Spring greetings sent to the circle of friends
Time is quiet
2023-07-24 03:04:40
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1. Today, the world is full of new green. Today, the flowers and moon are in the spring breeze.

2. In March, the beginning of spring is a pioneer. But why is she so weak that I want to sigh the beginning of spring?

3. Spring is a good time to find a good friend. Life is short and poetic. Wish you all a happy spring.

4. The beginning of spring comes quietly. Blessings are like flowers blooming. Joyful letters bring you good luck; The music flutters in the wind, blowing good scenery to you; Meizizi, I hope you will have a bright future!

5. I picked a winter jasmine for you. It blooms with the splendor of spring and emits the fragrance of spring. I wish you a colorful and happy life. Your wishes will come true this year!

6. The spring starts in February, and the spring breeze in February is a pair of scissors to cut away troubles for you; In February, spring water paddles in a canoe, swinging sorrow for you; The February spring rain washes the earth, washes out the blessing for you!

7. Search for the good luck of spring scenery, copy the spring breeze smoothly, paste the good luck of spring, serialize the beautiful spring, delete the depression of spring cold, and send the blessing of spring beginning; I wish you a happy beginning of spring and a thriving career!

8. The Spring Festival activity is really lively. The word "Fu" is filled with laughter. The four seasons are peaceful and the spring breeze is warm. The next year's snow promises a bumper year. Eating spring rolls is delicious. Chewing carrots is crisp and sweet. Harmony and beauty will continue for another year!

9. I love spring. I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green of trees, and hear the singing of birds. I love spring, because spring is full of vitality and new hope.

10. Clouds are light, wind is gentle, spring is in front of me, I miss you very much; Wish you healthy, happy every day, happiness in your heart; Although not, we often meet, sincerity will never change, and friendship will last for ten thousand years!

11. The beauty of spring is that its flowers are in full bloom, national beauty and natural fragrance are elegant, beautiful, exquisite and sweet. The picture of all colors competing for beauty for the east wind shows its vitality.

12. Life is an embroidery. When we look from the bottom, the disorderly wiring is a flower when God looks from the top. May your flower of life always be brilliant. Good morning, friend!

13. Quiet path, gentle wind blowing; The wonderful strings touch the infinite yearning; Looking up at the blue sky, it is already blue. New year and new wishes are coming true at the beginning of spring. Happy Spring Festival!

14. At the beginning of spring, happiness clicks to open your smile, delete all worries, copy and paste the warmth of spring into your heart, download the breath of spring, rename it as happiness, and store it on your face.

15. The safflower is accompanied by green leaves, so the beauty blooms; The stars are guarded by the night sky, so they stay shining; Happiness is shared by friends, so happiness stays forever. Spring is coming again. Wish you good luck and good health!

16. Ice and snow melt, grass sprout, thousands of miles picturesque. Spring wind and rain, willows Yiyi, full of spring breath. Go hiking, travel in spring, and enjoy the scenery everywhere. Spring travel, a pleasant journey!

17. Shake the pain of winter cold, put on the coat of spring, walk into the sunshine of spring, sun the seeds of determination, and sow the auspicious omen of hope; The beginning of spring is here. I wish you everything will be new, good things will surround you, and you will be happy and carefree!

18. The solar term starts spring at this moment, and it is time to bless friends; A greeting to convey, wish you a beautiful life; The gentle breeze slowly spreads warmth, and I hope you know my deep affection; I wish you happiness forever and good luck every day!

19. Full of warm sunshine, full of warm spring breeze, full of light fragrance of flowers, full of gentle greetings. It's the beginning of spring, blow the horn of happiness, collect the blessings of spring, and wish you happiness forever!

20. The beginning of spring is now coming. The spring is graceful and the people are more charming. The new green reflects the people's spirit. The red beauty gives people a high sense of happiness. Everything is happy at the beginning of spring. The wind of melancholy blows away. I wish the beginning of spring season, the spring is warm and the people are more prosperous!

21. The Rat Tail in the Year of the Ox is the most beautiful place to start spring. Everything goes well in the year and the spring. We seek happiness, fortune, career, and peach blossom. We will turn around as we see it. The more we turn around, the more prosperous we will be. The source of wealth will be rolling, and the luck of peach blossom will be endless!

22. The beginning of spring is coming, and the rain is flying. Greetings and blessings are coming to disturb you: at first, it's still warm, don't catch a cold; Regular exercise, good health; Relax and don't worry; As you approach the new year, spend more money. I hope you will get more bonus and have more money. Happy New Year!

23. The warming air dispels the chilly wind, the ice breaking water brings warm breath, the green willow branches dance happily, and the buds reveal the fragrance of happiness. The beginning of spring is here. May your life be full of spring.

24. Heard the sound of flower bud opening, which is the most beautiful music in the world, felt the sunshine shining on the body, which is the happiest feeling in the world. At the beginning of spring, everything is beautiful, and I hope you have a good mood

25. The night wind is like water, and there is no regret in the years. The night of the beginning of spring is the most intoxicating. With the auspicious new year, the winter sleep ushers in the bright season. The feeling of blessing comes from the heart. The purest thing for you is to wish you happiness and prosperity in spring.

26. When the beginning of spring comes, we should protect the liver, keep the heart from disturbing, prevent anxiety, be hot and sour, eat less, have a noisy spring breeze, have a high flu, keep warm, run away from disease, be healthy, look for health, bless you, when the beginning of spring comes, you are in a good mood, in good health, nicknamed "Health Treasure"!

27. The beginning of spring has come. Hope has opened its eyes, dreams have wings, beauty has sown seeds, vitality has lifted the spirit, happiness has spilled the net, good luck has lit up the road, spring has cleaned up the chest, and greetings have said: I wish you a safe beginning of spring and happiness every day!

28. Willows dance in the wind, and flowers on the branches of magpies are beautiful. The brook murmured and the early warbler chirped, warm and sunny. People in the vast fields laugh and work hard with high enthusiasm. The land is full of excitement in spring, and the infinite scenery is beautiful. The beginning of spring is coming. May you be happy all the time.

29. The spring breeze has opened a chapter of the year, taken away the face of winter snow, awakened the sprouts ready to go, dyed green the joyful scene of spring returning to the earth, displayed a piece of youthful vitality, gave people unlimited wings, full of hopeful reverie. It is the beginning of spring. I hope you can harvest warm happiness and place the vitality of spring.

30. There are taboos in the health care at the beginning of spring. Please remember that bananas and pears are not suitable for eating. The cold weather will lead to spleen deficiency. In spring, you can cover your skin without sweating. According to the temperature, you should not wear single shoes too early. Keep your legs warm and protect your yang. Try not to exercise in foggy days. Harmful substances will hurt your lungs. Warm care will be given to you, and you can get together happily and healthily!