One hundred years of loneliness
The moon on the sea is born with tide
2023-12-06 11:44:14
Senior One
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In the isolated Macondo, there is a world, all kinds of people in the world, and all loneliness in the world. All the characters in Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude are like flesh and blood, but more like empty souls. While reading this book, I read out all kinds of loneliness we may encounter in our life from the characters in it. Jose Alcatio Bourndia, a scientist who has failed repeatedly but is indomitable, always has endless imagination and endless perseverance.
He reflects the shadow of all scientific pioneers, fanaticism and indifference, recklessness and calm, the desire to explore and the idea of giving up. All kinds of contradictory characters are reflected in him. He tried to dig gold with a magnet, tried to use a telescope as a weapon, and tried to smelt mercury into gold. His efforts have not been understood by many people, and even his wife Ursula, who lives with him day and night, rejected his actions. But when he revealed all the mysteries of life, he was treated as a madman, bound to the trunk of a chestnut tree, and quickly forgotten.
The old dream of alchemy has become nihilistic in his eyes, and he can only endure the pain between life and death - endless loneliness. Marquez seems to be using this to express his deep sympathy for all the pioneers. As for Ursula, he is a hardworking worker. She is always the economic and spiritual support of the family in the home that has been turned upside down from time to time. She never had the pleasure of singing, nor the elegance of playing. All kinds of labor were like puzzles to piece together her compact and lonely life.
She is everywhere. Her figure appears in the psychedelic reflection of furniture, in the plain world, and in the noise of small candy workshops. She was also ethereal, like a ghost who came to the world to atone for her sins through labor. In the end, with her death, her name was also thrown into the abyss of memory. The author writes her long life, which is also a paean to all the lonely labors in Colombia. As for Aureliano Bourndia, the most lonely forerunner, launched 32 uprisings in his life, but destroyed his own war achievements in order to return to the original life.
He escaped fourteen assassinations, seventy-three ambushes and one shooting. When he reached the commander in chief of the revolutionary army, he only got a Macondo street named after him. His life was as magnificent as a hurricane, and as quiet and lonely as stagnant water. Just like those who fought for freedom in Colombia, no matter how great achievements they made in life, they are still forgotten by most people after death. In a village, there is everything in the world. This lonely village tastes all kinds of bitterness and loneliness in the world in the endless rain water in rainy season, the endless drought in dry season, the butterflies flying in the sky and the ants everywhere.
However, as Marquez said: "Families destined to endure a hundred years of loneliness will not have a second chance to appear on the earth." Modern society will eliminate loneliness with civilization, and return a new world to these people who are incompatible with society. In this way, in the new social environment, they will forget their confusion and win a full life.