Emotional quotations
where ignorance is bliss , ti 's folly to be wise
2023-04-22 03:32:58

1. Love mind reading skill: when you love, let him be free; When you don't love, let love be free. Care about once owned, also care about forever. I would rather be proud and single than wronged myself. Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the wrong heart, just be the happiest yourself.

2. To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport. Don't blame others for letting you down, blame yourself for expecting too much.

3. Crazy miss is wantonly dividing the sweetness, we are still pretending to be ourselves, we pretend to be brave and strong and tell ourselves that if we want to forget, there is nothing we cannot do. So our tears when we were sad began to freeze in our eyes, and could not flow out any more

4. Is there a mercy in your mind? That's the waiting that I paid for with five hundred years of prayer in my previous life. When there is wind and rain, he doesn't leave at will. When the wind is calm, he will only slowly come.

5. For a woman, whether she loves others or is loved by others, it is also a dilemma.

6. I never like accommodating, but I have compromised for you for a long time with the cleanest sincerity.

7. Rather than getting angry because others think you are inferior, we should strive for a better tone of voice. Winning is always more beautiful and smart than being angry. In this life, people should be able to stand up to lies, perfunctory, deceit and forget their promises.

8. 7. I will not let my love pass me by again! Now I want to tell you loudly: I really love you.

9. No matter how sad I used to be, at least now I am happy. That's enough!

10. May you have deep feelings for the past, but never look back.

11. 8. Who is the passer-by in life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of previous life, the wind of this life, and the spirit of endless sorrow.

12. People only have a lifetime. In fact, there is no need to be too demanding or extravagant. Just have a happy home of your own. Do what you want to do, love what you want to love, and strive to live each day well. Look closely at the flowers blooming in front of the court, look far into the sky, clouds rolling, clouds sparse, everything can be seen calmly, eliminate the distractions in your heart, and cultivate a pure land in your heart

13. Sad, quietly squat down and hold yourself, let the tears freely fall; Sad, silently hide themselves, let emptiness cover everything; When you are sad, you can pretend to be happy and forget yourself for a while; When you are sad, listen to music and let it take away. Who hasn't been sad, forget it... let's express our sadness with a smile

14. People who don't think they are happy will never be happy.

15. May you be happy without pretending. May you enjoy your life and be sincere and kind. I wish you a peaceful life and respect me for the rest of my life. Always live to see yourself, and the smile should be particularly bright. Don't care about others' pointing, be yourself, let those who look down on you look down on you, and let those who look down on you like you more.

16. Many things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull it out, not to endure it.

17. 3. I may be an accident to you; You are a love to me.

18. Under the rotation of time, our feelings were gradually eroded. As time goes by, the hopes that once existed are wiped out little by little.

19. As long as I'm willing, I can let you climb to the top. As long as I'm bored, you can also fall down immediately.

20. In this world, everyone has his own sad things, and should not cry for a stranger.

21. I am a layman. I like mountains when I see them, and I like the sea when I see the sea.

22. When you are determined to take a road, you should not look around. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you should not linger. You should know your purpose, what your heart is pursuing like steel, and where it is. You should remind yourself from time to time.

23. One form of love can be summed up as "forgetting". When he is in front of him, love him selflessly and cherish the good time; He is not around, "forget him" and enjoy his personal time. No burden, no dependence, can be independent.

24, 0. We like simple love, the kind of love that focuses on doing something for someone.

25. The memory of the past is so clear.

26. I passed your heart, not because I didn't want to stay, but because you refused to accept it.

27. It is always necessary to become mature and see the flashy world more clearly. Seeing through the truth of disguise and the hidden falsehood, many things that originally believed will no longer be believed. However, we should believe that the world is always more beautiful than dark, joy is always more than suffering, and there are many things worth believing as always.

28. The most unforgettable thing is that you never think of it, but never forget it.

29. I love you secretly, but I dare not tell you all the time. The desk is a little small. When I meet you, my heart is always thumping. Sometimes I even feel like holding you.

30. Some people have learned everything in their whole life, but they have not learned how to think.

31. Everyone has a jar. Pretend the sadness of your lover. The bigger the jar, the more sorrow it contains, the happier the loved one will be. God said in his dream that my pot is the biggest, because I carry all your sadness!

32. Once upon a time, once again, once again. Now it is just a passing thing.

33. The things you deliberately look for are often not found. All things in the world come and go with his time.

34. We can always catch a glimpse of other people's failures, mistakes and shortcomings, and can't help making comments and suggestions. But we can think about it. When we encounter failures, mistakes and our own shortcomings, what we expect is not others' comments and corrections, but patience and tolerance.

35. If one day you are too tired, just turn around and my blessing will be behind you. No matter how far away, no matter how many years. Let it turn into a little blue star, shining in the morning, in the dusk, in every space of your life.

36. For the sake of good and noble love, I am willing to let the desert bury my life. Maybe you will never understand that this is a real man picking maple leaves with his youth, just to reflect your cheeks in this autumn!

37. Cutting off the general interests of citizen science because of love; On the contrary, they also want to bring all the flames of love to these aspects, and conversely, the vastness and grandeur of these worlds also permeate into love.

38. The so-called worry is just not as good as one's own will. It is self clinging, clinging to one's own ideal. Any gap will lead to trouble. Life is like a chess game, and the opponent is our environment. Some people can make arrangements as early as possible, even dozens of steps away; Some people can only see a few steps away, or even take a step.

39. I miss you. Let's date! I want to hold your hand, walk in the morning and dusk, listen to the breeze singing; I want to hold your hand and look askance at the rising and falling of the sun to let the warmth ripple. Don't hesitate to accept it!

40. There is a kind of happiness called hand in hand, which can sense the heartbeat of the same frequency and the temperature in the palm of the hand! Walking hand in hand in the afterglow of the sunset, we gradually lengthened the two figures together. At last, only two points disappeared at the end of the world, and I would not be lonely with you all the way.

41. In winter, you gave me a summer dream but woke me up in spring. I felt colder than winter because I didn't adapt to it all at once, but it's not your fault; It's strange that I regard my dream as reality

42. Even if the road to tomorrow is hard, we must be tenacious and only the hegemon can create brilliance.

43, 6. The left hand is tied with your thoughts, but the right hand is holding your sorrow.

44. Delete and write, write and delete. Finally, I just said good night.

45 、 6 、 The biggest difference between people and plants is that we have brains. Because we have brains, we have trouble and sorrow.

46. Sometimes, I just want to cry because I feel frustrated. Sometimes, I just want to be crazy, because I am depressed. Sometimes, I just want to shout abuse, because I feel unhappy. Sometimes, I just want to be quiet, because I'm really tired.

47. Nothing in the world can last forever. If it flows, it flows away; If it exists, it will dry up; If it grows, it slowly withers.

48. One day, I will also let go of my persistence and reluctance and live a new life without you with a little regret.

49. Some people are so strange that they disappear.

50. If you have no earth shaking big things to do, then be a small man, parents for a lovely child, filial children for an old couple, and a simple and happy life for your other half.

51. The hot and scorching sun lasts for a long summer, and the billowing heat wave is nowhere to hide. The black heart panics in front of you, and Venus sweat flies in your head; Thinking of you in your mind is like eating cool candy. The bottom of my heart is cold, and even if it's hot, it's like an air-conditioned room!

52. I am energetic enough to do anything.

53. Less time, more policy. Kegui gets together and feels deeply. No one wants to lose to anyone, and no one will forget anyone.

54. For a long time, you think that some people have changed, but in fact, they have not changed, just lost their masks.

55. We have witnessed an era change. The house, car, material and pressure make people more motivated, but we don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

56. In fact, everyone is a pilgrim and has their own goals and vows. Due to various objective and subjective reasons, not everyone can achieve goals and vows, although their goals and vows are different. In fact, as long as you are on the road and close to the target, you have already arrived.

57. Every time I put on that dress, everything in the world changes for me. In autumn, I walk in the woods, and the autumn rain also turns into a song. In winter, I dance in the garden, and withered flowers bloom one by one!

58. In fleeting years, we are looking forward to a blossom of happiness.

59, 5, I understand everything you said, and I am also deeply involved.

60. "Life and death are rich, and you can talk with your son. Hold your son's hand, and grow old with your son." Don't intrude into other people's lives easily, and don't let others intrude into your life easily.

61. The feeling of love without being able to stop is like you shouting at the mountain. Your own echo always answers you. You want to embrace the wind, but the wind slips away from you without stopping. You tell him that I like you, but he only says that we are not suitable.

62 、 4 、 If you relax your demands on others, you will not always be disappointed; If you are more strict with yourself, you will not always be depressed.

63. There is no lasting love or friendship.

64. People who are quick to warm are also quick to freeze, while people who are slow to warm are most intimate.

65. Many people always feel powerless in their life, feeling that they are restricted by the environment and reality. In fact, the environment and reality are just like the external and tangible rope on the elephant's foot. What binds us is not the external and tangible reality and environment, but many invisible constraints imprinted in the heart and formed in the process of growth.

66. I still remember that I showed off you to others.

67. Learn to adapt, and your environment will become bright; Learn to be tolerant, and you will have no trouble in your life.

68. My personality is unrestrained and rebellious, and my temper is simple and rude.

69. Some things are not insisted on when we see hope, but when we persist, we will see hope.

70. If you are willing to give up, you will not suffer; if you are moderately satisfied, you will not regret; Remember that gratitude will not complain, and treasure will not be ashamed. In life, we seek satisfaction in a light heart, peace of mind in due diligence, happiness in dedication, and happiness in loyalty.