A copy for your best
The past is over
2023-06-27 06:29:32
Complete sentences

1. Learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not. Do well what you should do, with or without love.

2. You need to be a quiet person. Don't be emotional, don't secretly miss, don't look back, and go to another life of your own. Be obedient. Not all fish will live in the same sea.

3. No one comes to this world to love you. Others are never the center of their own lives. Only by enriching their lives and becoming better people can we meet better people.

4. Don't be sentimental, don't be discouraged, work hard and make money, or you will have no right to defend your dream and your love. Don't make a fuss. Everyone is very busy and big.

5. To be a good girl, you should not fight, grab, hurry or be impatient. Don't let yourself down, don't make do with life, your existence is worthy of all the best in the world.

6. Please be confident, you are a landscape, there is no need to look up in others' landscape. If the mind cares, there are complaints everywhere; If you relax, it will always be sunny.

7. Instead of waiting for others to love you, learn to love yourself. May you become your own sun without relying on anyone's light.

8. Be a calm person, a kind person, a person with a smile on his lips and happiness in his heart.

9. Don't be greedy for meaningless people or things. How can you spare your hands with garbage to receive gifts? On the new journey, the past will return to zero, love and hate will be random, the past will not turn back, and the future will not be settled.

10. Don't always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story. When you are strong, you will meet someone stronger than you; When you become better, you deserve better.

11. You can be a kind person, but you don't have to be kind to unnecessary people. Remember that it is a truth that everyone understands that people change their hearts.

12. Be a confident and sunny person. Life is up to you to decide what to give it. The wind and rain that dominate one's own heart is clear, and all external causes and effects cannot shake a strong heart.

13. I hope you are not affectation but not affectation occasionally, and your tongue is not sharp and unkind. Be sincere to everyone and warm to everything.

14. Life sows misery on you, and it will surely spread fragrance somewhere. As long as you gritted your teeth through the dark night, one day you will usher in your own light.

15. You are young and kind-hearted. You are afraid that nobody will love you. Don't worry, you will eventually meet such a person, good is always at the bottom of the box, all the unexpected, just to meet you.

16. You can become famous if you mix with others, and you can learn how to become famous if you learn.

17. Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think. Your weakness and strength are often beyond your imagination.

18. Try to be a lovely person, do not envy or blame anyone, enjoy your own scenery and meet your own happiness on your own road.

19. As long as you don't fall, others can push you to the ground, but they can't prevent you from standing up with dust and scars all over your face.

20. Always live to see yourself, and the smile should be particularly bright. Don't care about others' pointing, be yourself, let those who look down on you look down on you, and let those who look down on you like you more.

21. Only when you walk and forget can you feel every happiness. There is nothing unforgivable, and no one will stay by your side forever. Maybe you are tired now, and there is a long way to go in the future. Please don't forget your original intention.

22. If you don't want to be forgotten soon after death, you can either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

23. Try harder every day, not for other reasons, but for more choices in the future. Choose the small day of cloud rolling and cloud relaxing, and choose the person you like.

24. Everything in the world is flowing, and what belongs to you will only stay for a moment. You have to learn how to take it and put it down, so that you can better embrace life.

25. Be true to yourself. Don't try to please others or become someone. It's better to be your original self than to be anyone's copy.

26. People will always encounter setbacks. You are the master of today. If you don't cherish today, your tomorrow will be in the hands of others.

27. Don't let those who really treat you disappear from your life slowly. No matter love or friendship, if you don't manage it, you will become strangers.