2022 Sentences about boys' lovelorn feelings (101 selected sentences)
Extremely bright
2023-02-10 04:06:20
Complete sentences

1. I pretended that nothing mattered, although I was exhausted.

2. Heartbreaking voice, you can't hear, what am I waiting for?

3. One person is afraid of loneliness, and two people are afraid of betrayal.

4. Hate, love, and what are all just a game with no answers. A love has gone far, smile to welcome the next story.

5. Without her, what's worth in the world for me to cherish?

6. Above people, you should look up to others, below people, you should look up to yourself.

7. If you don't want to answer my phone, just say so. Don't always let others move to say sorry for you.

8. Just one day after leaving you, you look like a child who only needs my comfort.

9. It's like someone who has made an appointment but can't wait forever. It's like putting on long sleeves, but the temperature is no longer falling.

10. Memory can't be erased, and it can't become blank after all.

11. The worst feeling in the world is that you can't fall in love with others because you still miss the person who hurt you.

12. Hearing his name again, my heart no longer throbbed. Is it true that I have put him down.

13. Not that we are not suitable, but that you are more suitable.

14. Love his strengths and his weaknesses.

15. Anyway, I will thank God for letting me meet you. Because in our hearts: there is no separation, only love!

16. Only because I can't go back, I miss it more.

17. You are stupid. I want to hate that you will talk to you every day as soon as you go online.

18. You said you wanted to protect me, but you gave me all the storms and waves later.

19. Looking back on the past, the days were full of bright lights and shadows, the barrier of memory, and the voice that once moved has gradually gone away.

20. Until one day, even lonely said tired.

21. In the next life, I want to be a fish. I only have three seconds of memory and can't remember sad things.

22. We are all living puppets. Occasionally, we also have our own thoughts.

23. It's good to say you are single, but you will still be silent when you see two people.

24. The day you left, I decided not to cry, but to hold my eyes against the wind without blinking.

25. Occasionally sad, use the beauty of the past to influence, often sad, use your perseverance to resist, really sad only to leave!

26. If I love you, I can write in reverse, will our ending not be like this now.

27. Those happy times, now no longer belong to me.

28. The girl pretends to be happy, but is afraid of being found sad by the most beloved boy.

29. The living can die, and the dead can live. Neither life nor death, nor death nor rebirth, is the supreme love.

30. People who really like you should not be treated with care.

31. Give up in this way, and achieve your happiness in this way.

32. The weather has turned cold. Remember to add clothes.

33. Love is like two people pulling a monkey's tendon, and the one that hurts is always the one who gives up later

34. Keep love in your heart, because I have no bottom. Do not hold hands in this life, but I will hold hands in the next life!