Feelings from Watching The World
Chase my tomorrow
2023-08-12 12:45:40
third year in high school

The documentary World of Humanity has 9.6 points on Douban. After preliminary understanding, I know that it is a well made documentary. It faces life, old age, disease and death, and doctor-patient relationship. I decided to go and see it.
When I saw the episode of "Birthday", I was very touched and sighed with emotion. Only doctors and women in the delivery room know how much pain and risk some people have suffered for the arrival of a new life. Some women in the ward will leave their children even if they know that forced pregnancy with congenital heart disease is equivalent to death, One of the most moving words I heard is that it is incomplete for a woman to have no child; Some of the women who gave birth to a boy at an advanced age finally took out the whole uterus to ensure their lives. The life with a child is complete, and the life with a boy will be more complete. This is my deepest feeling.
There is one detail that I can't agree with all the time: there was a pregnant woman with congenital heart disease who never showed fear before giving birth. Even if she ignored the advice of the doctor and her family for pregnancy, the doctor must repeatedly emphasize and explain the possible consequences and results. On the eve of the delivery, the mother cried and said that she was afraid. She was not afraid of herself, but was afraid that the child would not develop well. But her husband said to her that the road was chosen by herself. Seeing this, I feel that as a husband, I am very heartless. At this critical moment, everyone knows the consequences but can only wait for the important moment of the results. Shouldn't it be encouragement and comfort? The seemingly reasonable path is chosen by oneself, but it is actually the most ruthless.
Just like a sentence repeatedly stressed by the doctor at the meeting: we must talk to the patients repeatedly, talk to them in death, and list these cases to them.
Fertility is a woman's right. Some people defend their rights for the sake of life integrity. It is difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong about rights. Documentary films reveal life and human nature, which happens every day, so that we can understand the stories hidden behind life.
The hospital bears the starting point and end point of people, and each starting point and end point welcomes and sees off many people. The birth of a child means the continuation of life. What does the continuation of life mean? So I asked my grandmother who was over seventy that year, and the answer she gave me was to raise children to prevent old age. Raising children to prevent old age is a big topic, involving class and concept. The best answer I have seen is Lian Yue's analysis of this problem. I think everyone has different answers, so let's live according to their own wishes.