Complete sentences describing winter
Elegant and indifferent
2023-02-02 14:06:31

1. The river fork in the southwest has been frozen very firmly. Climbing on the ice and looking down, you can see many small bubbles, big and small, which are fixed by immobilization, like pearls embedded in water.

2. The biting cold wind blew to me from time to time. And, occasionally, naughty snowflakes fall down like dancing.

3. Winter is coming, and the river is covered with thick ice. Some people dance on the ice. It's really beautiful! Willows, poplars, and several fresh flowers and grass withered, while only pines and wintersweet stood upright in the cold.

4. In winter, the sky here is always overcast and gray, and the sun seems to be afraid of cold. It slides from east to west.

5. Look, Miss Dong has given us the gift she has prepared for a year. The white and flawless hexagonal pieces are like fairies falling into the world. Their light and delicate bodies, coupled with their white clothes, are like glittering butterflies flying in the air. They quickly covered the whole earth with overwhelming power. Everything was dyed white.

6. In the distance, the sky was foggy, vaguely showing the bungalows in the small town. Their top is covered with a thick layer of snow, white; It's so beautiful that it's scattered high and low! Farther away, the heaven and the earth have become indistinct. Two or three TV towers in the small town are indistinctly in the snow and fog, still strong and persistent.

7. It's very cold in winter. To tell the truth, I don't want it to come, but when it comes, I have a different feeling. Ah, I love winter, because in winter, "strong wind knows strong grass", I love its character.

8. That ray of sunshine, the bleak sky is suffused with red glow, the frost and snow filled earth is immersed in cold air, through the fog gap, countless wisps of light and shadow fall on the earth. I fantasized about reaching out to catch that ray of winter sunshine, but it always slipped away from my fingers without a trace.

9. In the evening, the black sky is like an open blanket, and countless white and crystal snowflakes fall like angels. When the breeze blows, the tightly woven snow rolls up like a beaded curtain. With the tranquility of the city, you will feel the earth dancing.

10. Spring snow, the messenger of spring in the North, you are really beautiful. Although the winter snow is white and lovely, it is not as natural as the spring snow? The winter snow is too solemn and quiet. How can spring snow be soft and clean?

11. The snow, falling, fluttered down from the sky, onto the roof, onto the ground, very light, like the footsteps of a kitten. In the snow, there are several pieces of crystal ice, shining. The tree, dressed by snow, has a white hat, a white cotton padded jacket, and a white scarf. It's a pure white world.

12. The snowflakes are very white, so pure. They make the earth pure and beautiful. I have a feeling that snow not only makes everything pure, but also makes people's hearts beautiful and pure like it.

13. Winter is also a season of endless happiness. Many children like skating, playing, snowball fights, making snowmen on the ice... Children's laughter is innocent, innocent, and pure! Their laughter makes winter no longer quiet and lonely. Because their laughter is like angels, and snowflakes are the messengers they invited.

14. Flowing years are like water, and seasons come and go. You and I are repeating our ordinary and simple lives on our respective life tracks, listening to each other's whispers, watching from afar, silently watching, so that this friendship, like a mist under the moonlight, spreads gently, spreads fragrance all the way, and when we suddenly look back, it is a different beauty in memory

15. Winter in the south is neither windy nor cold. But for a southerner who is used to the warmth of the sun, it is enough. In winter in the south, there is no rooster at dawn, and there is no smoke from the kitchen of diligent women. Some are just the low barking in front of the door and lingering mist. I don't know what winter will bring to me, but it first brings me thoughtful silence.

16. Now I sit here with cold hands and feet, chewing the cold air coming from the bottom of my heart. I always say that I am cold, but I have never been so cold as today, as if my heart suddenly fell into something. It's so heavy.

17. It snowed heavily at night, and a thick layer of snow accumulated on the roof of the city. Standing on the flat roof of the high-rise building, I looked out like a rolling snow mountain.

18. The golden morning light gradually reddened the eastern sky, and the high main peak of Huangshan Mountain was dyed red by the brilliant clouds.

19. In the winter of this year, the ground was frozen and cracked, the small north wind blew like a knife, the heavy snow flew all over the sky, the wind roared, and a storm came. All of a sudden, the dark sky and the snow sea became one, and everything was invisible.

20. Winter is a cold season, but for our children, it is a warm season, a season full of laughter. It's also very cold this winter, but it hasn't snowed so far. I really hope to have a snow soon, so that this winter will become white and happy, and the warmth will always accompany us throughout the winter!

21. The Snow Fairy is waving her sleeves heartily; In the ethereal playing, the world, rivers and mountains are pure and clean, without mire.

22. Winter is also a happy season. Many children like skating on the ice, playing in snowball fights and making snowmen... Children's laughter is innocent, innocent and pure! Their laughter makes winter no longer quiet and lonely. Because their laughter is like angels, and snowflakes are the messengers they invited.

23. It was a cold winter morning, and the glass windows were covered with thick ice flakes. The washing water that had just been poured out was as hard as a stone in the blink of an eye. Outside the house, on the trees and on the ground, it was covered with snow. The piercing north wind kept blowing and made a sharp cry. Ah, it was really a winter morning when water dripped into ice.

24. By the riverway, willows tremble in the wind, and leaves fall helplessly, nostalgic for the time when they were held by "mother". The river dried up, exposing pebbles of different sizes and shapes. I accidentally found a green stone covered with green moss. Although it is hairy, it still feels cold.