Selected positive energy quotations in 2022 (classic short sentences of positive energy quotations)
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2023-03-20 12:03:44

1. Life is short, don't worry about too many gains and losses! Failure will fade in the years! Success will be covered by time; The most precious thing in life is not "can not get" and "has lost" but the happiness that can be grasped now! Plain is true.

2. Life is like an endless drudgery. Don't be afraid and refuse hardship. Going beyond hardship is a strong person in life. Any experience is a kind of accumulation. The more accumulated, the more mature people will be; The more you experience, the thicker your life will be.

3. Self defeating oneself is the most tragic failure, and self defeating oneself is the most valuable victory.

4. Hold your breath for a while, and you will not worry for a hundred days.

5. To change oneself is to save oneself, and to influence others is to save others.

6. I am growing into my best self.

7. Happiness is not in getting more, but in caring less.

8. It is not glorious to never fall down. It is the greatest glory to stand up after every fall.

9. On the way to realize the ideal, we must eliminate all distractions, especially those beautiful temptations.

10. Don't forget to be grateful in prosperity, and look for light in adversity. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will always pass through, and the rainbow will always come after the storm. Believe yourself, the road of life is your own, and no one can walk for you

11. People are born with inertia, but we can change this inertia the day after tomorrow. The more we change, the more successful we will be.

12. Courage does not mean fear does not exist, but the courage to face fear and overcome it.

13. Everyone is original when they are born. Sadly, many people gradually become pirates.

14. There is pressure, but it will not be crushed; Confused, but never desperate.

15. When you can't jump from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is not always achieved overnight. You must learn to break down your goals and gradually implement them.

16. Life needs not only length, but also width.

17. Don't forget to be grateful in prosperity, and look for light in adversity. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will always pass through. Rainbow always comes after the wind and rain... Believe yourself, the road of life is your own, and no one can walk for you

18. Cheer up and face the future bravely. Don't always think about those unhappy things. People live like this, and you will certainly live well.

19. The sunrise in the East China Sea and the sunset in the West Mountain will lead to sorrow and joy; If you don't dig into the horns of an ox when encountering an accident, you will feel comfortable.

20. To change others, it is better to change yourself first.

21. Live each day as the last day of your life. come on.

22. On the road to success, there is no end, but there is always danger; Not satisfied, but there will always be deficiencies; On the way to success, the most fundamental is that learning is the way out.

23. Clouds are sad that they cannot control themselves, animals are sad that they cannot feed themselves, and people are sad that they cannot defeat themselves.

24. You must be able to stand alone to achieve your set goals.

25. As long as you have confidence, you will never be defeated.

26. People's hearts are complicated, which always leaves us too much suspense; Heart palpitations spread, leaving a lot of dust. Confronted in a trance, it accidentally turns into a permanent memory in the bottom of my heart. It lights the heart lamp, warms the dream once cherished, and illuminates the bright and clean footsteps in the future.

27. Life, in fact, is a seven color board, with the hardships of pursuing dreams, the desire for success, the pain of failure, and the need to smile and sing the songs of life.

28. In a short life of several decades, don't leave yourself any regrets. Laugh and cry when you want, and love when you need to love. It doesn't matter whether you repress yourself.

29. If you look up to yourself first, others will look up to you.

30. Without the ability to withstand difficulties, there is no hope.

31. No matter how unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.

32. Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people only learn from themselves.

33. Nine out of ten things are not good in life. If you talk about these things every day, you will not be able to live. We should still look forward and see the bright future. I like your conclusion: why don't you put aside your worries about gain and loss, treat others and yourself kindly.

34. If you still think you are young and can waste time, you will accomplish nothing and sigh when you are old.

35. As time goes by in the ticking clock, we paint the colors and patterns we desire in the center of the white paper. I painted a rainbow, and I found that these seven color watercolors not only beautiful my paintings, but also gorgeous my life.

36. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after you start. No matter when you end, the important thing is not to regret after the end.

37. Move towards a goal and try to use your potential. You will find opportunities if you are talented.

38. Destiny is like the palm print of one's own. Although it is tortuous, it is always in one's own hands.

39. What we fear most should be broken through.

40. Luminescence is not the patent of the sun. You can also shine.

41. If you want to succeed, you should always smile at your frustrations and hardships with an optimistic attitude of complacency, indifference and frustration, and do, work hard, and strive for success!

42. When you try your best to achieve your goal, you will encounter some frustration. Don't be discouraged. The road to dreams is not smooth.

43. In order not to leave regret and regret in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our life.

44. Life is like a road, and we are the people who walk on the road. When we step on this road, each step will have a different experience. Scattered footprints and little by little experience will converge into life.

45. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

46. Think carefully before making a decision. Once you have made a decision, you should go forward bravely and stick to it.

47. Tomorrow is the fastest growing land in the world, because it is full of hope.

48. You only have a short period of time to live. Therefore, your dream should be grand, and your fear should be overcome. Your actions must be more powerful than your words.

49. When you feel helpless, there is a solid strength you can rely on, that is, yourself.

50. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed or not. Since I have chosen a distance, I only care about the wind and rain. I don't want to think about whether there will be cold wind and cold rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back.

51. The core of success and failure is how to succeed. Just aim, not aim. Regardless of the way, regardless of the consequences of success, will eventually find that it is just "doing work".

52. The human body can grow old with the passage of time, while the thought that gives people life can stay young forever, living with the sun and the moon.

53. The soul is purified in the pursuit of knowledge, and faith rises in the cause.