Lost 65 sentences
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2023-03-21 09:54:56
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. We are not suitable and have no common language.

2. The bitterest sugar is nothing but your joy sugar.

3. No matter where you go, there is someone who will stay for you.

4. Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.

5. The girl is changeable, but how she changes, her heart will not change.

6. You can leave cleanly, and don't disturb people's mind by turning around three times at a time.

7. Without you, even if people from all over the world accompany me, I will feel lonely.

8. I just don't understand where I am not good enough. You can forget it so easily.

9. Who continued to write about the future? The intermittent pen outlined the pale tomorrow.

10. The more I grow up, the more I find that only your parents really care about you.

11. I hope you have no weakness in your life. Unlike me, if someone mentions you, I will lose.

12. I'm not afraid of ten thousand people being enemies of me. I'm only afraid that you will be among them and ignore me.

13. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals.

14. In fact, you should know that feelings are never good for you, and he will treat you well.

15. How simple it is to love someone when you are young. Even your homework books are sweet together.

16. To live a beautiful life requires great patience, neither complaint nor explanation.

17. Don't give yourself reasons to be cowardly. Nothing is impossible to give up except life.

18. The sudden pain of a cold heart is something you can't make up for with so many warm greetings.

19. Thank you for your cruel and unfeeling to me, so that I can easily learn how to wither.

20. Remember, no matter how unfamiliar we are at last, the kindness we once treated you is true.

21. How can you know that there are so many moments that I want to go back to the past and do it again.

22. If I had an afterlife, I would still be alone all my life, because the person I love does not love me.

23. The so-called love words are those words that you don't believe yourself, but you hope the other party will believe them.

24. The most painful cry is always half a tear, and the deepest loneliness is standing in the crowd speechless.

25. Now I believe in letting nature take its course. Don't say I don't care. What if I do?

26. You can find countless reasons to give up on me, but I find countless reasons to forgive you every day.

27. I'm not afraid of one person. I'm afraid that when I get used to being alone, someone will disturb everything.

28. I wish I were a star. Even if it is a shooting star, it is good to have only a flash of brilliance.

29. I try to make myself happy and have a good life. I am always overwhelmed by the good of others.

30. There is a time when I really want to empty myself so that I can no longer recall the little things between us.

31. Nothing is forever and nothing will last long. Anyone can go first by making any excuse.

32. We cannot choose what will happen in life, but at least we can choose how to face it.

33. It's not that I'm lonely, but I don't want to get too familiar with people. It's really hard to feel that I'm getting farther and farther after I get familiar with them.

34. The most useless things are regret after breaking up, care after not loving, high self-esteem, and kindness with low IQ.

35. What's wrong with nearsightedness? Why should we see the world so clearly? Only when we are hazy can we feel no pain.

36. After many years, I realized that what I feared most was the sense of weightlessness, the disappointment of expectations and the fact that you never liked me.

37. The worst feeling in the world is that you can't fall in love with others because you still miss the person who hurt you.

38. Maybe we were brave and determined, but we were never winners in the confrontation with Time Old Man.

39. In life, there is no eternal love, and there is no ending emotion, and it will always end; Those who can't have will forget.

40. Just because he is too young, all the sadness and happiness are so profound, and the slightest touch is earth shaking.

41. Will you give me back my little pride? You found the one you love, while I was still wandering in place.

42. Only you know whether it hurts or not, and only you know whether it has changed or not. Don't ask me whether I am living well or not. If I can't die, I will be fine.

43. If you don't live well, I will love you. If you live well, I will love myself. Please live well and let me know nothing.

44. I suddenly want to say sorry to myself, sorry for hurting myself for some unworthy things.

45. Waiting for a lover who doesn't care about you is like waiting for a ship at the airport, a car at sea, and a snow in June.

46. As far as life is concerned, acceptance is the best gentleness. Whether it is to accept a person's appearance, that person's will never be seen again.

47. Don't think too great of yourself. You should know that in other people's world, no matter how well you do, you are just a supporting role.

48. Give time, let the past pass, and let the beginning begin. What makes you sad, one day, you will say it with a smile.

49. No matter how strange we will be, please remember that I was good to you. I won't accompany you for the rest of the way. Take care of yourself.

50. There is no relationship in the world that is not riddled with holes. Every relationship has a reason for its existence at the beginning and a necessity for its end.

51. You said that you should drink a cup of wine to the past, and never look back after love. In fact, even if you were drunk until dusk and worried alone, if the person held out his hand, you would still go with him.

52. I was let down a lot on the way of growing up, so I naturally learned to defend myself. As a result, I prevented malice and kindness, leaving me tired and lonely.

53. I just want to hide in a dark corner, look at others coldly, block my heart, and don't want to be disturbed by anyone, so I will die alone.

54. Don't judge me rashly. You only know my name, but you don't know my story. You just heard about my behavior, but you don't know what I have experienced.

55. Between you and me, I am controlled by you like a puppet. Until one antenna is broken, you can abandon me as you should, and then replace it with a new one.

56. You are neither the Monkey King nor the most precious treasure. You are just one of those people under the city wall. Watching others' love, chewing your own youth, living like a dog.

57. My world, you don't care; Your world, I was expelled. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

58. When you become more and more beautiful, naturally someone will pay attention to you. When you become more and more capable, naturally someone will look up to you. Not for others, but to be a person who even envies himself.

59. We may have a lot of love, like a lot of people, and love many times, but there is only one person who makes us laugh the most beautiful, happy, and cry the most painful!

60. It's not that you are good to others. It's that seeing others is so easy that they replace my existence. No one can be like you to me, but everyone can be me to you.

61. Hot pot can be eaten by one person, movies can be watched by one person, and one person can walk and stop, knowing that he is self-sufficient all the time. When loneliness becomes a habit, he will never ask for companionship.

62. I wish I were just a child, smiling when I gave a candy, crying when I fell down. Don't pretend to be totally different, don't suppress your mood, smile and say it doesn't matter, but the happier you smile, the more painful you feel.

63. I finally survived the period when everyone looked like you and could think of you in everything. The songs I listened to were all about your days. Fortunately, I can finally ask no return date, no contact, no longer think of you, no longer wait for you.

64. The biggest regret is not that you missed the best person, but that you ran out of your best when you met a better person. Emotion is a consumable. I only hope you leave your best to the right person.

65. It's a pity that I didn't watch the early spring when everything was recovering with you, accompany you through the long and warm summer, walk through the maple leaf forest in late autumn, and have no chance to wear thick scarves and hats to hold your hand and look forward to the future in the snow.