22 sentences describing the happiness of the characters
Dragon Warrior Rise
2023-02-11 01:10:59
Complete sentences

1、 She hid her face and smiled. Her eyes were like two pools of autumn water.

2、 A bright and happy spark came out of my heart!

3、 It seems that after drinking pure wine, the corners of my mouth also show a smile!

4、 He could not say clearly, only knew that he was a happy bird!

5、 She was thrilled with joy, and her expression was excited until she died.

6、 My heart is bursting with flowers that are about to spring out.

7、 She smiled, and her white face showed a blush of shyness, which made her even more charming.

8、 She was so happy that she was covered with clouds, and her round bright eyes were like two small lanterns.

9、 The calm lake stirred waves of joy, and my mood was as exultant as the waves.

10、 The girl blushed and smiled shyly, like a lotus out of water or a peach blossom in the rain.

11、 Looking at the blue sea, I could not help humming a song, feeling as light as a sailing boat sailing against the sea breeze.

12、 She smiled, smiling so happily that two shallow dimples appeared on her cheeks, which really looked like a blooming black camellia.

13、 She lifted her glasses, propped up her forehead, squinted and stared at the moment when she was in a trance, revealing a wry smile of self mockery.

14、 When she heard everyone's praise, two red clouds rose on her cheeks, and a bright red tongue circled her lips, making her happy.

15、 Xi Gu likes talking and laughing more than before. She always has a sweet smile on her face, like a piece of Xi Gutang in her heart, which can't be melted forever.

16、 Comrade Huang flashed a flashlight at my face. Maybe my expression was too surprised, and uncontrollable laughter came out of her mouth. Like the spray of the Yellow River, splashing everywhere.

17、 Ingrid Bergman said that healthy body plus bad memory will make us live happier. Indeed, there are too many gossips in the world to keep them in mind.

18、 My mother saw it, smiled on her face and praised me. She said that when I grew up, I knew that I loved my mother. I was very happy. I would like to help my mother clean up next time and pay attention to my own hygiene habits.

19、 She rushed to the corridor and shouted to everyone she met, both known and unknown, "I succeeded, I really succeeded", lest others could not hear her. This sudden good news disturbed her calm.

20、 The sunset in the sky showed a smiling face, as if sharing our joy; The birds in the air are singing happily, as if they are singing songs of praise for us; The grass on the roadside dances in the breeze, as if celebrating for us. Our mood is so happy.

21、 I remember that it was a sunny Sunday afternoon. My father drove me and my mother to Jiaozuo Racecourse to play. After an hour's journey, we finally arrived at our destination. The racetrack is very large. There is a lot of sand on the ground. Horses are big and small. I am very excited to see these!

22、 Hearing the news, she was stunned for a moment, then frowned as if she was thinking about something, opened her eyes and mouth as if she suddenly understood something, exclaimed, "I succeeded", and even people with ponytails jumped up and ran to the corridor, Say loudly to everyone she meets, both known and unknown: "I succeeded, I really succeeded" lest others could not hear. This sudden good news disturbed her calm.