Touching and aesthetical sentences
Beaming with Joy
2023-07-29 21:05:56
Complete sentences

1. Love is thinking of you every morning, looking forward to you at noon, thinking of you in the afternoon, and kissing you at night.

2. When you are here, you are everything; When you are away, everything is you. My love is eternal!

3. People can live happily, but we choose complexity and sigh!

4. Once you smile, I can be happy for several days; But once you cry, I feel sad for several years.

5. I am not infatuated, but I will wait for you all my life; I am not retarded, but I will love you foolishly forever!

6. The hand we hold will never let go, even if there is no red rope on the trembling fingers, nor the ring of vows.

7. Baby, I love you. Take care of yourself when I'm away; No matter how far it is, I must come back to stay with you.

8. When fantasy and reality face, it is always painful. Either you are knocked down by pain, or you trample on pain.

9. Years later, if I still insist, I hope it belongs to me. In thirty years' time, if I still feel moved, I hope it belongs to you.

10. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

11. It takes courage to love someone, because he needs a lifetime of waiting. I will bear your troubles and share my happiness.

12. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers one drop at a time.

13. The fish said to the water that you could not see my tears because I was in the water. Water said I can feel your tears, because you are in my heart.

14. Moving is not simple tears, not superficial feeling when sad. Moving is a kind of humanistic spirit, and it is the spiritual resonance between people.

15. If the enemy makes you angry, it means you are not sure of winning him; If a friend makes you angry, that means you still care about his friendship.

16. Our story should be the most touching and true, because our love does not have any original impulse, we really need each other's care!

17. On the long journey of life, there will be flowers everywhere, but there will also be pain and thorns. When it is dark, please take it with you. You will find that the dawn is not far away.

18. The feeling of loving you is always beautiful; Your gentle smiling face; Is my fatal weakness; Love you love you, no matter this life or the next life, I will always love you.

19. Among thousands of people, meet the people you meet; For thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, I happened to catch up with them, neither earlier nor later.

20. When you were born, you cried and everyone around you laughed; When you die, you smile, while people around you cry! Everything is reincarnation! We are all in transmigration!

21. People often say that God is fair. He will give you something and take something away. If I want to lose you because of what I get, I would rather not have anything!

22. What a straightforward and simple explanation to be moved and moved. Since when have we closed our senses, cut off our heartstrings, and become cold and indifferent?

23. From surprise to boredom, from perfection to defect, I can't let go of my love for you, and I can't love you without words. I can only smile and cry. I have long understood that you don't belong to me, but I can't let you go of my pain.

24. Falling in love is a kind of feeling. When this feeling is no longer there, I still force myself. This is called responsibility! Breaking up is a kind of courage! When this courage is gone, I am still encouraging myself, which is called solemn and stirring!

25. Missing is a poem that allows you to read the rhythm in ordinary days; Missing is a shower of rain, which makes you wet in the dry days; Missing is a piece of sunshine, making your gloomy days bright.

26. Because of the communication between people, there will be love in the world. Because of love, there will be tears. And this tear is the source of moving. Why is moving always around us? Because there are countless love in this world.

27. How can love be beautiful? There will always be ups and downs. I noticed that the distance between us cannot be retrieved. I chose to give up, but I could not escape the sadness. I decided who the fate was. Now I know that love is not perfect as imagined!

28. Moving comes from a moment that is insignificant but meaningful. It is the intoxicating fragrance of wine, the dazzling light of amethyst, and the elegance of tulips

29. Life is a blooming flower, which blooms beautifully, stretches, and is colorful; Life is a beautiful poem, fresh and smooth, with a long meaning; Life is beautiful music, with harmonious rhythm and melodious melody; Life is a flowing river, flowing and rolling forward.

30. We really have a hard life. First, we have to bear all kinds of external pressure, but also face our own internal confusion. In your hard struggle, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Perhaps just a brief glance will be enough to make me feel excited

31. My eyes could not help moistening. This is the true love in the world, the friendship between classmates and between teachers and students. This trivial matter made me understand the book of life, and really realized the true feelings of the world. It is this time and again that moved me to appreciate the true meaning of life.