Various verses of good wishes
Indifferent Enron
2023-03-23 11:04:43
Complete Poems

1. I entered the city yesterday and came back with tears—— Zhang Yu's Silkworm

2. Looking at the city of Los Angeles, Tiny felt sad—— Xielu by Cao Cao

3. Worry can hurt people, green sideburns become frost—— Li Bai's Song of Resentment

4. Holding hands and looking at each other's tears, she was silent and choked—— Liu Yong's "Raining Bells"

5. After the sad old man left, the new poem was ignored—— Li Bing's Han Palace Spring Plum

6. Don't say that the wine tastes thin, and no one cultivates millet—— Du Fu's Three Qiang Villages

7. No one can see the flowers falling year after year, and the spring springs come out of the Yugou Valley in the air—— Sima Zha's "Palace Grievance"

8. Sad face and faded sideburns will bring you spring again tomorrow—— Dai Shulun, Except for Sleeping in Stone Posthouse at Night

9. Hometown tonight thought thousands of miles, worried about the next year—— Gao Shi's New Year's Eve Works

10. The screen window sunset gradually dusk, no one in the golden house saw tears—— Liu Fangping's "Spring Sorrow"

11. Desolate alone, but also self indulgence, self-control sorrow of parting—— Gong Zizhen, Waves Washing Sand, Dream Writing

12. The cold mountain whistles to call spring back, and the migrants look at each other with tears—— Listening to the flute on a spring night by Li Yi

13. As we grow older, we worry more about our busy schedule, while the cold weather is shorter and more heartbreaking—— Li Gou's Sad Feeling in Autumn Evening

14. Before the song is over, tears will disappear first—— Zhou Bangyan, Qiliao Grievance, The Man on the Horse Helps the Man to Get Drunken

15. When you look at the bright moon, you should weep—— Bai Juyi's Feeling of Watching the Moon

16. The morning wind does not dispel a thousand worries, and the night rain adds a tear—— Cao Xueqin's Ode to White Begonia

17. The moon in the Han Dynasty drips tears in the countryside, and the sand wastes horseshoes—— Cen Can Send Judge Li to Beijing at Qixi Head

18. Send you to Hebei in September, and write poems in the snow with tears all over your clothes—— See Cui Zi Back to Beijing by Cen Shen

19. Don't say goodbye to drunkenness when drinking—— Gao Shi's "Qi Shang Send Wei Si Cang to the Sliding Platform"

20. The festive season has long passed through sorrow, and my heart has become stronger when I am drunk—— Su Xun's Jiuri and Han Weigong

21. Hear the sorrow of apes at the end of the mountain, and the river flows at night—— Meng Haoran's Old Tour to Guangling on the Tonglu River

22. But I hate to be in the wrong place. The numbers hurt my heart—— Ruan Ji's "Eighty two Chants, Seven Nineteen"

23. The courtyard is depressed, and the wind and rain are slanting, so the heavy door must be closed—— Li Qingzhao's "Chanting Nujiao, Spring Love"

24. A few lines of tears stand in the dusk, and a crow crows the moon—— Xia Wanchun, Bu Operator, Autumn to Empty Boudoir

25. When the dream returns in the afternoon, the rolling curtain will let the spring sorrow go—— Zhou Jin's "Touching Crimson Lips, Visiting Moucun Old Man and Fishing in the South Ripples"

26. In the Southern Dynasty, the sad things of the ancient times still sang about the backyard flowers—— Wu Ji's The Full Moon, A Sad Event in the Southern Dynasties

27. Worry hurts northerners, so I'm not used to listening—— Li Qingzhao, "Add Words to Ugly Slave, Who Plant Banana Trees in front of the Window"

28. Spring has no owner! Where the cuckoo sings, tears sprinkle the rouge rain—— Chen Zilong's Crimson Lips, Feeling of Spring Storm

29. Clothed with blood, tears and dust, you can also mourn for returning home after chaos—— Gao Qi's Sending Chen Xiucai to the Provincial Tomb in the Sand

30. Mist and thick clouds worry about the eternal day, and auspicious brains sell golden animals—— Li Qingzhao's "Drunken Flower Yin, Mist, Thick Clouds and Sorrow for the Eternal Day"

31. This year, we are in the most hurry to spend. We seem to hate each other when we meet—— Zhou Bangyan, Flower Criminals, Small Stone Plum Blossoms

32. Dongfeng Tears of the New Year Flower Bone, and some wall dust of snail fragrance—— Shi Dazu's "Partridge Sky, Leaning on Willow Stalls"

33. Guanguan Jujiu is on the river island. A gentle lady is a good match for a gentleman—— Anonymous "The Book of Songs, Zhou Nan, Guan Ju"

34. Today, the wind and rain in the west tower night, without listening to the songs, tears fall down—— Zhou Zizhi's "Partridge Sky, When a Little Red Remains and Wants to End"