Sad Sentences of Love
Sweet dreams, rain and smoke
2023-07-19 04:05:19

1. If they appeared earlier, they might not be closely linked with another person. Or meet a little later. It's too late for two people to slowly learn tolerance and understanding, kindness and compromise in their respective love experience. Maybe when they come together, they will not give up so easily. They will turn around willfully and let love go. It's a rare fate that we didn't take a step earlier or a step later.

2. I love you, here I treat you as treasure; You love others and only treat you as grass in others' eyes. You must pursue what you love to be grass, then I can only feel that I don't know whether love is really cheap sometimes or people are really cheap sometimes. Love is a gorgeous adult game, but the lonely you and I met, accompanied by a dance, and then the song ended, a beautiful farewell.

3. First love is unforgettable, is a simple love, pure love. Some people will fight to the end for their first love, while others can't wait to leave. First love may bring you romance, sweetness, excitement and excitement, and may have brought you madness, depression and sadness. No matter what the final outcome, it will leave you too rich and profound content, enough time for you to recall and speculate for a lifetime

4. Give you happiness, but can't enter your world. I want to exchange my whole world for a ticket to your world, but that is just my wishful thinking. My world, you don't care; Your world, I was expelled. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

5. Because of love, you give him the right to hurt you. The person who makes you cry until you are torn is the one you love most; The person who makes you laugh heartlessly is the one who loves you most. In your life, do you want to laugh heartlessly or cry heartrending? Maybe it is not time that manages a love, but the touching feeling of each other! And what can bring us that touching feeling is often something we haven't got yet.

6. A person will cry because of pain; The reason why a person hurts is because he cares; The reason why a person cares is because he has feelings; A person has feelings only because you are a person! So, you feel, care, pain, tears, that you are a complete person. When you are sad, forgive yourself. You are just a person. There is no need to look at yourself as indestructible.

7. In many days, I like the sadness, the sadness of a person, the loneliness of a person at night, the sad music, the sad words, and the search for heart resonance. It is always too easy to rely on a person, and often fall into loneliness. Care too much about a person, the mood is often about, leaving only heartache. Why sad, I don't know, just suddenly.

8. The more afraid of losing, the easier it is to lose. The more you want it, the more you have to let it go. It's hard to let go, but there's no choice. There are many things that can be retrieved, such as conscience and weight. But there are more irretrievable things, old dreams, years, feelings for a person. It is not painful to give up a person who loves you very much. It is painful to give up a person who loves you very much.

9. For so many years, I have been learning one thing, that is, I don't look back, only regret what I didn't do, and don't regret what I did. Every walk in life requires a price. I got what I wanted and lost what I didn't want to lose. But who in the world is not like that? If I hadn't met him, where would she be now? Who will rely on the shoulder? Who will be happy? Who will be happy

10. What I once thought would last forever is actually just a chance encounter. You are the sand blowing into my eyes, blurring my eyes and not seeing the sky clearly. The end of this bustling, not the city, not the country, but all I have. What do you want, life together, or a moment of greed. What I want is a simple but stable life. Love is a dead end; The best happiness is the care you give.

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