Summary of impressions of marine pianists
Dream Love Night Star
2023-08-01 00:47:02
impressions of after reading

Born on a ship, grew up on a ship, and died on a ship, this is an illusory miracle, a sad story, and also a legend about him.
The story of sea, ship, piano, land, loneliness, friendship and genius.
Loneliness, since he was abandoned on the Virgin, has doomed his life's tragedy. Musicians, since hearing music at Danny's sea burial, have been doomed to entangle with music for a lifetime. Legend, since his first song without a teacher, has doomed the legend of his life. He has a long name [Danny Bertman T. D. Limmon 1900].
Music is his perception of life. His life is rootless. He spent all his life on the wandering Virgin, and never set foot on land until he died. His life is composed of a ship and notes. What cannot be separated from him most is music. He uses his spontaneous inspiration to compose the most emotional music to interpret life.
He has an amazing musical talent, which is an unconventional energy and a super keen insight. Unlike the king of soul songs, Ray Charles uses music to complete the support of life, but he uses music to interpret life and feel life. Although they have a different perception of music, they have different persistence, Ray Charles devoted his life to the spiritual life of music, and for 1900, music was his language. He uses his heart to interpret the music that is integrated into the world.
He is a genius of music interpretation. His light fingers glide over the keys like water. What flows under his fingertips is not just notes, but sincerity to life. His music is sometimes exquisite, sometimes grand, sometimes delicate, sometimes grand, sometimes careful, sometimes bold, sometimes passionate, sometimes euphemistic. He uses music to reflect characters, express emotions, and tell about life. He uses notes instead of words to touch people's hearts. Listening to his music is like listening to life experiences, listening to life. His hands are on the keys, but his heart soars with his own music like an obsessive musician. For the first time, I felt strongly that the world of music is so vast, and the original world that music tells is so fascinating. The three-dimensional combination of music and life is really eye opening, and I have another understanding of music.
Lonely loneliness and his destiny on the sea He has been on the sea all his life, the passenger ship is his home, his persistence is his attachment to the sea, and the sea is his destiny.
The comings and goings of people, joys and sorrows, and everything in the world were staged in front of him one by one. He seemed to have seen all the prosperity, indifference, desolation and hypocrisy of the world, as well as life. I would rather give up my life than live in an endless world. The reason why I stopped halfway is not because I can see, but because I can't see
On land, he could not control his own destiny, nor could he control so many choices. His ability was limited to the world created with 88 keys, so he chose not to change. The ship is the place where he protects and imprisons himself, as well as the place where he is isolated from the world of mortals. No ID card, no birth certificate, these are not the cages that prevent him from going to land. The real prison pet is his heart, which is a home forever in his heart. For the unknowability and uncertainty of the outside world, he only has fantasy, curiosity and great fear. The Virgin is his only direction. Here, he sometimes looks like a naughty and comfortable child, but sometimes lonely and sad. His lonely artistic life and endless sea are his destiny.
I didn't believe in fate. It was changed by people. But after deep thinking, I realized that character is not destiny. It determines a person's life. Character is destiny. For 1900, his fatalistic life was not just determined by his character.
He is a pure genius. His personality is a blend of genius and fantasy. He did not get off the boat. He chose his fantasy world. His cowardice seems abnormal and strange, but what is normal? At the very least, he chose his own way to live for himself, but whether we are still struggling for some distant so-called ideals, whether we are still living for pressure, for others, not cherishing some of the things that are easy to get, and have never touched the beauty around us. This is not normal either.
Friendship is the only warmth bestowed on him by the world. Since the memory of light and shadow appeared, there has never been a lack of love in the film. But it happened that the marine pianist did not have such good luck. His attachment to the sea and fear of choice made him miss the only opportunity to love. He broke the record of his first love, and he also broke the memory that had no result.
Fortunately, after depriving him of the right to love, destiny gave him a rare friendship.
This is also a film without a heroine. With the narration of Fat Max, Max has become the only button for him to actively connect with the society, and the friendship with Fat Max is also the most important emotional sustenance of 1900 in the film besides the sea and music, which is also due to the existence of this old friend, We will feel a little warmth in his lonely life.
When Fat Man was looking for him on the wrecked Virgin ship with his gramophone and playing tender and nameless music, along with the film editing, Fat Man and tender music appeared in some old places on the ship. At this time, his behavior was not so much to look for, but rather to remember, to remember the days we had gone through together with 1900, to remember the memory of the past.
Why are you seasick? This is the first sentence of their reunion many years later, and it is also the first memory of their friendship.
Fat man finally didn't dissuade 1900 from his final decision. He understood his choice of not going back. What kind of deep feelings it was. If it were you, what would you do? Selfishly pull him off the boat or let him go to upgrade his soul. When Max left the wrecked Virginia silently with tears in his eyes, 1900 stopped him and told him a funny but moving joke. I also found that the conversation between men was emotional, moving and sad. At this time, I had an inexplicable sadness, a lonely sadness.
The soul of the movie that attracts your attention The whole atmosphere of the movie is created by this man. I have never seen Tim Roth so elegant, and I have never seen him so simple. His performance is so indelible. He is as pure as nature, proud and impetuous.
He endowed 1900 with the greatest vitality. He was not young and handsome. He used childish performances to give the most powerful interpretation of the secular, relaxed, natural and graceful character of the marine pianist who was estranged from the world of mortals. His eyes are intimate and distant, clear and sad. He depicts the characters in detail and holds them up with dots. They are "hidden" but not arrogant, elegant and leisurely, but a little childish and innocent.
Under his interpretation, this son of the sea is like a lovable, mischievous, rebellious, self willed child with a sad lonely destiny. This will be an immortal role, this will be a real actor, at least in my heart.