Come on, you are the best 29 quotes
regard with equanimity
2023-07-09 14:54:46

1. When the fireworks fall, even the memory will not be darker.

2. Life is sweet, I'm worth it, you have to refuel.

3. You will have what others will have. Good days lie ahead.

4. Because after meeting you, I don't want to be alone anymore.

5. I don't like fat people. I only like her. She's just fat.

6. I'm a better person now. I deserve anyone.

7. If life is a dream, then I would like to dream all of you.

8. How famous you are, how much money you earn, you have to live your own life.

9. In any case, tomorrow may not be as good as today.

10. You try to live up to others' eyes and forget your true self.

11. I've been away for half my life and ended up in such a field. I'm still helpless.

12. If you change the path, you will not solve the problem. Don't always walk away.

13. Take every wind as a signal to take off. Life is like an adverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian.

14. Sometimes, people must force themselves to a desperate situation before they can move forward.

15. Those who can't go back are all hometown. They have long mistakenly regarded other countries as hometown, and also regarded them as hometown.

16. As a man, you don't have to be so clear about everything. There is a long way to go. Don't be trapped by one thing.

17. If the meaning of life lies in tossing, then my weight should be able to throw dazzling water.

18. What others will have, you will have trouble points. It's nothing. Life is a trouble, and good days lie ahead.

19. You are full of thorns. You only hurt people around you. The farther you push them, the more you are left alone.

20. As an actor, it's just like that, let alone being fat or thin. Even the hair is not what you say.

21. When you pass my life, the twinkling of an eye can be comparable to the starlight. I look up to your world, like a fireworks far away.

22. It's not easy for people to live. If I have something, you don't have it. If you have something, I lack it. People always see others as good and envy others.

23. The best love is to have a good meal together every day. Even if we are not around each other in the future, these aftertastes are still worth cherishing.

24. The sun will not turn, but it will hide from me. The dark clouds have no weight to hit people's heads. I still look forward to the next intersection, waiting for the wind to clear up.

25. We never know what the standard of excellence is. Today you compare your performance with the last few students in the class. Maybe you are excellent. Tomorrow you stand with other students with higher scores, and you become the one who is not excellent.

26. There are always difficult times in life, but no matter how difficult you feel at that time, you will tell it to yourself or others as a joke in a few years. Sometimes when you think about how you have come through all these years, you will have more courage.

27. The way we know ourselves should not be related to anyone. As long as we become the person we most want to be, even if others say you are fat or ugly, you are also the "better self". You have the confidence to stand beside anyone without feeling inferior or honored.

28. Everyone is an equal individual. As long as you don't put yourself in a lower position, no one can label you as a mean person. Perhaps it is precisely because of Fuko's attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing that the big star Hao Zeyu looks at her differently. Even though her appearance is not perfect, her soul will shine.

29. We have always said that we should "become better ourselves", but when will we become better ourselves? No one dares to draw a conclusion. We just blindly chase after something that we may not know what it is, and then feel inferior, and then despair, but forget to look at what we already have.