Observations and personal insights on the International Day of Disabled Persons
What's the pain
2023-07-23 13:05:14

It is the common responsibility of the whole society to do a good job in the work of the disabled. Our bureau has always adhered to the national, provincial and municipal guidelines, policies and regulations on the development of the cause of the disabled, actively organized the implementation of various preferential policies and assistance work, worked hard to safeguard their interests, wholeheartedly served them, fully performed the functions of the department, and conscientiously did a good job in disability rehabilitation, It has effectively promoted the development of the cause of the disabled. It has received unanimous comments from all walks of life.

1、 Publicity and awareness are in place. The cause of the disabled is a cause that depends on the participation and support of the whole society, reflects the purpose of our party to serve the people wholeheartedly, and is an important link in building a harmonious society. The work of disability rehabilitation is an important functional responsibility of our bureau. The bureau leaders attach great importance to it and require relevant departments to earnestly perform their functions, so that there is a work plan at the beginning of the year and a summary at the end of the year. In daily work, make full use of shop windows, blackboard newspapers, health information, etc. to carry out policy publicity, and through party branch, trade union activities, political learning time, advocate the idea of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance, progress" on the whole, carry forward the spirit of "understanding, respect, care, help" to help the disabled, promote "respect for the disabled, care for the disabled, help the disabled The good atmosphere of "serving the disabled" calls on all cadres and workers to start from themselves and from now on, do their part for the cause of the disabled, and promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of helping others and helping the needy.

2、 Fulfill their duties and provide assistance. " During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, our bureau actively coordinated with the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation and the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau to do a good job in prevention and treatment of blindness, hearing rehabilitation, treatment of children's congenital disability and cleft lip and palate. A total of 2572 cases of cataract vision surgery, treatment of children's and adults' congenital disability and cleft lip and palate surgery were carried out. The "One Million Poor Cataract Patients Vision Restoration Project" project was implemented, and 20__ project tasks were completed. Cooperate with the Municipal Overseas Chinese Federation to complete 150 cataract vision restoration operations of the Australian Eye Charity Medical Team in the Second People's Hospital. We have completed __ cases of the task of "recovering the eyesight of poor cataract patients" funded by the __ Lions Club, __ Lions Club, __ Lions Club, __ Lions Club, __ Lions Club, and __ Lions Club. We have selected __ medical personnel to participate in the "___ Provincial Training Course on the Management of Phacoemulsification Technical Specifications for Cataracts". We have effectively implemented various business work of "Vision First China Action" and carried out more than __ publicity and education. We organized and completed __ cases of the lottery public welfare fund rehabilitation project "Cure the poor physically disabled children". We participated in the third provincial and municipal working conference on the disabled, and sent the heads of relevant functional departments to participate in the training, organization and implementation of the second national sampling survey of the disabled at the provincial and municipal levels as vice captain of the medical team. Conscientiously organize and do a good job in disability assessment work issued by the second generation of the People's Republic of China Disabled Person Certificate. The publicity activities of "Handicap Day", "Eye Care Day" and "Ear Care Day" were carried out in earnest, requiring medical and health units at all levels and all kinds of hospitals to hang slogans on the day of the activity, organize hospitals at all levels and all kinds of hospitals to carry out disability free clinics more than __ times, and distribute more than 20__ copies of various brochures. From December 17 to 20, 20__, together with relevant units, a delegation of __ members of the Standing Committee of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Branch of the Chinese Medical Association was invited to hold a series of activities in ___ and ___ counties, such as popular science publicity of rehabilitation medicine, lectures on new advances and new technologies in rehabilitation medicine, free clinics and community rehabilitation, which effectively promoted the popularization and development of rehabilitation medicine in our city, The real benefits are delivered to every disabled person.

3、 The results are remarkable and gratifying. Through sending personnel to participate in training, actively organizing disability treatment and carrying out various publicity activities to help the disabled, first, further improved the overall awareness of cadres and workers on the importance of the cause of the disabled; Second, it has strengthened the professional ability of the staff of the organ, and the disability rehabilitation function has been fully performed; Third, it has improved the ability of medical workers in our city to cure the disabled; Fourthly, a good atmosphere has been created. Cadres and staff of the health system can actively join the ranks of helping the disabled, making due contributions to the development of the cause of the disabled in our city.