Teacher's impressions after reading a book
A tree of crabapple
2023-07-15 21:04:28

When I read Understanding Life, I felt deeply. From the beginning of reading to the end, my heart has always been with its greatest enthusiasm, with its own pure mind to learn from the book and the essence that is worth learning.

This book selects the ideas and growth experiences of this famous scholar, master of traditional Chinese culture and master of oriental culture from the works of Ji Xianlin. This is not only Mr. Ji's perception, but also our mentor's teaching to young people. It helps us learn how to struggle, explore, and pursue our ideals and goals, and also makes us look at life and things more deeply.

In the book, it seems that the teacher is educating us, but more shows his concern and encouragement for the next generation. He selflessly contributed all his experience of growth and learning to each reader, which benefited readers greatly.

After reading this book, the old man's voice, face and smile seemed to float before my eyes. His golden words will be forever engraved in the hearts of readers, inspiring people to wake up and forge ahead; After reading this book, it is like tasting mellow mannose, with its own flavor. The extraordinary life experience of "Century Old Man" is a huge spiritual wealth. After reading this book, I deeply know that as an educator, there are many aspects that I need to learn. This requires me to constantly read more relevant books in order to timely recharge, better serve education, and virtually improve my literary cultivation, so as to improve myself. Why not.

What impressed me most and inspired me most was Mr. Ji's attitude towards life. He wrote a total of three articles "On Life", each of which has a different perspective and different observation points to see the benefits and perfection of life. Mr. Liu put forward that "life is not perfect", and his comment on the benefits and values of life: "If life is really good and valuable, its benefits and values lie in the sense of responsibility for human development.". From these simple and concise words, we can understand your temperament and personality. He realized the true meaning of life, but also told us to treat life with unremitting efforts and a strong sense of responsibility.

If you want to make life beneficial, you must have a goal. If you want to reach this goal, you must go through the joint efforts of countless generations. Like the relay race, each generation has its own part of the way to run. Another example is a chain, which is composed of many links. Each link is a trivial individual from its own point of view, but without these many individuals, the chain cannot be formed.

In the long river of human social development, each generation of us has its own mission and responsibility, which is by no means dispensable. This is the embodiment of the benefits and values of life. Although Mr. Ji is an octogenarian, it is precisely because of his sense of mission and responsibility that he still keeps writing. He wants to leave more "wealth" to the next generation, so that we can see the selflessness and broadness of the older generation, and also from it, "Understanding Life".

This book makes me feel that in life and work, we should respond with a high degree of enthusiasm, forge ahead, work hard, and explore our new future. Let's absorb the fighting spirit and do our best for our education.