Collection of impressions of Hoh Xil
Cloud Roll Cloud Shu
2023-12-06 11:46:00
impressions of after reading

What impressed me most in the film was the thinking of human nature. Human greed can overcome everything, and ruthlessly ignore the value of life. We are always full of supreme respect for life. When you see the dead Tibetan antelope all over the mountains, will you doubt the Buddha's "equality of all beings"? Why do some people laugh and others cry when they see one creature after another fall down. Yes, the earth keeps turning, and I see the other side of the world. The reason why evil makes people deeply sick is that justice makes it humble. In the film, I still don't understand what is the power that makes the guardian of Hoh Xil not shrink from loneliness in the face of death. In the film, A Wang has been guarding the mountain alone for three years. When he looks at the passing car and still holds his hands, I think he is more afraid of loneliness because of danger and loneliness. If the loftiness of life makes them never turn back, but every fight between justice and evil is wagered with life, how can they be desperate? The selfishness and selflessness of human beings are deeply expressed here. I think of Xi Murong's words, "If I know too much about this beautiful world, I will inevitably love too much and worry too much."
Human beings are already a kind of lonely animals. If there is no companionship of birds singing and flowers fragrance, what do we still miss when we are alive? It is not the earth that has become a desert! "No sale, no killing." How many people pay for the Tibetan antelope, which has grown from 10 million to more than 30000 today? People will pay for their coveted enjoyment one day. The call to protect the ecological environment has been heard all over the earth, but the killing we do not know is ongoing all the time. Now, watching the film, we are moved and angry and shed tears. Maybe one day we will shed tears because of the cost of human cruelty.
Hoh Xil is a place that many people yearn for. I think her beauty lies not only in her mystery, but also in her awareness of protecting nature.
Feelings of Watching the Film "Hoh Xil" (5)
Hoh Xil, a beautiful green mountain, a beautiful girl, is a sacred place. Tibetan antelopes run all over the mountain, scattering happy footprints on the green grass.
In the past, now.
Desert, crazy sand, snowstorm, chase, gunfire, blood. I read several articles about killing Tibetan antelopes. The pleading look in the antelopes' eyes made the hunter put down his shotgun and stop killing animals. I always thought that everyone has compassion and love for life. When I saw thousands of Tibetan antelope skins lying on the ground, and saw the holes where submachine guns went through each skin, I knew I was wrong. It turned out that there were really such cruel people who killed sheep without blinking.
"Five yuan for a piece of leather." Tearing at the soft fur, you felt calm? A living animal, one second alive and kicking, the next second blood on the ground, poor dead. Give you five yuan, and you will tear off your own painting skin, revealing a black face. Are you worth five yuan?
With a submachine gun, squinting eyes, and the crisp sound of the bullet case falling to the ground, you have ruined a cool posture. When the bullet passed through the heart of the antelope, did you hear its wailing? It is not only for the children in its belly, but also for you, for us human beings. Its desperate eyes seem to cry: human beings, accumulate virtue! Blood gurgled out of the heart, and I saw you laughing in the gun hole. The guy who should be cut into a thousand pieces will not avenge the crack of his car.
Always under the banner of "animals are human friends", when did we do something for animals? Another rare animal is going extinct. The hypocritical people shed a few hypocritical tears, put on a hypocritical face that seems very sad, and wrote several articles calling on human beings to protect animals. It seems that we are really impassioned. After putting down the pen, it is like amnesia, I forgot everything. So animals became extinct one by one, and people pretended to mourn one by one, that's all.
Feelings of Watching the Film "Hoh Xil" (6)
He once claimed that he was a man of faith, and people around him also claimed to have their own beliefs. I don't know what faith is and what it is. If faith is just what I want and what I am willing to do to get it, then perhaps I am also a person of faith. But if this is really faith, then faith will be cheap. Don't worry about such faith. I am for the bright world in my heart, and for my own ideal life. In this way, I am probably not a man of faith.
The last sentence Nitai said before he died was "put down the gun and follow me". At that time, Nitai was facing a dozen armed poachers alone, and his brothers were separated, with no food or gas, to pursue the "boss". The final reason was that "you killed my sheep". Can it be said that "Sheep Son" is the belief of Japan, Thailand and mountain patrollers? I don't know. Maybe it's the "beautiful green hills, beautiful girls" Hoh Xil? Or respect for nature and life?
Li Dong has the audacity to borrow money from his girlfriend more than once, and Ri Tai has sold leather more than once. But Li Dong borrows money to save his friends who are stranded on the road, and Ri Tai sells leather to save his dying brother. Ri Tai said, "Have you seen pilgrims? Their hands and faces are very dirty, but their hearts are very clean." So even if the money is very dirty, But his function is clean
In the end, I still don't understand what is considered as belief, but it doesn't matter how to say that belief may be noble, and it must be based on the equality of life
The film begins with the celestial burial and ends with the celestial burial. This is the process of life. Forgive me for using life as a verb here once. For Japan and Thailand, Li Dong, or Tibetan antelope, there is only one life, and how to choose in this life, I'm afraid we will return to the above mentioned belief. The patrol team includes woodcutters, taxi drivers, and finally all gather together because of the Tibetan antelope, More specifically, because of the lives of Tibetan antelopes, they gathered together. When facing the final death, they did not panic or shout. They faced death with extreme calm
I'm afraid I didn't understand what life is after all this time, but I really don't understand this issue, and I don't understand what life is. Dare to write a sentence "Life is faith" as an end!