me. She worries about my future life.

Mom, your son will never forget your love and care for him. My son really hopes he can take good care of you and father in the future.