400 word composition of "Celebrity Biography", a compulsory reading for junior high school students
Warm and waiting, still beautiful
2023-06-08 12:08:06

The so-called "Biographies of Celebrities", of course, tells stories about celebrities. The author of this book is Roman Roland. In this book, there are mainly three characters: Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Levtor Stey.

After reading this book, what impressed me most was the story about Beethoven. Beethoven, the famous German musician, lived a miserable life. His life was rough. At the age of 26, his hearing gradually declined. At the age of 45, his ears were completely deaf, and he could only talk with people through the talk book. However, despite this, he did not give up his music career and continued to write.

After he lost his hearing, he continued to compose music. The Tenth Symphony is his masterpiece after he lost his hearing.

Remember one of the clips. When he was conducting the Chorus Symphony, when everyone was playing, the whole audience applauded unanimously, but he could not hear at all. It was not until a female singer took his hand and asked him to turn to face the audience that he suddenly saw the whole audience stand up and wave his hat to salute him.

Beethoven was poor, disabled and lonely, born with pain. The world never gave him happiness, but he created happiness and gave it to the world! He forged happiness from his sufferings. As he said: "Only pain, there is joy."