41 beautiful personification sentences
No more love songs
2023-08-01 14:36:43
Anthropomorphic sentence

1、 The small tree swayed its branches and leaves, nodding and laughing at us.

2、 Spring is like a little girl, blooming and walking with a smile.

3、 The wind in summer is very bad tempered. You can come and go if you want.

4、 As the day cooled, the beautiful autumn girl came to us step by step.

5、 Rows of willows are reflected in the water, admiring their own appearance.

6、 The sunflower shook his head and smiled, looking at the red horizon where the sun rose.

7、 Spring breeze is a gentle girl, always gently caressing the faces of pedestrians.

8、 The sun is like a shy little girl, slowly showing a small half of her face.

9、 The spring wind is like mother's hand, touching our cheeks warmly and gently.

10、 Spring, like a naughty child, turned into spring rain with his tears.

11、 The tea lovers chased and frolicked with each other. They were not afraid of people coming.

12、 Spring is like a baby that has just landed. It is new from head to foot. It is growing.

13、 The small and tall weeping willow stroked the fast maturing crops with its green leaves.

14、 The round sun, like a naughty child, jumped out of the water.

15、 Sister Moon is wearing a golden dress like the stars, which is very beautiful.

16、 Today, the sun is so shy, hiding behind thick clouds and refusing to show up.

17、 The tea people rubbed their eyes, stretched, and enjoyed the warm sunshine bath.

18、 Winter girl stood on the white snowflakes and danced happily, telling people the fun of winter.

19、 Spring is like a strong youth, with iron arms, waist and feet, leading us forward.

20、 Autumn walked slowly towards us with steady steps, and walked away quietly.

21、 Grandpa Dongse sent away the cold of the earth, and Miss Spring came to the world with light steps.

22、 When autumn came, the golden red fruit on the tree showed a smiling face. She was nodding and smiling at us.

23、 Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently wakes up all creatures.

24、 The gentle spring girl, waving her light hands and taking a quiet step, arrived, arrived!

25、 Snow Flower has many fans. When she started dancing, thousands of people were watching.

26、 When the snowflakes finished dancing and were tired, they fell on the roof, on the tree and in the children's hands.

27、 Spring, like a magician, uses the magic war to grow new green shoots from the monotonous branches.

28、 In winter, like a white girl. But everyone blamed her for making the world cold and withering vegetation.

29、 In this season when all things are reviving, Spring Girl comes quietly. She casts magic on the earth to make it more beautiful.

30、 The sun rose little by little. It was so hard. It seemed to be locked by an iron chain, but it still rose higher and higher.

31、 In spring, the lychees in the orchard are ripe, and small red lanterns are hung on the trees, dancing in the breeze.

32、 In autumn, oranges fall all over the branches. Mature oranges are shaking in the autumn wind like naughty children.

33、 Winter is a magician, who gives everyone a big cotton candy. Winter is a musician, who writes music with all kinds of wind.

34、 In spring, my mother wakes up again. She nurtures grass, protects trees, breeds life, warms the world, and makes the world full of vitality.

35、 Spring girl flew gently. She flew over mountains, rivers, forests, fields, and sent the spring breeze and rain to the world.

36、 The moon is always bright and bright, so people praise it with various words. As time goes by, the moon becomes proud.

37、 At night, the surrounding mountains are like tall mountain gods, mysterious castles, depressed giants, and a continuous carpet.

38、 The birds placed their nests among the flowers and leaves, and were happy. They showed off their crisp throats, sang the melodies, and corresponded with the light wind and flowing water.

39、 The moon is like a shy girl. She hides in the clouds and lifts her veil to reveal her charming face. The whole world is immersed in a dreamlike silver gray by the moonlight.

40、 At sunset, the sun's father-in-law reluctantly left the colorful world. The village was painted with golden sunset glow. The tranquil Dashan Village has been quiet for most of the day, and the village has become lively.

41、 Looking at the beauty of Sheshan Mountain from a distance, I saw the rolling peaks, like children holding hands. The mountains are very friendly and equal, and no one stands alone, as if no one wants to leave the collective and no one is arrogant.