Sentences about the helplessness of life
go to all lengths
2023-06-23 10:28:35
Complete sentences

1. There will inevitably be dull times in life. You should learn to protect yourself. Don't give others the chance to hurt twice. You can't afford to hurt or bear it. Don't doubt friendship when you are hurt by friends, but beware of those who betray you. Forgiveness is not forgetting.

2. When we encounter frustrations and setbacks, we should not be pessimistic, disappointed, sighing, or stagnant. We should take it as a lesson in life. See it as a normal state in the growth of life, which will help you better write your own wonderful life.

3. I disdain to argue with anyone. Love me, don't argue. It's no use fighting for those who don't love. There is always an answer to anything. Rather than worry, let nature take its course.

4. Cherish the people who can move you, remember the people who can make you cry, put down the people who can make you indifferent, and forget the people who can make you irrelevant. Life is like a cup of coffee without sugar. It tastes bitter and astringent, but has a lingering fragrance that will not fade away in the aftertaste; Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

5. People with mental illness are not legally responsible and can bite you for no reason. Therefore, we should keep a distance from people at the mad dog level. We should keep away from each other, keep away from each other, and take a step back. We believe that madness is also a kind of personality. Although it is not worthy of respect, it has its own reason for existence, and the biological chain is inseparable from this link.

6. To live is to experience the existence and changes of life. The problem of life has been discussed and studied from generation to generation, but there has never been a result. Maybe different people have different opinions. I have walked a part of life, and I can't say that I have a deep understanding of life, but I do have my own thoughts on some topics in life.

7. People will suddenly become timid when facing happiness. It takes more courage to grasp happiness than to endure pain.

8. Learn to bear, because in life, something unexpected always happens. There is no choice but to bear it silently and face it bravely.

9. One's life comes and goes in a hurry. We were born in the laughter of our loved ones, and left in their grief and crying. We can't decide our own life and death, but we should be glad that we have this life.

10. With a simple heart for life, I know that apricot blossoms will bloom as well as pear blossoms, and I no longer deliberately think about those dreams that have nothing to do with myself. Know how to be down-to-earth, know how to be grateful, and learn how to smile. At this time, I see the beauty of flowers and the splendor of leaves. Even in the wind and rain, I know that it is a necessary experience in life, and I have been looking forward to the rainbow.

11. As the saying goes, happiness shared by others is greater happiness, while pain shared by others can alleviate pain. Therefore, if you want to be angry, you might as well talk to a friend or family, or even a stranger, which is of great benefit. Some Japanese companies, for example, have specially set up a boss's simulacrum for dissatisfied employees to vent.

12. In life, there are always some people who can't help being far away. In life, there are always some people who don't care when you care most; There is always something that doesn't hold together when you hold it together with your heart; There is always something that you don't cherish when you cherish it most; It is also like there is always a place that you will not miss when you miss it most.

13. All the promises are pale and empty. Even if they are true when they promise, they will change when they say they change. Nothing can be done, nothing can be bound, nothing can be changed. However, she insisted on asking for such a commitment. Even if only for the sincerity of this moment.

14. What makes us suffer psychologically is not the matter itself, but our thoughts on the matter and the stories fabricated around the world. The advantage of surrender is that when you accept the present and don't waste your energy fighting in vain, things often turn unexpectedly, and you find that the original struggle is really wasted.

15. The best way to love yourself is to work hard to make yourself better. If you are decadent again, don't be depressed that you can't find true love without a bosom friend, because even you don't love yourself, do you want others to love you? Just ask, what are you worthy of love, do you deserve it? often

16. Life is like chess. Your opponent is fate. Destiny is an invisible force. Anyone has no advantage in front of it, just like in a chess game, you are a novice and it is nine pieces. The only way to play this game is courage.

17. What a person cares about is not money but a struggling heart!

18. Life needs love. Without love, those suffering from disasters will live a miserable life forever; Life needs love, love is like seasoning, which makes life a dish full of flavor; Life needs love, love makes life full of light forever.

19. In dealing with work, first, do not despise the ordinary; Second, do not make ordinary work mediocre. Don't be satisfied with your acceptable work performance. Only by doing better can you become an indispensable person.

20. What has been right and wrong has long gone, and yesterday's wind and cloud has long gone. Life should always look forward, looking back on yesterday is no longer a wise choice. In the face of the state of affairs in the world, we should learn to respond to the changes with constancy.

21. Life is like a play. Everyone is the only director who controls his own life. Only by laughing at life can we have a broad horizon of life. Life will not be too complete, put the right attitude to sweet and bitter.