The power of hope
No more love songs
2023-10-30 02:43:17
Junior three
Reading Notes

Hope is like spring. Spring can melt the frozen mountains and rivers, giving everything the power to regenerate. Hope can also let a discouraged person regain life and give him a second life.
At an international psychological conference in Malaysia, an American psychologist introduced an experiment he had done with rats to survive: put two rats into a vessel filled with water, and they struggled desperately to survive. After 5 minutes, the two rats were at their last gasp. At this time, a springboard was immediately put in to let them climb out of the utensil. As a result, both rats survived.
A few days later, two surviving rats were put into the same container, and the result was surprising: two rats could hold on for 24 minutes, 19 minutes more than the original, nearly five times the original.
The old man and the sea is the same. Because the old man has a hope in his heart, he will be home in a few minutes, and then he will have big fish to eat, so he can become rich. So he insisted on several days and nights on the sea, and risked his life to fight with sharks.
The old people, like white mice, have a spiritual strength to support them when their lives are in danger. Their spiritual strength, this positive attitude, and this inner hope for a good result are the fundamental reasons why they can persist for a longer time.
Hope can not only bring the endangered white mice back to life, but also bring the endangered people back to life. Why did the fishermen whose boats were attacked by sharks last? Why can people trapped in the earthquake hold on for more than ten days to see the light again? Why did the person who was determined by the doctor that he could not live for several months live for five or eight years? Because there was hope shining ahead, the will of life became extremely strong and invincible. This is the power of hope.