Feelings after reading Home
Purple Cloud Dream
2023-12-26 14:44:22
Junior 1
reaction to a book or an article

Home is a book written by Mr. Ba Jin. The book tells the story of an asset family from prosperity to decline, showing us the characters oppressed by the feudal social system, and showing us the beauty and ugliness of human nature.
In this big family, the most prestigious old man among the people has many descendants, focusing on Chueh hsin, Chueh min and Chueh hui in Changfang. The eldest brother Juexin was the weakest. He knew that the inappropriate advice to the people around him was wrong, but he did not dare to resist, which caused the tragedy of his wife Ruiyu.
Chueh min and Chueh hui were different. They are enthusiastic and dare to put forward the mistakes of their elders, so as to make unremitting efforts. They are passionate and courageous to break through the dark system of the old society!
Sometimes, we are fascinated by the bad social atmosphere: superstition, religion... Our bright eyes are fascinated by a layer of fog, driven away by the courage of social struggle, leaving cowardly and obedient. Knowing that the society is dark, they dare not resist. Instead of trying to transform the society, they let it rip them apart. What a sad thing!
Our young people in the new era are following the path pioneered by the revolutionary ancestors with blood, sweat and life. Is it possible that the world is now turned into ruins and darkness because of human cowardice? no We don't want to! We have courage and strength. Each of our blood vessels is jumping. The five lungs and six viscera are crying, "Break through the darkness!"
In the past, in the imperial palace, the emperor could rest at ease, but the servants had to work hard all day long, and they had to be insulted mentally and physically by others; In modern times, people were attracted by the city's red and white, drinking and having fun, but the dark system pressed on every working people, making them breathless. And now? Isn't that so? All this is unfair. We are the hope of our motherland. We must use courage to overcome everything, and use our own strength to break through the darkness before the dawn!
"We are not fools or freaks. We are young people. We use our hands to get happiness back." This is a sentence in Home. Yes, we are young people, not fools, nor freaks! We should use our hands to find our happiness! Let's run forward happily, break through all darkness and find light!