Reading the Story of Lina Fox
Rose with thorns
2023-11-05 23:07:27

Just as there is a well-known monkey Monkey King in China, there is also a well-known fox Lena in France. Recently, I saw the Story of Lina Fox. The content of the story is interlinked, the plot is ups and downs, and fascinating.

This story mainly tells about an animal world where the jungle is the prey of the jungle. Taking the struggle between the protagonist, the fox Lena, and the male wolf as a clue, it reveals the numerous social contradictions in Europe in the Middle Ages with a satirical approach. Lena, in order to survive in the face of a powerful lion king and an overbearing male wolf, always has his own cleverness and alertness.

Lena's cleverness and alertness are unmatched by others. He always has a good way to get all kinds of delicious food, and he can go from a civilian to a criminal, and finally became a Grand Marshal, which is inseparable from his alertness and wisdom when facing danger.

One plot impressed me deeply. Once Lena accidentally entered a castle, and the guards saw that he wanted to kill him. He had a brainwave, and he even pretended to be a fox skin and hung it on the wall to escape a robbery. Be alert and wise in the face of danger, and be calm in the face of danger. This story also reminds me of a performer who accidentally fell down at the Spring Festival Gala one year. Dong Qing, as the host of the Spring Festival Gala, skillfully resolved the awkward atmosphere of the scene with one sentence. She said: "The Spring Festival Gala is such a big stage. Those who can stand here are the best actors, and they all got up after falling down." I admire Dong Qing's philosophical rescue.

The story of Lena is fascinating, especially the fox Lena's alertness, wisdom and calm in the face of danger. Come and have a look at this interesting story with me!