I wish myself a happy birthday, mature and say 32 words
Yu Yangjun
2023-06-27 03:55:01
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1. May I be like the stars and the moon, bright and bright every night.

2. Does anyone have a birthday today? If not, I will!

3. Seventeen, here I come! My life, I decide!

4. Proud sixteen years old, we work hard, come on!

5. It's 30 in a flash. Happy 30th birthday!

6. At the age of sixteen, we spread our wings and advanced bravely towards our ideals.

7. Eighteen years old, what a warm and beautiful age, I want to do it again.

8. I wish myself a happy birthday! Another year older, you should love yourself more!

9. May I work hard all my life, be loved all my life, have everything I want, and let go of everything I can't get.

10. One year old adds charm, maturity and wisdom.

11. Wish me invincible, I wish me invincible, I wish me a happy birthday, I wish me lovely and charming.

12. Life is short, don't mean a blessing to yourself, shout to the sky: Happy birthday to me!

13. In the age of eighteen, I was overwhelmed by memories like a flood, unable to extricate myself.

14. Someone reminded me that today is my birthday. I just slapped myself when I went up. I don't know my own birthday!

15. Happy birthday, year after year, I hope I am closer to my dream, not farther away!

16. Dear self, no matter what you have experienced, some things will eventually return to insipidity. You should learn to precipitate yourself.

17. It's the first time to celebrate your birthday in a strange place. Say Happy Birthday to yourself and congratulate you on being one year older.

18. At the age of 18, we have responsibilities we never thought of, and at the age of 18, we have difficulties we never encountered.

19. Thank you for your blessing. Although I don't know some people, thank you for your blessing! I also wish myself a happy birthday.

20. Sixteen years old, we grew up together in hope, we grew up together in the sun, rain and dew, bathed in the warmth of spring.

21. Everyone will be tired. No one can bear all the sadness for you. People should always learn to grow up on their own. My dear self, happy birthday!

22. Life is hard to avoid setbacks. Rainbow comes after wind and rain; Life is hard to avoid suffering, there will be sunshine after rain. Happy birthday to myself!

At the age of 23 or 20, people really grow up and have more responsibilities. People should become more mature and become adults formally.

24. I wish myself a happy birthday, eat and sleep on time, thank different people at each stage, and thank everyone for their tolerance and love.

25. Thank you for the experience that has made you a better person now. In the future, be loyal to your heart and wish yourself a happy birthday for the worthy people and things you love.

26. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. Learn to be smart. Don't always ask people around you some stupid questions. It's really boring.

The youth of 27 or 17 years old is a grand dance. We were dressed in gorgeous gowns, holding youth tickets, flying on the dance floor, striving to be the most dazzling one.

At the age of 28 or 30, I always touch the scene and sigh that things are different. At the age of 30, I am not so capricious and sentimental. I do a lot of things, but I still try to do them.

29. Keep in mind the unforgettable farewell, and the unforgettable people should also come to an end. On the new journey, I hope that from now on, you will not love too much and sleep too late. My dear self, happy birthday!

30, 18, what a beautiful number. It carries dreams and beliefs, can speak out their ideals and pursuits without thinking, can use their blood to sprinkle their spring, or can silence thousands of feet of peach water.

31. Looking back on the past 30 years, my life can be divided into three stages: 10 years of childhood, 10 years of wasted time, and 10 years of growth. Today's life is stable and happy, but there are still thousands of thoughts.

32. Eighteen years old means that we have entered adulthood. Eighteen years old also means that we should start to learn to calmly face the world, strive to move in the direction of dreams, will think about the future, will also recall the past life, carefully hide the pain in our hearts, and pretend to be a happy child. But who hasn't been young?