Copy about hometown
Leaves fall to soothe the dust
2023-06-24 10:09:38
Complete sentences

1. Home is the sunny sky that parents hold up for their children with their kind umbrella.

2. No matter how far apart, the heart of missing you will never stop.

3. I am the lonely woman, mottled in the corridor of memory, knowing each other, cherishing each other, the melody of life.

4. Home is warm, because my mother loves me and my father loves me. I grew up under the care of my parents.

5. Lost, dusk, other people's home food, quiet room, these sad elements are derived together: my thoughts of home?

6. I can only weakly avoid going out without going back to the heartbreaking place. I even thought that I could solve all problems and troubles by passing away!

7. My heart is always bitter! It turns out that I am so useless. I am a member of the family, but I can only look at the broken home and do nothing! No longer feel the warmth of home!

8. I miss the peach petals flying all over the sky in my hometown, but I just feel so beautiful. Reach out your hand and let the petals fall from your fingertips one by one, becoming the most beautiful and pure dream of the season.

9. When I think of my hometown, I miss it silently. Hometown is a piece of childhood memory of the wandering people. The wandering people are more and more unable to sort out the clues, and more and more unable to cut out the complete picture.

10. It's snowing. This is the first snow I experienced in a foreign country after graduation. I look happy, but feel sad and miss... I only wish my parents and friends who are far away from home are healthy and happy.

11. Dear hometown, you are getting younger and younger. Your children are no longer young. I miss you gently. I dream of you slowly. I pray silently that you will always be beautiful.

12. Home is not only a house, it is a haven for drifters and a post station for the soul. In short, it is also a way of life that truly belongs to me, my family, my home.

13. The inexplicable sadness may be the longing for home and friends, or the worry about the future. It's so hard to be a stronger person. I understand all kinds of reasons, and sometimes I feel sad.

14. In my hometown, many nights I stood in the dormitory corridor facing west, looking up at the night sky, thinking of growing up in my hometown, and imagining that every star has a smiling face, which makes people eager to see it.

15. Homesick, very warm, always make me very calm. I miss home every day. The bed in my home. Does my mother's hair grow white again? Frequent grazing? Pretty one?

16. Home is a harbor. If you go far, you will naturally return to it; Home is to rely on. When you are tired, you will lie in the soft bed and get drunk deeply. Home is the permanent habitat of people.

17. Everyone will miss home. Especially in the dead of night, you will miss your home more. You will miss your father, mother, brother, and my eighty year old grandmother who loves me. Thinking, thinking, you will feel like falling asleep.

18. Is it affected by the moon? Every Mid Autumn Festival is inexplicably sad! I miss everything about my hometown! The hometown that can't go back is always looking for old memories! Tomorrow will be light, and the present festival has no taste of the past!

19. Mist and rain are flowing, and the wind is blowing down the flowers. A touch of fragrance on the earth, a tear on the lake. The plain hand brushed away the rain curtain of time. Deep down, a flute was still blowing in the willow wind. There was less calm and more happiness and sadness.

20. When going out, home is the yearning of "thousands of miles home in a butterfly dream". On the way home, home is the kind of urgency of "shrinking thousands of miles"; After a long absence, home is the kind of comfort that is "easy and safe to look at".

21. Don't the crops in my hometown remember us? In spring, we line up to sow and fertilize, and in autumn, we harvest. When night fell, we were so tired that we could count the stars on the wagon pulling firewood.

22. The mountain of homesickness has its soul. The soul of the mountain is called heroic. The songs are bold and heroic, with the most primitive melody and the "wild" nature of the mountain people roaring out of the voice and bursting out of the soul.

23. Returning is like an arrow. I believe everyone should have experienced this experience. In fact, returning is more than just like an arrow. I wish I could become a beam of light. A thousand miles away is just around the corner. The more I want to get home, the stronger the feeling will be. It will not fade away until I step into my house.

24. The first snow of this year, a person, missing, in a foreign land. Recalling the heavy snow in my hometown last year, most of them were happy and beautiful. Somehow sad. I still have a feeling when I see snow. Dear relatives and friends from afar, remember to put on more clothes in cold weather and pay attention to your health

25. What I mean by "home" is not the house or the cottage, but the nest of the people you love and those who love you. The family does not distinguish between rich and poor, even if divided, it is also emotionally rich and poor. Home is the source of happiness. After leaving for a long time, I always feel some loss in my heart, which is indescribable.

26. When we don't leave our hometown, it is like a beautiful picture. When we play and play in the picture, we can only see the distant sunset at the end of the sky. When we leave our hometown, it is a hanging picture. No matter how we enter, it is always separated by a thin layer of gauze

27. Home is a melodious flute, which always haunts people's dreams; Home is a bright moonlight, always exciting; Hometown is a string of eternal memories, which always reminds people of missing. Those people and things in my hometown are the most beautiful in the song, the most charming in the moonlight, and the most profound in my memory.

28. I listened to Song Dongye's folk songs last night. I missed my hometown and my family. I felt sad and lonely. I didn't sleep much last night. The night in Qingdao still reminded me of Wuhan. It was still sultry. I went to the downstairs office alone to sleep. I turned on the 18 degree air conditioner and shook the fan. It was no accident that I caught a cold this morning.

29. Who doesn't feel homesick? Who doesn't look forward to home? Just because I stepped on the green duckweed, I was swaying. The flowing youth, the temporary post station, the dock and the platform are the "home" at this time. Spring swallows and wild geese are smiling together, with bitter throat. They want to hear a cat barking and a dog barking. They want to smoke grandpa's soil smoke. The rising and setting of the sun, stirring strong homesickness and sadness, rush into the blue sky and howl with the north wind.