Feelings after Reading "Strange Old Man"
White and turbid wine in the cup
2023-09-23 16:43:30
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

This book was written by Sun Youjun. His books are very interesting. I will continue to read his books.
There is a story in the book. The hero of the story is Zhao Xinxin, a big brother in grade six. Every day, in addition to completing the homework assigned by the school, he also has to work as his mother to arrange guidance materials for her. He prefers to play, but he has no time. So one day, with the help of the strange old man, another "Zhao Xinxin" came to "change". This "Zhao Xinxin" came to help him learn, and the real Zhao Xinxin could play outside with confidence and boldness.
Zhao Xinxin is wrong in doing so. When he takes the exam, he will definitely fail, and he will not learn his true skills. When he grows up, he will not find a job, earn money, and buy a house. He will become a street hooligan.
Miss Duan told us a story that happened beside her. She had a male classmate in primary school. When they went to primary school together, the student's academic performance was very good. The teacher saw that he was conscientious and self-conscious in his study, so he felt relieved and put more energy on other students. However, this student may be proud, and he began to be careless in his studies... When she became an adult, Miss Duan came to work in Shenzhen. Once she returned to her hometown in Yunnan, and suddenly saw this student. When she was about to say hello to this primary school student happily, the student made a gesture of "shush" to her and motioned her not to speak. Teacher Duan looked carefully and found that the student was stealing something from others! He turned into a thief!
Now, I want to study hard and grow up to have knowledge. In the morning, I should listen to English more and read English extracurricular books. When foreigners ask me something, I can answer it. I can say that we must be able to do it, and we must insist that we cannot fish for three days or sun for two days. As long as I persist, I will have a rich harvest!
"When you plant hemp, you get hemp, and when you plant beans, you get beans. Scholars are like rice, and when you don't learn, you are like wormwood." This is a sentence I learned in Zengguang Xianwen. It means that when you plant hemp, you get hemp, and when you plant beans, you get beans. Those who like learning will have fruitful results like crops, while those who do not like learning will spend the spring as white as wormwood.
People must have real talent and practical learning!