32 proverbs about honesty
Walk with ease
2023-08-01 14:54:37
English Proverbs

1、 Gongshengming, Lian Shengwei.

2、 Honesty is in virtue and integrity is in ambition.

3、 Do not forget to exercise when you are poor, and do not forget to speak when you are expensive.

4、 To cultivate one's morality through quietness, and to cultivate one's morality through thrift.

5、 The wind of building a clean and honest government builds a noble and upright spirit.

6、 After working for a while, you will live a lifetime.

7、 Honesty is fearless, justice is selfless.

8、 Aspiration is based on words, and self-cultivation comes first.

9、 The desire for wealth is a tiger, and lust is a sword.

10、 Greed makes people degenerate, and honesty makes people forge ahead.

11、 Not afraid of ruthless law, but afraid of being unclear.

12、 Come out of the mud without stain, and wash clean without demon.

13、 One slip of the road will lead to eternal hatred.

14、 It is a political principle to be dedicated to the public, and there is a curse to greed for power and personal gains.

15、 Do not touch the bottom of the pot, and do not feel greasy.

16、 There is no danger of greed in the world. Several people will miss their lives here.

17、 Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

18、 Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world.

19、 Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

20、 In his position, he plans his own affairs, fulfills his responsibilities and keeps his government clean.

21、 Honesty is the soul of cadres, and diligence is the foundation of public servants.

22、 Honest character is honed and magnificent life is achieved.

23、 Honesty and self-discipline tighten the strings, resist corruption and prevent corruption.

24、 Always keep in mind the sufferings of the people and build anti-corrosion walls around them.

25、 Don't divide the distance by financial rights, and consider the quality as high or low.

26、 The line end is like a pine, and greed is like an ant breaking a dike.

27、 He is upright and clean.

28、 Clean and upright; Diligence and frugality, two hands clean.

29、 Honesty is the ladder of progress, corruption is the express train of destruction.

30、 Taking the public as the spear, it is impenetrable; Take honesty as the shield, and be firm without urging.

31、 Position is not high, integrity is famous; Power is not great, only the public is spiritual.

32、 Indulgence and pride lose one's life; Caution at the beginning and self-discipline at the end leads to health.