Proverb English about Rain
Dream Awakening Fairy Tales
2023-03-07 23:36:06
English Proverbs

1. The stars appear in the sky after a long rain, and the rain is more fierce in the Ming Dynasty.

It rained heavier in the Ming Dynasty when it saw the stars for a long time.

2. When the seven or nine rivers open, the eight or nine geese come.

Seventy-nine rivers open and eighty-nine geese come.

3. It will rain for a long time.

It's rainy and sunny for a long time, and there will be continuous rain in the future.

4. It thundered at the beginning of spring, and ten pigpens were empty and nine were empty.

In the early spring, thunder struck and nine pigsties were empty.

5. It rains at night, the sky is clear, and the mud and grass are green and green.

It rained at night and sunny in the day, making the grass green and green.

6. The magpie branches call and go out to report the sunny day.

Magpie branches shout, go out sunny day.

7. Water, cold, warm spring.

Water, cold sting, warm spring equinox.

8. No flowers fall from the fragrant trees, and birds sing along the spring mountain.

No flower falls on the fragrant trees. Birds crow emptily all the way to the Spring Mountains.

9. It is bright on rainy days, and polished on roofs without rain.

Rainy sky bright, no rain top light.

10. When Wulong hits the dam, it rains when it is not cloudy.

When an Oolong dam is struck, it rains when it is not cloudy.

11. A long rainy day is golden and the sun turns tomorrow.

Golden on a rainy day, the sun will turn tomorrow.

12. Mosquitoes bite strangely, and the weather will get worse.

Mosquitoes bite strangely and the weather will get worse.

13. Cutting wheat on the top to increase temperature and preserve moisture.

Dingling wheat is delimited to increase temperature and conserve moisture.

14. The water of the Yellow River is unreliable, so water the wheat quickly.

The water of the Yellow River is unreliable. Water should be poured on wheat as soon as possible.

15. It doesn't rain before the rain, and it doesn't clear after the rain.

It's not rainy before rain, but it's not sunny after rain.

16. After a long rain, the clouds disperse and rise, which indicates that the sunny day will end.

After a long time of rain, clouds and mists disperse and rise, which is a sign of the end of a sunny day.

17. The east wind is rainy and the east wind is clear. It will not work if the east wind blows again.

The east wind rains, the east wind clears, and the east wind blows again.

18. Rain in the summer, rice in the barn.

Rain in the summer, rice in the barn.

19. When the fish jump out of the water, the wind and rain will come.

Fish jump out of the water and rain comes.

20. If you have a rainy mountain, you should wear a hat. If you have no rainy mountain, you should have no waist.

There are rainy mountains with hats, no rainy mountains without backs.

21. Open the door and rain, close the door carefully.

Open the door, close the door.

22. It rained before and after the Qingming Festival, and the peas and wheat were shot.

There was a rain around the Qingming Dynasty, and peas and wheat were lifted.

23. The peach and plum blossoms in the south garden fall down, and the lonely spring breeze shakes the empty branches.

The peach and plum blossoms in Nanyuan are all gone, and the spring wind is lonely and swaying empty branches.

24. It's rainy day and sunny night, but it's not sunny day. Tomorrow is still rainy.

It's rainy day and sunny night, but it's still rainy tomorrow.

25. It's rainy and sunny for a long time.

It's rainy and sunny on long nights, but it doesn't wait for cheers.

26. Little full, little plum rain.

Small full, less plum rain.

27. Dark clouds cover the sky, and heavy rain comes quickly.

Dark clouds cover the sky and heavy rain comes quickly.

28. There are three bowls of rain, and all rivers and streams are full.

Rain falls in three bowls and rivers are full.

29. Rainy and sunny, rainy and rainy.

It's sunny in the evening and rainy in the evening.

30. If it rains for a long time, it will be sunny, and the rain will be even happier tomorrow.

When it rains for a long time, it rains happier tomorrow.

31. People are supported by the ground, and the ground is supported by dung.

People depend on the ground, and the ground depends on manure.

32. It's hotter after the rain. I can't believe it's sunny.

The day after rain is hotter, and it's sunny.

33. Cold rain, warm insects: warm rain, cold insects.

Cold rain, warm shock: warm rain, cold shock.

34. Warm rain, cold insects, warm spring.

Warm rain, cold surprise, warm spring equinox.

35. If it rains for a long time, it will be sunny for a long time. If it rains for a long time, it will be rainy for a long time.

A long rain will bring a long sunshine, and a long sunshine will bring a long rain.

36. The stars blink, and rain is not far away.

Stars blink, rain is not far.

37. In spring, in summer, spring competes for the day and summer competes for the time.

Spring interpolation, summer interpolation, spring competition for days, summer competition for time.

38. Walk in the sunset clouds and rain after midnight.

Sunset clouds, rain in the middle of the night.

39. The rainy night is sunny, and the sunny day is less than the fifth watch.

It's sunny on a rainy night, but it's less than five sunny days.

40. Cold rain, warm; Warm rain, cold sting.

Cold rain, warm; warm rain, cold sting.

41. After a long rain, the sun will set and the sky will clear tomorrow.

It will clear up tomorrow after a long rainy sunset.

42. There are three rains in spring, and there is no shortage of rice after autumn.

There are three rains in spring, and there is no shortage of rice after autumn.

43. A shower of sun and rain, planting yellow rice seedlings and eating white rice.

A shower of sun and rain, planting yellow rice to eat white rice.

44. After a long rain, the cloud layer brightens, and a thousand zhang of rain falls.

Long rainy clouds shine brightly and it rains a thousand feet.

45. Keep the pond full with water, and don't panic when using it.

Water fills the pond without panic.

46. Long rain with fog and clear, long rain with fog and rain.

Long rain has fog and sunshine, long sunshine has fog and rain.

47. Wheat should be sprouted and vegetables watered.

Water the malt and the vegetable.

48. Germination at Qingming Festival and tea picking at Guyu.

Qingming germinates, Guyu picks tea.

49. Walk in the alley in the wind, and in the street in the rain.

Wind takes the lane, rain takes the street.

50. The thunder is loud and the rain is small.

The thunder is loud and the rain is small.

51. The spring rain has covered the ridge, and the wheat and peas have lost their seeds.

Spring rains overflowed and wheat and peas were lost.

52. It rained three times at the beginning of spring, and the ground was covered with meters.

There are three rains in the early spring, all over the place.

53. Shower Fu's head and descend to Fu's tail.

Drop your head down to your tail.

54. The water falls into the rain, which is overcast to the valley rain.

The water was raining, and it was cloudy to the valley rain.

55. The water is sunny and the spring rain comes early.

The water is sunny and the spring rain is early.

56. Rain is good for crops, and barley and wheat are full.

Rain is good for crops, barley and wheat are full.

57. Open the door with wind and close the door with rain.

Open doors, close doors and rain.

58. The spring rain is all over the street, and the harvest is exhausting.

Spring rains fill the streets, and the wheat harvest exhausts cattle.

59. No ditches will be opened in sunny days, and rain water will flow across.

It's sunny without ditches and rainy water flows across.

60. Compare dung heap in spring and grain heap in autumn.

Spring is better than dung heap, autumn is better than grain heap.

61. Rain retting is afraid of the sky, and insects are afraid of the rain.

Fear the rain, pests fear the drifting rain.

62. I lived to eighty-eight, but I didn't see the southeast of the battle.

The old man lived to eighty-eight, and did not see any Southeast hair.

63. When the rain falls in repose, the sky is clear.

Rain, sunshine.

64. Rain hits the night and falls the night.

It rains all night and falls all night.

65. Planting without dung is like fooling around.

Planting land without dung is like fooling around.

66. When it rains in autumn, it will be collected.

When autumn comes, it rains and collects there.

67. One autumn rain and one cold, ten autumn rains should be covered with cotton.

One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rains to wear.

68. The rain is cloudy and cold, and spring is not early.

It's rainy and cold. Spring won't be early.