On Children's Day, talk about the mood phrase of the circle of friends. On Children's Day, talk about the mood phrase
Swallows are long without trace
2023-07-02 22:22:34
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Having raped the WeChat circle of friends, he discovered the shocking secret that the person who celebrated Women's Day on March 8 and Children's Day on June 1 were the same person.

2. First, I'll go with whoever buys me sugar

3. Life: June 1st, Youth Day, Women's Day, Mother's Day, Tomb sweeping Day.

4. The morning wind blows, the sun shines, the flowers and grass smile at you; Children's Day is coming again, with happiness every day; More happiness, good health, childlike innocence always wonderful life.

5. Life: June 1st, Youth Day, Women's Day, Mother's Day, Tomb sweeping Day

6. I want to receive lollipops~

7. First, I will go with whoever buys me sugar.

8. Every leaf has a happy memory, and every flower has a happy memory. We miss our childhood again in the garden where we played as children. My children, Happy Children's Day!

9. I promised to accompany me on every festival, but tomorrow will be June 1. Where are you?

10. I'm going to have 61, but I'm still young.

11. Most people's Children's Day has passed, and I want to spend my last Children's Day happily. Give me a flower

12. When I want his hug, hug me if you love me.

13. Your body can't celebrate Children's Day, but your IQ can. Your weight can't pass Children's Day, but your height can!

14. It's almost June 1. I'll go with whoever buys me sugar.

15. Tadpoles go to a restaurant for dinner. The waiter brings a plate of braised bullfrogs to the table next door. They sing sadly: I don't want to grow up

16. I want someone to give me a big red envelope on Children's Day!

17. I remember the song when I was a child, and I was familiar with the melody and sang the memory. Remember that I was a child, and thank you for accompanying me all the way. Happy Children's Day for you who grew up with me!

18. First, is it money or something? My ticket.

19. Suddenly, I feel that I have no dependence without you.

20. It's almost Children's Day, and a group of aunts who call themselves "children" are asking for children's gifts again!

21. Let happiness embrace you, difficulties make way for you, troubles sneak away, and happiness smiles on you forever. Happy 61!

22. I don't like it. I really don't like June 1st.

23. Who says memories are not beautiful? Although there is no holiday, I am happy to think about it: I wish you a happy June Day!

24. Children's Day... wear a pigtail for you... paint a big red face... dance for me again... I will buy you lollipops.

25. I want to celebrate June 1, I want to wow, I want to be straightforward, I want to be much, much better.

26. Congratulations on welcoming your own festival again. May you thrive under the sun and rain. More and more sensible, remember not to make your mother angry.

27. I'm also going to celebrate the June 1st holiday

28. I will go with whoever buys me sugar.

29. On behalf of the leaders, I would like to express my deep greetings to the children who are struggling at the front line of chat: get online well and online every day! Happy Children's Day!

30. Wukong draws a circle, and Tang Monk is safe; Xiaoping drew a circle, Shenzhen became rich; You draw a circle and wet the bed again. Children, happy holidays!

31. I thought about June 1, but I am still young.

32. Apart from Children's Day, don't we have red envelopes?

33. Nima, we don't have holidays on Double Ninth Festival (Old People's Day), Youth Day on May 4th, and Children's Day on June 1st. What are we special about?

34. I also want to pass the June 1st holiday. I also want to give Huahua what I want.

35. On Children's Day, I wish you who used to be a child: young, innocent, with sweet smile, childlike skin, happy holidays!

36. I will go with whoever buys me sugar.

37. It's June 1 tomorrow. Who will accompany me.

38. Have you received the message sent to you long ago? when? Anyway, for a long time, when you were a child, I want to wish you a happy June 1st!

39. I wish you always smile like a child of more than 200 jin, and have a happy June Day!

40. Most people's Children's Day has passed, and I want to spend my last Children's Day happily. Give me a flower!

41. It's time to cry, laugh, eat, play, keep a pure childlike innocence, and relieve yourself. Let's celebrate Children's Day together!

42. It's another "61". The program remains the same, the environment remains the same, but people have changed one batch after another.

43. One. Who said adults can't eat lollipops. Jelly. Agreed likes one.

44. I will send him a lot of lollipops -- ha ha, dear, we are young.

45. I'm in a bad mood for the upcoming June 1 holiday.

46. The innocent Children's Day does not belong to us any more.

47. My dear son, I'm so sorry. Your father hasn't caught up with your mother yet. Wait a minute, and wish you a happy June Day in advance.

48. Tomorrow is Children's Day. Wish my little baby a happy holiday! Wish baby healthy and happy growth!

49. On Children's Day, I wish you to be as lively and lovely as a child, as honest and kind as a child, as innocent and curious as a child, and as upward as a child.

50. What are you going to give me as soon as I arrive?

51. I will never be the same as when I was a child again. Wish me a happy June Day!

52. All good men should spend June Day with their beloved women

53. After the college entrance examination, let's have a June Day together and sell all the test papers for a party.

54. I don't know whether June 1 has anything to do with me, but I know that tomorrow is a day with traffic.

55. I grow up one year with children every June 1.