50 Extract 50 Parallelism Sentences
The mountain stream is clear and hazy
2023-07-13 10:53:43
parallel sentences

1. Winter is like a bright moon with frost all over the sky; Winter is like a quiet lake, quiet and steady; Winter is like shy wintersweet, simple and unadorned.

2. Winter is a baby, pure and flawless; Winter is a teenager, cold and rebellious; Winter is an old man with warmth.

3. Courage is the wind, blowing the sails of progress; Courage is the sail that inspires the ship to sail far; Courage is a ship, sailing to the other side of success.

4. Autumn is a poem, full of harvest; Autumn is a wisp of spring, bringing cool; Autumn is a white crane, flying forever.

5. To transform the world, we must first transform ourselves; To achieve a career, one must first work hard on oneself; If you want to reach the top successfully, you must climb hard first.

6. If there is no competition, there will be no good or bad. If there is no competition, there will be no survival of the fittest. If there is no competition, there will be no progress.

7. The troubles in youth, parents' nagging, middle-aged troubles, career success or failure, old age troubles, all kinds of morbid conditions appear.

8. Freedom is the seagull flying in the clear sky; Freedom is white clouds floating in the blue sky; Freedom is a carefree bird.

9. Dream is a sharp sword that can help you clear obstacles, a bright light to illuminate your future, and a monument to help you witness glory.

10. Learning is like the shade of a tree, guarding my dream; Knowledge is like a shield, guarding my life; Teachers are like angels, guarding our bright road.

11. When it thundered, the flowers still laughed, the butterflies still flew, and the grasshoppers still jumped, because they were really happy. After the heavy rain, everything was new.

12. The green field is like a boundless blanket, the green field is like a green ocean, and the green field is like a girl in a green skirt.

13. Autumn is a high blue sky, without a trace of dust, flying freely; Autumn is the golden field in the distance, with the fragrance of rice and the joy of harvest.

14. Reading makes people active and intelligent; Reading enables people to increase their knowledge and speak well; Reading makes people cultivate their sentiment and dream.

15. Kinship is rain, which moistens the dry land; Kinship is soil, cultivate tender seedlings; Kinship is a seedling, which hastens the growth of strong trees; Kinship is a tree, which protects you from wind and rain.

16. Happiness is a glass of white water when you are ill, a greeting when you are in difficulty, an encouragement when you are frustrated, and a rescue when you are in despair.

17. The modest often succeed, the proud often fail; The diligent often succeed, the lazy often fail; Self confident people often succeed, self abased people often fail.

18. Music is a breeze that blows away the distractions in the heart: music is a heavy rain that washes away the dust in the heart; music is a stream that washes away the complaints in the heart.

19. Friendliness is the sky, containing all things in the world; Friendliness is oxygen, which breeds new life; Friendliness is sunshine, rain and dew, shining and nourishing the generation of virtue.

20. I like the four seasons of the year, like the romantic spring; Like the hot summer; I also like the quiet and refreshing autumn; I prefer white and flawless winter.

21. The autumn wind is gentle and touching you. The autumn wind, quietly, visiting you, a little reluctant, is still that nostalgia.

22. The budding of flowers is their new start. The hearty opening of flowers is their bright smile. Flowers have the temperament and happiness that ordinary people do not have.

23. A woman's wisdom is like a rolling wave, a woman's wisdom is like an endless sky, and a woman's wisdom is like a 40 storey skyscraper.

24. Trust is the cool wind in summer and the fire in winter; Trust is the frankness between people, the openness between hearts; Trust is the virtue of life and the realm of life.

25. Mother's love is the sun that warms the soul, mother's love is the rain that moistens the soul, mother's love is the fertile soil that irrigates the soul, and mother's love is the rainbow that beautifies the soul.

26. Help each other to bring people closer to each other; Help each other, let the warmth of human feelings spread all over the world; Help each other, let the lonely no longer lonely, the weak gain strength.

27. I like the recovery of everything in spring, the blooming flowers in summer, the golden wind, rain and dew in autumn, and the white snow in winter, but the most beautiful thing is every path I walk with you.

28. Maternal love is like warm tea in spring, icy water in summer, warm sun in autumn and winter, but I say that maternal love is an endless sea, soothing our hearts.

29. It is playing in the autumn. Yellow rice fields, red maple trees, golden yellow everywhere, autumn color symbolizing mature harvest.

30. Good women make people relaxed and happy, happy all the time, remembered all the time, warm, elegant and beautiful like you.

31. The mountain has a magnificent style, and the mountain also has a simple character. The mountain is heroic and beautiful. Strange danger is a mountain, winding is a mountain, flat is a mountain, abrupt is a mountain, gentle is a mountain, whistling is a mountain.

32. Love is the cornerstone to build a magnificent mountain; Love is a mountain peak, holding up the red sun; Love is the sun, bringing infinite warmth; Love is warmth, melting the ice in your heart.

33. We always admire our knowledge. Behaviour is our lifelong model. Feelings are our constant reverie. Missing is our lasting memory. Blessing is our emotional pouring.

34. Time is wonderful, sometimes the fastest and slowest, sometimes the longest and shortest, sometimes the most ordinary and precious. Cherish your time, friends. Don't let your life leave regrets.

35. Father's love is like a mountain, deep and broad; Father love is like the sea, deep and generous; Father love is like fire, burning hot; Father's love is like wine, which makes people have endless aftertaste; Father's love is like an umbrella, which protects you from wind and rain.

36. In my eyes, the motherland is a great selfless mother; The river is her sweet milk, the mountain is her warm embrace, the trees are her shining hair, and she has raised countless lovely children.

37. Sympathy is a spring breeze that makes withered branches bloom with new green; Sympathy is a lucky cloud, which makes the noon sun less hot; Sympathy is a drizzle, which makes the injured talent grass well watered.

38. If I am a flower, father love is the soil for cultivating this flower; If I were a ship, my father's love would be the rudder to guide me; If I were a kite, my father's love would be the rope that pulled me.

39. Love is a spring in the desert, which brings hope for survival. Love is a song floating in the night sky, which brings spiritual comfort. Love is the cool wind in the hot summer that soothes the troubled mind.

40. Kick away the troubles of the week, kick away the worries of the week, break through the hard work of the week, smash the depression of the week, beat the busy week, defeat the problems of the week, overcome the problems of the week, win the honor of the week, and enjoy the weekend!

41. You are the harbor, and I am the returning boat; You are a big tree, I am the green leaves on the tree; You are the moon, and I am the star illuminated by you; You are the blue sky, and I am the eagle flying freely.

42. Trying is courage, the courage for people to challenge and surpass themselves; Trying is a kind of will. To try, we must have the will in addition to courage. It is because of him that we can try and do better.

43. Maternal love is a cup of strong tea. Although the first drink is bitter, it will be sweet and fragrant after a long time; Motherly love is an umbrella, although rough and old, but it can shade and shelter you from the rain; Maternal love is a garment, which is simple and elegant, but close to the body and comfortable.

44. Your care makes us feel the kindness of our elders; Your encouragement, let us raise the sail of struggle; Your profundity has bathed us in the sunshine of knowledge; Your dedication has made me appreciate the style of teachers' morality.

45. Nurses are like angels, holding out their love and warming every patient. Nurses, like silkworms, contribute their lives and serve every patient. Nurses are like wax torches, burning their own years and shining on every patient.

46. What is the time? Time is a ruler, which can measure the progress of the strivers; Time is a balance, which can weigh the achievements of the strivers; Time is a shuttle, it can take us to travel the long river of history.

47. Autumn wind, autumn rain and autumn cool, autumn branches, autumn leaves, autumn grass yellow, autumn clouds, autumn moons and autumn breezes, autumn chrysanthemums, autumn geese, autumn wind, autumn feeling, autumn lingering, autumn thoughts, autumn yearning, autumn melancholy, the weather is cool, remember to add autumn clothes, don't catch cold! Deep yard lock autumn!

48. Give you a smile and make your mouth turn up. Give you a bottle of good wine to let you taste the sweet feeling. Give you a coat, let you enjoy the warm embrace. I send you my best wishes for the National Day holiday, and let the happy moment accompany you.

49. Mei is a fearless warrior who dares to fight against the cold; Mei, a noble gentleman, is open and unattractive to everyone; Mei, an intellectual lady, silently emits charming fragrance; Mei, the messenger of spring, loudly announces the arrival of the New Year.

50. Power is a responsibility, not an organization's right to "compensate" individuals. It is an obligation, not a "capital" to reap personal benefits. The power is a burden, not a "hotbed" to seek happiness