I love you. I love you
desire to advance
2023-04-16 07:36:38
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1. I love you. I will not let you go even if I want to exchange this country. No one can take you away from me.

2. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I can be before you.

3. Destiny is so humorous that everyone who loves you is silent. Although you love you very much, you can only hide it in your heart and dare not say it.

4. I just love you, especially you! Only I know how much I love you! I know I am the exception in your heart! Your kindness to me has never been good to anyone else. I'm content, too.

5. You may not feel it now, but I hope you feel that I respect you and love you very much. I am listening to your opinions and keeping your thoughts in mind. Don't say I'm stubborn again. I've always been the way you remember me.

6. I don't know whether it would be silly to love you. I don't want to say how long I have loved you. I only know that you are still in my heart before you go out of my heart.

7. I still love you, even though I know very well in my heart, even if there are thousands of ways not to give up, even if I can only accompany you here.

8. If I can be with you, I would rather let all the stars in the sky fall, because your eyes are the brightest light in my life.

9. You not only live in my novels, in life, you live in my heart, I love you deeply, love you really.

10. After drinking wine and singing songs, the things in my heart are released. I still miss you and love you very much.

11. Why is heart cancer rare? Because my heart is full of love. Every beat tells me a story of love for you.

12. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

13. I have traveled many bridges, seen many clouds, drunk many kinds of wine, but only loved a person of the best age.

14. I love you, even if I don't say it, time will make it the most moving love words.

15. Since I fell in love with you, I won't give up like this. I suddenly remembered the crazy days when I just fell in love with you. Now you have lost your enthusiasm. It's really sad. I love you very much in my heart, really.

16. The belt gradually broadened, and finally did not regret it. It made people haggard for Iraq.

17. Sorry, I still miss you, you have already gone, but I still stay where I am. I'm sorry, I still miss you so much. How can I forget without saying? I'm not so brave.

18. Love doesn't explain. Every word you say to me is deeply impressed on my heart. On the surface, I despise you, but in fact, I love you very much, really.

19. I love you: I don't want much, a glass of water, a piece of bread, a word I love you; If you are extravagant, I hope: water is poured by you, bread is cut by you, and I love you is what you said to me

20. First time I fell in love with you, goodbye infatuation, all day long I tried to win the heart, worked hard, and wanted to urge my heart. Don't you know my heart!