Weight loss and slimming copy (inspirational weight loss copy)
Ordinary life
2023-03-04 06:03:33
Complete sentences

1. If mosquitoes do not suck blood, but instead suck fat, what a lovely creature they will be!

2. Losing weight is a very simple thing, that is, eat less and move more. Don't make it too complicated, which is bad for your health or causes psychological problems, but will bring more troubles.

3. Eat? Are you qualified to eat? Have the face to eat? Don't you feel sick? Do you want facial music? Do you want to surprise those who look down on you?

4. I don't hate my people when I am fat. I will repay you when I am thin!

5. Other women can lose weight. Why can't you! Are you an idiot? Are you born to be a fat pig?

6. Don't just fantasize about how thin you are, instead of trying!

7. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end. Because nothing can rival time.

8. Women who weigh three figures have no future! Only be cruel to yourself!

9. Confidence, determination, perseverance, three in one.

10. What's the difference between a man and an animal when he can't control his appetite?

11. Don't buy new clothes without losing weight! Don't do your hair again if you don't lose weight! You should always be an earthy fat man wearing outdated clothes!

12. No matter how hard it is, we must persist! No excuses!

13. Go and look in the mirror when you are hungry, dead fat woman!

14. After surviving tonight, you will have more confidence to face life tomorrow.

15. Think of the white eyes of the shop waitress.

16. Why do you have to start with brain cells when others lose weight and lose waist and buttocks.

17. I used to love a person, always together; Love a person now, put it in your heart.

18. I have heard many sighs at many intersections, and I am serious about you and at a loss.

19. Even if we survive the whole winter in expectation and anxiety, the next season may not be warm in spring.

20. Losing weight is a habit, not an abyss in your life. If you form this habit, losing weight will become as simple as washing your face and brushing your teeth every day.

21. If you don't restrain yourself, envy others all your life!

22. If you want to be thin, you have to pay a price. If you can't stand it, you can continue to work in the ranks of fat people. In any case, there are so many fat people in the world, and you are just as good as you.

23. Beauty, what's the use of losing a little weight? Don't listen to others' hypocrisy. You seem to have lost a little weight. What's the use of being thinner? Listen to others. Wow! You are so pretty! That would be beautiful.

24. What is impossible for a person who can control his weight?

25. Losing weight has not been successful, and comrades still need to work hard.

26. Fat guy just dumped by his boyfriend! Wahahahaha! You are finally dumped! Your boyfriend is a dung machine that only eats and pulls. You also want to dump him, right! Still overeating in pain? Then wait for the next man to dump you!

27. We are all children who laugh recklessly in the sun but cry in the moonlight.

28. If you want to be thin, you must pay a price. Don't start if you are afraid of suffering too much. If there is no good way, it is tolerance. Don't ask me how to bear it, just don't eat it.

29. The most sad thing is that the body is very bony, the face is very plump, and there is no wood?